Module audioio.audiometadata
Working with metadata.
To interface the various ways metadata are stored in audio files, the
package uses nested dictionaries.
The keys are always
strings. Values are strings, integers, floats, datetimes, or other
types. Value strings can also be numbers followed by a unit,
e.g. "4.2mV". For defining subsections of key-value pairs, values can
be dictionaries. The dictionaries can be nested to arbitrary depth.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata
>>> md = dict(Recording=dict(Experimenter='John Doe',
Hardware=dict(Amplifier='Teensy_Amp 4.1',
>>> print_metadata(md)
results in
Experimenter : John Doe
DateTimeOriginal: 2023-10-01T14:10:02
Count : 42
Amplifier: Teensy_Amp 4.1
Highpass : 10Hz
Gain : 120mV
Often, audio files have very specific ways to store metadata. You can enforce using these by putting them into a dictionary that is added to the metadata with a key having the name of the metadata type you want, e.g. the "INFO", "BEXT", "iXML", and "GUAN" chunks of RIFF/WAVE files.
The audiometadata
module provides functions for handling and
manipulating these nested dictionaries. Many functions take keys as
arguments for finding or setting specific key-value pairs. These keys
can be the key of a specific item of a (sub-) dictionary, no matter on
which level of the metadata hierarchy it is. For example, simply
searching for "Highpass" retrieves the corrseponding value "10Hz",
although "Highpass" is contained in the sub-dictionary (or "section")
with key "Hardware". The same item can also be specified together with
its parent keys: "Hardware.Highpass". Parent keys (or section keys)
are by default separated by '.', but all functions have a sep
key-word that specifies the string separating section names in
keys. Key matching is case insensitive.
Since the same items are named by many different keys in the different types of metadata data models, the functions also take lists of keys as arguments.
Do not forget that you can easily manipulate the metadata by means of the standard functions of dictionaries.
If you need to make a copy of the metadata use deepcopy
from copy import deepcopy
md_orig = deepcopy(md)
Write nested dictionaries as texts:
: write meta data into a text/yaml file.print_metadata()
: write meta data to standard output.
Conversion between nested and flat dictionaries:
: flatten hierachical metadata to a single dictionary.unflatten_metadata()
: unflatten a previously flattened metadata dictionary.
Parse numbers with units
: parse string with number and unit.change_unit()
: scale numerical value to a new unit.
Find and get values
Find keys and get their values parsed and converted to various types:
: find dictionary in metadata hierarchy containing the specified key.get_number_unit()
: find a key in metadata and return its number and unit.get_number()
: find a key in metadata and return its value in a given unit.get_int()
: find a key in metadata and return its integer value.get_bool()
: find a key in metadata and return its boolean value.get_datetime()
: find keys in metadata and return a datetime.get_str()
: find a key in metadata and return its string value.
Organize metadata
Add and remove metadata:
: convert list of key-value-pair strings to dictionary.add_sections()
: add sections to metadata dictionary.set_metadata()
: set values of existing metadata.add_metadata()
: add or modify key-value pairs.move_metadata()
: remove a key from metadata and add it to a dictionary.remove_metadata()
: remove key-value pairs or sections from metadata.cleanup_metadata()
: remove empty sections from metadata.
Special metadata fields
Retrieve and set specific metadata:
: get gain and unit from metadata.update_gain()
: update gain setting in metadata.set_starttime()
: set all start-of-recording times in metadata.update_starttime()
: update start-of-recording times in metadata.bext_history_str()
: assemble a string for the BEXT CodingHistory field.add_history()
: add a string describing coding history to metadata.add_unwrap()
: add unwrap infos to metadata.
Lists of standard keys:
: keys of times of start of the recording.default_timeref_keys
: keys of integer time references.default_gain_keys
: keys of gain settings.default_history_keys
: keys of strings describing coding history.
Command line script
The module can be run as a script from the command line to display the metadata and markers contained in an audio file:
> audiometadata logger.wav
filepath : logger.wav
samplingrate: 96000Hz
channels : 16
frames : 17280000
duration : 180.000s
Bits : 32
Pins : 1-CH2R,1-CH2L,1-CH3R,1-CH3L,2-CH2R,2-CH2L,2-CH3R,2-CH3L,3-CH2R,3-CH2L,3-CH3R,3-CH3L,4-CH2R,4-CH2L,4-CH3R,4-CH3L
Gain : 165.00mV
uCBoard : Teensy 4.1
MACAdress : 04:e9:e5:15:3e:95
DateTimeOriginal: 2023-10-01T14:10:02
Software : TeeGrid R4-senors-logger v1.0
Alternatively, the script can be run from the module as:
python -m src.audioio.metadata audiofile.wav
audiometadata --help
usage: audiometadata [-h] [--version] [-f] [-m] [-c] [-t] files [files ...]
Convert audio file formats.
positional arguments:
files audio file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-f list file format only
-m list metadata only
-c list cues/markers only
-t list tags of all riff/wave chunks contained in the file
version 2.0.0 by Benda-Lab (2020-2024)
Global variables
var unit_prefixes
SI prefixes for units with corresponding factors.
var default_starttime_keys
Default keys of times of start of the recording in metadata. Used by
functions. var default_gain_keys
Default keys of gain settings in metadata. Used by
function. var default_timeref_keys
Default keys of integer time references in metadata. Used by
function. var default_history_keys
Default keys of strings describing coding history in metadata. Used by
def write_metadata_text(fh, meta, prefix='', indent=4, replace=None)
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def write_metadata_text(fh, meta, prefix='', indent=4, replace=None): """Write meta data into a text/yaml file or stream. With the default parameters, the output is a valid yaml file. Parameters ---------- fh: filename or stream If not a stream, the file with name `fh` is opened. Otherwise `fh` is used as a stream for writing. meta: nested dict Key-value pairs of metadata to be written into the file. prefix: str This string is written at the beginning of each line. indent: int Number of characters used for indentation of sections. replace: char or None If specified, replace special characters by this character. Examples -------- ``` from audioio import write_metadata md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5))) write_metadata('info.txt', md) ``` """ def write_dict(df, md, level, smap): w = 0 for k in md: if not isinstance(md[k], dict) and w < len(k): w = len(k) for k in md: clevel = level*indent if isinstance(md[k], dict): df.write(f'{prefix}{"":>{clevel}}{k}:\n') write_dict(df, md[k], level+1, smap) else: value = md[k] if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): value = ', '.join([f'{v}' for v in value]) else: value = f'{value}' value = value.replace('\r\n', r'\n') value = value.replace('\n', r'\n') if len(smap) > 0: value = value.translate(smap) df.write(f'{prefix}{"":>{clevel}}{k:<{w}}: {value}\n') if not meta: return if hasattr(fh, 'write'): own_file = False else: own_file = True fh = open(fh, 'w') smap = {} if replace: smap = str.maketrans('\r\n\t\x00', ''.join([replace]*4)) write_dict(fh, meta, 0, smap) if own_file: fh.close()
Write meta data into a text/yaml file or stream.
With the default parameters, the output is a valid yaml file.
- If not a stream, the file with name
is opened. Otherwisefh
is used as a stream for writing. meta
:nested dict
- Key-value pairs of metadata to be written into the file.
- This string is written at the beginning of each line.
- Number of characters used for indentation of sections.
- If specified, replace special characters by this character.
from audioio import write_metadata md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5))) write_metadata('info.txt', md)
def print_metadata(meta, prefix='', indent=4, replace=None)
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def print_metadata(meta, prefix='', indent=4, replace=None): """Write meta data to standard output. Parameters ---------- meta: nested dict Key-value pairs of metadata to be written into the file. prefix: str This string is written at the beginning of each line. indent: int Number of characters used for indentation of sections. replace: char or None If specified, replace special characters by this character. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5)), iiii=dict(jjj=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6 ``` """ write_metadata_text(sys.stdout, meta, prefix, indent, replace)
Write meta data to standard output.
:nested dict
- Key-value pairs of metadata to be written into the file.
- This string is written at the beginning of each line.
- Number of characters used for indentation of sections.
- If specified, replace special characters by this character.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5)), iiii=dict(jjj=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6
def flatten_metadata(md, keep_sections=False, sep='.')
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def flatten_metadata(md, keep_sections=False, sep='.'): """Flatten hierarchical metadata to a single dictionary. Parameters ---------- md: nested dict Metadata as returned by `metadata()`. keep_sections: bool If `True`, then prefix keys with section names, separated by `sep`. sep: str String for separating section names. Returns ------- d: dict Non-nested dict containing all key-value pairs of `md`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, flatten_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5)), iiii=dict(jjj=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6 >>> fmd = flatten_metadata(md, keep_sections=True) >>> print_metadata(fmd) aaaa : 2 bbbb.ccc : 3 bbbb.ddd : 4 bbbb.eee.hh: 5 iiii.jjj : 6 ``` """ def flatten(cd, section): df = {} for k in cd: if isinstance(cd[k], dict): df.update(flatten(cd[k], section + k + sep)) else: if keep_sections: df[section+k] = cd[k] else: df[k] = cd[k] return df return flatten(md, '')
Flatten hierarchical metadata to a single dictionary.
:nested dict
- Metadata as returned by
. keep_sections
- If
, then prefix keys with section names, separated bysep
. sep
- String for separating section names.
- Non-nested dict containing all key-value pairs of
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, flatten_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(hh=5)), iiii=dict(jjj=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6 >>> fmd = flatten_metadata(md, keep_sections=True) >>> print_metadata(fmd) aaaa : 2 bbbb.ccc : 3 bbbb.ddd : 4 bbbb.eee.hh: 5 iiii.jjj : 6
def unflatten_metadata(md, sep='.')
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def unflatten_metadata(md, sep='.'): """Unflatten a previously flattened metadata dictionary. Parameters ---------- md: dict Flat dictionary with key-value pairs as obtained from `flatten_metadata()` with `keep_sections=True`. sep: str String that separates section names. Returns ------- d: nested dict Hierarchical dictionary with sub-dictionaries and key-value pairs. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, unflatten_metadata >>> fmd = {'aaaa': 2, 'bbbb.ccc': 3, 'bbbb.ddd': 4, 'bbbb.eee.hh': 5, 'iiii.jjj': 6} >>> print_metadata(fmd) aaaa : 2 bbbb.ccc : 3 bbbb.ddd : 4 bbbb.eee.hh: 5 iiii.jjj : 6 >>> md = unflatten_metadata(fmd) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6 ``` """ umd = {} # unflattened metadata cmd = [umd] # current metadata dicts for each level of the hierarchy csk = [] # current section keys for k in md: ks = k.split(sep) # go up the hierarchy: for i in range(len(csk) - len(ks)): csk.pop() cmd.pop() for kss in reversed(ks[:len(csk)]): if kss == csk[-1]: break csk.pop() cmd.pop() # add new sections: for kss in ks[len(csk):-1]: csk.append(kss) cmd[-1][kss] = {} cmd.append(cmd[-1][kss]) # add key-value pair: cmd[-1][ks[-1]] = md[k] return umd
Unflatten a previously flattened metadata dictionary.
- Flat dictionary with key-value pairs as obtained from
. sep
- String that separates section names.
:nested dict
- Hierarchical dictionary with sub-dictionaries and key-value pairs.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, unflatten_metadata >>> fmd = {'aaaa': 2, 'bbbb.ccc': 3, 'bbbb.ddd': 4, 'bbbb.eee.hh': 5, 'iiii.jjj': 6} >>> print_metadata(fmd) aaaa : 2 bbbb.ccc : 3 bbbb.ddd : 4 bbbb.eee.hh: 5 iiii.jjj : 6 >>> md = unflatten_metadata(fmd) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: hh: 5 iiii: jjj: 6
def parse_number(s)
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def parse_number(s): """Parse string with number and unit. Parameters ---------- s: str, float, or int String to be parsed. The initial part of the string is expected to be a number, the part following the number is interpreted as the unit. If float or int, then return this as the value with empty unit. Returns ------- v: None, int, or float Value of the string as float. Without decimal point, an int is returned. If the string does not contain a number, None is returned. u: str Unit that follows the initial number. n: int Number of digits behind the decimal point. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import parse_number # integer: >>> parse_number('42') (42, '', 0) # integer with unit: >>> parse_number('42ms') (42, 'ms', 0) # float with unit: >>> parse_number('') (42.0, 'ms', 0) # float with unit: >>> parse_number('42.3ms') (42.3, 'ms', 1) # float with space and unit: >>> parse_number('423.17 Hz') (423.17, 'Hz', 2) ``` """ if not isinstance(s, str): if isinstance(s, int): return s, '', 0 if isinstance(s, float): return s, '', 5 else: return None, '', 0 n = len(s) ip = n have_point = False for i in range(len(s)): if s[i] == '.': if have_point: n = i break have_point = True ip = i + 1 if not s[i] in '0123456789.+-': n = i break if n == 0: return None, s, 0 v = float(s[:n]) if have_point else int(s[:n]) u = s[n:].strip() nd = n - ip if n >= ip else 0 return v, u, nd
Parse string with number and unit.
:str, float,
- String to be parsed. The initial part of the string is expected to be a number, the part following the number is interpreted as the unit. If float or int, then return this as the value with empty unit.
:None, int,
- Value of the string as float. Without decimal point, an int is returned. If the string does not contain a number, None is returned.
- Unit that follows the initial number.
- Number of digits behind the decimal point.
>>> from audioio import parse_number # integer: >>> parse_number('42') (42, '', 0) # integer with unit: >>> parse_number('42ms') (42, 'ms', 0) # float with unit: >>> parse_number('') (42.0, 'ms', 0) # float with unit: >>> parse_number('42.3ms') (42.3, 'ms', 1) # float with space and unit: >>> parse_number('423.17 Hz') (423.17, 'Hz', 2)
def change_unit(val, old_unit, new_unit)
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def change_unit(val, old_unit, new_unit): """Scale numerical value to a new unit. Adapted from Parameters ---------- val: float Value given in `old_unit`. old_unit: str Unit of `val`. new_unit: str Requested unit of return value. Returns ------- new_val: float The input value `val` scaled to `new_unit`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import change_unit >>> change_unit(5, 'mm', 'cm') 0.5 >>> change_unit(5, '', 'cm') 5.0 >>> change_unit(5, 'mm', '') 5.0 >>> change_unit(5, 'cm', 'mm') 50.0 >>> change_unit(4, 'kg', 'g') 4000.0 >>> change_unit(12, '%', '') 0.12 >>> change_unit(1.24, '', '%') 124.0 >>> change_unit(2.5, 'min', 's') 150.0 >>> change_unit(3600, 's', 'h') 1.0 ``` """ # missing unit? if not old_unit and not new_unit: return val if not old_unit and new_unit != '%': return val if not new_unit and old_unit != '%': return val # special units that directly translate into factors: unit_factors = {'%': 0.01, 'hour': 60.0*60.0, 'h': 60.0*60.0, 'min': 60.0} # parse old unit: f1 = 1.0 if old_unit in unit_factors: f1 = unit_factors[old_unit] else: for k in unit_prefixes: if len(old_unit) > len(k) and old_unit[:len(k)] == k: f1 = unit_prefixes[k]; # parse new unit: f2 = 1.0 if new_unit in unit_factors: f2 = unit_factors[new_unit] else: for k in unit_prefixes: if len(new_unit) > len(k) and new_unit[:len(k)] == k: f2 = unit_prefixes[k]; return val*f1/f2
Scale numerical value to a new unit.
Adapted from
- Value given in
. old_unit
- Unit of
. new_unit
- Requested unit of return value.
- The input value
scaled tonew_unit
>>> from audioio import change_unit >>> change_unit(5, 'mm', 'cm') 0.5 >>> change_unit(5, '', 'cm') 5.0 >>> change_unit(5, 'mm', '') 5.0 >>> change_unit(5, 'cm', 'mm') 50.0 >>> change_unit(4, 'kg', 'g') 4000.0 >>> change_unit(12, '%', '') 0.12 >>> change_unit(1.24, '', '%') 124.0 >>> change_unit(2.5, 'min', 's') 150.0 >>> change_unit(3600, 's', 'h') 1.0
def find_key(metadata, key, sep='.')
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def find_key(metadata, key, sep='.'): """Find dictionary in metadata hierarchy containing the specified key. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. key: str Key to be searched for (case insensitive). May contain section names separated by `sep`, i.e. "aaa.bbb.ccc" searches "ccc" (can be key-value pair or section) in section "bbb" that needs to be a subsection of section "aaa". sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. Returns ------- md: dict The innermost dictionary matching some sections of the search key. If `key` is not at all contained in the metadata, the top-level dictionary is returned. key: str The part of the search key that was not found in `md`, or the the final part of the search key, found in `md`. Examples -------- Independent of whether found or not found, you can assign to the returned dictionary with the returned key. ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, find_key >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(ff=5)), gggg=dict(hhh=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: ff: 5 gggg: hhh: 6 >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'bbbb.ddd') >>> m[k] = 10 >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 10 ... >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'hhh') >>> m[k] = 12 >>> print_metadata(md) ... gggg: hhh: 12 >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'bbbb.eee.xx') >>> m[k] = 42 >>> print_metadata(md) ... eee: ff: 5 xx: 42 ... ``` When searching for sections, the one conaining the searched section is returned: ```py >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'eee') >>> m[k]['yy'] = 46 >>> print_metadata(md) ... eee: ff: 5 xx: 42 yy: 46 ... ``` """ def find_keys(metadata, keys): key = keys[0].strip().upper() for k in metadata: if k.upper() == key: if len(keys) == 1: # found key: return True, metadata, k elif isinstance(metadata[k], dict): # keep searching within the next section: return find_keys(metadata[k], keys[1:]) # search in subsections: for k in metadata: if isinstance(metadata[k], dict): found, mm, kk = find_keys(metadata[k], keys) if found: return True, mm, kk # nothing found: return False, metadata, sep.join(keys) if metadata is None: return {}, None ks = key.strip().split(sep) found, mm, kk = find_keys(metadata, ks) return mm, kk
Find dictionary in metadata hierarchy containing the specified key.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Key to be searched for (case insensitive).
May contain section names separated by
, i.e. "aaa.bbb.ccc" searches "ccc" (can be key-value pair or section) in section "bbb" that needs to be a subsection of section "aaa". sep
- String that separates section names in
- The innermost dictionary matching some sections of the search key.
is not at all contained in the metadata, the top-level dictionary is returned. key
- The part of the search key that was not found in
, or the the final part of the search key, found inmd
Independent of whether found or not found, you can assign to the returned dictionary with the returned key.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, find_key >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4, eee=dict(ff=5)), gggg=dict(hhh=6)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 4 eee: ff: 5 gggg: hhh: 6 >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'bbbb.ddd') >>> m[k] = 10 >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ccc: 3 ddd: 10 ... >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'hhh') >>> m[k] = 12 >>> print_metadata(md) ... gggg: hhh: 12 >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'bbbb.eee.xx') >>> m[k] = 42 >>> print_metadata(md) ... eee: ff: 5 xx: 42 ...
When searching for sections, the one conaining the searched section is returned:
>>> m, k = find_key(md, 'eee') >>> m[k]['yy'] = 46 >>> print_metadata(md) ... eee: ff: 5 xx: 42 yy: 46 ...
def get_number_unit(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, default_unit='', remove=False)
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def get_number_unit(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, default_unit='', remove=False): """Find a key in metadata and return its number and unit. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. keys: str or list of str Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive). Value of the first key found is returned. May contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None, int, or float Returned value if `key` is not found or the value does not contain a number. default_unit: str Returned unit if `key` is not found or the key's value does not have a unit. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None, int, or float Value referenced by `key` as float. Without decimal point, an int is returned. If none of the `keys` was found or the key`s value does not contain a number, then `default` is returned. u: str Corresponding unit. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_number_unit >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # integer: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'aaaa') (42, '') # float with unit: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'bbbb') (42.3, 'ms') # two keys: >>> get_number_unit(md, ['cccc', 'bbbb']) (42.3, 'ms') # not found: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'cccc') (None, '') # not found with default value: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'cccc', default=1.0, default_unit='a.u.') (1.0, 'a.u.') ``` """ if not metadata: return default, default_unit if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): keys = (keys,) value = default unit = default_unit for key in keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, key, sep) if k in m: v, u, _ = parse_number(m[k]) if v is not None: if not u: u = default_unit if remove: del m[k] return v, u elif u and unit == default_unit: unit = u return value, unit
Find a key in metadata and return its number and unit.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive).
Value of the first key found is returned.
May contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
:None, int,
- Returned value if
is not found or the value does not contain a number. default_unit
- Returned unit if
is not found or the key's value does not have a unit. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
:None, int,
- Value referenced by
as float. Without decimal point, an int is returned. If none of thekeys
was found or the key`s value does not contain a number, thendefault
is returned. u
- Corresponding unit.
>>> from audioio import get_number_unit >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # integer: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'aaaa') (42, '') # float with unit: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'bbbb') (42.3, 'ms') # two keys: >>> get_number_unit(md, ['cccc', 'bbbb']) (42.3, 'ms') # not found: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'cccc') (None, '') # not found with default value: >>> get_number_unit(md, 'cccc', default=1.0, default_unit='a.u.') (1.0, 'a.u.')
def get_number(metadata, unit, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False)
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def get_number(metadata, unit, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False): """Find a key in metadata and return its value in a given unit. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. unit: str Unit in which to return numerical value referenced by one of the `keys`. keys: str or list of str Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive). Value of the first key found is returned. May contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None, int, or float Returned value if `key` is not found or the value does not contain a number. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None or float Value referenced by `key` as float scaled to `unit`. If none of the `keys` was found or the key`s value does not contain a number, then `default` is returned. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_number >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # milliseconds to seconds: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'bbbb') 0.0423 # milliseconds to microseconds: >>> get_number(md, 'us', 'bbbb') 42300.0 # value without unit is not scaled: >>> get_number(md, 'Hz', 'aaaa') 42 # two keys: >>> get_number(md, 's', ['cccc', 'bbbb']) 0.0423 # not found: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'cccc', default=1.0) 1.0 ``` """ v, u = get_number_unit(metadata, keys, sep, None, unit, remove) if v is None: return default else: return change_unit(v, u, unit)
Find a key in metadata and return its value in a given unit.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Unit in which to return numerical value referenced by one of the
. keys
- Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive).
Value of the first key found is returned.
May contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
:None, int,
- Returned value if
is not found or the value does not contain a number. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- Value referenced by
as float scaled tounit
. If none of thekeys
was found or the key`s value does not contain a number, thendefault
is returned.
>>> from audioio import get_number >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # milliseconds to seconds: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'bbbb') 0.0423 # milliseconds to microseconds: >>> get_number(md, 'us', 'bbbb') 42300.0 # value without unit is not scaled: >>> get_number(md, 'Hz', 'aaaa') 42 # two keys: >>> get_number(md, 's', ['cccc', 'bbbb']) 0.0423 # not found: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_number(md, 's', 'cccc', default=1.0) 1.0
def get_int(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False)
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def get_int(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False): """Find a key in metadata and return its integer value. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. keys: str or list of str Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive). Value of the first key found is returned. May contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None or int Return value if `key` is not found or the value does not contain an integer. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None or int Value referenced by `key` as integer. If none of the `keys` was found, the key's value does not contain a number or represents a floating point value, then `default` is returned. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_int >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # integer: >>> get_int(md, 'aaaa') 42 # two keys: >>> get_int(md, ['cccc', 'aaaa']) 42 # float: >>> get_int(md, 'bbbb') None # not found: >>> get_int(md, 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_int(md, 'cccc', default=0) 0 ``` """ if not metadata: return default if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): keys = (keys,) for key in keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, key, sep) if k in m: v, _, n = parse_number(m[k]) if v is not None and n == 0: if remove: del m[k] return int(v) return default
Find a key in metadata and return its integer value.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive).
Value of the first key found is returned.
May contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
- Return value if
is not found or the value does not contain an integer. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- Value referenced by
as integer. If none of thekeys
was found, the key's value does not contain a number or represents a floating point value, thendefault
is returned.
>>> from audioio import get_int >>> md = dict(aaaa='42', bbbb='42.3ms') # integer: >>> get_int(md, 'aaaa') 42 # two keys: >>> get_int(md, ['cccc', 'aaaa']) 42 # float: >>> get_int(md, 'bbbb') None # not found: >>> get_int(md, 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_int(md, 'cccc', default=0) 0
def get_bool(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False)
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def get_bool(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False): """Find a key in metadata and return its boolean value. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. keys: str or list of str Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive). Value of the first key found is returned. May contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None or bool Return value if `key` is not found or the value does not specify a boolean value. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None or bool Value referenced by `key` as boolean. True if 'true', 'yes' (case insensitive) or any number larger than zero. False if 'false', 'no' (case insensitive) or any number equal to zero. If none of the `keys` was found or the key's value does specify a boolean value, then `default` is returned. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_bool >>> md = dict(aaaa='TruE', bbbb='No', cccc=0, dddd=1, eeee=True, ffff='ui') # case insensitive: >>> get_bool(md, 'aaaa') True >>> get_bool(md, 'bbbb') False >>> get_bool(md, 'cccc') False >>> get_bool(md, 'dddd') True >>> get_bool(md, 'eeee') True # not found: >>> get_bool(md, 'ffff') None # two keys (string is preferred over number): >>> get_bool(md, ['cccc', 'aaaa']) True # two keys (take first match): >>> get_bool(md, ['cccc', 'ffff']) False # not found with default value: >>> get_bool(md, 'ffff', default=False) False ``` """ if not metadata: return default if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): keys = (keys,) val = default mv = None kv = None for key in keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, key, sep) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): vs = m[k] v, _, _ = parse_number(vs) if v is not None: val = abs(v) > 1e-8 mv = m kv = k elif isinstance(vs, str): if vs.upper() in ['TRUE', 'T', 'YES', 'Y']: if remove: del m[k] return True if vs.upper() in ['FALSE', 'F', 'NO', 'N']: if remove: del m[k] return False if not mv is None and not kv is None and remove: del mv[kv] return val
Find a key in metadata and return its boolean value.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive).
Value of the first key found is returned.
May contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
- Return value if
is not found or the value does not specify a boolean value. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- Value referenced by
as boolean. True if 'true', 'yes' (case insensitive) or any number larger than zero. False if 'false', 'no' (case insensitive) or any number equal to zero. If none of thekeys
was found or the key's value does specify a boolean value, thendefault
is returned.
>>> from audioio import get_bool >>> md = dict(aaaa='TruE', bbbb='No', cccc=0, dddd=1, eeee=True, ffff='ui') # case insensitive: >>> get_bool(md, 'aaaa') True >>> get_bool(md, 'bbbb') False >>> get_bool(md, 'cccc') False >>> get_bool(md, 'dddd') True >>> get_bool(md, 'eeee') True # not found: >>> get_bool(md, 'ffff') None # two keys (string is preferred over number): >>> get_bool(md, ['cccc', 'aaaa']) True # two keys (take first match): >>> get_bool(md, ['cccc', 'ffff']) False # not found with default value: >>> get_bool(md, 'ffff', default=False) False
def get_datetime(metadata,
keys=[['DateTimeOriginal'], ['OriginationDate', 'OriginationTime'], ['Location_Time'], ['Timestamp']],
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def get_datetime(metadata, keys=default_starttime_keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False): """Find keys in metadata and return a datetime. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. keys: tuple of str or list of tuple of str Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs, one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair for a date-time value. This is why the keys need to be specified in tuples with one or two keys. The value of the first tuple of keys found is returned. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. The default values for the `keys` find the start time of a recording. You can modify the default keys via the `default_starttime_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None or str Return value if `key` is not found or the value does not contain a string. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None or datetime Datetime referenced by `keys`. If none of the `keys` was found, then `default` is returned. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_datetime >>> import datetime as dt >>> md = dict(date='2024-03-02', time='10:42:24', datetime='2023-04-15T22:10:00') # separate date and time: >>> get_datetime(md, ('date', 'time')) datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 10, 42, 24) # single datetime: >>> get_datetime(md, ('datetime',)) datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 15, 22, 10) # two alternative key tuples: >>> get_datetime(md, [('aaaa',), ('date', 'time')]) datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 10, 42, 24) # not found: >>> get_datetime(md, ('cccc',)) None # not found with default value: >>> get_datetime(md, ('cccc', 'dddd'), default=dt.datetime(2022, 2, 22, 22, 2, 12)) datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 22, 22, 2, 12) ``` """ if not metadata: return default if len(keys) > 0 and isinstance(keys[0], str): keys = (keys,) for keyp in keys: if len(keyp) == 1: m, k = find_key(metadata, keyp[0], sep) if k in m: v = m[k] if isinstance(v, dt.datetime): if remove: del m[k] return v elif isinstance(v, str): if remove: del m[k] return dt.datetime.fromisoformat(v) else: md, kd = find_key(metadata, keyp[0], sep) if not kd in md: continue if isinstance(md[kd], date = md[kd] elif isinstance(md[kd], str): date =[kd]) else: continue mt, kt = find_key(metadata, keyp[1], sep) if not kt in mt: continue if isinstance(mt[kt], dt.time): time = mt[kt] elif isinstance(mt[kt], str): time = dt.time.fromisoformat(mt[kt]) else: continue if remove: del md[kd] del mt[kt] return dt.datetime.combine(date, time) return default
Find keys in metadata and return a datetime.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs,
one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair
for a date-time value. This is why the keys need to be specified in
tuples with one or two keys.
The value of the first tuple of keys found is returned.
Keys may contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. The default values for thekeys
find the start time of a recording. You can modify the default keys via thedefault_starttime_keys
list of theaudiometadata
module. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
- Return value if
is not found or the value does not contain a string. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- Datetime referenced by
. If none of thekeys
was found, thendefault
is returned.
>>> from audioio import get_datetime >>> import datetime as dt >>> md = dict(date='2024-03-02', time='10:42:24', datetime='2023-04-15T22:10:00') # separate date and time: >>> get_datetime(md, ('date', 'time')) datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 10, 42, 24) # single datetime: >>> get_datetime(md, ('datetime',)) datetime.datetime(2023, 4, 15, 22, 10) # two alternative key tuples: >>> get_datetime(md, [('aaaa',), ('date', 'time')]) datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 10, 42, 24) # not found: >>> get_datetime(md, ('cccc',)) None # not found with default value: >>> get_datetime(md, ('cccc', 'dddd'), default=dt.datetime(2022, 2, 22, 22, 2, 12)) datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 22, 22, 2, 12)
def get_str(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False)
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def get_str(metadata, keys, sep='.', default=None, remove=False): """Find a key in metadata and return its string value. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. keys: str or list of str Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive). Value of the first key found is returned. May contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. default: None or str Return value if `key` is not found or the value does not contain a string. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- v: None or str String value referenced by `key`. If none of the `keys` was found, then `default` is returned. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import get_str >>> md = dict(aaaa=42, bbbb='hello') # string: >>> get_str(md, 'bbbb') 'hello' # int as str: >>> get_str(md, 'aaaa') '42' # two keys: >>> get_str(md, ['cccc', 'bbbb']) 'hello' # not found: >>> get_str(md, 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_str(md, 'cccc', default='-') '-' ``` """ if not metadata: return default if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): keys = (keys,) for key in keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, key, sep) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): v = m[k] if remove: del m[k] return str(v) return default
Find a key in metadata and return its string value.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Keys in the metadata to be searched for (case insensitive).
Value of the first key found is returned.
May contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
- Return value if
is not found or the value does not contain a string. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- String value referenced by
. If none of thekeys
was found, thendefault
is returned.
>>> from audioio import get_str >>> md = dict(aaaa=42, bbbb='hello') # string: >>> get_str(md, 'bbbb') 'hello' # int as str: >>> get_str(md, 'aaaa') '42' # two keys: >>> get_str(md, ['cccc', 'bbbb']) 'hello' # not found: >>> get_str(md, 'cccc') None # not found with default value: >>> get_str(md, 'cccc', default='-') '-'
def add_sections(metadata, sections, value=False, sep='.')
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def add_sections(metadata, sections, value=False, sep='.'): """Add sections to metadata dictionary. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. key: str Names of sections to be added to `metadata`. Section names separated by `sep`. value: bool If True, then the last element in `key` is a key for a value, not a section. sep: str String that separates section names in `key`. Returns ------- md: dict Dictionary of the last added section. key: str Last key. Only returned if `value` is set to `True`. Examples -------- Add a section and a sub-section to the metadata: ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_sections >>> md = dict() >>> m = add_sections(md, 'Recording.Location') >>> m['Country'] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Country: Lummerland ``` Add a section with a key-value pair: ``` >>> md = dict() >>> m, k = add_sections(md, 'Recording.Location', True) >>> m[k] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Lummerland ``` Adds well to `find_key()`: ``` >>> md = dict(Recording=dict()) >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'Recording.Location.Country') >>> m, k = add_sections(m, k, True) >>> m[k] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Country: Lummerland ``` """ mm = metadata ks = sections.split(sep) n = len(ks) if value: n -= 1 for k in ks[:n]: if len(k) == 0: continue mm[k] = dict() mm = mm[k] if value: return mm, ks[-1] else: return mm
Add sections to metadata dictionary.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Names of sections to be added to
. Section names separated bysep
. value
- If True, then the last element in
is a key for a value, not a section. sep
- String that separates section names in
- Dictionary of the last added section.
- Last key. Only returned if
is set toTrue
Add a section and a sub-section to the metadata:
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_sections >>> md = dict() >>> m = add_sections(md, 'Recording.Location') >>> m['Country'] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Country: Lummerland
Add a section with a key-value pair:
>>> md = dict() >>> m, k = add_sections(md, 'Recording.Location', True) >>> m[k] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Lummerland
Adds well to
:>>> md = dict(Recording=dict()) >>> m, k = find_key(md, 'Recording.Location.Country') >>> m, k = add_sections(m, k, True) >>> m[k] = 'Lummerland' >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Location: Country: Lummerland
def strlist_to_dict(mds)
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def strlist_to_dict(mds): """Convert list of key-value-pair strings to dictionary. Parameters ---------- mds: None or dict or str or list of str - None - returns empty dictionary. - Flat dictionary - returned as is. - String with key and value separated by '='. - List of strings with keys and values separated by '='. Keys may contain section names. Returns ------- md_dict: dict Flat dictionary with key-value pairs. Keys may contain section names. Values are strings, other types or dictionaries. """ if mds is None: return {} if isinstance(mds, dict): return mds if not isinstance(mds, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): mds = (mds,) md_dict = {} for md in mds: k, v = md.split('=') k = k.strip() v = v.strip() md_dict[k] = v return md_dict
Convert list of key-value-pair strings to dictionary.
- None - returns empty dictionary.
- Flat dictionary - returned as is.
- String with key and value separated by '='.
- List of strings with keys and values separated by '='. Keys may contain section names.
- Flat dictionary with key-value pairs. Keys may contain section names. Values are strings, other types or dictionaries.
def set_metadata(metadata, mds, sep='.')
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def set_metadata(metadata, mds, sep='.'): """Set values of existing metadata. Only if a key is found in the metadata, its value is updated. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. mds: dict or str or list of str - Flat dictionary with key-value pairs for updating the metadata. Values can be strings, other types or dictionaries. - String with key and value separated by '='. - List of strings with key and value separated by '='. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. sep: str String that separates section names in the keys of `md_dict`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, set_metadata >>> md = dict(Recording=dict(Time='early')) >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time: early >>> set_metadata(md, {'Artist': 'John Doe', # new key-value pair 'Recording.Time': 'late'}) # change value of existing key >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time : late ``` See also -------- add_metadata() strlist_to_dict() """ if metadata is None: return md_dict = strlist_to_dict(mds) for k in md_dict: mm, kk = find_key(metadata, k, sep) if kk in mm: mm[kk] = md_dict[k]
Set values of existing metadata.
Only if a key is found in the metadata, its value is updated.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Flat dictionary with key-value pairs for updating the metadata. Values can be strings, other types or dictionaries.
- String with key and value separated by '='.
- List of strings with key and value separated by '='.
Keys may contain section names separated by
- String that separates section names in the keys of
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, set_metadata >>> md = dict(Recording=dict(Time='early')) >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time: early >>> set_metadata(md, {'Artist': 'John Doe', # new key-value pair 'Recording.Time': 'late'}) # change value of existing key >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time : late
See Also
def add_metadata(metadata, mds, sep='.')
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def add_metadata(metadata, mds, sep='.'): """Add or modify key-value pairs. If a key does not exist, it is added to the metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. mds: dict or str or list of str - Flat dictionary with key-value pairs for updating the metadata. Values can be strings or other types. - String with key and value separated by '='. - List of strings with key and value separated by '='. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. sep: str String that separates section names in the keys of `md_list`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_metadata >>> md = dict(Recording=dict(Time='early')) >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time: early >>> add_metadata(md, {'Artist': 'John Doe', # new key-value pair 'Recording.Time': 'late', # change value of existing key 'Recording.Quality': 'amazing', # new key-value pair in existing section 'Location.Country': 'Lummerland']) # new key-value pair in new section >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time : late Quality: amazing Artist: John Doe Location: Country: Lummerland ``` See also -------- set_metadata() strlist_to_dict() """ if metadata is None: return md_dict = strlist_to_dict(mds) for k in md_dict: mm, kk = find_key(metadata, k, sep) mm, kk = add_sections(mm, kk, True, sep) mm[kk] = md_dict[k]
Add or modify key-value pairs.
If a key does not exist, it is added to the metadata.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- Flat dictionary with key-value pairs for updating the metadata. Values can be strings or other types.
- String with key and value separated by '='.
- List of strings with key and value separated by '='.
Keys may contain section names separated by
- String that separates section names in the keys of
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_metadata >>> md = dict(Recording=dict(Time='early')) >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time: early >>> add_metadata(md, {'Artist': 'John Doe', # new key-value pair 'Recording.Time': 'late', # change value of existing key 'Recording.Quality': 'amazing', # new key-value pair in existing section 'Location.Country': 'Lummerland']) # new key-value pair in new section >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Time : late Quality: amazing Artist: John Doe Location: Country: Lummerland
See Also
def move_metadata(src_md, dest_md, keys, new_key=None, sep='.')
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def move_metadata(src_md, dest_md, keys, new_key=None, sep='.'): """Remove a key from metadata and add it to a dictionary. Parameters ---------- src_md: nested dict Metadata from which a key is removed. dest_md: dict Dictionary to which the found key and its value are added. keys: str or list of str List of keys to be searched for in `src_md`. Move the first one found to `dest_md`. See the `audiometadata.find_key()` function for details. new_key: None or str If specified add the value of the found key as `new_key` to `dest_md`. Otherwise, use the search key. sep: str String that separates section names in `keys`. Returns ------- moved: bool `True` if key was found and moved to dictionary. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, move_metadata >>> md = dict(Artist='John Doe', Recording=dict(Gain='1.42mV')) >>> move_metadata(md, md['Recording'], 'Artist', 'Experimentalist') >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Gain : 1.42mV Experimentalist: John Doe ``` """ if not src_md: return False if not isinstance(keys, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): keys = (keys,) for key in keys: m, k = find_key(src_md, key, sep) if k in m: dest_key = new_key if new_key else k dest_md[dest_key] = m.pop(k) return True return False
Remove a key from metadata and add it to a dictionary.
:nested dict
- Metadata from which a key is removed.
- Dictionary to which the found key and its value are added.
- List of keys to be searched for in
. Move the first one found todest_md
. See theaudiometadata.find_key()
function for details. new_key
- If specified add the value of the found key as
. Otherwise, use the search key. sep
- String that separates section names in
if key was found and moved to dictionary.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, move_metadata >>> md = dict(Artist='John Doe', Recording=dict(Gain='1.42mV')) >>> move_metadata(md, md['Recording'], 'Artist', 'Experimentalist') >>> print_metadata(md) Recording: Gain : 1.42mV Experimentalist: John Doe
def remove_metadata(metadata, key_list, sep='.')
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def remove_metadata(metadata, key_list, sep='.'): """Remove key-value pairs or sections from metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. key_list: str or list of str List of keys to key-value pairs or sections to be removed from the metadata. sep: str String that separates section names in the keys of `key_list`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, remove_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4)) >>> remove_metadata(md, ('ccc',)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ddd: 4 ``` """ if not metadata: return if not isinstance(key_list, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): key_list = (key_list,) for k in key_list: mm, kk = find_key(metadata, k, sep) if kk in mm: del mm[kk]
Remove key-value pairs or sections from metadata.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
- List of keys to key-value pairs or sections to be removed from the metadata.
- String that separates section names in the keys of
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, remove_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict(ccc=3, ddd=4)) >>> remove_metadata(md, ('ccc',)) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 bbbb: ddd: 4
def cleanup_metadata(metadata)
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def cleanup_metadata(metadata): """Remove empty sections from metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, cleanup_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict()) >>> cleanup_metadata(md) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2 ``` """ if not metadata: return for k in list(metadata): if isinstance(metadata[k], dict): if len(metadata[k]) == 0: del metadata[k] else: cleanup_metadata(metadata[k])
Remove empty sections from metadata.
:nested dict
- Metadata.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, cleanup_metadata >>> md = dict(aaaa=2, bbbb=dict()) >>> cleanup_metadata(md) >>> print_metadata(md) aaaa: 2
def get_gain(metadata, gain_key=['gain'], sep='.', default=None, default_unit='', remove=False)
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def get_gain(metadata, gain_key=default_gain_keys, sep='.', default=None, default_unit='', remove=False): """Get gain and unit from metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata with key-value pairs. gain_key: str or list of str Key in the file's metadata that holds some gain information. If found, the data will be multiplied with the gain, and if available, the corresponding unit is returned. See the `audiometadata.find_key()` function for details. You can modify the default keys via the `default_gain_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. sep: str String that separates section names in `gain_key`. default: None or float Returned value if no valid gain was found in `metadata`. default_unit: str Returned unit if no valid gain was found in `metadata`. remove: bool If `True`, remove the found key from `metadata`. Returns ------- fac: float Gain factor. If not found in metadata return 1. unit: string Unit of the data if found in the metadata, otherwise "a.u.". """ v, u = get_number_unit(metadata, gain_key, sep, default, default_unit, remove) # fix some TeeGrid gains: if len(u) >= 2 and u[-2:] == '/V': u = u[:-2] return v, u
Get gain and unit from metadata.
:nested dict
- Metadata with key-value pairs.
- Key in the file's metadata that holds some gain information.
If found, the data will be multiplied with the gain,
and if available, the corresponding unit is returned.
See the
function for details. You can modify the default keys via thedefault_gain_keys
list of theaudiometadata
module. sep
- String that separates section names in
. default
- Returned value if no valid gain was found in
. default_unit
- Returned unit if no valid gain was found in
. remove
- If
, remove the found key frommetadata
- Gain factor. If not found in metadata return 1.
- Unit of the data if found in the metadata, otherwise "a.u.".
def update_gain(metadata, fac, gain_key=['gain'], sep='.')
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def update_gain(metadata, fac, gain_key=default_gain_keys, sep='.'): """Update gain setting in metadata. Searches for the first appearance of a gain key in the metadata hierarchy. If found, divide the gain value by `fac`. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata to be updated. fac: float Factor that was used to scale the data. gain_key: str or list of str Key in the file's metadata that holds some gain information. If found, the data will be multiplied with the gain, and if available, the corresponding unit is returned. See the `audiometadata.find_key()` function for details. You can modify the default keys via the `default_gain_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. sep: str String that separates section names in `gain_key`. Returns ------- done: bool True if gain has been found and set. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, update_gain >>> md = dict(Artist='John Doe', Recording=dict(gain='1.4mV')) >>> update_gain(md, 2) >>> print_metadata(md) Artist: John Doe Recording: gain: 0.70mV ``` """ if not metadata: return False if not isinstance(gain_key, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): gain_key = (gain_key,) for gk in gain_key: m, k = find_key(metadata, gk, sep) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): vs = m[k] if isinstance(vs, (int, float)): m[k] = vs/fac else: v, u, n = parse_number(vs) if not v is None: # fix some TeeGrid gains: if len(u) >= 2 and u[-2:] == '/V': u = u[:-2] m[k] = f'{v/fac:.{n+1}f}{u}' return True return False
Update gain setting in metadata.
Searches for the first appearance of a gain key in the metadata hierarchy. If found, divide the gain value by
:nested dict
- Metadata to be updated.
- Factor that was used to scale the data.
- Key in the file's metadata that holds some gain information.
If found, the data will be multiplied with the gain,
and if available, the corresponding unit is returned.
See the
function for details. You can modify the default keys via thedefault_gain_keys
list of theaudiometadata
module. sep
- String that separates section names in
- True if gain has been found and set.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, update_gain >>> md = dict(Artist='John Doe', Recording=dict(gain='1.4mV')) >>> update_gain(md, 2) >>> print_metadata(md) Artist: John Doe Recording: gain: 0.70mV
def set_starttime(metadata,
time_keys=[['DateTimeOriginal'], ['OriginationDate', 'OriginationTime'], ['Location_Time'], ['Timestamp']])-
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def set_starttime(metadata, datetime_value, time_keys=default_starttime_keys): """Set all start-of-recording times in metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata to be updated. datetime_value: datetime Start date and time of the recording. time_keys: tuple of str or list of tuple of str Keys to fields denoting calender times, i.e. dates and times. Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs, one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair for a date-time values. This is why the keys need to be specified in tuples with one or two keys. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. You can modify the default time keys via the `default_starttime_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. Returns ------- success: bool True if at least one time has been set. Example ------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, set_starttime >>> md = dict(DateTimeOriginal='2023-04-15T22:10:00', OtherTime='2023-05-16T23:20:10', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-03-02', OriginationTime='10:42:24')) >>> set_starttime(md, '2024-06-17T22:10:05') >>> print_metadata(md) DateTimeOriginal: 2024-06-17T22:10:05 OtherTime : 2024-06-17T22:10:05 BEXT: OriginationDate: 2024-06-17 OriginationTime: 22:10:05 ``` """ if not metadata: return False if isinstance(datetime_value, str): datetime_value = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(datetime_value) success = False if len(time_keys) > 0 and isinstance(time_keys[0], str): time_keys = (time_keys,) for key in time_keys: if len(key) == 1: # datetime: m, k = find_key(metadata, key[0]) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): if isinstance(m[k], dt.datetime): m[k] = datetime_value else: m[k] = datetime_value.isoformat(timespec='seconds') success = True else: # separate date and time: md, kd = find_key(metadata, key[0]) if not kd in md or isinstance(md[kd], dict): continue if isinstance(md[kd], md[kd] = else: md[kd] = mt, kt = find_key(metadata, key[1]) if not kt in mt or isinstance(mt[kt], dict): continue if isinstance(mt[kt], dt.time): mt[kt] = datetime_value.time() else: mt[kt] = datetime_value.time().isoformat(timespec='seconds') success = True return success
Set all start-of-recording times in metadata.
:nested dict
- Metadata to be updated.
- Start date and time of the recording.
- Keys to fields denoting calender times, i.e. dates and times.
Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs,
one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair
for a date-time values. This is why the keys need to be specified in
tuples with one or two keys.
Keys may contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. You can modify the default time keys via thedefault_starttime_keys
list of theaudiometadata
- True if at least one time has been set.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, set_starttime >>> md = dict(DateTimeOriginal='2023-04-15T22:10:00', OtherTime='2023-05-16T23:20:10', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-03-02', OriginationTime='10:42:24')) >>> set_starttime(md, '2024-06-17T22:10:05') >>> print_metadata(md) DateTimeOriginal: 2024-06-17T22:10:05 OtherTime : 2024-06-17T22:10:05 BEXT: OriginationDate: 2024-06-17 OriginationTime: 22:10:05
def update_starttime(metadata,
time_keys=[['DateTimeOriginal'], ['OriginationDate', 'OriginationTime'], ['Location_Time'], ['Timestamp']],
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def update_starttime(metadata, deltat, rate, time_keys=default_starttime_keys, ref_keys=default_timeref_keys): """Update start-of-recording times in metadata. Add `deltat` to `time_keys`and `ref_keys` fields in the metadata. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata to be updated. deltat: float Time in seconds to be added to start times. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. time_keys: tuple of str or list of tuple of str Keys to fields denoting calender times, i.e. dates and times. Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs, one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair for a date-time values. This is why the keys need to be specified in tuples with one or two keys. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. You can modify the default time keys via the `default_starttime_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. ref_keys: str or list of str Keys to time references, i.e. integers in seconds relative to a reference time. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. You can modify the default reference keys via the `default_timeref_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. Returns ------- success: bool True if at least one time has been updated. Example ------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, update_starttime >>> md = dict(DateTimeOriginal='2023-04-15T22:10:00', OtherTime='2023-05-16T23:20:10', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-03-02', OriginationTime='10:42:24', TimeReference=123456)) >>> update_starttime(md, 4.2, 48000) >>> print_metadata(md) DateTimeOriginal: 2023-04-15T22:10:04 OtherTime : 2023-05-16T23:20:10 BEXT: OriginationDate: 2024-03-02 OriginationTime: 10:42:28 TimeReference : 325056 ``` """ if not metadata: return False if not isinstance(deltat, dt.timedelta): deltat = dt.timedelta(seconds=deltat) success = False if len(time_keys) > 0 and isinstance(time_keys[0], str): time_keys = (time_keys,) for key in time_keys: if len(key) == 1: # datetime: m, k = find_key(metadata, key[0]) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): if isinstance(m[k], dt.datetime): m[k] += deltat else: datetime = dt.datetime.fromisoformat(m[k]) + deltat m[k] = datetime.isoformat(timespec='seconds') success = True else: # separate date and time: md, kd = find_key(metadata, key[0]) if not kd in md or isinstance(md[kd], dict): continue if isinstance(md[kd], date = md[kd] is_date = True else: date =[kd]) is_date = False mt, kt = find_key(metadata, key[1]) if not kt in mt or isinstance(mt[kt], dict): continue if isinstance(mt[kt], dt.time): time = mt[kt] is_time = True else: time = dt.time.fromisoformat(mt[kt]) is_time = False datetime = dt.datetime.combine(date, time) + deltat md[kd] = if is_date else mt[kt] = datetime.time() if is_time else datetime.time().isoformat(timespec='seconds') success = True # time reference in samples: if isinstance(ref_keys, str): ref_keys = (ref_keys,) for key in ref_keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, key) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): is_int = isinstance(m[k], int) tref = int(m[k]) tref += int(np.round(deltat.total_seconds()*rate)) m[k] = tref if is_int else f'{tref}' success = True return success
Update start-of-recording times in metadata.
fields in the metadata.Parameters
:nested dict
- Metadata to be updated.
- Time in seconds to be added to start times.
- Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
- Keys to fields denoting calender times, i.e. dates and times.
Datetimes can be stored in metadata as two separate key-value pairs,
one for the date and one for the time. Or by a single key-value pair
for a date-time values. This is why the keys need to be specified in
tuples with one or two keys.
Keys may contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. You can modify the default time keys via thedefault_starttime_keys
list of theaudiometadata
module. ref_keys
- Keys to time references, i.e. integers in seconds relative to
a reference time.
Keys may contain section names separated by
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. You can modify the default reference keys via thedefault_timeref_keys
list of theaudiometadata
- True if at least one time has been updated.
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, update_starttime >>> md = dict(DateTimeOriginal='2023-04-15T22:10:00', OtherTime='2023-05-16T23:20:10', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-03-02', OriginationTime='10:42:24', TimeReference=123456)) >>> update_starttime(md, 4.2, 48000) >>> print_metadata(md) DateTimeOriginal: 2023-04-15T22:10:04 OtherTime : 2023-05-16T23:20:10 BEXT: OriginationDate: 2024-03-02 OriginationTime: 10:42:28 TimeReference : 325056
def bext_history_str(encoding, rate, channels, text=None)
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def bext_history_str(encoding, rate, channels, text=None): """ Assemble a string for the BEXT CodingHistory field. Parameters ---------- encoding: str or None Encoding of the data. rate: int or float Sampling rate in Hertz. channels: int Number of channels. text: str or None Optional free text. Returns ------- s: str String for the BEXT CodingHistory field, something like "A=PCM_16,F=44100,W=16,M=stereo,T=cut out" """ codes = [] bits = None if encoding is not None: if encoding[:3] == 'PCM': bits = int(encoding[4:]) encoding = 'PCM' codes.append(f'A={encoding}') codes.append(f'F={rate:.0f}') if bits is not None: codes.append(f'W={bits}') mode = None if channels == 1: mode = 'mono' elif channels == 2: mode = 'stereo' if mode is not None: codes.append(f'M={mode}') if text is not None: codes.append(f'T={text.rstrip()}') return ','.join(codes)
Assemble a string for the BEXT CodingHistory field.
- Encoding of the data.
- Sampling rate in Hertz.
- Number of channels.
- Optional free text.
- String for the BEXT CodingHistory field, something like "A=PCM_16,F=44100,W=16,M=stereo,T=cut out"
def add_history(metadata,
history_keys=['History', 'CodingHistory', 'BWF_CODING_HISTORY'],
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def add_history(metadata, history, new_key=None, pre_history=None, history_keys=default_history_keys, sep='.'): """Add a string describing coding history to metadata. Add `history` to the `history_keys` fields in the metadata. If none of these fields are present but `new_key` is specified, then assign `pre_history` and `history` to this key. If this key does not exist in the metadata, it is created. Parameters ---------- metadata: nested dict Metadata to be updated. history: str String to be added to the history. new_key: str or None Sections and name of a history key to be added to `metadata`. Section names are separated by `sep`. pre_history: str or None If a new key `new_key` is created, then assign this string followed by `history`. history_keys: str or list of str Keys to fields where to add `history`. Keys may contain section names separated by `sep`. See `audiometadata.find_key()` for details. You can modify the default history keys via the `default_history_keys` list of the `audiometadata` module. sep: str String that separates section names in `new_key` and `history_keys`. Returns ------- success: bool True if the history string has beend added to the metadata. Example ------- Add string to existing history key-value pair: ``` >>> from audioio import add_history >>> md = dict(aaa='xyz', BEXT=dict(CodingHistory='original recordings')) >>> add_history(md, 'just a snippet') >>> print(md['BEXT']['CodingHistory']) original recordings just a snippet ``` Assign string to new key-value pair: ``` >>> md = dict(aaa='xyz', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-02-12')) >>> add_history(md, 'just a snippet', 'BEXT.CodingHistory', 'original data') >>> print(md['BEXT']['CodingHistory']) original data just a snippet ``` """ if not metadata: return False if isinstance(history_keys, str): history_keys = (history_keys,) success = False for keys in history_keys: m, k = find_key(metadata, keys) if k in m and not isinstance(m[k], dict): s = m[k] if len(s) >= 1 and s[-1] != '\n' and s[-1] != '\r': s += '\r\n' s += history m[k] = s success = True if not success and new_key: m, k = find_key(metadata, new_key, sep) m, k = add_sections(m, k, True, sep) s = '' if pre_history is not None: s = pre_history if len(s) >= 1 and s[-1] != '\n' and s[-1] != '\r': s += '\r\n' s += history m[k] = s success = True return success
Add a string describing coding history to metadata.
to thehistory_keys
fields in the metadata. If none of these fields are present butnew_key
is specified, then assignpre_history
to this key. If this key does not exist in the metadata, it is created.Parameters
:nested dict
- Metadata to be updated.
- String to be added to the history.
- Sections and name of a history key to be added to
. Section names are separated bysep
. pre_history
- If a new key
is created, then assign this string followed byhistory
. history_keys
- Keys to fields where to add
. Keys may contain section names separated bysep
. Seeaudiometadata.find_key()
for details. You can modify the default history keys via thedefault_history_keys
list of theaudiometadata
module. sep
- String that separates section names in
- True if the history string has beend added to the metadata.
Add string to existing history key-value pair:
>>> from audioio import add_history >>> md = dict(aaa='xyz', BEXT=dict(CodingHistory='original recordings')) >>> add_history(md, 'just a snippet') >>> print(md['BEXT']['CodingHistory']) original recordings just a snippet
Assign string to new key-value pair:
>>> md = dict(aaa='xyz', BEXT=dict(OriginationDate='2024-02-12')) >>> add_history(md, 'just a snippet', 'BEXT.CodingHistory', 'original data') >>> print(md['BEXT']['CodingHistory']) original data just a snippet
def add_unwrap(metadata, thresh, clip=0, unit='')
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def add_unwrap(metadata, thresh, clip=0, unit=''): """Add unwrap infos to metadata. If `audiotools.unwrap()` was applied to the data, then this function adds relevant infos to the metadata. If there is an INFO section in the metadata, the unwrap infos are added to this section, otherwise they are added to the top level of the metadata hierarchy. The threshold `thresh` used for unwrapping is saved under the key 'UnwrapThreshold' as a string. If `clip` is larger than zero, then the clip level is saved under the key 'UnwrapClippedAmplitude' as a string. Parameters ---------- md: nested dict Metadata to be updated. thresh: float Threshold used for unwrapping. clip: float Level at which unwrapped data have been clipped. unit: str Unit of `thresh` and `clip`. Examples -------- ``` >>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_unwrap >>> md = dict(INFO=dict(Time='early')) >>> add_unwrap(md, 0.6, 1.0) >>> print_metadata(md) INFO: Time : early UnwrapThreshold : 0.60 UnwrapClippedAmplitude: 1.00 ``` """ if metadata is None: return md = metadata for k in metadata: if k.strip().upper() == 'INFO': md = metadata['INFO'] break md['UnwrapThreshold'] = f'{thresh:.2f}{unit}' if clip > 0: md['UnwrapClippedAmplitude'] = f'{clip:.2f}{unit}'
Add unwrap infos to metadata.
was applied to the data, then this function adds relevant infos to the metadata. If there is an INFO section in the metadata, the unwrap infos are added to this section, otherwise they are added to the top level of the metadata hierarchy.The threshold
used for unwrapping is saved under the key 'UnwrapThreshold' as a string. Ifclip
is larger than zero, then the clip level is saved under the key 'UnwrapClippedAmplitude' as a string.Parameters
:nested dict
- Metadata to be updated.
- Threshold used for unwrapping.
- Level at which unwrapped data have been clipped.
- Unit of
>>> from audioio import print_metadata, add_unwrap >>> md = dict(INFO=dict(Time='early')) >>> add_unwrap(md, 0.6, 1.0) >>> print_metadata(md) INFO: Time : early UnwrapThreshold : 0.60 UnwrapClippedAmplitude: 1.00
def demo(file_pathes, list_format, list_metadata, list_cues, list_chunks)
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def demo(file_pathes, list_format, list_metadata, list_cues, list_chunks): """Print metadata and markers of audio files. Parameters ---------- file_pathes: list of str Pathes of audio files. list_format: bool If True, list file format only. list_metadata: bool If True, list metadata only. list_cues: bool If True, list markers/cues only. list_chunks: bool If True, list all chunks contained in a riff/wave file. """ from .audioloader import AudioLoader from .audiomarkers import print_markers from .riffmetadata import read_chunk_tags for filepath in file_pathes: if len(file_pathes) > 1 and (list_cues or list_metadata or list_format or list_chunks): print(filepath) if list_chunks: chunks = read_chunk_tags(filepath) print(f' {"chunk tag":10s} {"position":10s} {"size":10s}') for tag in chunks: pos = chunks[tag][0] - 8 size = chunks[tag][1] + 8 print(f' {tag:9s} {pos:10d} {size:10d}') if len(file_pathes) > 1: print() continue with AudioLoader(filepath, 1, 0, verbose=0) as sf: fmt_md = sf.format_dict() meta_data = sf.metadata() locs, labels = sf.markers() if list_cues: if len(locs) > 0: print_markers(locs, labels) elif list_metadata: print_metadata(meta_data, replace='.') elif list_format: print_metadata(fmt_md) else: print('file:') print_metadata(fmt_md, ' ') if len(meta_data) > 0: print() print('metadata:') print_metadata(meta_data, ' ', replace='.') if len(locs) > 0: print() print('markers:') print_markers(locs, labels) if len(file_pathes) > 1: print() if len(file_pathes) > 1: print()
Print metadata and markers of audio files.
- Pathes of audio files.
- If True, list file format only.
- If True, list metadata only.
- If True, list markers/cues only.
- If True, list all chunks contained in a riff/wave file.
def main(*cargs)
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def main(*cargs): """Call demo with command line arguments. Parameters ---------- cargs: list of strings Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:] """ # command line arguments: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True, description='Convert audio file formats.', epilog=f'version {__version__} by Benda-Lab (2020-{__year__})') parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__) parser.add_argument('-f', dest='dataformat', action='store_true', help='list file format only') parser.add_argument('-m', dest='metadata', action='store_true', help='list metadata only') parser.add_argument('-c', dest='cues', action='store_true', help='list cues/markers only') parser.add_argument('-t', dest='chunks', action='store_true', help='list tags of all riff/wave chunks contained in the file') parser.add_argument('files', type=str, nargs='+', help='audio file') if len(cargs) == 0: cargs = None args = parser.parse_args(cargs) demo(args.files, args.dataformat, args.metadata, args.cues, args.chunks)
Call demo with command line arguments.
- Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:]