Module audian.panels
Manage plot panels.
class Panel
: a single plot panel
class Panels
: manage all plot panels
class Panel (name, ax_spec, row)
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class Panel(object): times = 't' amplitudes = 'xyu' frequencies = 'fw' powers = 'pq' spacer = 'spacer' def __init__(self, name, ax_spec, row): = name self.ax_spec = ax_spec self.row = row self.axs = [] self.axcs = [] # associated color bars def __str__(self): return f'{}: {self.ax_spec:6} @ {self.row:2} with {len(self.axs):2} plots' def __len__(self): return len(self.axs) def __eq__(self, ax_spec): return self.ax_spec == ax_spec def x(self): return self.ax_spec[0] def y(self): return self.ax_spec[1] def z(self): return self.ax_spec[2] if len(self.ax_spec) > 2 else '' def is_time(self): return self.x() in self.times def is_xamplitude(self): return self.x() in self.amplitudes def is_yamplitude(self): return self.y() in self.amplitudes def is_xfrequency(self): return self.x() in self.frequencies def is_yfrequency(self): return self.y() in self.frequencies def is_xpower(self): return self.x() in self.powers def is_ypower(self): return self.y() in self.powers def is_zpower(self): z = self.z() return z and z in self.powers def is_trace(self): return self.is_time() and self.is_yamplitude() def is_spectrogram(self): return self.is_time() and self.is_yfrequency() def is_power(self): return self.is_xpower() and self.is_yfrequency() def is_spacer(self): return self.ax_spec == self.spacer def add_ax(self, row, ax, axc=None): self.row = row self.axs.append(ax) if axc is not None: self.axcs.append(axc) def is_used(self): return len(self.axs) > 0 def is_visible(self, channel): return self.axs[channel].isVisible() def set_visible(self, visible): changed = False for ax in self.axs: if ax.isVisible() != visible: changed = True ax.setVisible(visible) return changed def has_visible_traces(self, channel): if self.is_spacer(): return False for di in self.axs[channel].data_items: if di.isVisible(): return True return False def has_viewbox(self, viewbox): for ax in self.axs: if ax.getViewBox() is viewbox: return True return False def show_grid(self, grids): if self.is_spacer(): return False for ax in self.axs: ax.showGrid(x=(grids & 1) > 0, y=(grids & 2) > 0, alpha=0.8) """ # fix grid bug: ax.getAxis('bottom').setGrid(False) ax.getAxis('left').setGrid(False) for axis in ['right', 'top']: ax.showAxis(axis) ax.getAxis(axis).setStyle(showValues=False) """ def is_cbar_visible(self, channel): return self.axcs[channel].isVisible() def set_cbar_visible(self, visible): changed = False for ax in self.axcs: if ax.isVisible() != visible: changed = True ax.setVisible(visible) return changed def set_colormap(self, color_map): for ax in self.axcs: ax.setColorMap(color_map) def add_item(self, plot_item, channel=-1, is_data=False): if channel >= 0: self.axs[channel].add_item(plot_item, is_data) else: for ax in self.axs: ax.add_item(plot_item, is_data) def add_traces(self, channel, data): for trace in data.traces: if trace.panel != continue if self.is_trace(): item = TraceItem(trace, channel) if self.is_spectrogram(): item = SpecItem(trace, channel) self.add_item(item, channel, True) def get_amplitude(self, channel, t, x, t1=None): if not self.is_yamplitude() or len(self.axs[channel].data_items) == 0: return t, None trace = self.axs[channel].data_items[-1] return trace.get_amplitude(t, x, t1) def get_power(self, channel, t, f): if not self.is_yfrequency() or len(self.axs[channel].data_items) == 0: return None trace = self.axs[channel].data_items[0] return trace.get_power(t, f) def update_plots(self): for ax in self.axs: if ax.isVisible() and not self.is_spacer(): ax.update_plot()
Class variables
var times
var amplitudes
var frequencies
var powers
var spacer
def x(self)
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def x(self): return self.ax_spec[0]
def y(self)
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def y(self): return self.ax_spec[1]
def z(self)
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def z(self): return self.ax_spec[2] if len(self.ax_spec) > 2 else ''
def is_time(self)
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def is_time(self): return self.x() in self.times
def is_xamplitude(self)
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def is_xamplitude(self): return self.x() in self.amplitudes
def is_yamplitude(self)
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def is_yamplitude(self): return self.y() in self.amplitudes
def is_xfrequency(self)
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def is_xfrequency(self): return self.x() in self.frequencies
def is_yfrequency(self)
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def is_yfrequency(self): return self.y() in self.frequencies
def is_xpower(self)
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def is_xpower(self): return self.x() in self.powers
def is_ypower(self)
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def is_ypower(self): return self.y() in self.powers
def is_zpower(self)
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def is_zpower(self): z = self.z() return z and z in self.powers
def is_trace(self)
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def is_trace(self): return self.is_time() and self.is_yamplitude()
def is_spectrogram(self)
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def is_spectrogram(self): return self.is_time() and self.is_yfrequency()
def is_power(self)
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def is_power(self): return self.is_xpower() and self.is_yfrequency()
def is_spacer(self)
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def is_spacer(self): return self.ax_spec == self.spacer
def add_ax(self, row, ax, axc=None)
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def add_ax(self, row, ax, axc=None): self.row = row self.axs.append(ax) if axc is not None: self.axcs.append(axc)
def is_used(self)
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def is_used(self): return len(self.axs) > 0
def is_visible(self, channel)
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def is_visible(self, channel): return self.axs[channel].isVisible()
def set_visible(self, visible)
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def set_visible(self, visible): changed = False for ax in self.axs: if ax.isVisible() != visible: changed = True ax.setVisible(visible) return changed
def has_visible_traces(self, channel)
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def has_visible_traces(self, channel): if self.is_spacer(): return False for di in self.axs[channel].data_items: if di.isVisible(): return True return False
def has_viewbox(self, viewbox)
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def has_viewbox(self, viewbox): for ax in self.axs: if ax.getViewBox() is viewbox: return True return False
def show_grid(self, grids)
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def show_grid(self, grids): if self.is_spacer(): return False for ax in self.axs: ax.showGrid(x=(grids & 1) > 0, y=(grids & 2) > 0, alpha=0.8) """ # fix grid bug: ax.getAxis('bottom').setGrid(False) ax.getAxis('left').setGrid(False) for axis in ['right', 'top']: ax.showAxis(axis) ax.getAxis(axis).setStyle(showValues=False) """
def is_cbar_visible(self, channel)
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def is_cbar_visible(self, channel): return self.axcs[channel].isVisible()
def set_cbar_visible(self, visible)
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def set_cbar_visible(self, visible): changed = False for ax in self.axcs: if ax.isVisible() != visible: changed = True ax.setVisible(visible) return changed
def set_colormap(self, color_map)
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def set_colormap(self, color_map): for ax in self.axcs: ax.setColorMap(color_map)
def add_item(self, plot_item, channel=-1, is_data=False)
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def add_item(self, plot_item, channel=-1, is_data=False): if channel >= 0: self.axs[channel].add_item(plot_item, is_data) else: for ax in self.axs: ax.add_item(plot_item, is_data)
def add_traces(self, channel, data)
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def add_traces(self, channel, data): for trace in data.traces: if trace.panel != continue if self.is_trace(): item = TraceItem(trace, channel) if self.is_spectrogram(): item = SpecItem(trace, channel) self.add_item(item, channel, True)
def get_amplitude(self, channel, t, x, t1=None)
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def get_amplitude(self, channel, t, x, t1=None): if not self.is_yamplitude() or len(self.axs[channel].data_items) == 0: return t, None trace = self.axs[channel].data_items[-1] return trace.get_amplitude(t, x, t1)
def get_power(self, channel, t, f)
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def get_power(self, channel, t, f): if not self.is_yfrequency() or len(self.axs[channel].data_items) == 0: return None trace = self.axs[channel].data_items[0] return trace.get_power(t, f)
def update_plots(self)
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def update_plots(self): for ax in self.axs: if ax.isVisible() and not self.is_spacer(): ax.update_plot()
class Panels
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class Panels(dict): def __init__(self): super().__init__(self) def __str__(self): s = [] for panel in self.values(): s.append(str(panel)) return '\n'.join(s) def add(self, name, axes, row=None, adjust_rows=True): if row is None: row = self.max_row() + 1 if adjust_rows: for panel in self.values(): if panel.row >= row: panel.row += 1 self[name] = Panel(name, axes, row) if len(self) > 1: names = np.array(list(self.keys())) rows = [self[name].row for name in names] inx = np.argsort(rows) panels = dict(self) self.clear() for name in names[inx]: self[name] = panels[name] def add_trace(self, name='trace', row=None): # find amplitude that is not used yet: amps = [False]*len(Panel.amplitudes) for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_trace(): amps[Panel.amplitudes.index(panel.y())] = True axspec = Panel.times[0] + Panel.amplitudes[0] for k in range(len(amps)): if not amps[k]: axspec = axspec[0] + Panel.amplitudes[k] break self.add(name, axspec, row) def add_spectrogram(self, name='spectrogram', row=None): # find frequencies and powers that are not used yet: freqs = [False]*len(Panel.frequencies) pwrs = [False]*len(Panel.powers) for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_spectrogram(): freqs[Panel.frequencies.index(panel.y())] = True pwrs[Panel.powers.index(panel.z())] = True axspec = Panel.times[0] + Panel.frequencies[0] + Panel.powers[0] for k in range(len(freqs)): if not freqs[k]: axspec = axspec[0] + Panel.frequencies[k] + axspec[2] break for k in range(len(pwrs)): if not pwrs[k]: axspec = axspec[:2] + Panel.powers[k] break self.add(name, axspec, row) self.add(name + '-power', axspec[2] + axspec[1], self[name].row, False) def fill(self, data): for trace in data.traces: if trace.panel not in self: if trace.panel_type == 'trace': self.add_trace(trace.panel) elif trace.panel_type == 'spectrogram': self.add_spectrogram(trace.panel) def remove(self, name): del self[name] def max_row(self): if len(self) > 0: return np.max([panel.row for panel in self.values()]) else: return -1 def add_power_ax(self, name, row, ax): name = name + '-power' if name in self: self[name].add_ax(row, ax) def get_panel(self, viewbox): for panel in self.values(): if panel.has_viewbox(viewbox): return panel return None def show_grid(self, grids): for panel in self.values(): panel.show_grid(grids) def update_plots(self): for panel in self.values(): panel.update_plots() def insert_spacers(self): panels = {} row = 0 spacer = 0 for name in self: if row > 0 and not self[name].is_power(): panels[f'spacer{spacer}'] = Panel(f'spacer{spacer}', Panel.spacer, 0) spacer += 1 panels[name] = self[name] row += 1 self.clear() for name, value in panels.items(): self[name] = value def show_spacers(self, channel): prev_panel = None prev_spacer = None for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_spacer(): if prev_panel: prev_visible = prev_panel.is_visible(channel) panel.set_visible(prev_visible) if prev_visible: prev_spacer = panel elif not panel.is_power(): prev_panel = panel if panel.is_visible(channel): prev_spacer = None if prev_spacer: panel.set_visible(False)
dict() -> new empty dictionary dict(mapping) -> new dictionary initialized from a mapping object's (key, value) pairs dict(iterable) -> new dictionary initialized as if via: d = {} for k, v in iterable: d[k] = v dict(**kwargs) -> new dictionary initialized with the name=value pairs in the keyword argument list. For example: dict(one=1, two=2)
- builtins.dict
def add(self, name, axes, row=None, adjust_rows=True)
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def add(self, name, axes, row=None, adjust_rows=True): if row is None: row = self.max_row() + 1 if adjust_rows: for panel in self.values(): if panel.row >= row: panel.row += 1 self[name] = Panel(name, axes, row) if len(self) > 1: names = np.array(list(self.keys())) rows = [self[name].row for name in names] inx = np.argsort(rows) panels = dict(self) self.clear() for name in names[inx]: self[name] = panels[name]
def add_trace(self, name='trace', row=None)
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def add_trace(self, name='trace', row=None): # find amplitude that is not used yet: amps = [False]*len(Panel.amplitudes) for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_trace(): amps[Panel.amplitudes.index(panel.y())] = True axspec = Panel.times[0] + Panel.amplitudes[0] for k in range(len(amps)): if not amps[k]: axspec = axspec[0] + Panel.amplitudes[k] break self.add(name, axspec, row)
def add_spectrogram(self, name='spectrogram', row=None)
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def add_spectrogram(self, name='spectrogram', row=None): # find frequencies and powers that are not used yet: freqs = [False]*len(Panel.frequencies) pwrs = [False]*len(Panel.powers) for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_spectrogram(): freqs[Panel.frequencies.index(panel.y())] = True pwrs[Panel.powers.index(panel.z())] = True axspec = Panel.times[0] + Panel.frequencies[0] + Panel.powers[0] for k in range(len(freqs)): if not freqs[k]: axspec = axspec[0] + Panel.frequencies[k] + axspec[2] break for k in range(len(pwrs)): if not pwrs[k]: axspec = axspec[:2] + Panel.powers[k] break self.add(name, axspec, row) self.add(name + '-power', axspec[2] + axspec[1], self[name].row, False)
def fill(self, data)
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def fill(self, data): for trace in data.traces: if trace.panel not in self: if trace.panel_type == 'trace': self.add_trace(trace.panel) elif trace.panel_type == 'spectrogram': self.add_spectrogram(trace.panel)
def remove(self, name)
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def remove(self, name): del self[name]
def max_row(self)
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def max_row(self): if len(self) > 0: return np.max([panel.row for panel in self.values()]) else: return -1
def add_power_ax(self, name, row, ax)
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def add_power_ax(self, name, row, ax): name = name + '-power' if name in self: self[name].add_ax(row, ax)
def get_panel(self, viewbox)
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def get_panel(self, viewbox): for panel in self.values(): if panel.has_viewbox(viewbox): return panel return None
def show_grid(self, grids)
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def show_grid(self, grids): for panel in self.values(): panel.show_grid(grids)
def update_plots(self)
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def update_plots(self): for panel in self.values(): panel.update_plots()
def insert_spacers(self)
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def insert_spacers(self): panels = {} row = 0 spacer = 0 for name in self: if row > 0 and not self[name].is_power(): panels[f'spacer{spacer}'] = Panel(f'spacer{spacer}', Panel.spacer, 0) spacer += 1 panels[name] = self[name] row += 1 self.clear() for name, value in panels.items(): self[name] = value
def show_spacers(self, channel)
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def show_spacers(self, channel): prev_panel = None prev_spacer = None for panel in self.values(): if panel.is_spacer(): if prev_panel: prev_visible = prev_panel.is_visible(channel) panel.set_visible(prev_visible) if prev_visible: prev_spacer = panel elif not panel.is_power(): prev_panel = panel if panel.is_visible(channel): prev_spacer = None if prev_spacer: panel.set_visible(False)