Module audioio.playaudio
Play numpy arrays as audio.
Accepted data for playback are 1-D or 2-D (frames, channels) numpy arrays with values ranging from -1 to 1. If necessary data are downsampled automatically to match supported sampling rates.
Use the PlayAudio
class for audio output to a speaker:
with PlayAudio() as audio:
or without context management:
audio = PlayAudio()
audio.beep(1.0, 'a4')
Alternatively, the globally defined functions play()
and beep()
use the global instance handle
of the PlayAudio
class to play a
sound on the default audio output device.
Helper functions
: query available output devices.print_speaker_devices()
: print available output devices.fade_in()
: fade in a signal in place.fade_out()
: fade out a signal in place.fade()
: fade in and out a signal in place.note2freq()
: convert textual note to corresponding frequency.
You might need to install additional packages for better audio output. See installation for further instructions.
For a demo, run the script as:
python -m src.audioio.playaudio
Global variables
var handle
def main(*args)
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def main(*args): """Call demo with command line arguments. Parameters ---------- args: list of strings Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:] """ help = False mod = False dev = False ldev = False device_index = None for arg in args: if mod: if not select_module(arg): print(f'module {arg} not installed. Exit!') return mod = False elif dev: device_index = int(arg) dev = False elif arg == '-h': help = True break elif arg == '-l': ldev = True break elif arg == '-m': mod = True elif arg == '-d': dev = True else: break if help: print() print('Usage:') print(' python -m src.audioio.playaudio [-m <module>] [-l] [-d <device index>]') print(' -m: audio module to be used') print(' -l: list available audio output devices') print(' -d: set audio output device to be used') return if ldev: print_speaker_devices() return demo(device_index)
Call demo with command line arguments.
- Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:]
def note2freq(note, a4freq=440.0)
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def note2freq(note, a4freq=440.0): """Convert textual note to corresponding frequency. Parameters ---------- note: string A musical note like 'a4', 'f#3', 'eb5'. The first character is the note, it can be 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', or 'g'. The optional second character is either a 'b' or a '#' to decrease or increase by half a note. The last character specifies the octave. 'a4' is defined by `a4freq`. a4freq: float The frequency of a4 in Hertz. Returns ------- freq: float The frequency of the note in Hertz. Raises ------ ValueError: No or an invalid note was specified. """ freq = a4freq tone = 0 octave = 4 if not isinstance(note, str) or len(note) == 0: raise ValueError('no note specified') # note: if note[0] < 'a' or note[0] > 'g': raise ValueError('invalid note', note[0]) index = 0 tonemap = [0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10] tone = tonemap[ord(note[index]) - ord('a')] index += 1 # flat or sharp: flat = False sharp = False if index < len(note): if note[index] == 'b': flat = True tone -= 1 index += 1 elif note[index] == '#': sharp = True tone += 1 index += 1 # octave: if index < len(note) and note[index] >= '0' and note[index] <= '9': octave = 0 while index < len(note) and note[index] >= '0' and note[index] <= '9': octave *= 10 octave += ord(note[index]) - ord('0') index += 1 # remaining characters: if index < len(note): raise ValueError('invalid characters in note', note) # compute frequency: if (tone >= 3 and not sharp) or (tone == 2 and flat): octave -= 1 tone += 12*(octave-4) # frequency: freq = a4freq * 2.0**(tone/12.0) return freq
Convert textual note to corresponding frequency.
- A musical note like 'a4', 'f#3', 'eb5'.
The first character is the note, it can be
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', or 'g'.
The optional second character is either a 'b'
or a '#' to decrease or increase by half a note.
The last character specifies the octave.
'a4' is defined by
. a4freq
- The frequency of a4 in Hertz.
- The frequency of the note in Hertz.
No or an invalid note was specified.
def fade_in(data, rate, fadetime)
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def fade_in(data, rate, fadetime): """Fade in a signal in place. The first `fadetime` seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. If `fadetime` is larger than half the duration of the data, then `fadetime` is reduced to half of the duration. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be faded in, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading in in seconds. """ if len(data) < 4: return nr = min(int(np.round(fadetime*rate)), len(data)//2) x = np.arange(float(nr))/float(nr) # 0 to pi/2 y = np.sin(0.5*np.pi*x)**2.0 if data.ndim > 1: data[:nr, :] *= y[:, None] else: data[:nr] *= y
Fade in a signal in place.
The first
seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. Iffadetime
is larger than half the duration of the data, thenfadetime
is reduced to half of the duration.Parameters
- The data to be faded in, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Time for fading in in seconds.
def fade_out(data, rate, fadetime)
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def fade_out(data, rate, fadetime): """Fade out a signal in place. The last `fadetime` seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. If `fadetime` is larger than half the duration of the data, then `fadetime` is reduced to half of the duration. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be faded out, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading out in seconds. """ if len(data) < 4: return nr = min(int(np.round(fadetime*rate)), len(data)//2) x = np.arange(float(nr))/float(nr) + 1.0 # pi/2 to pi y = np.sin(0.5*np.pi*x)**2.0 if data.ndim > 1: data[-nr:, :] *= y[:, None] else: data[-nr:] *= y
Fade out a signal in place.
The last
seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. Iffadetime
is larger than half the duration of the data, thenfadetime
is reduced to half of the duration.Parameters
- The data to be faded out, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Time for fading out in seconds.
def fade(data, rate, fadetime)
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def fade(data, rate, fadetime): """Fade in and out a signal in place. The first and last `fadetime` seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. If `fadetime` is larger than half the duration of the data, then `fadetime` is reduced to half of the duration. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be faded, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading in and out in seconds. """ fade_in(data, rate, fadetime) fade_out(data, rate, fadetime)
Fade in and out a signal in place.
The first and last
seconds of the data are multiplied with a squared sine in place. Iffadetime
is larger than half the duration of the data, thenfadetime
is reduced to half of the duration.Parameters
- The data to be faded, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Time for fading in and out in seconds.
def play(data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True, device_index=None, verbose=0)
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def play(data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True, device_index=None, verbose=0): """Playback audio data. Create a `PlayAudio` instance on the global variable `handle`. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be played, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. Data values range between -1 and 1. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. scale: float Multiply data with scale before playing. If `None` scale it to the maximum value, if 1.0 do not scale. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend. If None take the default device. verbose: int Verbosity level. """ global handle if handle is None: handle = PlayAudio(device_index, verbose) handle.verbose = verbose, rate, scale, blocking, device_index)
Playback audio data.
Create a
instance on the global variablehandle
- The data to be played, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. Data values range between -1 and 1.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Multiply data with scale before playing.
scale it to the maximum value, if 1.0 do not scale. blocking
- If False do not block.
- Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend. If None take the default device.
- Verbosity level.
def beep(duration=0.5,
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def beep(duration=0.5, frequency=880.0, amplitude=0.5, rate=44100.0, fadetime=0.05, blocking=True, device_index=None, verbose=0): """Playback a tone. Create a `PlayAudio` instance on the global variable `handle`. Parameters ---------- duration: float The duration of the tone in seconds. frequency: float or string If float the frequency of the tone in Hertz. If string, a musical note like 'f#5'. See `note2freq()` for details amplitude: float The ampliude (volume) of the tone from 0.0 to 1.0. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading in and out in seconds. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend. If None take the default device. verbose: int Verbosity level. """ global handle if handle is None: handle = PlayAudio(device_index, verbose) handle.verbose = verbose handle.beep(duration, frequency, amplitude, rate, fadetime, blocking, device_index)
Playback a tone.
Create a
instance on the global variablehandle
- The duration of the tone in seconds.
- If float the frequency of the tone in Hertz.
If string, a musical note like 'f#5'.
for details amplitude
- The ampliude (volume) of the tone from 0.0 to 1.0.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Time for fading in and out in seconds.
- If False do not block.
- Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend. If None take the default device.
- Verbosity level.
def close()
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def close(): """Close the global PlayAudio instance. """ global handle if handle is not None: handle.close() handle = None
Close the global PlayAudio instance.
def speaker_devices_pyaudio()
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def speaker_devices_pyaudio(): """Query available output devices of the pyaudio module. Returns ------- indices: list of int Device indices. devices: list of str Devices corresponding to `indices`. default_device: int Index of default device. -1 if no default output device is available. """ if not audio_modules['pyaudio']: raise ImportError oldstderr = os.dup(2) os.close(2) tmpfile = 'tmpfile.tmp', os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) pa = pyaudio.PyAudio() os.close(2) os.dup(oldstderr) os.close(oldstderr) os.remove(tmpfile) indices = [] devices = [] for i in range(pa.get_device_count()): info = pa.get_device_info_by_index(i) if info['maxOutputChannels'] > 0: host = sounddevice.query_hostapis(info['hostApi'])['name'] device = f'{info["name"]}, {host} ({info["maxInputChannels"]} in, {info["maxOutputChannels"]} out)' indices.append(info['index']) devices.append(device) try: default_device = pa.get_default_output_device_info()['index'] except OSError: default_device = -1 return indices, devices, default_device
Query available output devices of the pyaudio module.
- Device indices.
- Devices corresponding to
. default_device
- Index of default device. -1 if no default output device is available.
def speaker_devices_sounddevice()
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def speaker_devices_sounddevice(): """Query available output devices of the sounddevice module. Returns ------- indices: list of int Device indices. devices: list of str Devices corresponding to `indices`. default_device: int Index of default device. """ if not audio_modules['sounddevice']: raise ImportError indices = [] devices = [] infos = sounddevice.query_devices() for info in infos: if info['max_output_channels'] > 0: host = sounddevice.query_hostapis(info['hostapi'])['name'] device = f'{info["name"]}, {host} ({info["max_input_channels"]} in, {info["max_output_channels"]} out)' indices.append(info['index']) devices.append(device) try: info_out = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='output') except sounddevice.PortAudioError: return indices, devices, -1 try: info_in = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='input') if info_in['index'] != info_out['index'] and \ info_in['max_output_channels'] > info_out['max_output_channels']: info_out = info_in except sounddevice.PortAudioError: pass return indices, devices, info_out['index']
Query available output devices of the sounddevice module.
- Device indices.
- Devices corresponding to
. default_device
- Index of default device.
def speaker_devices_soundcard()
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def speaker_devices_soundcard(): """Query available output devices of the soundcard module. Returns ------- indices: list of int Device indices. devices: list of str Devices corresponding to `indices`. default_device: int Index of default device. """ if not audio_modules['soundcard']: raise ImportError indices = [] devices = [] infos = soundcard.all_speakers() def_speaker = str(soundcard.default_speaker()) default_device = -1 for i, info in enumerate(infos): if str(info) == def_speaker: default_device = i indices.append(i) devices.append(str(info).lstrip('<').rstrip('>')) return indices, devices, default_device
Query available output devices of the soundcard module.
- Device indices.
- Devices corresponding to
. default_device
- Index of default device.
def speaker_devices(library=None, verbose=0)
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def speaker_devices(library=None, verbose=0): """Query available output devices. Parameters ---------- library: str or None If specified, use specific sound library. verbose: int Verbosity level. Returns ------- indices: list of int Device indices. devices: list of str Devices corresponding to `indices`. default_device: int Index of default device. """ # list of implemented list functions: audio_devices = [ ['sounddevice', speaker_devices_sounddevice], ['pyaudio', speaker_devices_pyaudio], ['simpleaudio', None], ['soundcard', speaker_devices_soundcard], ['ossaudiodev', None], ['winsound', None] ] if platform[0:3] == "win": sa = audio_open.pop(2) audio_open.insert(0, sa) # query audio devices by trying various modules: success = False for lib, devices in audio_devices: if library and library != lib: continue if not audio_modules[lib]: if verbose > 0: print(f'module {lib} not available') continue if devices is None: return [0], ['default output device'], 0 else: return devices() warnings.warn('no library for audio output available for devices') return [], [], -1
Query available output devices.
- If specified, use specific sound library.
- Verbosity level.
- Device indices.
- Devices corresponding to
. default_device
- Index of default device.
def print_speaker_devices(library=None)
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def print_speaker_devices(library=None): """Print available output devices. Parameters ---------- library: str or None If specified, use specific sound library. """ indices, devices, default_device = speaker_devices() for i, d in zip(indices, devices): if i == default_device: print(f'* {i:2d}: {d}') else: print(f' {i:2d}: {d}')
Print available output devices.
- If specified, use specific sound library.
def demo(device_index=None)
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def demo(device_index=None): """ Demonstrate the playaudio module.""" print('play mono beep 1') audio = PlayAudio(device_index, verbose=2) audio.beep(1.0, 440.0) audio.close() print('play mono beep 2') with PlayAudio(device_index) as audio: audio.beep(1.0, 'b4', 0.75, blocking=False) print(' done') sleep(0.3) sleep(0.5) print('play mono beep 3') beep(1.0, 'c5', 0.25, blocking=False, device_index=device_index) print(' done') sleep(0.5) print('play stereo beep') duration = 1.0 rate = 44100.0 t = np.arange(0.0, duration, 1.0/rate) data = np.zeros((len(t),2)) data[:,0] = np.sin(2.0*np.pi*note2freq('a4')*t) data[:,1] = 0.25*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*note2freq('e5')*t) fade(data, rate, 0.1) play(data, rate, verbose=2, device_index=device_index)
Demonstrate the playaudio module.
class PlayAudio (device_index=None, verbose=0, library=None)
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class PlayAudio(object): """ Audio playback. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Use the speaker_devices() function to query available devices. verbose: int Verbosity level. library: str or None If specified, open a specific sound library. Attributes ---------- lib: string The library used for playback. verbose: int Verbosity level. Methods ------- - `play(data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True)`: Playback audio data. - `beep(duration=0.5, frequency=880.0, amplitude=0.5, rate=44100.0, fadetime=0.05, blocking=True)`: Playback a pure tone. - `open()`: Initialize the PlayAudio class with the best module available. - `close()`: Terminate module for playing audio. - `stop()`: Stop any playback in progress. Examples -------- ``` from audioio import PlayAudio with PlayAudio() as audio: audio.beep() ``` or without context management: ``` audio = PlayAudio() audio.beep(1.0, 'a4') audio.close() ``` """ def __init__(self, device_index=None, verbose=0, library=None): self.verbose = verbose self.handle = None self._do_play = self._play self.close = self._close self.stop = self._stop self.lib = None, library) def _close(self): """Terminate PlayAudio class for playing audio.""" self.handle = None self._do_play = self._play self.close = self._close self.stop = self._stop self.lib = None def _stop(self): """Stop any playback in progress.""" pass def _play(self, blocking=True): """Default implementation of playing a sound: does nothing.""" pass def play(self, data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True, device_index=None): """Playback audio data. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be played, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. Data values range between -1 and 1. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. scale: float Multiply data with scale before playing. If `None` scale it to the maximum value, if 1.0 do not scale. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). FileNotFoundError No audio device for playback. """ if self.handle is None: else: self.stop() self.rate = rate self.channels = 1 if data.ndim > 1: self.channels = data.shape[1] # convert data: rawdata = data - np.mean(data, axis=0) if scale is None: scale = 1.0/np.max(np.abs(rawdata)) rawdata *= scale = np.floor(rawdata*(2**15-1)).astype(np.int16, order='C') self.index = 0 self._do_play(blocking) def beep(self, duration=0.5, frequency=880.0, amplitude=0.5, rate=44100.0, fadetime=0.05, blocking=True, device_index=None): """Playback a pure tone. Parameters ---------- duration: float The duration of the tone in seconds. frequency: float or string If float, the frequency of the tone in Hertz. If string, a musical note like 'f#5'. See `note2freq()` for details. amplitude: float The ampliude (volume) of the tone in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading in and out in seconds. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). FileNotFoundError No audio device for playback. See also -------- for fourier series based construction of waveforms. """ # frequency if isinstance(frequency, str): frequency = note2freq(frequency) # sine wave: time = np.arange(0.0, duration, 1.0/rate) data = amplitude*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*frequency*time) # fade in and out: fade(data, rate, fadetime) # # final click for testing (mono only): # data = np.hstack((data, np.sin(2.0*np.pi*1000.0*time[0:int(np.ceil(4.0*rate/1000.0))]))) # play:, rate, scale=1.0, blocking=blocking, device_index=device_index) def _down_sample(self, channels, scale=1): """Sample the data down and adapt maximum channel number.""" iscale = 1 rscale = scale if isinstance(scale, int): iscale = scale rscale = 1.0 elif scale > 2: iscale = int(np.floor(scale)) rscale = scale/iscale if iscale > 1: data = decimate(, iscale, axis=0) if > 1: = np.asarray(data[:,:channels], dtype=np.int16, order='C') else: = np.asarray(data, dtype=np.int16, order='C') if self.verbose > 0: print(f'decimated sampling rate from {self.rate:.1f}Hz down to {self.rate/iscale:.1f}Hz') self.rate /= iscale if rscale != 1.0: dt0 = 1.0/self.rate dt1 = rscale/self.rate old_time = np.arange(len(*dt0 new_time = np.arange(0.0, old_time[-1]+0.5*dt0, dt1) if > 1: data = np.zeros((len(new_time), channels), order='C') for c in range(channels): data[:,c] = np.interp(new_time, old_time,[:,c]) else: data = np.interp(new_time, old_time, = np.asarray(data,, order='C') if self.verbose > 0: print(f'adapted sampling rate from {self.rate:.1f}Hz to {self.rate/rscale:.1f}Hz') self.rate /= rscale self.channels = channels def __del__(self): """Terminate the audio module.""" self.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.__del__() return value def open_pyaudio(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via PyAudio module. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError PyAudio module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ ``` sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio ``` On Windows, download an appropriate (latest version, 32 or 64 bit) wheel from <>. Install this file with pip, that is go to the folder where the wheel file is downloaded and run ``` pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl ``` replace the wheel file name by the one you downloaded. """ if not audio_modules['pyaudio']: raise ImportError oldstderr = os.dup(2) os.close(2) tmpfile = 'tmpfile.tmp', os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) self.handle = pyaudio.PyAudio() = None os.close(2) os.dup(oldstderr) os.close(oldstderr) os.remove(tmpfile) try: if device_index is None: info = self.handle.get_default_output_device_info() else: info = self.handle.get_device_info_by_index(device_index) self.max_channels = info['maxOutputChannels'] self.default_rate = info['defaultSampleRate'] self.device_index = info['index'] self.handle.is_format_supported(self.default_rate, output_device=self.device_index, output_channels=1, output_format=pyaudio.paInt16) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self.handle.terminate() self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.index = 0 = None self.close = self._close_pyaudio self.stop = self._stop_pyaudio self._do_play = self._play_pyaudio self.lib = 'pyaudio' return self def _callback_pyaudio(self, in_data, frames, time_info, status): """Callback for pyaudio for supplying output with data.""" flag = pyaudio.paContinue if not flag = pyaudio.paComplete if self.index < len( out_data =[self.index:self.index+frames] self.index += len(out_data) # zero padding: if len(out_data) < frames: if > 1: out_data = np.vstack((out_data, np.zeros((frames-len(out_data), self.channels), dtype=np.int16))) else: out_data = np.hstack((out_data, np.zeros(frames-len(out_data), dtype=np.int16))) return (out_data, flag) else: # we need to play more to make sure everything is played! # This is because of an ALSA bug and might be fixed in newer versions, # see out_data = np.zeros(frames*self.channels, dtype=np.int16) self.index += frames if self.index >= len( + 2*self.latency: flag = pyaudio.paComplete return (out_data, flag) def _stop_pyaudio(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the pyaudio module.""" if is not None: if # fade out: fadetime = 0.1 nr = int(np.round(fadetime*self.rate)) index = self.index+nr if nr > len( - index: nr = len( - index else:[index+nr:] = 0 if nr > 0: for k in range(nr) :[index+(nr-k-1)] = np.array([index+(nr-k-1)] * np.sin(0.5*np.pi*float(k)/float(nr))**2.0, np.int16, order='C') try: sleep(2*fadetime) except SystemError: # pyaudio interferes with sleep in python 3.10 pass if = False while try: sleep(0.01) except SystemError: # pyaudio interferes with sleep in python 3.10 pass = None def _play_pyaudio(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the pyaudio module. Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). """ # check channel count: channels = self.channels if self.channels > self.max_channels: channels = self.max_channels # check sampling rate: scale_fac = 1 scaled_rate = self.rate max_rate = 48000.0 if self.rate > max_rate: scale_fac = int(np.ceil(self.rate/max_rate)) scaled_rate = int(self.rate//scale_fac) rates = [self.rate, scaled_rate, 44100, 48000, 22050, self.default_rate] scales = [1, scale_fac, None, None, None, None] success = False for rate, scale in zip(rates, scales): try: if self.handle.is_format_supported(int(rate), output_device=self.device_index, output_channels=channels, output_format=pyaudio.paInt16): if scale is None: scale = self.rate/float(rate) success = True break except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'invalid sampling rate of {rate}Hz') if e.args[1] != pyaudio.paInvalidSampleRate: raise if not success: raise ValueError('No valid sampling rate found') if channels != self.channels or scale != 1: self._down_sample(channels, scale) # play: = True =, channels=self.channels, rate=int(self.rate), output=True, stream_callback=self._callback_pyaudio) self.latency = int(*self.rate) if blocking: while try: sleep(0.01) except (ValueError, SystemError): # pyaudio interferes with sleep in python 3.10 pass = False = None def _close_pyaudio(self): """Terminate pyaudio module.""" self._stop_pyaudio() if self.handle is not None: self.handle.terminate() self._close() def open_sounddevice(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via sounddevice module. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError sounddevice module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ ``` sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev sudo pip install sounddevice ``` """ if not audio_modules['sounddevice']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self.index = 0 = None = None try: if device_index is None: info_in = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='input') info_out = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='output') if info_in['index'] == info_out['index']: info = info_out else: info = info_out if info_in['max_output_channels'] > info_out['max_output_channels']: info = info_in else: info = sounddevice.query_devices(device_index) self.device_index = info['index'] self.max_channels = info['max_output_channels'] self.default_rate = info['default_samplerate'] sounddevice.check_output_settings(device=self.device_index, channels=1, dtype=np.int16, samplerate=48000) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.close = self._close_sounddevice self.stop = self._stop_sounddevice self._do_play = self._play_sounddevice self.lib = 'sounddevice' return self def _callback_sounddevice(self, out_data, frames, time_info, status): """Callback for sounddevice for supplying output with data.""" if status: print(status) if self.index < len( ndata = len( - self.index if ndata >= frames : if <= 1: out_data[:,0] =[self.index:self.index+frames] else: out_data[:, :] =[self.index:self.index+frames, :] self.index += frames else: if <= 1: out_data[:ndata, 0] =[self.index:] out_data[ndata:, 0] = np.zeros(frames-ndata, dtype=np.int16) else: out_data[:ndata, :] =[self.index:, :] out_data[ndata:, :] = np.zeros((frames-ndata, self.channels), dtype=np.int16) self.index += frames else: # we need to play more to make sure everything is played! # This is because of an ALSA bug and might be fixed in newer versions, # see if <= 1: out_data[:, 0] = np.zeros(frames, dtype=np.int16) else: out_data[:, :] = np.zeros((frames, self.channels), dtype=np.int16) self.index += frames if self.index >= len( + 2*self.latency: raise sounddevice.CallbackStop if not raise sounddevice.CallbackStop def _stop_sounddevice(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the sounddevice module.""" if is not None: if # fade out: fadetime = 0.1 nr = int(np.round(fadetime*self.rate)) index = self.index+nr if nr > len( - index: nr = len( - index else:[index+nr:] = 0 if nr > 0: for k in range(nr) :[index+(nr-k-1)] = np.array([index+(nr-k-1)] * np.sin(0.5*np.pi*float(k)/float(nr))**2.0, np.int16, order='C') sounddevice.sleep(int(2000*fadetime)) if = False while sounddevice.sleep(10) = None def _play_sounddevice(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the sounddevice module. Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). """ # check channel count: channels = self.channels if self.channels > self.max_channels: channels = self.max_channels # check sampling rate: scale_fac = 1 scaled_rate = self.rate max_rate = 48000.0 if self.rate > max_rate: scale_fac = int(np.ceil(self.rate/max_rate)) scaled_rate = int(self.rate//scale_fac) rates = [self.rate, scaled_rate, 44100, 48000, 22050, self.default_rate] scales = [1, scale_fac, None, None, None, None] success = False for rate, scale in zip(rates, scales): try: sounddevice.check_output_settings(device=self.device_index, channels=channels, dtype=np.int16, samplerate=rate) if scale is None: scale = self.rate/float(rate) success = True break except sounddevice.PortAudioError as pae: if pae.args[1] != -9997: raise elif self.verbose > 0: print(f'invalid sampling rate of {rate}Hz') if not success: raise ValueError('No valid sampling rate found') if channels != self.channels or scale != 1: self._down_sample(channels, scale) # play: = sounddevice.OutputStream(samplerate=self.rate, device=self.device_index, channels=self.channels, dtype=np.int16, callback=self._callback_sounddevice) self.latency =*self.rate = True if blocking: while sounddevice.sleep(10) = False = None def _close_sounddevice(self): """Terminate sounddevice module.""" self._stop_sounddevice() self._close() def open_simpleaudio(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via simpleaudio package. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Not supported by simpleaudio. Raises ------ ImportError simpleaudio module is not available. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['simpleaudio']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self._do_play = self._play_simpleaudio self.close = self._close_simpleaudio self.stop = self._stop_simpleaudio self.lib = 'simpleaudio' return self def _stop_simpleaudio(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the simpleaudio package.""" if self.handle is not None and self.handle is not True: self.handle.stop() def _play_simpleaudio(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the simpleaudio package. Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). FileNotFoundError No audio device for playback. """ rates = [self.rate, 44100, 48000, 22050] scales = [1, None, None, None] success = False for rate, scale in zip(rates, scales): if scale is None: scale = self.rate/float(rate) if scale != 1: self._down_sample(self.channels, scale) try: self.handle = simpleaudio.play_buffer(, self.channels, 2, int(self.rate)) success = True break except ValueError as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'invalid sampling rate of {rate}Hz') except simpleaudio._simpleaudio.SimpleaudioError as e: if self.verbose > 0: print('simpleaudio SimpleaudioError:', str(e)) if 'Error opening' in str(e): raise FileNotFoundError('No audio device found') except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print('simpleaudio Exception:', str(e)) if not success: raise ValueError('No valid sampling rate found') elif blocking: self.handle.wait_done() def _close_simpleaudio(self): """Close audio output using simpleaudio package.""" self._stop_simpleaudio() simpleaudio.stop_all() self._close() def open_soundcard(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via soundcard package. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError soundcard module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['soundcard']: raise ImportError try: if device_index is None: self.handle = soundcard.default_speaker() else: self.handle = soundcard.all_speakers()[device_index] except IndexError: raise FileNotFoundError('No audio device found') except Exception as e: print('soundcard Exception:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) if self.handle is None: raise FileNotFoundError('No audio device found') self._do_play = self._play_soundcard self.close = self._close_soundcard self.stop = self._stop_soundcard self.lib = 'soundcard' return self def _stop_soundcard(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the soundcard package.""" pass def _play_soundcard(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the soundcard package. Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. Non-blocking playback not supported by soundcard. Return immediately without playing sound. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). """ if not blocking: warnings.warn('soundcard module does not support non-blocking playback') return rates = [self.rate, 44100, 48000, 22050] scales = [1, None, None, None] success = False for rate, scale in zip(rates, scales): if scale is None: scale = self.rate/float(rate) if scale != 1: self._down_sample(self.channels, scale) try:, samplerate=int(self.rate)) success = True break except RuntimeError as e: if 'invalid sample spec' in str(e): if self.verbose > 0: print(f'invalid sampling rate of {rate}Hz') else: if self.verbose > 0: print('soundcard error:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print('soundcard error:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) if not success: raise ValueError('No valid sampling rate found') def _close_soundcard(self): """Close audio output using soundcard package.""" self._stop_soundcard() self._close() def open_ossaudiodev(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via ossaudiodev module. The OSS audio module is part of the python standard library. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. There is only a single OSS audio device. Raises ------ ImportError ossaudiodev module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ The ossaudiodev module needs an oss `/dev/dsp` device file. Enable an oss emulation via alsa by installing ``` sudo apt install -y osspd ``` """ if not audio_modules['ossaudiodev']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self.osshandle = None = False self.play_thread = None try: handle ='w') handle.close() except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.close = self._close_ossaudiodev self.stop = self._stop_ossaudiodev self._do_play = self._play_ossaudiodev self.lib = 'ossaudiodev' return self def _stop_ossaudiodev(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the ossaudiodev module.""" if self.osshandle is not None: = False self.osshandle.reset() if self.play_thread is not None: if self.play_thread.is_alive(): self.play_thread.join() self.play_thread = None self.osshandle.close() self.osshandle = None def _run_play_ossaudiodev(self): """Play the data using the ossaudiodev module.""" self.osshandle.writeall( if sleep(0.5) self.osshandle.close() self.osshandle = None = False def _play_ossaudiodev(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the ossaudiodev module. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. """ self.osshandle ='w') self.osshandle.setfmt(ossaudiodev.AFMT_S16_LE) # set and check channel count: channels = self.osshandle.channels(self.channels) # check sampling rate: scale_fac = 1 scaled_rate = self.rate max_rate = 48000.0 if self.rate > max_rate: scale_fac = int(np.ceil(self.rate/max_rate)) scaled_rate = int(self.rate//scale_fac) rates = [self.rate, scaled_rate, 44100, 48000, 22050, 8000] scales = [1, scale_fac, None, None, None, None] success = False for rate, scale in zip(rates, scales): set_rate = self.osshandle.speed(int(rate)) if abs(set_rate - rate) < 2: if scale is None: scale = self.rate/float(set_rate) success = True break else: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'invalid sampling rate of {rate}Hz') if not success: raise ValueError('No valid sampling rate found') if channels != self.channels or scale != 1: self._down_sample(channels, scale) if blocking: = True self.osshandle.writeall( sleep(0.5) self.osshandle.close() = False self.osshandle = None else: self.play_thread = Process(target=self._run_play_ossaudiodev) = True self.play_thread.start() def _close_ossaudiodev(self): """Close audio output using ossaudiodev module.""" self._stop_ossaudiodev() self._close() def open_winsound(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via winsound module. The winsound module is part of the python standard library. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Device selection is not supported by the winsound module. Raises ------ ImportError winsound module is not available. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['winsound'] or not audio_modules['wave']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self._do_play = self._play_winsound self.close = self._close_winsound self.stop = self._stop_winsound self.audio_file = '' self.lib = 'winsound' return self def _stop_winsound(self): """Stop any ongoing activity of the winsound module.""" try: winsound.PlaySound(None, winsound.SND_MEMORY) except Exception as e: pass def _play_winsound(self, blocking=True): """Play audio data using the winsound module. Parameters ---------- blocking: boolean If False do not block. """ # play file: if blocking: # write data as wav file to memory: self.data_buffer = BytesIO() w =, 'w') w.setnchannels(self.channels) w.setsampwidth(2) w.setframerate(int(self.rate)) w.setnframes(len( try: w.writeframes( except AttributeError: w.writeframes( w.close() try: winsound.PlaySound(self.data_buffer.getvalue(), winsound.SND_MEMORY) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) return else: if self.verbose > 0: print('Warning: asynchronous playback is limited to playing wav files by the winsound module. Install an alternative package as recommended by the audiomodules script. ') # write data as wav file to file: self.audio_file = 'audioio-async_playback.wav' w =, 'w') w.setnchannels(self.channels) w.setsampwidth(2) w.setframerate(int(self.rate)) w.setnframes(len( try: w.writeframes( except AttributeError: w.writeframes( w.close() try: winsound.PlaySound(self.audio_file, winsound.SND_ASYNC) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) return def _close_winsound(self): """Close audio output using winsound module.""" self._stop_winsound() self.handle = None if len(self.audio_file) > 0 and os.path.isfile(self.audio_file): os.remove(self.audio_file) self._close() def open(self, device_index=None, library=None): """Initialize the PlayAudio class with the best module available. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. library: str or None If specified, open a specific sound library. """ # list of implemented play functions: audio_open = [ ['sounddevice', self.open_sounddevice], ['pyaudio', self.open_pyaudio], ['simpleaudio', self.open_simpleaudio], ['soundcard', self.open_soundcard], ['ossaudiodev', self.open_ossaudiodev], ['winsound', self.open_winsound] ] if platform[0:3] == "win": sa = audio_open.pop(2) audio_open.insert(0, sa) # open audio device by trying various modules: success = False for lib, open_device in audio_open: if library and library != lib: continue if not audio_modules[lib]: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'module {lib} not available') continue try: open_device(device_index) success = True if self.verbose > 0: print(f'successfully opened {lib} module for playing') break except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'failed to open {lib} module for playing:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) if not success: warnings.warn('cannot open any device for audio output') return self
Audio playback.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Use the speaker_devices() function to query available devices.
- Verbosity level.
- If specified, open a specific sound library.
- The library used for playback.
- Verbosity level.
play(data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True)
: Playback audio data.beep(duration=0.5, frequency=880.0, amplitude=0.5, rate=44100.0, fadetime=0.05, blocking=True)
: Playback a pure
: Initialize the PlayAudio class with the best module available.close()
: Terminate module for playing audio.stop()
: Stop any playback in progress.
from audioio import PlayAudio with PlayAudio() as audio: audio.beep()
or without context management:
audio = PlayAudio() audio.beep(1.0, 'a4') audio.close()
def play(self, data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True, device_index=None)
Expand source code
def play(self, data, rate, scale=None, blocking=True, device_index=None): """Playback audio data. Parameters ---------- data: array The data to be played, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. Data values range between -1 and 1. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. scale: float Multiply data with scale before playing. If `None` scale it to the maximum value, if 1.0 do not scale. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). FileNotFoundError No audio device for playback. """ if self.handle is None: else: self.stop() self.rate = rate self.channels = 1 if data.ndim > 1: self.channels = data.shape[1] # convert data: rawdata = data - np.mean(data, axis=0) if scale is None: scale = 1.0/np.max(np.abs(rawdata)) rawdata *= scale = np.floor(rawdata*(2**15-1)).astype(np.int16, order='C') self.index = 0 self._do_play(blocking)
Playback audio data.
- The data to be played, either 1-D array for single channel output, or 2-D array with first axis time and second axis channel. Data values range between -1 and 1.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Multiply data with scale before playing.
scale it to the maximum value, if 1.0 do not scale. blocking
- If False do not block.
- Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device.
- Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling).
- No audio device for playback.
def beep(self,
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def beep(self, duration=0.5, frequency=880.0, amplitude=0.5, rate=44100.0, fadetime=0.05, blocking=True, device_index=None): """Playback a pure tone. Parameters ---------- duration: float The duration of the tone in seconds. frequency: float or string If float, the frequency of the tone in Hertz. If string, a musical note like 'f#5'. See `note2freq()` for details. amplitude: float The ampliude (volume) of the tone in the range from 0.0 to 1.0. rate: float The sampling rate in Hertz. fadetime: float Time for fading in and out in seconds. blocking: boolean If False do not block. device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ValueError Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling). FileNotFoundError No audio device for playback. See also -------- for fourier series based construction of waveforms. """ # frequency if isinstance(frequency, str): frequency = note2freq(frequency) # sine wave: time = np.arange(0.0, duration, 1.0/rate) data = amplitude*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*frequency*time) # fade in and out: fade(data, rate, fadetime) # # final click for testing (mono only): # data = np.hstack((data, np.sin(2.0*np.pi*1000.0*time[0:int(np.ceil(4.0*rate/1000.0))]))) # play:, rate, scale=1.0, blocking=blocking, device_index=device_index)
Playback a pure tone.
- The duration of the tone in seconds.
- If float, the frequency of the tone in Hertz.
If string, a musical note like 'f#5'.
for details. amplitude
- The ampliude (volume) of the tone in the range from 0.0 to 1.0.
- The sampling rate in Hertz.
- Time for fading in and out in seconds.
- If False do not block.
- Index of the playback device to be used, if not already openend via the constructor. If None take the default device.
- Invalid sampling rate (after some attemps of resampling).
- No audio device for playback.
See Also
for fourier series based construction of waveforms.
def open_pyaudio(self, device_index=None)
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def open_pyaudio(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via PyAudio module. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError PyAudio module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ ``` sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio ``` On Windows, download an appropriate (latest version, 32 or 64 bit) wheel from <>. Install this file with pip, that is go to the folder where the wheel file is downloaded and run ``` pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl ``` replace the wheel file name by the one you downloaded. """ if not audio_modules['pyaudio']: raise ImportError oldstderr = os.dup(2) os.close(2) tmpfile = 'tmpfile.tmp', os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT) self.handle = pyaudio.PyAudio() = None os.close(2) os.dup(oldstderr) os.close(oldstderr) os.remove(tmpfile) try: if device_index is None: info = self.handle.get_default_output_device_info() else: info = self.handle.get_device_info_by_index(device_index) self.max_channels = info['maxOutputChannels'] self.default_rate = info['defaultSampleRate'] self.device_index = info['index'] self.handle.is_format_supported(self.default_rate, output_device=self.device_index, output_channels=1, output_format=pyaudio.paInt16) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self.handle.terminate() self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.index = 0 = None self.close = self._close_pyaudio self.stop = self._stop_pyaudio self._do_play = self._play_pyaudio self.lib = 'pyaudio' return self
Initialize audio output via PyAudio module.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device.
- PyAudio module is not available.
- Failed to open audio device.
sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev python-pyaudio python3-pyaudio
On Windows, download an appropriate (latest version, 32 or 64 bit) wheel from Install this file with pip, that is go to the folder where the wheel file is downloaded and run
pip install PyAudio-0.2.11-cp39-cp39-win_amd64.whl
replace the wheel file name by the one you downloaded.
def open_sounddevice(self, device_index=None)
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def open_sounddevice(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via sounddevice module. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError sounddevice module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ ``` sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev sudo pip install sounddevice ``` """ if not audio_modules['sounddevice']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self.index = 0 = None = None try: if device_index is None: info_in = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='input') info_out = sounddevice.query_devices(kind='output') if info_in['index'] == info_out['index']: info = info_out else: info = info_out if info_in['max_output_channels'] > info_out['max_output_channels']: info = info_in else: info = sounddevice.query_devices(device_index) self.device_index = info['index'] self.max_channels = info['max_output_channels'] self.default_rate = info['default_samplerate'] sounddevice.check_output_settings(device=self.device_index, channels=1, dtype=np.int16, samplerate=48000) except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.close = self._close_sounddevice self.stop = self._stop_sounddevice self._do_play = self._play_sounddevice self.lib = 'sounddevice' return self
Initialize audio output via sounddevice module.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device.
- sounddevice module is not available.
- Failed to open audio device.
sudo apt install -y libportaudio2 portaudio19-dev sudo pip install sounddevice
def open_simpleaudio(self, device_index=None)
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def open_simpleaudio(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via simpleaudio package. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Not supported by simpleaudio. Raises ------ ImportError simpleaudio module is not available. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['simpleaudio']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self._do_play = self._play_simpleaudio self.close = self._close_simpleaudio self.stop = self._stop_simpleaudio self.lib = 'simpleaudio' return self
Initialize audio output via simpleaudio package.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Not supported by simpleaudio.
- simpleaudio module is not available.
def open_soundcard(self, device_index=None)
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def open_soundcard(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via soundcard package. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Raises ------ ImportError soundcard module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['soundcard']: raise ImportError try: if device_index is None: self.handle = soundcard.default_speaker() else: self.handle = soundcard.all_speakers()[device_index] except IndexError: raise FileNotFoundError('No audio device found') except Exception as e: print('soundcard Exception:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) if self.handle is None: raise FileNotFoundError('No audio device found') self._do_play = self._play_soundcard self.close = self._close_soundcard self.stop = self._stop_soundcard self.lib = 'soundcard' return self
Initialize audio output via soundcard package.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device.
- soundcard module is not available.
- Failed to open audio device.
def open_ossaudiodev(self, device_index=None)
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def open_ossaudiodev(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via ossaudiodev module. The OSS audio module is part of the python standard library. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. There is only a single OSS audio device. Raises ------ ImportError ossaudiodev module is not available. FileNotFoundError Failed to open audio device. Documentation ------------- Installation ------------ The ossaudiodev module needs an oss `/dev/dsp` device file. Enable an oss emulation via alsa by installing ``` sudo apt install -y osspd ``` """ if not audio_modules['ossaudiodev']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self.osshandle = None = False self.play_thread = None try: handle ='w') handle.close() except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(str(e)) self._close() raise FileNotFoundError('failed to initialize audio device') self.close = self._close_ossaudiodev self.stop = self._stop_ossaudiodev self._do_play = self._play_ossaudiodev self.lib = 'ossaudiodev' return self
Initialize audio output via ossaudiodev module.
The OSS audio module is part of the python standard library.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. There is only a single OSS audio device.
- ossaudiodev module is not available.
- Failed to open audio device.
The ossaudiodev module needs an oss
device file. Enable an oss emulation via alsa by installingsudo apt install -y osspd
def open_winsound(self, device_index=None)
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def open_winsound(self, device_index=None): """Initialize audio output via winsound module. The winsound module is part of the python standard library. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Device selection is not supported by the winsound module. Raises ------ ImportError winsound module is not available. Documentation ------------- """ if not audio_modules['winsound'] or not audio_modules['wave']: raise ImportError self.handle = True self._do_play = self._play_winsound self.close = self._close_winsound self.stop = self._stop_winsound self.audio_file = '' self.lib = 'winsound' return self
Initialize audio output via winsound module.
The winsound module is part of the python standard library.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. Device selection is not supported by the winsound module.
- winsound module is not available.
def open(self, device_index=None, library=None)
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def open(self, device_index=None, library=None): """Initialize the PlayAudio class with the best module available. Parameters ---------- device_index: int or None Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device. library: str or None If specified, open a specific sound library. """ # list of implemented play functions: audio_open = [ ['sounddevice', self.open_sounddevice], ['pyaudio', self.open_pyaudio], ['simpleaudio', self.open_simpleaudio], ['soundcard', self.open_soundcard], ['ossaudiodev', self.open_ossaudiodev], ['winsound', self.open_winsound] ] if platform[0:3] == "win": sa = audio_open.pop(2) audio_open.insert(0, sa) # open audio device by trying various modules: success = False for lib, open_device in audio_open: if library and library != lib: continue if not audio_modules[lib]: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'module {lib} not available') continue try: open_device(device_index) success = True if self.verbose > 0: print(f'successfully opened {lib} module for playing') break except Exception as e: if self.verbose > 0: print(f'failed to open {lib} module for playing:', type(e).__name__, str(e)) if not success: warnings.warn('cannot open any device for audio output') return self
Initialize the PlayAudio class with the best module available.
- Index of the playback device to be used. If None take the default device.
- If specified, open a specific sound library.