Module audian.fulltraceplot
- secs_to_str and secs_format to extra module or even thunderlab?
- Have a class for a single channel that we could add to the toolbar.
- Only use Data class
def secs_to_str(time)
def secs_format(time)
class FullTracePlot (data, axtraces, *args, **kwargs)
Convenience class consisting of a :class:
GraphicsView <pyqtgraph.GraphicsView>
with a single :class:GraphicsLayout <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout>
as its central item.This widget is an easy starting point for generating multi-panel figures. Example::
w = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() p1 = w.addPlot(row=0, col=0) p2 = w.addPlot(row=0, col=1) v = w.addViewBox(row=1, col=0, colspan=2)
========= ================================================================= parent (QWidget or None) The parent widget. show (bool) If True, then immediately show the widget after it is created. If the widget has no parent, then it will be shown inside a new window. size (width, height) tuple. Optionally resize the widget. Note: if this widget is placed inside a layout, then this argument has no effect. title (str or None) If specified, then set the window title for this widget. kargs All extra arguments are passed to :meth:
GraphicsLayout.__init__ <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.__init__>
========= =================================================================This class wraps several methods from its internal GraphicsLayout: :func:
nextRow <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.nextRow>
:func:nextColumn <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.nextColumn>
:func:addPlot <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addPlot>
:func:addViewBox <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addViewBox>
:func:addItem <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addItem>
:func:getItem <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.getItem>
:func:addLabel <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addLabel>
:func:addLayout <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.addLayout>
:func:removeItem <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.removeItem>
:func:itemIndex <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.itemIndex>
:func:clear <pyqtgraph.GraphicsLayout.clear>
============== ============================================================ Arguments: parent Optional parent widget useOpenGL If True, the GraphicsView will use OpenGL to do all of its rendering. This can improve performance on some systems, but may also introduce bugs (the combination of QGraphicsView and QOpenGLWidget is still an 'experimental' feature of Qt) background Set the background color of the GraphicsView. Accepts any single argument accepted by :func:
mkColor <pyqtgraph.mkColor>
. By default, the background color is determined using the 'backgroundColor' configuration option (see :func:setConfigOptions <pyqtgraph.setConfigOptions>
). ============== ============================================================Expand source code
class FullTracePlot(pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget): def __init__(self, data, axtraces, *args, **kwargs): pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) = data self.frames = self.tmax = self.frames/ self.axtraces = axtraces self.no_signal = False self.setBackground(None), 0, 0, 0) # for each channel prepare a plot panel: xwidth = self.fontMetrics().averageCharWidth() self.axs = [] self.lines = [] self.regions = [] self.labels = [] for c in range( # setup plot panel: axt = pg.PlotItem() axt.showAxes(True, False) axt.getAxis('left').setWidth(8*xwidth) axt.getViewBox().setBackgroundColor(None) axt.getViewBox().setDefaultPadding(padding=0.0) axt.hideButtons() axt.setMenuEnabled(False) axt.setMouseEnabled(False, False) axt.enableAutoRange(False, False) axt.setLimits(xMin=0, xMax=self.tmax, minXRange=self.tmax, maxXRange=self.tmax) axt.setXRange(0, self.tmax) # add region marker: region = pg.LinearRegionItem(pen=dict(color='#110353', width=2), brush=(34, 6, 167, 127), hoverPen=dict(color='#aa77ff', width=2), hoverBrush=(34, 6, 167, 255), movable=True, swapMode='block') region.setZValue(50) region.setBounds((0, self.tmax)) region.setRegion((self.axtraces[c].viewRange()[0])) region.sigRegionChanged.connect(self.update_time_range) self.axtraces[c].sigXRangeChanged.connect(self.update_region) axt.addItem(region) self.regions.append(region) # add time label: label = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(axt.getAxis('left')) label.setToolTip(f'Total duration in {secs_format(self.tmax)}') label.setText(secs_to_str(self.tmax)) label.setPos(int(xwidth), xwidth/2) self.labels.append(label) # init data: max_pixel = QApplication.desktop().screenGeometry().width() self.step = max(1, self.frames//max_pixel) self.index = 0 self.nblock = int(20.0**self.step self.times = np.arange(0, self.frames, self.step/2)/ self.datas = np.zeros((len(self.times), # add data: line = pg.PlotDataItem(antialias=True, pen=dict(color='#2206a7', width=1.1), skipFiniteCheck=True, autDownsample=False) line.setZValue(10) axt.addItem(line) self.lines.append(line) # add zero line: zero_line = axt.addLine(y=0, movable=False, pen=dict(color='grey', width=1)) zero_line.setZValue(20) self.addItem(axt, row=c, col=0) self.axs.append(axt) QTimer.singleShot(10, self.load_data) def polish(self): text_color = self.palette().color(QPalette.WindowText) for label in self.labels: label.setBrush(text_color) def load_data(self): i = 2*self.index//self.step n = min(self.nblock, self.frames - self.index) buffer = np.zeros((n,, n, buffer) for c in range( data = down_sample_peak(buffer[:,c], self.step) self.datas[i:i+len(data), c] = data self.lines[c].setData(self.times, self.datas[:,c]) self.index += n if self.index < self.frames: QTimer.singleShot(10, self.load_data) else: # TODO: do we really datas? Couldn't we take it from lines? for c in range( ymin = np.min(self.datas[:,c]) ymax = np.max(self.datas[:,c]) y = max(fabs(ymin), fabs(ymax)) self.axs[c].setYRange(-y, y) self.axs[c].setLimits(yMin=-y, yMax=y, minYRange=2*y, maxYRange=2*y) self.times = None self.datas = None def update_layout(self, channels, data_height): first = True for c in range( self.axs[c].setVisible(c in channels) if c in channels:, data_height) self.labels[c].setVisible(first) first = False else:, 0) self.labels[c].setVisible(False) self.setFixedHeight(len(channels)*data_height) def update_time_range(self, region): if self.no_signal: return self.no_signal = True xmin, xmax = region.getRegion() for ax, reg in zip(self.axtraces, self.regions): if reg is region: ax.setXRange(xmin, xmax) break self.no_signal = False def update_region(self, vbox, x_range): for ax, region in zip(self.axtraces, self.regions): if ax.getViewBox() is vbox: region.setRegion(x_range) break def mousePressEvent(self, ev): if ev.button() == Qt.MouseButton.LeftButton: for ax, region in zip(self.axs, self.regions): pos = ax.getViewBox().mapSceneToView(ev.pos()) [xmin, xmax], [ymin, ymax] = ax.viewRange() if xmin <= pos.x() <= xmax and ymin <= pos.y() <= ymax: dx = (xmax - xmin)/self.width() x = pos.x() xmin, xmax = region.getRegion() if x < xmin-2*dx or x > xmax + 2*dx: dx = xmax - xmin xmin = max(0, x - dx/2) xmax = xmin + dx if xmax > self.tmax: xmin = max(0, xmax - dx) region.setRegion((xmin, xmax)) ev.accept() return break ev.ignore() super().mousePressEvent(ev)
- pyqtgraph.widgets.GraphicsLayoutWidget.GraphicsLayoutWidget
- pyqtgraph.widgets.GraphicsView.GraphicsView
- PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGraphicsView
- PyQt5.QtWidgets.QAbstractScrollArea
- PyQt5.QtWidgets.QFrame
- PyQt5.QtWidgets.QWidget
- PyQt5.QtCore.QObject
- sip.wrapper
- PyQt5.QtGui.QPaintDevice
- sip.simplewrapper
def polish(self)
def load_data(self)
def update_layout(self, channels, data_height)
def update_time_range(self, region)
def update_region(self, vbox, x_range)
def mousePressEvent(self, ev)
mousePressEvent(self, event: Optional[QMouseEvent])