Module plottools.legend

Enhance legend text.

Enhanced axes member functions

  • legend(): legend function with LaTeX support.


Install/uninstall legend functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the legend module, install_legend() is called automatically.

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Enhance legend text.

## Enhanced axes member functions

- `legend()`: legend function with LaTeX support.

## Settings

- `legend_params()`: set default parameter for the legend module.

## Install/uninstall legend functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the legend
module, `install_legend()` is called automatically.

- `install_legend()`: install functions of the legend module in matplotlib.
- `uninstall_legend()`: uninstall all code of the legend module from matplotlib.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from .latex import translate_latex_text

def legend(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Legend function with LaTeX support.
    Uses `latex.translate_latex_text()` to improve LaTeX mode of legend

    Same as `mpl.axes.Axes.legend()`.
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    args = list(args)
    if len(args) > 0:
        handles = args.pop(0)
    if len(args) > 0:
        labels = args.pop(0)
    if 'handles' in kwargs:
        handles = kwargs.pop('handles')
    if 'labels' in kwargs:
        labels = kwargs.pop('labels')
    labels = list(labels)
    for k in range(len(labels)):
        labels[k], newkwargs = translate_latex_text(labels[k], **kwargs)
    lgd = ax.__legend_orig_legend(handles, labels, *args, **newkwargs)
    return lgd

def legend_params(fontsize=None, frameon=None, borderpad=None,
                  handlelength=None, handletextpad=None,
                  numpoints=None, scatterpoints=None,
                  labelspacing=None, columnspacing=None):
    """ Set default parameter for the legend module.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Call this function *before* you create any matplotlib figure.

    fontsize: float or string
        Set font size for legend. Either the font size in points,
        or a string like 'medium', 'small', 'x-small', 'large', 'x-large'.
        Sets rcParam `legend.fontsize`.
    frameon: bool
        Control whether to show a frame around the legend or not.
        Sets rcParam `legend.frameon`.
    borderpad: float
        Whitespace between legend and frame in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.borderpad`.
    handlelength: float
        Length of the legend handles in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.handlelength`.
    handletextpad: float
        White space between legend handles and text in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.handletextpad`.
    numpoints: int
        The number of marker points in the legend handle.
        Sets rcParam `legend.numpoints`.
    scatterpoints: int
        The number of scatter points in the legend handle.
        Sets rcParam `legend.scatterpoints`.
    labelspacing: float
        Vertical space between legend entries in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.labelspacing`.
    columnspacing: float or None
        Space between columns in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.columnspacing`.
    if fontsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = fontsize
    if frameon is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = frameon
    if borderpad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.borderpad'] = borderpad
    if handlelength is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = handlelength
    if handletextpad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.handletextpad'] = handletextpad
    if numpoints is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = numpoints
    if scatterpoints is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = scatterpoints
    if labelspacing is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.labelspacing'] = labelspacing
    if columnspacing is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.columnspacing'] = columnspacing

def install_legend():
    """ Patch the `mpl.axes.Axes.legend()` function.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__legend_orig_legend = mpl.axes.Axes.legend
        mpl.axes.Axes.legend = legend

def uninstall_legend():
    """ Uninstall code for legend.

    Call this code to disable anything that was installed by `install_legend()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.legend = mpl.axes.Axes.__legend_orig_legend
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend')


def demo(usetex=False):
    """ Run a demonstration of the legend module.

    usetex: bool
        If `True` use LaTeX mode.
    legend_params(fontsize='x-small', frameon=False, borderpad=0,
                  handlelength=2, handletextpad=4,
                  numpoints=1, scatterpoints=1, labelspacing=2)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    slope1 = 0.5
    slope2 = 0.2
    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
    ax.plot(x, slope1*x-0.2, label=r'0.2\,\micro m')
    ax.plot(x, slope2*x+0.1, label=r'whatever')
    ax.legend(loc='upper left')

if __name__ == "__main__":


def legend(ax, *args, **kwargs)

Legend function with LaTeX support.

Uses latex.translate_latex_text() to improve LaTeX mode of legend labels.


Same as mpl.axes.Axes.legend().

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def legend(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Legend function with LaTeX support.
    Uses `latex.translate_latex_text()` to improve LaTeX mode of legend

    Same as `mpl.axes.Axes.legend()`.
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    args = list(args)
    if len(args) > 0:
        handles = args.pop(0)
    if len(args) > 0:
        labels = args.pop(0)
    if 'handles' in kwargs:
        handles = kwargs.pop('handles')
    if 'labels' in kwargs:
        labels = kwargs.pop('labels')
    labels = list(labels)
    for k in range(len(labels)):
        labels[k], newkwargs = translate_latex_text(labels[k], **kwargs)
    lgd = ax.__legend_orig_legend(handles, labels, *args, **newkwargs)
    return lgd
def legend_params(fontsize=None, frameon=None, borderpad=None, handlelength=None, handletextpad=None, numpoints=None, scatterpoints=None, labelspacing=None, columnspacing=None)

Set default parameter for the legend module.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.

Call this function before you create any matplotlib figure.


fontsize : float or string
Set font size for legend. Either the font size in points, or a string like 'medium', 'small', 'x-small', 'large', 'x-large'. Sets rcParam legend.fontsize.
frameon : bool
Control whether to show a frame around the legend or not. Sets rcParam legend.frameon.
borderpad : float
Whitespace between legend and frame in font size units. Sets rcParam legend.borderpad.
handlelength : float
Length of the legend handles in font size units. Sets rcParam legend.handlelength.
handletextpad : float
White space between legend handles and text in font size units. Sets rcParam legend.handletextpad.
numpoints : int
The number of marker points in the legend handle. Sets rcParam legend.numpoints.
scatterpoints : int
The number of scatter points in the legend handle. Sets rcParam legend.scatterpoints.
labelspacing : float
Vertical space between legend entries in font size units. Sets rcParam legend.labelspacing.
columnspacing : float or None
Space between columns in font size units. Sets rcParam legend.columnspacing.
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def legend_params(fontsize=None, frameon=None, borderpad=None,
                  handlelength=None, handletextpad=None,
                  numpoints=None, scatterpoints=None,
                  labelspacing=None, columnspacing=None):
    """ Set default parameter for the legend module.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Call this function *before* you create any matplotlib figure.

    fontsize: float or string
        Set font size for legend. Either the font size in points,
        or a string like 'medium', 'small', 'x-small', 'large', 'x-large'.
        Sets rcParam `legend.fontsize`.
    frameon: bool
        Control whether to show a frame around the legend or not.
        Sets rcParam `legend.frameon`.
    borderpad: float
        Whitespace between legend and frame in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.borderpad`.
    handlelength: float
        Length of the legend handles in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.handlelength`.
    handletextpad: float
        White space between legend handles and text in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.handletextpad`.
    numpoints: int
        The number of marker points in the legend handle.
        Sets rcParam `legend.numpoints`.
    scatterpoints: int
        The number of scatter points in the legend handle.
        Sets rcParam `legend.scatterpoints`.
    labelspacing: float
        Vertical space between legend entries in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.labelspacing`.
    columnspacing: float or None
        Space between columns in font size units.
        Sets rcParam `legend.columnspacing`.
    if fontsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = fontsize
    if frameon is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.frameon'] = frameon
    if borderpad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.borderpad'] = borderpad
    if handlelength is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = handlelength
    if handletextpad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.handletextpad'] = handletextpad
    if numpoints is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.numpoints'] = numpoints
    if scatterpoints is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.scatterpoints'] = scatterpoints
    if labelspacing is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.labelspacing'] = labelspacing
    if columnspacing is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['legend.columnspacing'] = columnspacing
def install_legend()

Patch the mpl.axes.Axes.legend() function.

See Also


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def install_legend():
    """ Patch the `mpl.axes.Axes.legend()` function.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__legend_orig_legend = mpl.axes.Axes.legend
        mpl.axes.Axes.legend = legend
def uninstall_legend()

Uninstall code for legend.

Call this code to disable anything that was installed by install_legend().

See Also


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def uninstall_legend():
    """ Uninstall code for legend.

    Call this code to disable anything that was installed by `install_legend()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.legend = mpl.axes.Axes.__legend_orig_legend
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__legend_orig_legend')
def demo(usetex=False)

Run a demonstration of the legend module.


usetex : bool
If True use LaTeX mode.
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def demo(usetex=False):
    """ Run a demonstration of the legend module.

    usetex: bool
        If `True` use LaTeX mode.
    legend_params(fontsize='x-small', frameon=False, borderpad=0,
                  handlelength=2, handletextpad=4,
                  numpoints=1, scatterpoints=1, labelspacing=2)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    slope1 = 0.5
    slope2 = 0.2
    x = np.linspace(0, 2, 10)
    ax.plot(x, slope1*x-0.2, label=r'0.2\,\micro m')
    ax.plot(x, slope2*x+0.1, label=r'whatever')
    ax.legend(loc='upper left')