Module plottools.scalebars

Labeled scale bars.


Axes member functions


matplotlib.rcParams defined by the scalebar module:

scalebar.format.large: '%.0f'
scalebar.format.small: '%.1f'
scalebar.linewidth: 2
scalebar.color: 'k'
scalebar.capsize: 0
scalebar.caplinewidth: 0.5
scalebar.font: dict()

Install/uninstall scalebars functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the scalebars module, install_scalebars() is called automatically.


Expand source code
Labeled scale bars.


## Axes member functions

- `xscalebar()`: horizontal scale bar with label.
- `yscalebar()`: vertical scale bar with label.
- `scalebars()`: horizontal and vertical scale bars with labels.

## Settings

- `scalebars_params()`: set rc settings for scalebars.

`matplotlib.rcParams` defined by the scalebar module:
scalebar.format.large: '%.0f'
scalebar.format.small: '%.1f'
scalebar.linewidth: 2
scalebar.color: 'k'
scalebar.capsize: 0
scalebar.caplinewidth: 0.5
scalebar.font: dict()

## Install/uninstall scalebars functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the scalebars
module, `install_scalebars()` is called automatically.

- `install_scalebars()`: install functions of the scalebars module in matplotlib.
- `uninstall_scalebars()`: uninstall all code of the scalebars module from matplotlib.

## Alternatives

- [AnchoredSizeBar](
- [matplotlib-scalebar](

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.rcsetup as mrc
from .rcsetup import _validate_fontdict

def xscalebar(ax, x, y, width, wunit=None, wformat=None,
              ha='left', va='bottom', hat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, capsize=None,
              clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs):
    """ Horizontal scale bar with label.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data
    coordinates of the x-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of
    the scale.

    The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the
    scalebar and its annotation.  `ha` (horizontal alignment) determines
    whether the anchor is on the 'left', 'center', or 'right' of the
    scalebar. The vertical alignment (`va`) determines whether the
    annotation is on top ('top') or below ('bottom') the scalebar. In
    the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown
    as a red circle.
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='center', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='center', va='bottom')
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    width: float
        Length of the scale bar in units of the data's x-values.
    wunit: string or None
        Optional unit of the data's x-values.
    wformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for width larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for width smaller than one.
    ha: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Scale bar aligned left, right, or centered to (x, y)
    va: 'top' or 'bottom'
        Label of the scale bar either above or below the scale bar.
    hat: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Horizontal alignment of text:
        text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcSetting `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    capsize: float or None
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
        If None take value from rcParam `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float, None
        Line width of the cap lines.
        If None take value from rcParam `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    return_coords: bool
        For internal usage only. If `True` return `x0`, `x1`, and `y`
        coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar label.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'ms', ha='right')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # ax dimensions:
    pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,0]))[0]
    pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
    xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    unitx = xmax - xmin
    unity = ymax - ymin
    dxu = np.abs(unitx)/pixelx
    dyu = np.abs(unity)/pixely
    # transform x, y from relative units to axis units:
    x = xmin + x*unitx
    y = ymin + y*unity
    # bar length:
    if wformat is None:
        wformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large']
        if width < 1.0:
            wformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small']
        ls = wformat % width
        width = float(ls)
    except TypeError:
        ls = wformat
    # bar:
    if ha == 'left':
        x0 = x
        x1 = x+width
    elif ha == 'right':
        x0 = x-width
        x1 = x
        x0 = x-0.5*width
        x1 = x+0.5*width
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    # scalebar:
    lh = ax.plot([x0, x1], [y, y], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                 solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    if not return_coords:
    # get y position of line in figure pixel coordinates:
    ly = np.array(lh[0].get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,1]
    # caps:
    if capsize is None:
        capsize = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize']
    if clw is None:
        clw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth']
    if capsize > 0.0:
        dy = capsize*dyu
        cl = ax.plot([x0, x0], [y-dy, y+dy], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
        cl = ax.plot([x1, x1], [y-dy, y+dy], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    # label:
    if wunit:
        if mpl.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            ls += '\\,%s' % wunit
            ls += u'\u2009%s' % wunit
    for k in mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font']:
        if not k in kwargs:
            kwargs[k] = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font'][k]
    xt = 0.5*(x0+x1)
    if hat == 'left':
        xt = x0
    elif hat == 'right':
        xt = x1
    if va == 'top':
        th = ax.text(xt, y, ls, clip_on=False,
                     ha=hat, va='bottom', **kwargs)
        # get y coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        ty = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,1]
        dty = ly+0.5*lw + 2.0 - ty
        th = ax.text(xt, y, ls, clip_on=False,
                     ha=hat, va='top', **kwargs)
        # get y coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        ty = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[1,1]
        dty = ly-0.5*lw - 2.0 - ty
    th.set_position((xt, y+dyu*dty))
    if return_coords:
        return artists, x0, x1, y
        return artists
def yscalebar(ax, x, y, height, hunit=None, hformat=None,
              ha='left', va='bottom', vat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, capsize=None,
              clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs):
    """ Vertical scale bar with label.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data
    coordinates of the y-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of
    the scale.
    The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the
    scalebar and its annotation. `va` (vertical alignment) determines
    whether the anchor is on the 'top', 'center', or 'bottom' of the
    scalebar. The horizontal alignment (`ha`) determines whether the
    annotation is to the 'left' or to the 'right' of the scale bar. In
    the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown
    as a red circle.

    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='center')
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='center')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    height: float
        Length of the scale bar in units of the data's y-values.
    hunit: string
        Unit of the data's y-values.
    hformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for hight larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for hight smaller than one.
    ha: 'left' or 'right'
        Label of the scale bar either to the left or to the right
        of the scale bar.
    va: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Scale bar aligned below, above, or centered on (x, y).
    vat: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Vertical alignment of text:
        text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    capsize: float or None
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float
        Line width of the cap lines.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    return_coords: bool
        For internal usage only. If `True` return `x`, `y0`, and `y1`
        coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar label.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.yscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.yscalebar(1.05, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # ax dimensions:
    pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,0]))[0]
    pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
    xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    unitx = xmax - xmin
    unity = ymax - ymin
    dxu = np.abs(unitx)/pixelx
    dyu = np.abs(unity)/pixely
    # transform x, y from relative units to axis units:
    x = xmin + x*unitx
    y = ymin + y*unity
    # bar length:
    if hformat is None:
        hformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large']
        if height < 1.0:
            hformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small']
        ls = hformat % height
        width = float(ls)
    except TypeError:
        ls = hformat
    # bar:
    if va == 'bottom':
        y0 = y
        y1 = y+height
    elif va == 'top':
        y0 = y-height
        y1 = y
        y0 = y-0.5*height
        y1 = y+0.5*height
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    # scalebar:
    lh = ax.plot([x, x], [y0, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                 solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    if not return_coords:
    # get x position of line in figure pixel coordinates:
    lx = np.array(lh[0].get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,0]
    # caps:
    if capsize is None:
        capsize = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize']
    if clw is None:
        clw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth']
    if capsize > 0.0:
        dx = capsize*dxu
        cl = ax.plot([x-dx, x+dx], [y0, y0], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
        cl = ax.plot([x-dx, x+dx], [y1, y1], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    # label:
    if hunit:
        if mpl.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            ls += '\\,%s' % hunit
            ls += u'\u2009%s' % hunit
    for k in mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font']:
        if not k in kwargs:
            kwargs[k] = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font'][k]
    yt = 0.5*(y0+y1)
    if vat == 'top':
        yt = y1
    elif vat == 'bottom':
        yt = y0
    if ha == 'right':
        th = ax.text(x, yt, ls, clip_on=False, rotation=90.0,
                     ha='left', va=vat, **kwargs)
        # get x coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        tx = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,0]
        dtx = lx+0.5*lw + 2.0 - tx
        th = ax.text(x, yt, ls, clip_on=False, rotation=90.0,
                     ha='right', va=vat, **kwargs)
        # get x coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        tx = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[1,0]
        dtx = lx-0.5*lw - 1.0 - tx
    th.set_position((x+dxu*dtx, yt))
    if return_coords:
        return artists, x, y0, y1
        return artists

def scalebars(ax, x, y, width, height, wunit=None, hunit=None,
              wformat=None, hformat=None, ha='left', va='bottom',
              hat='center', vat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, **kwargs):
    """ Horizontal and vertical scale bars with labels.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third and forth arguments set the length of the scale bars in data
    coordinates of the x- and y-axis, followed by two strings setting the unit of
    the scales.

    Horizontal alignment (`ha`) determines whether the anchor point and the
    vertical scalebar is on the 'left' or on the 'right' of the horizontal
    scalebar. Vertical alignment (`va`) determines whether the anchor point
    and the horizontal scalebar are at the 'top' or 'bottom' of the vertical
    scalebar. In the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point,
    is shown as a red circle.

    ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    width: float
        Length of horizontal scale bar in units of the data.
    height: float
        Length of vertical scale bar in units of the data.
    wunit: string
        Unit of x-values.
    hunit: string
        Unit of y-values.
    wformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the x-label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the x scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for width larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for width smaller than one.
    hformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the y-label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the y scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for height larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for height smaller than one.
    ha: 'left' or 'right'
        Scale bars aligned left or right to (x, y).
        Vertical scale bar left or right.
    va: 'top' or 'bottom'
        Scale bars aligned above or below (x, y).
        Horizontal scale bar on top or at the bottom.
    hat: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Horizontal alignment of text:
        text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
    vat: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Vertical alignment of text:
        text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar labels.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.scalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 1, 'ms', 'mV')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scalebars(1.05, 0.0, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    a, x0, x1, yy = xscalebar(ax, x, y, width, wunit, wformat, ha, va, hat,
                              lw, color, 0.0, 1, return_coords=True, **kwargs)
    a, xx, y0, y1 = yscalebar(ax, x, y, height, hunit, hformat, ha, va, vat,
                              lw, color, 0.0, 1, return_coords=True, **kwargs)
    if x0 == xx:
        if y0 == yy:
            la = ax.plot([x0, x0, x1], [y1, y0, y0], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
            la = ax.plot([x0, x0, x1], [y0, y1, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
        if y0 == yy:
            la = ax.plot([x0, x1, x1], [y0, y0, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
            la = ax.plot([x0, x1, x1], [y1, y1, y0], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
    return artists

def scalebars_params(format_large=None, format_small=None, lw=2,
                     color=None, capsize=None, clw=None, font=None):
    """ Set rc settings for scalebars.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    format_large: string
        Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        for scalebars longer than one. Set rcParam `scalebar.format.large`.
    format_small: string
        Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        for scalebars shorter than one. Set rcParam `scalebar.format.small`.
    lw: int, float
        Line width of a scale bar. Set rcParam `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar. Set rcParam `scalebar.color`.
    capsize: float
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
         Set rcParam `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float
        Line width of the cap lines. Set rcParam `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    font: dict
        Dictionary with font settings
        (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, ...).
         Set rcParam `scalebar.font`.
    if format_large is not None and 'scalebar.format.large' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large'] = format_large
    if format_small is not None and 'scalebar.format.small' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small'] = format_small
    if lw is not None and 'scalebar.linewidth' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth'] = lw
    if color is not None and 'scalebar.color' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color'] = color
    if capsize is not None and 'scalebar.capsize' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize'] = capsize
    if clw is not None and 'scalebar.caplinewidth' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth'] = clw
    if font is not None and 'scalebar.font' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams.update({'scalebar.font': font})

def install_scalebars():
    """ Install scalebars functions on matplotlib axes.

    This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.xscalebar = xscalebar
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.yscalebar = yscalebar
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.scalebars = scalebars
    # add scalebar parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'scalebar.format.large' not in mpl.rcParams:
        mrc._validators['scalebar.format.large'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.format.small'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.linewidth'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.color'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.capsize'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.caplinewidth'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.font'] = _validate_fontdict
        mpl.rcParams.update({'scalebar.format.large': '%.0f',
                             'scalebar.format.small': '%.1f',
                             'scalebar.linewidth': 2,
                             'scalebar.color': 'k',
                             'scalebar.capsize': 0,
                             'scalebar.caplinewidth': 0.5,
                             'scalebar.font': dict()})

def uninstall_scalebars():
    """ Uninstall scalebars functions from matplotlib axes.

    Call this code to disable anything that was installed by `install_scalebars()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars')
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.format.large', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.format.small', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.linewidth', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.color', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.capsize', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.caplinewidth', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.font', None)

def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the scalebars module.

    def draw_anchor(ax, x, y):
        ax.plot(x, y, '.r', ms=20, transform=ax.transAxes)

    scalebars_params(format_large='%.0f', format_small='%.1f', lw=2,
                     capsize=0, clw=0.5, font=dict(fontweight='bold'))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = np.arange(-2.0, 5.0, 0.01)
    ax.plot(x, np.sin(2.0*np.pi*1.0*x))
    ax.set_xlim(-2.0, 5.0)
    ax.set_ylim(-2.5, 1.5)
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.0, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 's', ha='left', va='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.5, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.3, 1.5, 's', '%.1f', ha='center', va='bottom', lw=4,
                 capsize=8, clw=1)
    draw_anchor(ax, 1.0, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.3, 0.55, 's', ha='right', va='top')

    draw_anchor(ax, 0.3, 0.25)
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.25, 0.5, '', ha='left', va='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.7, 0.35)
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.35, 0.3, '', ha='right', va='top', capsize=4, clw=1)

    draw_anchor(ax, 0.1, 0.1)
    ax.scalebars(0.1, 0.1, 1.2, 0.5, 's', '', '%.1f', ha='left', va='bottom', hat='left', vat='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.9, 0.1)
    ax.scalebars(0.9, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7, 's', '', ha='right', va='bottom',
                 hat='left', vat='top')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.1, 0.9)
    ax.scalebars(0.1, 0.9, 1.5, 0.5, 's', '', ha='left', va='top', lw=4)
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.95, 0.9)
    ax.scalebars(0.95, 0.9, 1.0, 0.5, 's', '', ha='right', va='top', lw=4)

if __name__ == "__main__":


def xscalebar(ax, x, y, width, wunit=None, wformat=None, ha='left', va='bottom', hat='center', lw=None, color=None, capsize=None, clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs)

Horizontal scale bar with label.

The first two arguments set the anchor point on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).

The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data coordinates of the x-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of the scale.

The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the scalebar and its annotation. ha (horizontal alignment) determines whether the anchor is on the 'left', 'center', or 'right' of the scalebar. The vertical alignment (va) determines whether the annotation is on top ('top') or below ('bottom') the scalebar. In the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown as a red circle.

ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='left', va='top')
ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='center', va='top')
ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='right', va='top')
ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='left', va='bottom')
ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='center', va='bottom')
ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')



ax : matplotlib axes
Axes where to draw the scale bar.
x : float
x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
y : float
y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
width : float
Length of the scale bar in units of the data's x-values.
wunit : string or None
Optional unit of the data's x-values.
wformat : string or None
Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.format.large for width larger than one, or scalebar.format.small for width smaller than one.
ha : 'left', 'right', or 'center'
Scale bar aligned left, right, or centered to (x, y)
va : 'top' or 'bottom'
Label of the scale bar either above or below the scale bar.
hat : 'left', 'right', or 'center'
Horizontal alignment of text: text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
lw : int, float, None
Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcSetting scalebar.linewidth.
color : matplotlib color
Color of the scalebar.
capsize : float or None
If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar. The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth). If None take value from rcParam scalebar.capsize.
clw : int, float, None
Line width of the cap lines. If None take value from rcParam scalebar.caplinewidth.
return_coords : bool
For internal usage only. If True return x0, x1, and y coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
kwargs : key-word arguments
Passed on to ax.text() used to print the scale bar label. Defaults to scalebar.font rcParams settings.


artists : list of matplotlib artists
The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar. Use it to hide the scale bar like this py sb = ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'ms', ha='right') [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines
import plottools.scalebars

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')


Expand source code
def xscalebar(ax, x, y, width, wunit=None, wformat=None,
              ha='left', va='bottom', hat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, capsize=None,
              clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs):
    """ Horizontal scale bar with label.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data
    coordinates of the x-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of
    the scale.

    The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the
    scalebar and its annotation.  `ha` (horizontal alignment) determines
    whether the anchor is on the 'left', 'center', or 'right' of the
    scalebar. The vertical alignment (`va`) determines whether the
    annotation is on top ('top') or below ('bottom') the scalebar. In
    the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown
    as a red circle.
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='center', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.8, 2, 's', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='center', va='bottom')
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.3, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    width: float
        Length of the scale bar in units of the data's x-values.
    wunit: string or None
        Optional unit of the data's x-values.
    wformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for width larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for width smaller than one.
    ha: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Scale bar aligned left, right, or centered to (x, y)
    va: 'top' or 'bottom'
        Label of the scale bar either above or below the scale bar.
    hat: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Horizontal alignment of text:
        text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcSetting `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    capsize: float or None
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
        If None take value from rcParam `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float, None
        Line width of the cap lines.
        If None take value from rcParam `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    return_coords: bool
        For internal usage only. If `True` return `x0`, `x1`, and `y`
        coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar label.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'ms', ha='right')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 's', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # ax dimensions:
    pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,0]))[0]
    pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
    xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    unitx = xmax - xmin
    unity = ymax - ymin
    dxu = np.abs(unitx)/pixelx
    dyu = np.abs(unity)/pixely
    # transform x, y from relative units to axis units:
    x = xmin + x*unitx
    y = ymin + y*unity
    # bar length:
    if wformat is None:
        wformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large']
        if width < 1.0:
            wformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small']
        ls = wformat % width
        width = float(ls)
    except TypeError:
        ls = wformat
    # bar:
    if ha == 'left':
        x0 = x
        x1 = x+width
    elif ha == 'right':
        x0 = x-width
        x1 = x
        x0 = x-0.5*width
        x1 = x+0.5*width
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    # scalebar:
    lh = ax.plot([x0, x1], [y, y], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                 solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    if not return_coords:
    # get y position of line in figure pixel coordinates:
    ly = np.array(lh[0].get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,1]
    # caps:
    if capsize is None:
        capsize = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize']
    if clw is None:
        clw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth']
    if capsize > 0.0:
        dy = capsize*dyu
        cl = ax.plot([x0, x0], [y-dy, y+dy], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
        cl = ax.plot([x1, x1], [y-dy, y+dy], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    # label:
    if wunit:
        if mpl.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            ls += '\\,%s' % wunit
            ls += u'\u2009%s' % wunit
    for k in mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font']:
        if not k in kwargs:
            kwargs[k] = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font'][k]
    xt = 0.5*(x0+x1)
    if hat == 'left':
        xt = x0
    elif hat == 'right':
        xt = x1
    if va == 'top':
        th = ax.text(xt, y, ls, clip_on=False,
                     ha=hat, va='bottom', **kwargs)
        # get y coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        ty = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,1]
        dty = ly+0.5*lw + 2.0 - ty
        th = ax.text(xt, y, ls, clip_on=False,
                     ha=hat, va='top', **kwargs)
        # get y coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        ty = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[1,1]
        dty = ly-0.5*lw - 2.0 - ty
    th.set_position((xt, y+dyu*dty))
    if return_coords:
        return artists, x0, x1, y
        return artists
def yscalebar(ax, x, y, height, hunit=None, hformat=None, ha='left', va='bottom', vat='center', lw=None, color=None, capsize=None, clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs)

Vertical scale bar with label.

The first two arguments set the anchor point on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).

The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data coordinates of the y-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of the scale.

The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the scalebar and its annotation. va (vertical alignment) determines whether the anchor is on the 'top', 'center', or 'bottom' of the scalebar. The horizontal alignment (ha) determines whether the annotation is to the 'left' or to the 'right' of the scale bar. In the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown as a red circle.

ax.yscalebar(0.3, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='center')
ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
ax.yscalebar(0.7, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='center')
ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')



ax : matplotlib axes
Axes where to draw the scale bar.
x : float
x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
y : float
y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
height : float
Length of the scale bar in units of the data's y-values.
hunit : string
Unit of the data's y-values.
hformat : string or None
Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.format.large for hight larger than one, or scalebar.format.small for hight smaller than one.
ha : 'left' or 'right'
Label of the scale bar either to the left or to the right of the scale bar.
va : 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
Scale bar aligned below, above, or centered on (x, y).
vat : 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
Vertical alignment of text: text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
lw : int, float, None
Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.linewidth.
color : matplotlib color
Color of the scalebar.
capsize : float or None
If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar. The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth). If None take value from rcParams scalebar.capsize.
clw : int, float
Line width of the cap lines. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.caplinewidth.
return_coords : bool
For internal usage only. If True return x, y0, and y1 coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
kwargs : key-word arguments
Passed on to ax.text() used to print the scale bar label. Defaults to scalebar.font rcParams settings.


artists : list of matplotlib artists
The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar. Use it to hide the scale bar like this py sb = ax.yscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right') [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines
import plottools.scalebars

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.yscalebar(1.05, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')


Expand source code
def yscalebar(ax, x, y, height, hunit=None, hformat=None,
              ha='left', va='bottom', vat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, capsize=None,
              clw=None, return_coords=False, **kwargs):
    """ Vertical scale bar with label.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third argument sets the length of the scale bar in data
    coordinates of the y-axis, followed by a string setting the unit of
    the scale.
    The following code and figure illustrate the positioning of the
    scalebar and its annotation. `va` (vertical alignment) determines
    whether the anchor is on the 'top', 'center', or 'bottom' of the
    scalebar. The horizontal alignment (`ha`) determines whether the
    annotation is to the 'left' or to the 'right' of the scale bar. In
    the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown
    as a red circle.

    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='center')
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 1.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.5, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='center')
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    height: float
        Length of the scale bar in units of the data's y-values.
    hunit: string
        Unit of the data's y-values.
    hformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for hight larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for hight smaller than one.
    ha: 'left' or 'right'
        Label of the scale bar either to the left or to the right
        of the scale bar.
    va: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Scale bar aligned below, above, or centered on (x, y).
    vat: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Vertical alignment of text:
        text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    capsize: float or None
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float
        Line width of the cap lines.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    return_coords: bool
        For internal usage only. If `True` return `x`, `y0`, and `y1`
        coordinates of scale bar in addition to artists.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar label.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.yscalebar(1.0, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.yscalebar(1.05, 0.0, 1, 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # ax dimensions:
    pixelx = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,0]))[0]
    pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
    xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim()
    ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim()
    unitx = xmax - xmin
    unity = ymax - ymin
    dxu = np.abs(unitx)/pixelx
    dyu = np.abs(unity)/pixely
    # transform x, y from relative units to axis units:
    x = xmin + x*unitx
    y = ymin + y*unity
    # bar length:
    if hformat is None:
        hformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large']
        if height < 1.0:
            hformat = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small']
        ls = hformat % height
        width = float(ls)
    except TypeError:
        ls = hformat
    # bar:
    if va == 'bottom':
        y0 = y
        y1 = y+height
    elif va == 'top':
        y0 = y-height
        y1 = y
        y0 = y-0.5*height
        y1 = y+0.5*height
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    # scalebar:
    lh = ax.plot([x, x], [y0, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                 solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    if not return_coords:
    # get x position of line in figure pixel coordinates:
    lx = np.array(lh[0].get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,0]
    # caps:
    if capsize is None:
        capsize = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize']
    if clw is None:
        clw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth']
    if capsize > 0.0:
        dx = capsize*dxu
        cl = ax.plot([x-dx, x+dx], [y0, y0], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
        cl = ax.plot([x-dx, x+dx], [y1, y1], '-', color=color, lw=clw,
                     solid_capstyle='butt', clip_on=False)
    # label:
    if hunit:
        if mpl.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            ls += '\\,%s' % hunit
            ls += u'\u2009%s' % hunit
    for k in mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font']:
        if not k in kwargs:
            kwargs[k] = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.font'][k]
    yt = 0.5*(y0+y1)
    if vat == 'top':
        yt = y1
    elif vat == 'bottom':
        yt = y0
    if ha == 'right':
        th = ax.text(x, yt, ls, clip_on=False, rotation=90.0,
                     ha='left', va=vat, **kwargs)
        # get x coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        tx = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[0,0]
        dtx = lx+0.5*lw + 2.0 - tx
        th = ax.text(x, yt, ls, clip_on=False, rotation=90.0,
                     ha='right', va=vat, **kwargs)
        # get x coordinate of text bottom in figure pixel coordinates:
        tx = np.array(th.get_window_extent(ax.get_figure().canvas.get_renderer()))[1,0]
        dtx = lx-0.5*lw - 1.0 - tx
    th.set_position((x+dxu*dtx, yt))
    if return_coords:
        return artists, x, y0, y1
        return artists
def scalebars(ax, x, y, width, height, wunit=None, hunit=None, wformat=None, hformat=None, ha='left', va='bottom', hat='center', vat='center', lw=None, color=None, **kwargs)

Horizontal and vertical scale bars with labels.

The first two arguments set the anchor point on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).

The third and forth arguments set the length of the scale bars in data coordinates of the x- and y-axis, followed by two strings setting the unit of the scales.

Horizontal alignment (ha) determines whether the anchor point and the vertical scalebar is on the 'left' or on the 'right' of the horizontal scalebar. Vertical alignment (va) determines whether the anchor point and the horizontal scalebar are at the 'top' or 'bottom' of the vertical scalebar. In the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point, is shown as a red circle.

ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')



ax : matplotlib axes
Axes where to draw the scale bar.
x : float
x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
y : float
y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
width : float
Length of horizontal scale bar in units of the data.
height : float
Length of vertical scale bar in units of the data.
wunit : string
Unit of x-values.
hunit : string
Unit of y-values.
wformat : string or None
Optional format string for formatting the x-label of the scale bar or simply a string used for labeling the x scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.format.large for width larger than one, or scalebar.format.small for width smaller than one.
hformat : string or None
Optional format string for formatting the y-label of the scale bar or simply a string used for labeling the y scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.format.large for height larger than one, or scalebar.format.small for height smaller than one.
ha : 'left' or 'right'
Scale bars aligned left or right to (x, y). Vertical scale bar left or right.
va : 'top' or 'bottom'
Scale bars aligned above or below (x, y). Horizontal scale bar on top or at the bottom.
hat : 'left', 'right', or 'center'
Horizontal alignment of text: text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
vat : 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
Vertical alignment of text: text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
lw : int, float, None
Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams scalebar.linewidth.
color : matplotlib color
Color of the scalebar.
kwargs : key-word arguments
Passed on to ax.text() used to print the scale bar labels. Defaults to scalebar.font rcParams settings.


artists : list of matplotlib artists
The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar. Use it to hide the scale bar like this py sb = ax.scalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 1, 'ms', 'mV') [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines
import plottools.scalebars

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.scalebars(1.05, 0.0, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')


Expand source code
def scalebars(ax, x, y, width, height, wunit=None, hunit=None,
              wformat=None, hformat=None, ha='left', va='bottom',
              hat='center', vat='center',
              lw=None, color=None, **kwargs):
    """ Horizontal and vertical scale bars with labels.

    The first two arguments set the anchor point
    on which the scalebar is positioned. The scalebar position is given in
    relative coordinates of the axes (ranging from 0 to 1).
    The third and forth arguments set the length of the scale bars in data
    coordinates of the x- and y-axis, followed by two strings setting the unit of
    the scales.

    Horizontal alignment (`ha`) determines whether the anchor point and the
    vertical scalebar is on the 'left' or on the 'right' of the horizontal
    scalebar. Vertical alignment (`va`) determines whether the anchor point
    and the horizontal scalebar are at the 'top' or 'bottom' of the vertical
    scalebar. In the figure the position of the scalebar, the anchor point,
    is shown as a red circle.

    ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='top')
    ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.8, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='top')
    ax.scalebars(0.2, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='left', va='bottom')
    ax.scalebars(0.8, 0.1, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes where to draw the scale bar.
    x: float
        x-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    y: float
        y-coordinate where to draw the scale bar in relative units of the axes.
    width: float
        Length of horizontal scale bar in units of the data.
    height: float
        Length of vertical scale bar in units of the data.
    wunit: string
        Unit of x-values.
    hunit: string
        Unit of y-values.
    wformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the x-label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the x scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for width larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for width smaller than one.
    hformat: string or None
        Optional format string for formatting the y-label of the scale bar
        or simply a string used for labeling the y scale bar.
        If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.format.large` for height larger than one,
        or `scalebar.format.small` for height smaller than one.
    ha: 'left' or 'right'
        Scale bars aligned left or right to (x, y).
        Vertical scale bar left or right.
    va: 'top' or 'bottom'
        Scale bars aligned above or below (x, y).
        Horizontal scale bar on top or at the bottom.
    hat: 'left', 'right', or 'center'
        Horizontal alignment of text:
        text aligned on left, right or center of scale bar.
    vat: 'top', 'bottom', or 'center'
        Vertical alignment of text:
        text aligned on top, bottom or center of scale bar.
    lw: int, float, None
        Line width of the scale bar. If None take value from rcParams `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar.
    kwargs: key-word arguments
        Passed on to `ax.text()` used to print the scale bar labels.
        Defaults to `scalebar.font` rcParams settings.

    artists: list of matplotlib artists
        The Lin2D and Text objects making up the scalebar.
        Use it to hide the scale bar like this
        sb = ax.scalebar(1.0, 0.0, 2, 1, 'ms', 'mV')
        [a.set_visible(False) for a in sb]

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines
    import plottools.scalebars
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.scalebars(1.05, 0.0, 2, 1, 's', 'mV', ha='right', va='bottom')
    artists = []
    # line width:
    if lw is None:
        lw = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth']
    # color:
    if color is None:
        color = mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color']
    a, x0, x1, yy = xscalebar(ax, x, y, width, wunit, wformat, ha, va, hat,
                              lw, color, 0.0, 1, return_coords=True, **kwargs)
    a, xx, y0, y1 = yscalebar(ax, x, y, height, hunit, hformat, ha, va, vat,
                              lw, color, 0.0, 1, return_coords=True, **kwargs)
    if x0 == xx:
        if y0 == yy:
            la = ax.plot([x0, x0, x1], [y1, y0, y0], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
            la = ax.plot([x0, x0, x1], [y0, y1, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
        if y0 == yy:
            la = ax.plot([x0, x1, x1], [y0, y0, y1], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
            la = ax.plot([x0, x1, x1], [y1, y1, y0], '-', color=color, lw=lw,
                         solid_capstyle='butt', solid_joinstyle='miter', clip_on=False)
    return artists
def scalebars_params(format_large=None, format_small=None, lw=2, color=None, capsize=None, clw=None, font=None)

Set rc settings for scalebars.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.


format_large : string
Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar for scalebars longer than one. Set rcParam scalebar.format.large.
format_small : string
Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar for scalebars shorter than one. Set rcParam scalebar.format.small.
lw : int, float
Line width of a scale bar. Set rcParam scalebar.linewidth.
color : matplotlib color
Color of the scalebar. Set rcParam scalebar.color.
capsize : float
If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar. The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth). Set rcParam scalebar.capsize.
clw : int, float
Line width of the cap lines. Set rcParam scalebar.caplinewidth.
font : dict
Dictionary with font settings (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, …). Set rcParam scalebar.font.
Expand source code
def scalebars_params(format_large=None, format_small=None, lw=2,
                     color=None, capsize=None, clw=None, font=None):
    """ Set rc settings for scalebars.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    format_large: string
        Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        for scalebars longer than one. Set rcParam `scalebar.format.large`.
    format_small: string
        Format string for formatting the label of the scale bar
        for scalebars shorter than one. Set rcParam `scalebar.format.small`.
    lw: int, float
        Line width of a scale bar. Set rcParam `scalebar.linewidth`.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of the scalebar. Set rcParam `scalebar.color`.
    capsize: float
        If larger then zero draw cap lines at the ends of the bar.
        The length of the lines is given in points (same unit as linewidth).
         Set rcParam `scalebar.capsize`.
    clw: int, float
        Line width of the cap lines. Set rcParam `scalebar.caplinewidth`.
    font: dict
        Dictionary with font settings
        (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, ...).
         Set rcParam `scalebar.font`.
    if format_large is not None and 'scalebar.format.large' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.large'] = format_large
    if format_small is not None and 'scalebar.format.small' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.format.small'] = format_small
    if lw is not None and 'scalebar.linewidth' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.linewidth'] = lw
    if color is not None and 'scalebar.color' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.color'] = color
    if capsize is not None and 'scalebar.capsize' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.capsize'] = capsize
    if clw is not None and 'scalebar.caplinewidth' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['scalebar.caplinewidth'] = clw
    if font is not None and 'scalebar.font' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams.update({'scalebar.font': font})
def install_scalebars()

Install scalebars functions on matplotlib axes.

This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

See Also


Expand source code
def install_scalebars():
    """ Install scalebars functions on matplotlib axes.

    This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.xscalebar = xscalebar
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.yscalebar = yscalebar
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.scalebars = scalebars
    # add scalebar parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'scalebar.format.large' not in mpl.rcParams:
        mrc._validators['scalebar.format.large'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.format.small'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.linewidth'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.color'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['scalebar.capsize'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.caplinewidth'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['scalebar.font'] = _validate_fontdict
        mpl.rcParams.update({'scalebar.format.large': '%.0f',
                             'scalebar.format.small': '%.1f',
                             'scalebar.linewidth': 2,
                             'scalebar.color': 'k',
                             'scalebar.capsize': 0,
                             'scalebar.caplinewidth': 0.5,
                             'scalebar.font': dict()})
def uninstall_scalebars()

Uninstall scalebars functions from matplotlib axes.

Call this code to disable anything that was installed by install_scalebars().

See Also


Expand source code
def uninstall_scalebars():
    """ Uninstall scalebars functions from matplotlib axes.

    Call this code to disable anything that was installed by `install_scalebars()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'xscalebar')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'yscalebar')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'scalebars')
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.format.large', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.format.small', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.linewidth', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.color', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.capsize', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.caplinewidth', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('scalebar.font', None)
def demo()

Run a demonstration of the scalebars module.

Expand source code
def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the scalebars module.

    def draw_anchor(ax, x, y):
        ax.plot(x, y, '.r', ms=20, transform=ax.transAxes)

    scalebars_params(format_large='%.0f', format_small='%.1f', lw=2,
                     capsize=0, clw=0.5, font=dict(fontweight='bold'))
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    x = np.arange(-2.0, 5.0, 0.01)
    ax.plot(x, np.sin(2.0*np.pi*1.0*x))
    ax.set_xlim(-2.0, 5.0)
    ax.set_ylim(-2.5, 1.5)
    ax.set_xlabel('Time [s]')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.0, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(0.0, 0.3, 1.0, 's', ha='left', va='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.5, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(0.5, 0.3, 1.5, 's', '%.1f', ha='center', va='bottom', lw=4,
                 capsize=8, clw=1)
    draw_anchor(ax, 1.0, 0.3)
    ax.xscalebar(1.0, 0.3, 0.55, 's', ha='right', va='top')

    draw_anchor(ax, 0.3, 0.25)
    ax.yscalebar(0.3, 0.25, 0.5, '', ha='left', va='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.7, 0.35)
    ax.yscalebar(0.7, 0.35, 0.3, '', ha='right', va='top', capsize=4, clw=1)

    draw_anchor(ax, 0.1, 0.1)
    ax.scalebars(0.1, 0.1, 1.2, 0.5, 's', '', '%.1f', ha='left', va='bottom', hat='left', vat='bottom')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.9, 0.1)
    ax.scalebars(0.9, 0.1, 0.8, 0.7, 's', '', ha='right', va='bottom',
                 hat='left', vat='top')
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.1, 0.9)
    ax.scalebars(0.1, 0.9, 1.5, 0.5, 's', '', ha='left', va='top', lw=4)
    draw_anchor(ax, 0.95, 0.9)
    ax.scalebars(0.95, 0.9, 1.0, 0.5, 's', '', ha='right', va='top', lw=4)