Module audioio.audiotools

Tools for fixing audio data.

  • despike(): remove spikes.
  • unwrap(): unwrap clipped data that are folded into the available data range.


def jit(*args, **kwargs)
def despike(data, thresh=1.0, n=1)

Remove spikes.

If n data points stick out by more than a threshold, they are replaced by the mean of the two directly preceeding and succeeding data points.


data : 1D or 2D ndarray
Data to be fixed in place.
thresh : float
Threshold defining a spike.
n : int
Maximum width of spike.
def unwrap(data, thresh=1.5, ampl_max=1.0)

Unwrap clipped data that are folded into the available data range.

In some amplifiers/ADCs clipped data appear on the opposite side of the input range. This function tries to undo this wrapping.


data : 1D or 2D ndarray of floats
Data to be fixed in place.
thresh : float
Minimum difference between succeeding data points required for initiating unwrapping relative to ampl_max.
ampl_max : float
Maximum amplitude of the input range.