Module plottools.align

Align axes labels.

Upon importing this module, x- and y-labels are aligned automatically. Call align_params() turn off this behavior and to choose matplotlib's original functions instead of the ones provided by this module.

Figure member functions


Additional matplotlib.rcParams defined by the align module:

align.autox : True 
align.autoy : True 
align.overwritex : True 
align.overwritey : True 

Install/uninstall align functions

You usually do not need to call the install_align() function. Upon loading the align module, install_align() is called automatically.

  • install_align(): install code for aligning axes labels into show() and savefig() functions.
  • uninstall_align(): uninstall code for aligning axes labels in show() and savefig() functions.
Expand source code
Align axes labels.

Upon importing this module, x- and y-labels are aligned automatically.
Call `align_params()` turn off this behavior and to choose matplotlib's
original functions instead of the ones provided by this module.

## Figure member functions

- `align_xlabels()`: align xlabels of a figure.
- `align_ylabels()`: align ylabels of a figure.
- `align_labels()`: align x- and ylabels of a figure.
- `set_align()`: modify align behavior of figure.

## Settings

- `align_params()`: set global align parameters.

Additional `matplotlib.rcParams` defined by the align module:
align.autox : True 
align.autoy : True 
align.overwritex : True 
align.overwritey : True 

## Install/uninstall align functions

You usually do not need to call the `install_align()` function. Upon
loading the align module, `install_align()` is called automatically.

- `install_align()`: install code for aligning axes labels into `show()` and `savefig()` functions.
- `uninstall_align()`: uninstall code for aligning axes labels in `show()` and `savefig()` functions.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.rcsetup as mrc
import matplotlib.transforms as mtransforms

def get_ticklabel_extend(axis, pos, height, renderer):
    ticks_to_draw = axis._update_ticks()
        ticklabel_boxes = axis._get_ticklabel_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
    except AttributeError:
        ticklabel_boxes = axis._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
    if len(ticklabel_boxes):
        bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(ticklabel_boxes)
        bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_extents(0, 0, 0, 0)
    return np.abs(np.diff(bbox.get_points()[:, height]))[0]

def align_xlabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align xlabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the bottommost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.
    xdist = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.labelpad', 3)
    xtick_size = mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.size']
    if mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] == 'inout':
        xtick_size *= 0.5
    elif mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] == 'in':
        xtick_size = 0.0
    if xtick_size > 0:
        xdist += xtick_size
        xdist += mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']
    if axs is None:
        axs = fig.get_axes()
    # get axes positions and ticklabel widths:
    renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
    yap = np.zeros((len(fig.get_axes()), 3))
    yph = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    ylh = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    ylx = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    for k, ax in enumerate(axs):
        xax = ax.xaxis
        if xax.get_label_text():
            ax_bbox = ax.get_window_extent().get_points()
            pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax_bbox[:,1]))[0]
            pos = xax.get_label_position() == 'top'
            #tlh = np.abs(np.diff(xax.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)[pos].get_points()[:,1]))[0]
            tlh = get_ticklabel_extend(xax, pos, 1, renderer)
            tlh += xdist
            if pos:
                tlh += 0.5*xax.get_label().get_fontsize()
                tlh += 0.5*xax.get_label().get_fontsize()
            ylh[k] = tlh
            yph[k] = pixely
            ylx[k] = xax.get_label().get_position()[0]
            yap[k,:] = (ax_bbox[0,1], xax.get_label().get_rotation(), pos)
    # compute label position for axes with same position:
    for yp in set(zip(yap[:,0], yap[:,1], yap[:,2])):
        idx = np.all(yap == yp, 1)
        ylh[idx] = np.max(ylh[idx])
    # set label position:
    for k, ax in enumerate(fig.get_axes()):
        if yap[k, 0] > 0:
            if yap[k, 2]:
                ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(ylx[k], 1+ylh[k]/yph[k], None)
                ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(ylx[k], -ylh[k]/yph[k], None)

def align_ylabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align ylabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.
    ydist = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.labelpad', 3)
    ytick_size = mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size']
    if mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] == 'inout':
        ytick_size *= 0.5
    elif mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] == 'in':
        ytick_size = 0.0
    if ytick_size > 0:
        ydist += ytick_size
        ydist += mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad']
    if axs is None:
        axs = fig.get_axes()
    # get axes positions and ticklabel widths:
    renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
    xap = np.zeros((len(fig.get_axes()), 3))
    xpw = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    xlw = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    xly = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    for k, ax in enumerate(axs):
        yax = ax.yaxis
        if yax.get_label_text():
            ax_bbox = ax.get_window_extent().get_points()
            pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax_bbox[:,0]))[0]
            pos = yax.get_label_position() == 'right'
            #tlw = np.abs(np.diff(yax.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)[pos].get_points()[:,0]))[0]
            tlw = get_ticklabel_extend(yax, pos, 0, renderer)
            tlw += ydist
            if pos:
                tlw += 0.7*yax.get_label().get_fontsize()
                tlw += 0.5*yax.get_label().get_fontsize()
            xlw[k] = tlw
            xpw[k] = pixelx
            xly[k] = yax.get_label().get_position()[1]
            xap[k,:] = (ax_bbox[0,0], yax.get_label().get_rotation(), pos)
    # compute label position for axes with same position:
    for xp in set(zip(xap[:,0], xap[:,1], xap[:,2])):
        idx = np.all(xap == xp, 1)
        xlw[idx] = np.max(xlw[idx])
    # set label position:
    for k, ax in enumerate(fig.get_axes()):
        if xap[k, 0] > 0:
            if xap[k, 2]:
                ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(1+xlw[k]/xpw[k], xly[k], None)
                ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-xlw[k]/xpw[k], xly[k], None)

def align_labels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align x- and ylabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.

def __align_xlabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Select align_xlabels() function from matplotlib or plottools.
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_overwritex') and fig.__align_overwritex) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_overwritex') and  mpl.rcParams['align.overwritex']):

def __align_ylabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Select align_ylabels() function from matplotlib or plottools.
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_overwritey') and fig.__align_overwritey) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_overwritey') and  mpl.rcParams['align.overwritey']):
def __fig_show_labels(fig, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `align_labels()` on the figure before showing it.
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and fig.__align_autox) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autox']):
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and fig.__align_autoy) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autoy']):
    fig.__show_orig_align(*args, **kwargs)

def __fig_savefig_labels(fig, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `align_labels()` on the figure before saving it.
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and fig.__align_autox) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autox']):
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and fig.__align_autoy) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autoy']):
    fig.__savefig_orig_align(*args, **kwargs)

def __plt_show_labels(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `align_labels()` on all figures before showing them.
    for fig in map(plt.figure, plt.get_fignums()):
        if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and fig.__align_autox) or \
           (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autox']):
        if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and fig.__align_autoy) or \
           (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autoy']):
    plt.__show_orig_align(*args, **kwargs)

def __plt_savefig_labels(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `align_labels()` on the current figure before saving it.
    fig = plt.gcf()
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and fig.__align_autox) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autox') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autox']):
    if (hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and fig.__align_autoy) or \
       (not hasattr(fig, '__align_autoy') and  mpl.rcParams['align.autoy']):
    plt.__savefig_orig_align(*args, **kwargs)

def set_align(fig, autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same'):
    """ Modify align behavior of figure.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    autox: bool
        If `True` then `align_xlabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
    autoy: bool or 'same'
        If `True` then `align_ylabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `autox`.
    overwritex: bool
        If `True`, this module's `align_xlabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
    overwritey: bool or 'same'
        If `True`, this module's `align_ylabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `overwritex`.
    if autoy == 'same':
        autoy = autox
    if autox is not None:
        fig.__align_autox = autox
    if autoy is not None:
        fig.__align_autoy = autoy
    if overwritey == 'same':
        overwritey = overwritex
    if overwritex is not None:
        fig.__align_overwritex = overwritex
    if overwritey is not None:
        fig.__align_overwritey = overwritey

def align_params(autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same'):
    """ Set global align parameters.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    autox: bool
        If `True` then `align_xlabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        Sets rcParam `align.autox`.
    autoy: bool or 'same'
        If `True` then `align_ylabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `autox`.
        Sets rcParam `align.autoy`.
    overwritex: bool
        If `True`, this module's `align_xlabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        Sets rcParam `align.overwritex`.
    overwritey: bool or 'same'
        If `True`, this module's `align_ylabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `overwritex`.
        Sets rcParam `align.overwritey`.
    if autoy == 'same':
        autoy = autox
    if autox is not None and 'align.autox' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.autox'] = autox
    if autoy is not None and 'align.autoy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.autoy'] = autoy
    if overwritey == 'same':
        overwritey = overwritex
    if overwritex is not None and 'align.overwritex' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.overwritex'] = overwritex
    if overwritey is not None and 'align.overwritey' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.overwritey'] = overwritey

def install_align():
    """ Install code for aligning axes labels into `show()` and `savefig()` functions.

    Adds `matplotlib.rcParams`:
    align.autox : True 
    align.autoy : True 
    align.overwritex : True 
    align.overwritey : True 

    This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_align = set_align
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_xlabels'):
        if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels'):
            mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels = 'overwrote'
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_labels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels = align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels = align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = __align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = __align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = align_labels
        mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels = 'installed'
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = align_xlabels
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = align_ylabels
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = align_labels
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.savefig
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = __fig_savefig_labels
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_align = = __fig_show_labels
    if not hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        plt.__savefig_orig_align = plt.savefig
        plt.savefig = __plt_savefig_labels
    if not hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_align'):
        plt.__show_orig_align = = __plt_show_labels
    # add align parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'align.autox' not in mrc._validators:
        mrc._validators['align.autox'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.autoy'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.overwritex'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.overwritey'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mpl.rcParams.update({'align.autox': True,
                             'align.autoy': True,
                             'align.overwritex': True,
                             'align.overwritey': True})

def uninstall_align():
    """ Uninstall code for aligning axes labels in `show()` and `savefig()` functions.

    See also
    install_align_labels(), uninstall_labels()
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels'):
        if mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels == 'installed':
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_xlabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_ylabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_labels')
        elif mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels == 'overwrote':
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels_orig_align
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels_orig_align
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_labels_orig_align
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_xlabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_ylabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_xlabels_orig_align')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_ylabels_orig_align')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_labels_orig_align')
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_align
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align'): = mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_align
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align')
    if hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        plt.savefig = plt.__savefig_orig_align
        delattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align')
    if hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_align'): = plt.__show_orig_align
        delattr(plt, '__show_orig_align')
    # remove align parameter from mpl.rcParams:
    mrc._validators.pop('align.autox', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.autoy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.overwritex', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.overwritey', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.autox', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.autoy', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.overwritex', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.overwritey', None)


def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the align module.
    align_params(autox=False, overwritex=False)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(9, 6))
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, left=0.15, right=0.85, bottom=0.15)
    fig.set_align(autox=True, overwritex=True)

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 200)
    y = np.sin(x)

    axs[0,0].plot(x, 4000*y)
    axs[0,0].set_ylim(-5000.0, 5000.0)
    axs[0,0].set_ylabel('Velocity\nin water [m/s]')
    axs[0,1].plot(x, y)
    axs[0,1].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.7)
    axs[0,1].set_ylabel('Accelaration [m/s^2]')
    axs[1,0].plot(x, y)
    axs[1,0].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
    axs[1,0].set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
    axs[1,1].plot(x, 5000*y)
    axs[1,1].set_ylim(-10000.0, 10000.0)
    axs[1,1].set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
    axs[2,0].plot(x, y)
    axs[2,0].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.7)
    axs[2,0].set_xlabel('time [ms]')
    axs[2,0].set_ylabel('Amplitude [Pa]')
    axs[2,1].plot(x, 1000*y)
    axs[2,1].set_ylim(-1000, 1700)
    axs[2,1].set_xlabel('Timepoints [ms]\nsince stimulus onset')
    axs[2,1].set_ylabel('Amplitude [Pa]')

if __name__ == "__main__":


def get_ticklabel_extend(axis, pos, height, renderer)
Expand source code
def get_ticklabel_extend(axis, pos, height, renderer):
    ticks_to_draw = axis._update_ticks()
        ticklabel_boxes = axis._get_ticklabel_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
    except AttributeError:
        ticklabel_boxes = axis._get_tick_bboxes(ticks_to_draw,
    if len(ticklabel_boxes):
        bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.union(ticklabel_boxes)
        bbox = mtransforms.Bbox.from_extents(0, 0, 0, 0)
    return np.abs(np.diff(bbox.get_points()[:, height]))[0]
def align_xlabels(fig, axs=None)

Align xlabels of a figure.

Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same coordinate are aligned to the bottommost one. In contrast to the matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all labels, independently of any grids.


fig : matplotlib figure
The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
axs : list of matplotlib axes
Axes of which labels should be aligned. If None align labels of all axes.
Expand source code
def align_xlabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align xlabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the bottommost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.
    xdist = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.labelpad', 3)
    xtick_size = mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.size']
    if mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] == 'inout':
        xtick_size *= 0.5
    elif mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] == 'in':
        xtick_size = 0.0
    if xtick_size > 0:
        xdist += xtick_size
        xdist += mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad']
    if axs is None:
        axs = fig.get_axes()
    # get axes positions and ticklabel widths:
    renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
    yap = np.zeros((len(fig.get_axes()), 3))
    yph = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    ylh = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    ylx = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    for k, ax in enumerate(axs):
        xax = ax.xaxis
        if xax.get_label_text():
            ax_bbox = ax.get_window_extent().get_points()
            pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax_bbox[:,1]))[0]
            pos = xax.get_label_position() == 'top'
            #tlh = np.abs(np.diff(xax.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)[pos].get_points()[:,1]))[0]
            tlh = get_ticklabel_extend(xax, pos, 1, renderer)
            tlh += xdist
            if pos:
                tlh += 0.5*xax.get_label().get_fontsize()
                tlh += 0.5*xax.get_label().get_fontsize()
            ylh[k] = tlh
            yph[k] = pixely
            ylx[k] = xax.get_label().get_position()[0]
            yap[k,:] = (ax_bbox[0,1], xax.get_label().get_rotation(), pos)
    # compute label position for axes with same position:
    for yp in set(zip(yap[:,0], yap[:,1], yap[:,2])):
        idx = np.all(yap == yp, 1)
        ylh[idx] = np.max(ylh[idx])
    # set label position:
    for k, ax in enumerate(fig.get_axes()):
        if yap[k, 0] > 0:
            if yap[k, 2]:
                ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(ylx[k], 1+ylh[k]/yph[k], None)
                ax.xaxis.set_label_coords(ylx[k], -ylh[k]/yph[k], None)
def align_ylabels(fig, axs=None)

Align ylabels of a figure.

Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all labels, independently of any grids.


fig : matplotlib figure
The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
axs : list of matplotlib axes
Axes of which labels should be aligned. If None align labels of all axes.
Expand source code
def align_ylabels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align ylabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.
    ydist = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.labelpad', 3)
    ytick_size = mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size']
    if mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] == 'inout':
        ytick_size *= 0.5
    elif mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] == 'in':
        ytick_size = 0.0
    if ytick_size > 0:
        ydist += ytick_size
        ydist += mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad']
    if axs is None:
        axs = fig.get_axes()
    # get axes positions and ticklabel widths:
    renderer = fig.canvas.get_renderer()
    xap = np.zeros((len(fig.get_axes()), 3))
    xpw = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    xlw = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    xly = np.zeros(len(fig.get_axes()))
    for k, ax in enumerate(axs):
        yax = ax.yaxis
        if yax.get_label_text():
            ax_bbox = ax.get_window_extent().get_points()
            pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax_bbox[:,0]))[0]
            pos = yax.get_label_position() == 'right'
            #tlw = np.abs(np.diff(yax.get_ticklabel_extents(renderer)[pos].get_points()[:,0]))[0]
            tlw = get_ticklabel_extend(yax, pos, 0, renderer)
            tlw += ydist
            if pos:
                tlw += 0.7*yax.get_label().get_fontsize()
                tlw += 0.5*yax.get_label().get_fontsize()
            xlw[k] = tlw
            xpw[k] = pixelx
            xly[k] = yax.get_label().get_position()[1]
            xap[k,:] = (ax_bbox[0,0], yax.get_label().get_rotation(), pos)
    # compute label position for axes with same position:
    for xp in set(zip(xap[:,0], xap[:,1], xap[:,2])):
        idx = np.all(xap == xp, 1)
        xlw[idx] = np.max(xlw[idx])
    # set label position:
    for k, ax in enumerate(fig.get_axes()):
        if xap[k, 0] > 0:
            if xap[k, 2]:
                ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(1+xlw[k]/xpw[k], xly[k], None)
                ax.yaxis.set_label_coords(-xlw[k]/xpw[k], xly[k], None)
def align_labels(fig, axs=None)

Align x- and ylabels of a figure.

Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all labels, independently of any grids.


fig : matplotlib figure
The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
axs : list of matplotlib axes
Axes of which labels should be aligned. If None align labels of all axes.
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def align_labels(fig, axs=None):
    """ Align x- and ylabels of a figure.

    Labels with the same orientation and on axes with the same
    coordinate are aligned to the outmost one. In contrast to the
    matplotlib function with the same name, this functions aligns all
    labels, independently of any grids.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        The figure on which xlabels and ylabels of all axes are aligned.
    axs: list of matplotlib axes
        Axes of which labels should be aligned. If `None` align labels of all axes.
def set_align(fig, autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same')

Modify align behavior of figure.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.


autox : bool
If True then align_xlabels() is called automatically before showing or saving the figure.
autoy : bool or 'same'
If True then align_ylabels() is called automatically before showing or saving the figure. If 'same' use same argument as provided for autox.
overwritex : bool
If True, this module's align_xlabels() function is used instead of the respective function provided by matplotlib.
overwritey : bool or 'same'
If True, this module's align_ylabels() function is used instead of the respective function provided by matplotlib. If 'same' use same argument as provided for overwritex.
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def set_align(fig, autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same'):
    """ Modify align behavior of figure.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    autox: bool
        If `True` then `align_xlabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
    autoy: bool or 'same'
        If `True` then `align_ylabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `autox`.
    overwritex: bool
        If `True`, this module's `align_xlabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
    overwritey: bool or 'same'
        If `True`, this module's `align_ylabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `overwritex`.
    if autoy == 'same':
        autoy = autox
    if autox is not None:
        fig.__align_autox = autox
    if autoy is not None:
        fig.__align_autoy = autoy
    if overwritey == 'same':
        overwritey = overwritex
    if overwritex is not None:
        fig.__align_overwritex = overwritex
    if overwritey is not None:
        fig.__align_overwritey = overwritey
def align_params(autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same')

Set global align parameters.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.


autox : bool
If True then align_xlabels() is called automatically before showing or saving the figure. Sets rcParam align.autox.
autoy : bool or 'same'
If True then align_ylabels() is called automatically before showing or saving the figure. If 'same' use same argument as provided for autox. Sets rcParam align.autoy.
overwritex : bool
If True, this module's align_xlabels() function is used instead of the respective function provided by matplotlib. Sets rcParam align.overwritex.
overwritey : bool or 'same'
If True, this module's align_ylabels() function is used instead of the respective function provided by matplotlib. If 'same' use same argument as provided for overwritex. Sets rcParam align.overwritey.
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def align_params(autox=None, autoy='same', overwritex=None, overwritey='same'):
    """ Set global align parameters.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    autox: bool
        If `True` then `align_xlabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        Sets rcParam `align.autox`.
    autoy: bool or 'same'
        If `True` then `align_ylabels()` is called automatically before showing
        or saving the figure.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `autox`.
        Sets rcParam `align.autoy`.
    overwritex: bool
        If `True`, this module's `align_xlabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        Sets rcParam `align.overwritex`.
    overwritey: bool or 'same'
        If `True`, this module's `align_ylabels()` function is used instead of
        the respective function provided by matplotlib.
        If 'same' use same argument as provided for `overwritex`.
        Sets rcParam `align.overwritey`.
    if autoy == 'same':
        autoy = autox
    if autox is not None and 'align.autox' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.autox'] = autox
    if autoy is not None and 'align.autoy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.autoy'] = autoy
    if overwritey == 'same':
        overwritey = overwritex
    if overwritex is not None and 'align.overwritex' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.overwritex'] = overwritex
    if overwritey is not None and 'align.overwritey' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['align.overwritey'] = overwritey
def install_align()

Install code for aligning axes labels into show() and savefig() functions.

Adds matplotlib.rcParams:

align.autox : True 
align.autoy : True 
align.overwritex : True 
align.overwritey : True 

This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

See Also


Expand source code
def install_align():
    """ Install code for aligning axes labels into `show()` and `savefig()` functions.

    Adds `matplotlib.rcParams`:
    align.autox : True 
    align.autoy : True 
    align.overwritex : True 
    align.overwritey : True 

    This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_align = set_align
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_xlabels'):
        if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels'):
            mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels = 'overwrote'
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_labels_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels = align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels = align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = __align_xlabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = __align_ylabels
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = align_labels
        mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels = 'installed'
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = align_xlabels
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = align_ylabels
        mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = align_labels
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_align = mpl.figure.Figure.savefig
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = __fig_savefig_labels
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_align = = __fig_show_labels
    if not hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        plt.__savefig_orig_align = plt.savefig
        plt.savefig = __plt_savefig_labels
    if not hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_align'):
        plt.__show_orig_align = = __plt_show_labels
    # add align parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'align.autox' not in mrc._validators:
        mrc._validators['align.autox'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.autoy'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.overwritex'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mrc._validators['align.overwritey'] = mrc.validate_bool
        mpl.rcParams.update({'align.autox': True,
                             'align.autoy': True,
                             'align.overwritex': True,
                             'align.overwritey': True})
def uninstall_align()

Uninstall code for aligning axes labels in show() and savefig() functions.

See Also

install_align_labels(), uninstall_labels()

Expand source code
def uninstall_align():
    """ Uninstall code for aligning axes labels in `show()` and `savefig()` functions.

    See also
    install_align_labels(), uninstall_labels()
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_align')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels'):
        if mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels == 'installed':
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_xlabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_ylabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'align_labels')
        elif mpl.figure.Figure.__installed_align_labels == 'overwrote':
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_xlabels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_xlabels_orig_align
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_ylabels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_ylabels_orig_align
            mpl.figure.Figure.align_labels = mpl.figure.Figure.__align_labels_orig_align
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_xlabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_ylabels')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_xlabels_orig_align')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_ylabels_orig_align')
            delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__align_labels_orig_align')
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__installed_align_labels')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_align
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_align')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align'): = mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_align
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_align')
    if hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align'):
        plt.savefig = plt.__savefig_orig_align
        delattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_align')
    if hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_align'): = plt.__show_orig_align
        delattr(plt, '__show_orig_align')
    # remove align parameter from mpl.rcParams:
    mrc._validators.pop('align.autox', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.autoy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.overwritex', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('align.overwritey', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.autox', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.autoy', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.overwritex', None)
    #mpl.rcParams.pop('align.overwritey', None)
def demo()

Run a demonstration of the align module.

Expand source code
def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the align module.
    align_params(autox=False, overwritex=False)
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(9, 6))
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, left=0.15, right=0.85, bottom=0.15)
    fig.set_align(autox=True, overwritex=True)

    x = np.linspace(0, 20, 200)
    y = np.sin(x)

    axs[0,0].plot(x, 4000*y)
    axs[0,0].set_ylim(-5000.0, 5000.0)
    axs[0,0].set_ylabel('Velocity\nin water [m/s]')
    axs[0,1].plot(x, y)
    axs[0,1].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.7)
    axs[0,1].set_ylabel('Accelaration [m/s^2]')
    axs[1,0].plot(x, y)
    axs[1,0].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.0)
    axs[1,0].set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
    axs[1,1].plot(x, 5000*y)
    axs[1,1].set_ylim(-10000.0, 10000.0)
    axs[1,1].set_ylabel('Potential [mV]')
    axs[2,0].plot(x, y)
    axs[2,0].set_ylim(-1.0, 1.7)
    axs[2,0].set_xlabel('time [ms]')
    axs[2,0].set_ylabel('Amplitude [Pa]')
    axs[2,1].plot(x, 1000*y)
    axs[2,1].set_ylim(-1000, 1700)
    axs[2,1].set_xlabel('Timepoints [ms]\nsince stimulus onset')
    axs[2,1].set_ylabel('Amplitude [Pa]')