Module plottools.spines

Modify the appearance of spines.

Axes member functions

Figure member functions

Same functions as the ones for the Axes. Functions are called on all figure axes.


matplotlib.rcParams defined by the spines module:   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}
axes.spines.arrows: '',
axes.spines.arrows.flushx: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.flushy: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendx: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendy: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.height: 10.0
axes.spines.arrows.ratio: 0.7
axes.spines.arrows.overhang: 1.0
axes.spines.twinx: 'r'
axes.spines.twiny: 't'   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.inset.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.inset.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.inset.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}

Install/uninstall spines functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the spines module, install_spines() is called automatically.

Expand source code
"""Modify the appearance of spines.

## Axes member functions

- `show_spines()`: show and hide spines and corresponding tick marks.
- `set_spines_outward()`: set the specified spines outward.
- `set_spines_zero()`: set the position of the specified spines
  to the data value of the other axis.
- `set_spines_bounds()`: set bounds for the specified spines.
- `arrow_spines()`: spines with arrows.

## Figure member functions

Same functions as the ones for the Axes. Functions are called on all
figure axes.

- `show_spines()`: show and hide spines and corresponding tick marks.
- `set_spines_outward()`: set the specified spines outward.
- `set_spines_zero()`: set the position of the specified spines to
  the data value of the other axis.
- `set_spines_bounds()`: set bounds for the specified spines.
- `arrow_spines()`: spines with arrows.

## Settings

- `spines_params()`: set default spine appearance.

`matplotlib.rcParams` defined by the spines module:
```py   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}
axes.spines.arrows: '',
axes.spines.arrows.flushx: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.flushy: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendx: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendy: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.height: 10.0
axes.spines.arrows.ratio: 0.7
axes.spines.arrows.overhang: 1.0
axes.spines.twinx: 'r'
axes.spines.twiny: 't'   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.inset.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.inset.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.inset.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}

## Install/uninstall spines functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the spines
module, `install_spines()` is called automatically.

- `install_spines()`: install functions of the spines module in matplotlib.
- `uninstall_spines()`: uninstall all code of the spines module from matplotlib.


import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.rcsetup as mrc
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker
import matplotlib.lines as lines
import matplotlib.patches as patches
import matplotlib.transforms as transforms
from .rcsetup import _validate_dict

def show_spines(ax, spines='lrtb'):
    """ Show and hide spines.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string
        Specify which spines and ticks should be shown.
        All other ones or hidden.
        'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
        't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
        E.g. 'lb' shows the left and bottom spine, and hides the top
        and and right spines, as well as their tick marks and labels.
        '' shows no spines at all.
        'lrtb' shows all spines and tick marks.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    # collect spine visibility:
    xspines = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    yspines = []
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        # ax is figure:
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    for ax in axs:
        # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
        if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
           not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
        # hide spines:
        ax.spines['top'].set_visible('top' in xspines)
        ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible('bottom' in xspines)
        ax.spines['left'].set_visible('left' in yspines)
        ax.spines['right'].set_visible('right' in yspines)
        # ticks:
        if len(xspines) == 0:
            ax.xaxis._orig_major_locator = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            if hasattr(ax.xaxis, '_orig_major_locator'):
                delattr(ax.xaxis, '_orig_major_locator')
            elif isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_major_locator(), ticker.NullLocator):
            if len(xspines) == 1:
        if len(yspines) == 0:
            ax.yaxis._orig_major_locator = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
            if hasattr(ax.yaxis, '_orig_major_locator'):
                delattr(ax.yaxis, '_orig_major_locator')
            elif isinstance(ax.yaxis.get_major_locator(), ticker.NullLocator):
            if len(yspines) == 1:

def set_spines_outward(ax, spines, offset=0):
    """ Set the specified spines outward.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spines are set outwards.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify to which spines the offset given by
          the `offset` argument should be applied.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the offset to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply offsets to several sets of spines individually.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the offset by which the spines
          are moved outwards.
    offset: float or None
        Move the specified spines outward by that many pixels.
        If None. leave the position of the spines untouched.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax0.set_spines_outward('lb', 0)
    # set left and bottom spine outwards by 10 pixels:
    ax1.set_spines_outward('lb', 10)
    # set left and bottom spine inwards by 10 pixels:
    ax2.set_spines_outward('lb', -10)

    # set the left and right spines outwards by 10 pixels and the top and bottom ones by 5:
    ax0.set_spines_outward({'lr': 10, 'bt': 5})

    # set the bottom spine of all axis of the figure outward by 5 pixels:
    fig.set_spines_outward('b', 5)
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_outward(ax, sp, spines[sp])
    if offset is None:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # collect spine ids:
    spines_list = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    for ax in axs:
        # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
        if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
           not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
        for sp in spines_list:
            visible = ax.spines[sp].get_visible()
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
                loc = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
                loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            ax.spines[sp].set_position(('outward', offset))
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:

def set_spines_zero(ax, spines, pos=0):
    """ Set the position of the specified spines to the data value of the other axis.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which the spine position is set.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify which spines should be set.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the position to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply spine position to several sets of
          spines individually.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the position of the spines.
    pos: float or None
        Position of the spine in data values of the other axis.
        If None, leave spine position untouched.

    # set left and right spine to the origin of the data coordinates:

    # set the left spine to the origin of the x-axis, and the bottom spine
    # at -1 on the y-axis:
    ax.set_spines_zero({'l': 0, 'b': -1})

    # set the left and the right spine of all axis of the figure to the origin:
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_zero(ax, sp, spines[sp])
    if pos is None:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # collect spine ids:
    spines_list = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    for ax in axs:
        for sp in spines_list:
            visible = ax.spines[sp].get_visible()
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
                loc = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
                loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            ax.spines[sp].set_position(('data', pos))
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:

def set_spines_bounds(ax, spines, bounds='full'):
    """ Set bounds for the specified spines.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine bounds are set.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify to which spines the bound setttings given by
          the `bounds` argument should be applied.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the bounds settings to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply bound settings for several sets of spines.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the bound settings
          (see `bounds` below for possible values and their effects).
    bounds: 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float or tuple thereof
        - 'full': draw the spine in its full length (default)
        - 'data': do not draw the spine beyond the data range,
          uses matplotlib's smart_bounds
        - 'ticks': draw the spine only within the first and
          last major tick mark.
        - tuple: two values of 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float specifying
          the lower and upper bound separately.

        If an invalid `bounds` argument was specified.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax0.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'full')
    ax1.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'data')
    ax2.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'ticks')
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_bounds(ax, sp, spines[sp])
        # collect axes:
        if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            axs = ax
        elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
            axs = ax.get_axes()
            axs = [ax]
        if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
            axs = [axs]
        if isinstance(bounds, (tuple, list)):
            if len(bounds) != 2:
                raise ValueError('Invalid number of elements for bounds. Should be one or two.')
            if not np.isscalar(bounds[0]) and bounds[0] not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for lower bound: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds[0])
            if not np.isscalar(bounds[1]) and bounds[1] not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for upper bound: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds[1])
            lower_bound = bounds[0]
            upper_bound = bounds[1]
            if bounds not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for bounds: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds)
            lower_bound = bounds
            upper_bound = bounds
        # collect spine ids:
        spines_list = []
        if 't' in spines:
        if 'b' in spines:
        if 'l' in spines:
        if 'r' in spines:
        for ax in axs:
            # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
            if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
               not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
            for sp in spines_list:
                ax.spines[sp].bounds_style = (lower_bound, upper_bound)

def arrow_spines(ax, spines, flush=None, extend=None, height=None, ratio=None,
                 overhang=None, lw=None, color=None):
    """Spines with arrows.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string
        Specify which spines should be shown as arrows.
        'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
        't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
    flush: float or None
        Extend the tail of the arrow. If the other axis is set
        outward, then extend the tail by this factor times the outward
        set distance of the spine of the other axis. That is, if
        `flush` is set to 1.0, the tail of the arrow just touches the
        other spine.
        If the other axis is set to a specific data coordinate, then
        extend the tail by `flush` times the height of the arrow.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushx']` for
        horizontal spines or `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushy']`
        for vertical spines.
    extend: float or None
        Extend the length of the spine by this factor times the height
        of the arrow.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendx']` for
        horizontal spines or `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendy']`
        for vertical spines.
    height: float
        Height (length) of the arrow in points.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.height']`.
    ratio: float
        Width of arrow is `height` times `ratio`.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.ratio']`.
    overhang: float
        Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow,
        1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.overhang']`.
    lw: float or None
        Line width of spine. If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.linewidth']`.
    color: matplotlib color specificaion or None
        Color of spine. If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.edgecolor']`.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from plottools.spines import spines_params

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    spines_params(spines='', height=10)
    ax1.arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0)
    ax2.arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)

    # collect spine visibility:
    spns = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # mark spines for arrow plotting:
    for ax in axs:
        for sp in spns:
            ax.spines[sp].arrow = dict(flush=flush, extend=extend,
                                       height=height, ratio=ratio, overhang=overhang,
                                       lw=lw, color=color)

def __update_spines(fig):
    """ Update bounds and arrows of spines.

    This is needed for applying the 'ticks' setting of
    `set_spines_bounds()` and to draw aspines with arrows.  The spines
    module patches the ``, ``, and `fig.savefig()`
    functions to first call `__update_spines()`. This way this function
    is called automatically right before the figure is drawn.

    fig: matplotlib figure
    for ax in fig.get_axes():
        for spn in ['left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom']:
            if not spn in ax.spines:
            sp = ax.spines[spn]
            if hasattr(sp, 'bounds_style'):
                # get view range, data range and ticks:
                axis = ax.xaxis if spn in ['top', 'bottom'] else ax.yaxis
                view = np.sort(axis.get_view_interval())
                data = np.sort(axis.get_data_interval())
                locs = np.sort(np.hstack((axis.get_majorticklocs(),
                # limit data to view:
                if data[0] < view[0]:
                    data[0] = view[0]
                if data[1] > view[1]:
                    data[1] = view[1]
                # limit ticks to view:
                eps = 0.001*np.diff(view)[0]
                locs = locs[(locs>=np.min(view)-eps)&(locs<=np.max(view)+eps)]
                # spines bounds:
                lower = view[0]
                upper = view[1]
                if sp.bounds_style[0] == 'ticks':
                    lower = locs[0] if len(locs) else view[0]
                elif sp.bounds_style[0] == 'data':
                    lower = data[0]
                elif sp.bounds_style[0] != 'full':
                    lower = sp.bounds_style[0]
                if sp.bounds_style[1] == 'ticks':
                    upper = locs[-1] if len(locs) else view[1]
                elif sp.bounds_style[1] == 'data':
                    upper = data[1]
                elif sp.bounds_style[1] != 'full':
                    upper = sp.bounds_style[1]
                sp.set_bounds(lower, upper)
                if len(locs) > 0 and (locs[0] < lower-eps or locs[-1] > upper+eps):
                    locs = locs[(locs >= lower-eps) & (locs <= upper+eps)]
            if hasattr(sp, 'arrow'):
                major = int(mpl.__version__.split('.')[0])
                fac = 1.38 if major > 2 else 1.1
                figw, figh = ax.get_figure().get_size_inches()*fig.dpi
                _, _, w, h = ax.get_position().bounds
                xpfac = fac/(w*figw)
                ypfac = fac/(h*figh)
                xdpos = lambda posx: (posx - ax.get_xlim()[0])/np.diff(ax.get_xlim())[0]
                ydpos = lambda posy: (posy - ax.get_ylim()[0])/np.diff(ax.get_ylim())[0]
                flush = sp.arrow['flush']
                extend = sp.arrow['extend']
                height = sp.arrow['height']
                if height is None:
                    height = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.height', 10.0)
                ratio = sp.arrow['ratio']
                if ratio is None:
                    ratio = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.ratio', 0.7)
                width = 0.5*ratio*height
                overhang = sp.arrow['overhang']
                if overhang is None:
                    overhang = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.overhang', 1.0)
                lw = sp.arrow['lw']
                if lw is None:
                    lw = mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth']
                color = sp.arrow['color']
                if color is None:
                    color = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
                linestyle = dict(lw=lw, color=color)
                if spn in ['left', 'right']:
                    x = 0.0 if spn == 'left' else 1.0
                    start = np.array([x, 0.0])
                    stop = np.array([x, 1.0])
                    ofac = -1.0 if spn == 'left' else 1.0
                    bounds = sp.get_bounds()
                    if bounds is not None:
                        y0, y1 = ax.get_ylim()
                        start = np.array([x, (bounds[0]-y0)/(y1-y0)])
                        stop = np.array([x, (bounds[1]-y0)/(y1-y0)])
                    pos = sp.get_position()
                    if pos and pos[0] == 'outward':
                        start[0] += xpfac*ofac*pos[1]
                        stop[0] += xpfac*ofac*pos[1]
                    elif pos and pos[0] == 'data':
                        start[0] = xdpos(pos[1])
                        stop[0] = xdpos(pos[1])
                    flushy = flush
                    if flushy is None:
                        flushy = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.flushy', 0.0)
                    if flushy:
                        pos = ax.spines['bottom'].get_position()
                        if pos and pos[0] == 'outward':
                            start[1] -= ypfac*flushy*(pos[1]+0.5*lw)
                        elif pos and pos[0] == 'data':
                            start[1] -= ypfac*flushy*height
                    extendy = extend
                    if extendy is None:
                        extendy = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.extendy', 1.0)
                    if extendy:
                        stop[1] += ypfac*extendy*height
                    if overhang > 0.9:
                        ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([start[0], stop[0]], [start[1], stop[1]],
                                                 transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False,
                                                 solid_capstyle='butt', **linestyle))
                        ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([stop[0]-xpfac*width, stop[0],
                                                  [stop[1]-ypfac*height, stop[1],
                                                   transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False,
                                                   solid_joinstyle='miter', **linestyle))
                        path = np.zeros((7, 2))
                        path[0,:] = (start[0]-0.5*xpfac*lw, start[1])
                        path[1,:] = (stop[0]-0.5*xpfac*lw, stop[1]-ypfac*(1.0-overhang)*height)
                        path[2,:] = (stop[0]-xpfac*width, stop[1]-ypfac*height)
                        path[3,:] = (stop[0], stop[1])
                        path[4,:] = (stop[0]+xpfac*width, stop[1]-ypfac*height)
                        path[5,:] = (stop[0]+0.5*xpfac*lw, stop[1]-ypfac*(1.0-overhang)*height)
                        path[6,:] = (start[0]+0.5*xpfac*lw, start[1])
                        ax.add_patch(patches.Polygon(path, closed=True,
                                                     ec='none', fc=color, lw=0.0,
                                                     transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False))
                if spn in ['bottom', 'top']:
                    y = 0.0 if spn == 'bottom' else 1.0
                    start = np.array([0.0, y])
                    stop = np.array([1.0, y])
                    ofac = -1.0 if spn == 'bottom' else 1.0
                    bounds = sp.get_bounds()
                    if bounds is not None:
                        x0, x1 = ax.get_xlim()
                        start = np.array([(bounds[0]-x0)/(x1-x0), y])
                        stop = np.array([(bounds[1]-x0)/(x1-x0), y])
                    pos = sp.get_position()
                    if pos and pos[0] == 'outward':
                        start[1] += ypfac*ofac*pos[1]
                        stop[1] += ypfac*ofac*pos[1]
                    elif pos and pos[0] == 'data':
                        start[1] = ydpos(pos[1])
                        stop[1] = ydpos(pos[1])
                    flushx = flush
                    if flushx is None:
                        flushx = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.flushx', 0.0)
                    if flushx:
                        pos = ax.spines['left'].get_position()
                        if pos and pos[0] == 'outward':
                            start[0] -= xpfac*flushx*(pos[1]+0.5*lw)
                        elif pos and pos[0] == 'data':
                            start[0] -= xpfac*flushx*height
                    extendx = extend
                    if extendx is None:
                        extendx = mpl.rcParams.get('axes.spines.arrows.extendx', 1.0)
                    if extendx:
                        stop[0] += xpfac*extendx*height
                    if overhang > 0.9:
                        ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([start[0], stop[0]], [start[1], stop[1]],
                                                 transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False,
                                                 solid_capstyle='butt', **linestyle))
                        ax.add_line(lines.Line2D([stop[0]-xpfac*height, stop[0],
                                                 [stop[1]-ypfac*width, stop[1],
                                                 transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False,
                                                 solid_joinstyle='miter', **linestyle))
                        path = np.zeros((7, 2))
                        path[0,:] = (start[0], start[1]-0.5*ypfac*lw)
                        path[1,:] = (stop[0]-xpfac*(1.0-overhang)*height, stop[1]-0.5*ypfac*lw)
                        path[2,:] = (stop[0]-xpfac*height, stop[1]-ypfac*width)
                        path[3,:] = (stop[0], stop[1])
                        path[4,:] = (stop[0]-xpfac*height, stop[1]+ypfac*width)
                        path[5,:] = (stop[0]-xpfac*(1.0-overhang)*height, stop[1]+0.5*ypfac*lw)
                        path[6,:] = (start[0], start[1]+0.5*ypfac*lw)
                        ax.add_patch(patches.Polygon(path, closed=True,
                                                     ec='none', fc=color, lw=0.0,
                                                     transform=ax.transAxes, clip_on=False))
def __fig_show_spines(fig, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `__update_spines()` on the figure before showing it.
    fig.__show_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)

def __fig_savefig_spines(fig, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `__update_spines()` on the figure before saving it.
    fig.__savefig_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)

def __plt_show_spines(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `__update_spines()` on all figures before showing them.
    for fig in map(plt.figure, plt.get_fignums()):
    plt.__show_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)

def __plt_savefig_spines(*args, **kwargs):
    """ Call `__update_spines()` on the current figure before saving it.
    plt.__savefig_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)

def __axes_init_spines__(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Apply default spine settings to a new Axes instance.
    ax.__init__orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_outward('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'])
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_zero('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'])

def __twinx_spines(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Mark a twinx axes such that the corresponding spine properties can be set. """
    ax_spines = mpl.rcParams['']
    if 'l' in mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twinx'] and 'l' not in ax_spines:
        ax_spines += 'l'
    if 'r' in mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twinx'] and 'r' not in ax_spines:
        ax_spines += 'r'
    axt_spines = mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twinx']
    if 'b' in mpl.rcParams[''] and 'b' not in axt_spines:
        axt_spines += 'b'
    if 't' in mpl.rcParams[''] and 't' not in axt_spines:
        axt_spines += 'b'
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_outward('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'])
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_zero('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'])
    orig_default_spines = mpl.rcParams['']
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': axt_spines})
    axt = ax.__twinx_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': orig_default_spines})
    return axt

def __twiny_spines(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Mark a twiny axes such that the corresponding spine properties can be set. """
    ax_spines = mpl.rcParams['']
    if 't' in mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twiny'] and 't' not in ax_spines:
        ax_spines += 't'
    if 'b' in mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twiny'] and 'b' not in ax_spines:
        ax_spines += 'b'
    axt_spines = mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twiny']
    if 'l' in mpl.rcParams[''] and 'l' not in axt_spines:
        axt_spines += 'l'
    if 'r' in mpl.rcParams[''] and 'r' not in axt_spines:
        axt_spines += 'r'
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_outward('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'])
    if isinstance(mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'], dict):
        ax.set_spines_zero('lrtb', mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'])
    orig_default_spines = mpl.rcParams['']
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': axt_spines})
    axt = ax.__twiny_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': orig_default_spines})
    return axt

def __inset_spines(ax, *args, **kwargs):
    """ Mark an inset axes such that the corresponding spine properties can be set. """
    # save default settings for normal axes:
    orig_default_spines = mpl.rcParams['']
    orig_default_spines_offsets = mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets']
    orig_default_spines_positions = mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions']
    orig_default_spines_bounds = mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.bounds']
    # override settings with values for insets:
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': mpl.rcParams['']})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.offsets': mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.offsets']})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.positions': mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.positions']})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.bounds': mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.bounds']})
    # create inset axes:
    axi = ax.__inset_orig_spines(*args, **kwargs)
    # restore default settings for normal axes:
    mpl.rcParams.update({'': orig_default_spines})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.offsets': orig_default_spines_offsets})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.positions': orig_default_spines_positions})
    mpl.rcParams.update({'axes.spines.bounds': orig_default_spines_bounds})
    return axi

def spines_params(spines=None, spines_offsets=None,
                  spines_positions=None, spines_bounds=None,
                  arrows=None, flushx=None, extendx=None, flushy=None,
                  extendy=None, height=None, ratio=None,
                  overhang=None, twinx_spines=None, twiny_spines=None,
                  inset_spines=None, inset_spines_offsets=None,
                  inset_spines_bounds=None, color=None,
    """ Set default spine appearance.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Call this function *before* you create a matplotlib figure.

    spines: string
        Spines to be shown. Sets rcParams ``.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
    spines_offsets: dict or float
        Offsets for moving spines outward. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.offsets`.
        See `spines.set_spines_outward()` for details.
    spines_positions: dict or float
        Positions for spines in data coordinates.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.positions`.
        See `spines.set_spines_zero()` for details.
    spines_bounds: dict
        Bounds for the spines. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.bounds`.
        See `spines.set_spines_bounds()` for details.
    arrows: string
        Spines as arrows. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    flushx: float
        Extend tail of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times 
        offset of other axis
        (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow
        (if set to a data coordinate).
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.flushx`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    extendx: float
        Extend head of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times
        height of arrow.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.extendx`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    flushy: float
        Extend tail of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times
        offset of other axis
        (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow
        (if set to a data coordinate).
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.flushy`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    extendy: float
        Extend head of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times
        height of arrow.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.extendy`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    height: float
        Height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.height`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    ratio: float
        Width relative to height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.ratio`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    overhang: float
        Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow,
        1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.overhang`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    twinx_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for `twinx()` axes.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.twinx`.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
        Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds
        as the defaults for normal axes.
    twiny_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for `twiny()` axes.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.twiny`.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
        Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds
        as the defaults for normal axes.
    inset_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for an inset.
        Sets rcParams ``.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
    inset_spines_offsets: dict
        Offsets for moving spines outward for an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.offsets`.
        See `spines.set_spines_outward()` for details.
    inset_spines_positions: dict
        Positions of spines in data coordinates for an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.positions`.
        See `spines.set_spines_zero()` for details.
    inset_spines_bounds: dict
        Bounds for the spines of an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.bounds`.
        See `spines.set_spines_bounds()` for details.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of spines. Sets rcParam `axes.edgecolor`.
    linewidth: float
        Width of spines. Sets rcParam `axes.linewidth`.
    if spines is not None and '' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams[''] = spines
    if spines_offsets is not None and 'axes.spines.offsets' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'] = spines_offsets
    if spines_positions is not None and 'axes.spines.positions' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'] = spines_positions
    if spines_bounds is not None and 'axes.spines.bounds' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.bounds'] = spines_bounds
    if arrows is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows'] = arrows
    if flushx is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.flushx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushx'] = flushx
    if extendx is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.extendx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendx'] = extendx
    if flushy is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.flushy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushy'] = flushy
    if extendy is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.extendy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendy'] = extendy
    if height is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.height' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.height'] = height
    if ratio is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.ratio' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.ratio'] = ratio
    if overhang is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.overhang' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.overhang'] = overhang
    if twinx_spines is not None and 'axes.spines.twinx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twinx'] = twinx_spines
    if twiny_spines is not None and 'axes.spines.twiny' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twiny'] = twiny_spines
    if inset_spines is not None and '' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams[''] = inset_spines
    if inset_spines_offsets is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.offsets' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.offsets'] = inset_spines_offsets
    if inset_spines_positions is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.positions' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.positions'] = inset_spines_positions
    if inset_spines_bounds is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.bounds' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.bounds'] = inset_spines_bounds
    if color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = color
    if linewidth is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = linewidth

def _validate_spines(s):
    """Check for valid spine specification."""
    s = s.lower()
    for c in s:
        if not c in 'lrtb':
            raise ValueError("not a valid spine specification, needs to be a combination of 'l', 'r', 't', 'b'")
    return s

def _validate_spines_float(s):
    """Check for valid spine offset or position."""
    if s is None:
        return None
    if isinstance(s, int):
        return s
    if isinstance(s, float):
        return s
    d = s
    if not isinstance(s, dict):
        d = _validate_dict(s)
    dd = {}
    for k in d:
        kk = _validate_spines(k)
        if d[k] is None:
            vv = None
                vv = float(d[k])
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ValueError('not a valid spine offset or position') from e
        dd[kk] = vv
    return dd

def _validate_spines_bounds(s):
    """Check for valid spines bounds."""
    if s is None:
        return None
    d = s
    if not isinstance(s, dict):
        d = _validate_dict(s)
    dd = {}
    for k in d:
        kk = _validate_spines(k)
        vv = d[k]
        if not vv in ('full', 'data', 'ticks'):
            if not isinstance(vv, (list, tuple)):
                if len(vv) < 2:
                    raise ValueError('missing tuple for spines bounds')
                if not vv[0] in '([' and not vv[-1] in ')]':
                    raise ValueError('not a valid tuple for spines bounds')
                vt = vv[1:-1].strip().split(',')
                if len(vt) != 2:
                    raise ValueError('tuple for spines bounds needs to have two elements')
                for j in range(len(vt)):
                    vt[j] = vt[j].strip()
                    if not vt[j] in ('full', 'data', 'ticks'):
                            vt[j] = float(vt[j])
                        except ValueError as e:
                            raise ValueError('invalid bound for spines') from e
                vv = vt
            for j in range(len(vv)):
                if not vv[j] in ('full', 'data', 'ticks') and \
                   not np.isscalar(vv[j]):
                    raise ValueError('invalid bound for spines')
        dd[kk] = vv
    return dd

def install_spines():
    """ Install functions of the spines module in matplotlib.

    Patches the matplotlib functions `show()` and `savefig()` for fixing
    spine bounds before finishing the figure.

    Also patches the matplotlib axes constructor, the `twinx()`, `twiny()`,
    and the `plottools.insets` functions.    

    Adds `matplotlib.rcParams`:
    ```   : 'lrtb'
    axes.spines.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
    axes.spines.positions: {'lrtb': None}
    axes.spines.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}
    axes.spines.arrows: '',
    axes.spines.arrows.flushx: 0.0
    axes.spines.arrows.flushy: 0.0
    axes.spines.arrows.extendx: 1.0
    axes.spines.arrows.extendy: 1.0
    axes.spines.arrows.height: 10.0
    axes.spines.arrows.ratio: 0.7
    axes.spines.arrows.overhang: 1.0
    axes.spines.twinx: 'r'
    axes.spines.twiny: 't'   : 'lrtb'
    axes.spines.inset.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
    axes.spines.inset.positions: {'lrtb': None}
    axes.spines.inset.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}

    This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    # make functions available as members:
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.show_spines = show_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_outward = set_spines_outward
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_zero = set_spines_zero
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_bounds = set_spines_bounds
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.arrow_spines = arrow_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.show_spines = show_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_outward = set_spines_outward
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_zero = set_spines_zero
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_bounds = set_spines_bounds
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.arrow_spines = arrow_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__update_spines = __update_spines
    # install __update_spines():
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_spines = mpl.figure.Figure.savefig
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = __fig_savefig_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_spines = = __fig_show_spines
    if not hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        plt.__savefig_orig_spines = plt.savefig
        plt.savefig = __plt_savefig_spines
    if not hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines'):
        plt.__show_orig_spines = = __plt_show_spines
    # add spines parameter to rc configuration:
    if '' not in mpl.rcParams:
        mrc._validators[''] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.offsets'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.positions'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.bounds'] = _validate_spines_bounds
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.flushx'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.flushy'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.extendx'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.extendy'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.height'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.ratio'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.overhang'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.twinx'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.twiny'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators[''] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.offsets'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.positions'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.bounds'] = _validate_spines_bounds
        mpl.rcParams.update({'': 'lrtb',
                             'axes.spines.offsets': {'lrtb': 0},
                             'axes.spines.positions': {'lrtb': None},
                             'axes.spines.bounds': {'lrtb': 'full'},
                             'axes.spines.arrows': '',
                             'axes.spines.arrows.flushx': 0.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.flushy': 0.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.extendx': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.extendy': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.height': 10.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.ratio': 0.7,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.overhang': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.twinx': 'r',
                             'axes.spines.twiny': 't',
                             '': 'lrtb',
                             'axes.spines.inset.offsets': {'lrtb': 0},
                             'axes.spines.inset.positions': {'lrtb': None},
                             'axes.spines.inset.bounds': {'lrtb': 'full'}})
    # extend Axes constructor for modifying spine appearance:
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.__init__
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__ = __axes_init_spines__
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__twinx_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.twinx
        mpl.axes.Axes.twinx = __twinx_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__twiny_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.twiny
        mpl.axes.Axes.twiny = __twiny_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines') and hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'inset'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__inset_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.inset
        mpl.axes.Axes.inset = __inset_spines

def uninstall_spines():
    """ Uninstall all code of the spines module from matplotlib.

    See also
    # remove installed members:
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines')
    # uninstall __update_spines():
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines'): = mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        plt.savefig = plt.__savefig_orig_spines
        delattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines'): = plt.__show_orig_spines
        delattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines')
    # remove spines parameter from mpl.rcParams:
    mrc._validators.pop('', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.offsets', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.positions', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.bounds', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.flushx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.flushy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.extendx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.extendy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.height', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.ratio', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.overhang', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.twinx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.twiny', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.offsets', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.positions', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.bounds', None)
    # reinstall original Axes constructors:
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__ = mpl.axes.Axes.__init__orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.twinx = mpl.axes.Axes.__twinx_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.twiny = mpl.axes.Axes.__twiny_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.inset = mpl.axes.Axes.__inset_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines')


def demo_basic():
    """ Run a basic demonstration of the spine module.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
    # set spines outward:
    fig.set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    # spine visibility:
    axs[0,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('lt')")
    axs[0,1].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('rt')")
    axs[1,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('l')")
    axs[1,1 ].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('r')")
    axs[2,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('lb')")
    axs[2,1 ].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('rb')")
    # set spine bounds:
    axs[0,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'full')
    axs[0,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'full')")
    axs[1,0].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'data')
    axs[1,0].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'data')")
    axs[1,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'ticks')
    axs[1,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'ticks')")
    axs[2,0].set_spines_bounds('lr', ('full', 'ticks'))
    axs[2,0].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', ('full', 'ticks'))")
    axs[2,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', ('data', 'full'))
    axs[2,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', ('data', 'full'))")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = 0.5*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x) + 0.5
    for axx in axs:
        for ax in axx:
            ax.plot(x, y)
            ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 2.0)
            ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])

def demo_arrows():
    """ Run a demonstration of the spine module showing arrowed spines.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
    # spine arrows:
    axs[0,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.arrow_spines('lb')")
    axs[1,0].set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    axs[1,0].arrow_spines('lb', extend=0.0, overhang=0.4)
    axs[1,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)")
    axs[1,0].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', extend=0.0, overhang=0.4)")
    axs[2,0].set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    axs[2,0].arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0, overhang=0.0)
    axs[2,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0, overhang=0.0)")
    axs[0,1].arrow_spines('lb', overhang=-0.3)
    axs[0,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero('lb')")
    axs[0,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', overhang=-0.3)")
    axs[1,1].set_spines_zero('lb', -1.0)
    axs[1,1].arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)
    axs[1,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero('lb', -1.0)")
    axs[1,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)")
    axs[2,1].set_spines_zero({'l': 0.0, 'b': -1.0})
    axs[2,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero({'l': 0.0, 'b': -1.0})")
    axs[2,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb')")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x)
    for axx in axs:
        for ax in axx:
            ax.plot(x, y)
            ax.set_ylim(-1.5, 2.5)
            #ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])

def demo_twin_inset():
    """ Run a demonstration of the spine module showing twin behavior.
    from .insets import inset
    spines_params(spines='lb', spines_offsets={'lrtb': 10}, spines_bounds={'lrtb': 'ticks'},
                  twinx_spines='r', twiny_spines='t',
                  inset_spines='lrb', inset_spines_offsets={'b': 10})
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 4))
    axs[0].text(0.05, 1.85, "spines='lb'")
    axt = axs[1].twinx()
    axt.set_ylim(0.5, 5.5)
    axs[1].text(0.05, 1.85, "ax.twinx()")
    axs[1].text(0.05, 1.7, "twinx_spines='r'")
    axi = axs[2].inset((0.5, 0.45, 0.9, 0.7))
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.85, "ax.inset((0.5, 0.45, 0.9, 0.7))")
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.7, "inset_spines='lrb'")
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.55, "inset_spines_offsets={'b': 10}")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = 0.5*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x) + 0.5
    for ax in axs:
        ax.plot(x, y)
        ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
        ax.set_ylim(0.0, 2.0)

def demo():

if __name__ == "__main__":


def show_spines(ax, spines='lrtb')

Show and hide spines.


ax : matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated. If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure. If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
spines : string
Specify which spines and ticks should be shown. All other ones or hidden. 'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine, 't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one. E.g. 'lb' shows the left and bottom spine, and hides the top and and right spines, as well as their tick marks and labels. '' shows no spines at all. 'lrtb' shows all spines and tick marks.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)


Expand source code
def show_spines(ax, spines='lrtb'):
    """ Show and hide spines.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string
        Specify which spines and ticks should be shown.
        All other ones or hidden.
        'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
        't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
        E.g. 'lb' shows the left and bottom spine, and hides the top
        and and right spines, as well as their tick marks and labels.
        '' shows no spines at all.
        'lrtb' shows all spines and tick marks.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    # collect spine visibility:
    xspines = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    yspines = []
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        # ax is figure:
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    for ax in axs:
        # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
        if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
           not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
        # hide spines:
        ax.spines['top'].set_visible('top' in xspines)
        ax.spines['bottom'].set_visible('bottom' in xspines)
        ax.spines['left'].set_visible('left' in yspines)
        ax.spines['right'].set_visible('right' in yspines)
        # ticks:
        if len(xspines) == 0:
            ax.xaxis._orig_major_locator = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            if hasattr(ax.xaxis, '_orig_major_locator'):
                delattr(ax.xaxis, '_orig_major_locator')
            elif isinstance(ax.xaxis.get_major_locator(), ticker.NullLocator):
            if len(xspines) == 1:
        if len(yspines) == 0:
            ax.yaxis._orig_major_locator = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
            if hasattr(ax.yaxis, '_orig_major_locator'):
                delattr(ax.yaxis, '_orig_major_locator')
            elif isinstance(ax.yaxis.get_major_locator(), ticker.NullLocator):
            if len(yspines) == 1:
def set_spines_outward(ax, spines, offset=0)

Set the specified spines outward.


ax : matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
Axis on which spines are set outwards. If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure. If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
spines : string or dictionary
  • string: specify to which spines the offset given by the offset argument should be applied. 'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine, 't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one. E.g. 'lb' applies the offset to the left and bottom spine.
  • dictionary: apply offsets to several sets of spines individually. Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above. The corresponding values specify the offset by which the spines are moved outwards.
offset : float or None
Move the specified spines outward by that many pixels. If None. leave the position of the spines untouched.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax0.set_spines_outward('lb', 0)
# set left and bottom spine outwards by 10 pixels:
ax1.set_spines_outward('lb', 10)
# set left and bottom spine inwards by 10 pixels:
ax2.set_spines_outward('lb', -10)


# set the left and right spines outwards by 10 pixels and the top and bottom ones by 5:
ax0.set_spines_outward({'lr': 10, 'bt': 5})

# set the bottom spine of all axis of the figure outward by 5 pixels:
fig.set_spines_outward('b', 5)
Expand source code
def set_spines_outward(ax, spines, offset=0):
    """ Set the specified spines outward.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spines are set outwards.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify to which spines the offset given by
          the `offset` argument should be applied.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the offset to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply offsets to several sets of spines individually.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the offset by which the spines
          are moved outwards.
    offset: float or None
        Move the specified spines outward by that many pixels.
        If None. leave the position of the spines untouched.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax0.set_spines_outward('lb', 0)
    # set left and bottom spine outwards by 10 pixels:
    ax1.set_spines_outward('lb', 10)
    # set left and bottom spine inwards by 10 pixels:
    ax2.set_spines_outward('lb', -10)

    # set the left and right spines outwards by 10 pixels and the top and bottom ones by 5:
    ax0.set_spines_outward({'lr': 10, 'bt': 5})

    # set the bottom spine of all axis of the figure outward by 5 pixels:
    fig.set_spines_outward('b', 5)
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_outward(ax, sp, spines[sp])
    if offset is None:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # collect spine ids:
    spines_list = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    for ax in axs:
        # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
        if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
           not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
        for sp in spines_list:
            visible = ax.spines[sp].get_visible()
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
                loc = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
                loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            ax.spines[sp].set_position(('outward', offset))
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
def set_spines_zero(ax, spines, pos=0)

Set the position of the specified spines to the data value of the other axis.


ax : matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
Axis on which the spine position is set. If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure. If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
spines : string or dictionary
  • string: specify which spines should be set. 'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine, 't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one. E.g. 'lb' applies the position to the left and bottom spine.
  • dictionary: apply spine position to several sets of spines individually. Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above. The corresponding values specify the position of the spines.
pos : float or None
Position of the spine in data values of the other axis. If None, leave spine position untouched.


# set left and right spine to the origin of the data coordinates:

# set the left spine to the origin of the x-axis, and the bottom spine
# at -1 on the y-axis:
ax.set_spines_zero({'l': 0, 'b': -1})

# set the left and the right spine of all axis of the figure to the origin:
Expand source code
def set_spines_zero(ax, spines, pos=0):
    """ Set the position of the specified spines to the data value of the other axis.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which the spine position is set.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify which spines should be set.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the position to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply spine position to several sets of
          spines individually.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the position of the spines.
    pos: float or None
        Position of the spine in data values of the other axis.
        If None, leave spine position untouched.

    # set left and right spine to the origin of the data coordinates:

    # set the left spine to the origin of the x-axis, and the bottom spine
    # at -1 on the y-axis:
    ax.set_spines_zero({'l': 0, 'b': -1})

    # set the left and the right spine of all axis of the figure to the origin:
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_zero(ax, sp, spines[sp])
    if pos is None:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # collect spine ids:
    spines_list = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    for ax in axs:
        for sp in spines_list:
            visible = ax.spines[sp].get_visible()
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
                loc = ax.yaxis.get_major_locator()
                loc = ax.xaxis.get_major_locator()
            ax.spines[sp].set_position(('data', pos))
            if sp in ['left', 'right']:
def set_spines_bounds(ax, spines, bounds='full')

Set bounds for the specified spines.


ax : matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
Axis on which spine bounds are set. If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure. If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
spines : string or dictionary
  • string: specify to which spines the bound setttings given by the bounds argument should be applied. 'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine, 't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one. E.g. 'lb' applies the bounds settings to the left and bottom spine.
  • dictionary: apply bound settings for several sets of spines. Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above. The corresponding values specify the bound settings (see bounds below for possible values and their effects).
bounds : 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float or tuple thereof
  • 'full': draw the spine in its full length (default)
  • 'data': do not draw the spine beyond the data range, uses matplotlib's smart_bounds
  • 'ticks': draw the spine only within the first and last major tick mark.
  • tuple: two values of 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float specifying the lower and upper bound separately.



If an invalid bounds argument was specified.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import plottools.spines

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
ax0.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'full')
ax1.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'data')
ax2.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'ticks')


Expand source code
def set_spines_bounds(ax, spines, bounds='full'):
    """ Set bounds for the specified spines.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine bounds are set.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string or dictionary 
        - string: specify to which spines the bound setttings given by
          the `bounds` argument should be applied.
          'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
          't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
          E.g. 'lb' applies the bounds settings to the left and bottom spine.
        - dictionary: apply bound settings for several sets of spines.
          Dictionary keys are strings specifying the spines as described above.
          The corresponding values specify the bound settings
          (see `bounds` below for possible values and their effects).
    bounds: 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float or tuple thereof
        - 'full': draw the spine in its full length (default)
        - 'data': do not draw the spine beyond the data range,
          uses matplotlib's smart_bounds
        - 'ticks': draw the spine only within the first and
          last major tick mark.
        - tuple: two values of 'full', 'data', 'ticks' or float specifying
          the lower and upper bound separately.

        If an invalid `bounds` argument was specified.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import plottools.spines

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    ax0.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'full')
    ax1.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'data')
    ax2.set_spines_bounds('lb', 'ticks')
    if isinstance(spines, dict):
        for sp in spines:
            set_spines_bounds(ax, sp, spines[sp])
        # collect axes:
        if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            axs = ax
        elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
            axs = ax.get_axes()
            axs = [ax]
        if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
            axs = [axs]
        if isinstance(bounds, (tuple, list)):
            if len(bounds) != 2:
                raise ValueError('Invalid number of elements for bounds. Should be one or two.')
            if not np.isscalar(bounds[0]) and bounds[0] not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for lower bound: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds[0])
            if not np.isscalar(bounds[1]) and bounds[1] not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for upper bound: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds[1])
            lower_bound = bounds[0]
            upper_bound = bounds[1]
            if bounds not in ['full', 'data', 'ticks']:
                raise ValueError('Invalid value for bounds: %s. Should be one of "full", "data", "ticks")' % bounds)
            lower_bound = bounds
            upper_bound = bounds
        # collect spine ids:
        spines_list = []
        if 't' in spines:
        if 'b' in spines:
        if 'l' in spines:
        if 'r' in spines:
        for ax in axs:
            # non-cartesian projections are not handled yet:
            if not 'top' in ax.spines or not 'bottom' in ax.spines or \
               not 'left' in ax.spines or not 'right' in ax.spines:
            for sp in spines_list:
                ax.spines[sp].bounds_style = (lower_bound, upper_bound)
def arrow_spines(ax, spines, flush=None, extend=None, height=None, ratio=None, overhang=None, lw=None, color=None)

Spines with arrows.


ax : matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated. If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure. If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
spines : string
Specify which spines should be shown as arrows. 'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine, 't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
flush : float or None
Extend the tail of the arrow. If the other axis is set outward, then extend the tail by this factor times the outward set distance of the spine of the other axis. That is, if flush is set to 1.0, the tail of the arrow just touches the other spine. If the other axis is set to a specific data coordinate, then extend the tail by flush times the height of the arrow. If None set to rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushx'] for horizontal spines or rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushy'] for vertical spines.
extend : float or None
Extend the length of the spine by this factor times the height of the arrow. If None set to rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendx'] for horizontal spines or rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendy'] for vertical spines.
height : float
Height (length) of the arrow in points. If None set to rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.height'].
ratio : float
Width of arrow is height times ratio. If None set to rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.ratio'].
overhang : float
Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow, 1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards. If None set to rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.overhang'].
lw : float or None
Line width of spine. If None set to rcParams['axes.linewidth'].
color : matplotlib color specificaion or None
Color of spine. If None set to rcParams['axes.edgecolor'].


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from plottools.spines import spines_params

fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
spines_params(spines='', height=10)
ax1.arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0)
ax2.arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)


Expand source code
def arrow_spines(ax, spines, flush=None, extend=None, height=None, ratio=None,
                 overhang=None, lw=None, color=None):
    """Spines with arrows.

    ax: matplotlib figure, matplotlib axis, or list of matplotlib axes
        Axis on which spine and ticks visibility is manipulated.
        If figure, then apply manipulations on all axes of the figure.
        If list of axes, apply manipulations on each of the given axes.
    spines: string
        Specify which spines should be shown as arrows.
        'l' is the left spine, 'r' the right spine,
        't' the top one and 'b' the bottom one.
    flush: float or None
        Extend the tail of the arrow. If the other axis is set
        outward, then extend the tail by this factor times the outward
        set distance of the spine of the other axis. That is, if
        `flush` is set to 1.0, the tail of the arrow just touches the
        other spine.
        If the other axis is set to a specific data coordinate, then
        extend the tail by `flush` times the height of the arrow.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushx']` for
        horizontal spines or `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushy']`
        for vertical spines.
    extend: float or None
        Extend the length of the spine by this factor times the height
        of the arrow.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendx']` for
        horizontal spines or `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendy']`
        for vertical spines.
    height: float
        Height (length) of the arrow in points.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.height']`.
    ratio: float
        Width of arrow is `height` times `ratio`.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.ratio']`.
    overhang: float
        Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow,
        1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards.
        If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.overhang']`.
    lw: float or None
        Line width of spine. If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.linewidth']`.
    color: matplotlib color specificaion or None
        Color of spine. If `None` set to `rcParams['axes.edgecolor']`.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from plottools.spines import spines_params

    fig, (ax0, ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 3)
    spines_params(spines='', height=10)
    ax1.arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0)
    ax2.arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)

    # collect spine visibility:
    spns = []
    if 't' in spines:
    if 'b' in spines:
    if 'l' in spines:
    if 'r' in spines:
    # collect axes:
    if isinstance(ax, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axs = ax
    elif hasattr(ax, 'get_axes'):
        axs = ax.get_axes()
        axs = [ax]
    if not isinstance(axs, (list, tuple)):
        axs = [axs]
    # mark spines for arrow plotting:
    for ax in axs:
        for sp in spns:
            ax.spines[sp].arrow = dict(flush=flush, extend=extend,
                                       height=height, ratio=ratio, overhang=overhang,
                                       lw=lw, color=color)
def spines_params(spines=None, spines_offsets=None, spines_positions=None, spines_bounds=None, arrows=None, flushx=None, extendx=None, flushy=None, extendy=None, height=None, ratio=None, overhang=None, twinx_spines=None, twiny_spines=None, inset_spines=None, inset_spines_offsets=None, inset_spines_positions=None, inset_spines_bounds=None, color=None, linewidth=None)

Set default spine appearance.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.

Call this function before you create a matplotlib figure.


spines : string
Spines to be shown. Sets rcParams See spines.show_spines() for details.
spines_offsets : dict or float
Offsets for moving spines outward. Sets rcParams axes.spines.offsets. See spines.set_spines_outward() for details.
spines_positions : dict or float
Positions for spines in data coordinates. Sets rcParams axes.spines.positions. See spines.set_spines_zero() for details.
spines_bounds : dict
Bounds for the spines. Sets rcParams axes.spines.bounds. See spines.set_spines_bounds() for details.
arrows : string
Spines as arrows. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
flushx : float
Extend tail of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times offset of other axis (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow (if set to a data coordinate). Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.flushx. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
extendx : float
Extend head of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times height of arrow. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.extendx. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
flushy : float
Extend tail of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times offset of other axis (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow (if set to a data coordinate). Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.flushy. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
extendy : float
Extend head of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times height of arrow. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.extendy. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
height : float
Height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.height. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
ratio : float
Width relative to height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.ratio. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
overhang : float
Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow, 1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards. Sets rcParams axes.spines.arrows.overhang. See spines.arrow_spines() for details.
twinx_spines : string
Spines to be shown for twinx() axes. Sets rcParams axes.spines.twinx. See spines.show_spines() for details. Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds as the defaults for normal axes.
twiny_spines : string
Spines to be shown for twiny() axes. Sets rcParams axes.spines.twiny. See spines.show_spines() for details. Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds as the defaults for normal axes.
inset_spines : string
Spines to be shown for an inset. Sets rcParams See spines.show_spines() for details.
inset_spines_offsets : dict
Offsets for moving spines outward for an inset. Sets rcParams axes.spines.inset.offsets. See spines.set_spines_outward() for details.
inset_spines_positions : dict
Positions of spines in data coordinates for an inset. Sets rcParams axes.spines.inset.positions. See spines.set_spines_zero() for details.
inset_spines_bounds : dict
Bounds for the spines of an inset. Sets rcParams axes.spines.inset.bounds. See spines.set_spines_bounds() for details.
color : matplotlib color
Color of spines. Sets rcParam axes.edgecolor.
linewidth : float
Width of spines. Sets rcParam axes.linewidth.
Expand source code
def spines_params(spines=None, spines_offsets=None,
                  spines_positions=None, spines_bounds=None,
                  arrows=None, flushx=None, extendx=None, flushy=None,
                  extendy=None, height=None, ratio=None,
                  overhang=None, twinx_spines=None, twiny_spines=None,
                  inset_spines=None, inset_spines_offsets=None,
                  inset_spines_bounds=None, color=None,
    """ Set default spine appearance.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Call this function *before* you create a matplotlib figure.

    spines: string
        Spines to be shown. Sets rcParams ``.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
    spines_offsets: dict or float
        Offsets for moving spines outward. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.offsets`.
        See `spines.set_spines_outward()` for details.
    spines_positions: dict or float
        Positions for spines in data coordinates.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.positions`.
        See `spines.set_spines_zero()` for details.
    spines_bounds: dict
        Bounds for the spines. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.bounds`.
        See `spines.set_spines_bounds()` for details.
    arrows: string
        Spines as arrows. Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    flushx: float
        Extend tail of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times 
        offset of other axis
        (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow
        (if set to a data coordinate).
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.flushx`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    extendx: float
        Extend head of arrowed top or bottom spine by this factor times
        height of arrow.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.extendx`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    flushy: float
        Extend tail of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times
        offset of other axis
        (if set outwards) or by this factor times the height of the arrow
        (if set to a data coordinate).
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.flushy`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    extendy: float
        Extend head of arrowed left or right spine by this factor times
        height of arrow.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.extendy`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    height: float
        Height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.height`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    ratio: float
        Width relative to height of arrow head of arrowed spine in points.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.ratio`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    overhang: float
        Fraction that the arrow is swept back: 0 is triangular arrow,
        1 is pure line arrow, negative values extend the arrow backwards.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.arrows.overhang`.
        See `spines.arrow_spines()` for details.
    twinx_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for `twinx()` axes.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.twinx`.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
        Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds
        as the defaults for normal axes.
    twiny_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for `twiny()` axes.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.twiny`.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
        Twinned axes get the same default offsets, positions, and bounds
        as the defaults for normal axes.
    inset_spines: string
        Spines to be shown for an inset.
        Sets rcParams ``.
        See `spines.show_spines()` for details.
    inset_spines_offsets: dict
        Offsets for moving spines outward for an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.offsets`.
        See `spines.set_spines_outward()` for details.
    inset_spines_positions: dict
        Positions of spines in data coordinates for an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.positions`.
        See `spines.set_spines_zero()` for details.
    inset_spines_bounds: dict
        Bounds for the spines of an inset.
        Sets rcParams `axes.spines.inset.bounds`.
        See `spines.set_spines_bounds()` for details.
    color: matplotlib color
        Color of spines. Sets rcParam `axes.edgecolor`.
    linewidth: float
        Width of spines. Sets rcParam `axes.linewidth`.
    if spines is not None and '' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams[''] = spines
    if spines_offsets is not None and 'axes.spines.offsets' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.offsets'] = spines_offsets
    if spines_positions is not None and 'axes.spines.positions' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.positions'] = spines_positions
    if spines_bounds is not None and 'axes.spines.bounds' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.bounds'] = spines_bounds
    if arrows is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows'] = arrows
    if flushx is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.flushx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushx'] = flushx
    if extendx is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.extendx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendx'] = extendx
    if flushy is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.flushy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.flushy'] = flushy
    if extendy is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.extendy' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.extendy'] = extendy
    if height is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.height' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.height'] = height
    if ratio is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.ratio' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.ratio'] = ratio
    if overhang is not None and 'axes.spines.arrows.overhang' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.arrows.overhang'] = overhang
    if twinx_spines is not None and 'axes.spines.twinx' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twinx'] = twinx_spines
    if twiny_spines is not None and 'axes.spines.twiny' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.twiny'] = twiny_spines
    if inset_spines is not None and '' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams[''] = inset_spines
    if inset_spines_offsets is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.offsets' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.offsets'] = inset_spines_offsets
    if inset_spines_positions is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.positions' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.positions'] = inset_spines_positions
    if inset_spines_bounds is not None and 'axes.spines.inset.bounds' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.spines.inset.bounds'] = inset_spines_bounds
    if color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor'] = color
    if linewidth is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['axes.linewidth'] = linewidth
def install_spines()

Install functions of the spines module in matplotlib.

Patches the matplotlib functions show() and savefig() for fixing spine bounds before finishing the figure.

Also patches the matplotlib axes constructor, the twinx(), twiny(), and the plottools.insets functions.

Adds matplotlib.rcParams:   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}
axes.spines.arrows: '',
axes.spines.arrows.flushx: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.flushy: 0.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendx: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.extendy: 1.0
axes.spines.arrows.height: 10.0
axes.spines.arrows.ratio: 0.7
axes.spines.arrows.overhang: 1.0
axes.spines.twinx: 'r'
axes.spines.twiny: 't'   : 'lrtb'
axes.spines.inset.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
axes.spines.inset.positions: {'lrtb': None}
axes.spines.inset.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}

This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

See Also


Expand source code
def install_spines():
    """ Install functions of the spines module in matplotlib.

    Patches the matplotlib functions `show()` and `savefig()` for fixing
    spine bounds before finishing the figure.

    Also patches the matplotlib axes constructor, the `twinx()`, `twiny()`,
    and the `plottools.insets` functions.    

    Adds `matplotlib.rcParams`:
    ```   : 'lrtb'
    axes.spines.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
    axes.spines.positions: {'lrtb': None}
    axes.spines.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}
    axes.spines.arrows: '',
    axes.spines.arrows.flushx: 0.0
    axes.spines.arrows.flushy: 0.0
    axes.spines.arrows.extendx: 1.0
    axes.spines.arrows.extendy: 1.0
    axes.spines.arrows.height: 10.0
    axes.spines.arrows.ratio: 0.7
    axes.spines.arrows.overhang: 1.0
    axes.spines.twinx: 'r'
    axes.spines.twiny: 't'   : 'lrtb'
    axes.spines.inset.offsets: {'lrtb': 0}
    axes.spines.inset.positions: {'lrtb': None}
    axes.spines.inset.bounds : {'lrtb': 'full'}

    This function is called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    # make functions available as members:
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.show_spines = show_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_outward = set_spines_outward
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_zero = set_spines_zero
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_spines_bounds = set_spines_bounds
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.arrow_spines = arrow_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.show_spines = show_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_outward = set_spines_outward
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_zero = set_spines_zero
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.set_spines_bounds = set_spines_bounds
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.arrow_spines = arrow_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__update_spines = __update_spines
    # install __update_spines():
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_spines = mpl.figure.Figure.savefig
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = __fig_savefig_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_spines = = __fig_show_spines
    if not hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        plt.__savefig_orig_spines = plt.savefig
        plt.savefig = __plt_savefig_spines
    if not hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines'):
        plt.__show_orig_spines = = __plt_show_spines
    # add spines parameter to rc configuration:
    if '' not in mpl.rcParams:
        mrc._validators[''] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.offsets'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.positions'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.bounds'] = _validate_spines_bounds
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.flushx'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.flushy'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.extendx'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.extendy'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.height'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.ratio'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.arrows.overhang'] = mrc.validate_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.twinx'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.twiny'] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators[''] = _validate_spines
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.offsets'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.positions'] = _validate_spines_float
        mrc._validators['axes.spines.inset.bounds'] = _validate_spines_bounds
        mpl.rcParams.update({'': 'lrtb',
                             'axes.spines.offsets': {'lrtb': 0},
                             'axes.spines.positions': {'lrtb': None},
                             'axes.spines.bounds': {'lrtb': 'full'},
                             'axes.spines.arrows': '',
                             'axes.spines.arrows.flushx': 0.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.flushy': 0.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.extendx': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.extendy': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.height': 10.0,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.ratio': 0.7,
                             'axes.spines.arrows.overhang': 1.0,
                             'axes.spines.twinx': 'r',
                             'axes.spines.twiny': 't',
                             '': 'lrtb',
                             'axes.spines.inset.offsets': {'lrtb': 0},
                             'axes.spines.inset.positions': {'lrtb': None},
                             'axes.spines.inset.bounds': {'lrtb': 'full'}})
    # extend Axes constructor for modifying spine appearance:
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.__init__
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__ = __axes_init_spines__
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__twinx_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.twinx
        mpl.axes.Axes.twinx = __twinx_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__twiny_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.twiny
        mpl.axes.Axes.twiny = __twiny_spines
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines') and hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'inset'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__inset_orig_spines = mpl.axes.Axes.inset
        mpl.axes.Axes.inset = __inset_spines
def uninstall_spines()

Uninstall all code of the spines module from matplotlib.

See Also


Expand source code
def uninstall_spines():
    """ Uninstall all code of the spines module from matplotlib.

    See also
    # remove installed members:
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'show_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_outward')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_zero')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_spines_bounds')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'arrow_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'show_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_outward')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_zero')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'set_spines_bounds')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'arrow_spines')
    # uninstall __update_spines():
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__update_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.savefig = mpl.figure.Figure.__savefig_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__savefig_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines'): = mpl.figure.Figure.__show_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, '__show_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines'):
        plt.savefig = plt.__savefig_orig_spines
        delattr(plt, '__savefig_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines'): = plt.__show_orig_spines
        delattr(plt, '__show_orig_spines')
    # remove spines parameter from mpl.rcParams:
    mrc._validators.pop('', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.offsets', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.positions', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.bounds', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.flushx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.flushy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.extendx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.extendy', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.height', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.ratio', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.arrows.overhang', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.twinx', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.twiny', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.offsets', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.positions', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('axes.spines.inset.bounds', None)
    # reinstall original Axes constructors:
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.__init__ = mpl.axes.Axes.__init__orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__init__orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.twinx = mpl.axes.Axes.__twinx_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twinx_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.twiny = mpl.axes.Axes.__twiny_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__twiny_orig_spines')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.inset = mpl.axes.Axes.__inset_orig_spines
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, '__inset_orig_spines')
def demo_basic()

Run a basic demonstration of the spine module.

Expand source code
def demo_basic():
    """ Run a basic demonstration of the spine module.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
    # set spines outward:
    fig.set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    # spine visibility:
    axs[0,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('lt')")
    axs[0,1].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('rt')")
    axs[1,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('l')")
    axs[1,1 ].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('r')")
    axs[2,0].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('lb')")
    axs[2,1 ].text(0.05, 1.7, "ax.show_spines('rb')")
    # set spine bounds:
    axs[0,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'full')
    axs[0,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'full')")
    axs[1,0].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'data')
    axs[1,0].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'data')")
    axs[1,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', 'ticks')
    axs[1,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', 'ticks')")
    axs[2,0].set_spines_bounds('lr', ('full', 'ticks'))
    axs[2,0].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', ('full', 'ticks'))")
    axs[2,1].set_spines_bounds('lr', ('data', 'full'))
    axs[2,1].text(0.05, 1.4, "ax.set_spines_bounds('lr', ('data', 'full'))")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = 0.5*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x) + 0.5
    for axx in axs:
        for ax in axx:
            ax.plot(x, y)
            ax.set_ylim(-1.0, 2.0)
            ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
def demo_arrows()

Run a demonstration of the spine module showing arrowed spines.

Expand source code
def demo_arrows():
    """ Run a demonstration of the spine module showing arrowed spines.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10, 8))
    # spine arrows:
    axs[0,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.arrow_spines('lb')")
    axs[1,0].set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    axs[1,0].arrow_spines('lb', extend=0.0, overhang=0.4)
    axs[1,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)")
    axs[1,0].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', extend=0.0, overhang=0.4)")
    axs[2,0].set_spines_outward('lrtb', 10)
    axs[2,0].arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0, overhang=0.0)
    axs[2,0].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', flush=1.0, overhang=0.0)")
    axs[0,1].arrow_spines('lb', overhang=-0.3)
    axs[0,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero('lb')")
    axs[0,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', overhang=-0.3)")
    axs[1,1].set_spines_zero('lb', -1.0)
    axs[1,1].arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)
    axs[1,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero('lb', -1.0)")
    axs[1,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb', flush=2.0)")
    axs[2,1].set_spines_zero({'l': 0.0, 'b': -1.0})
    axs[2,1].text(-0.95, 2.0, "ax.set_spines_zero({'l': 0.0, 'b': -1.0})")
    axs[2,1].text(-0.95, 1.5, "ax.arrow_spines('lb')")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x)
    for axx in axs:
        for ax in axx:
            ax.plot(x, y)
            ax.set_ylim(-1.5, 2.5)
            #ax.set_yticks([-0.5, 0, 0.5, 1])
def demo_twin_inset()

Run a demonstration of the spine module showing twin behavior.

Expand source code
def demo_twin_inset():
    """ Run a demonstration of the spine module showing twin behavior.
    from .insets import inset
    spines_params(spines='lb', spines_offsets={'lrtb': 10}, spines_bounds={'lrtb': 'ticks'},
                  twinx_spines='r', twiny_spines='t',
                  inset_spines='lrb', inset_spines_offsets={'b': 10})
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(14, 4))
    axs[0].text(0.05, 1.85, "spines='lb'")
    axt = axs[1].twinx()
    axt.set_ylim(0.5, 5.5)
    axs[1].text(0.05, 1.85, "ax.twinx()")
    axs[1].text(0.05, 1.7, "twinx_spines='r'")
    axi = axs[2].inset((0.5, 0.45, 0.9, 0.7))
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.85, "ax.inset((0.5, 0.45, 0.9, 0.7))")
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.7, "inset_spines='lrb'")
    axs[2].text(0.05, 1.55, "inset_spines_offsets={'b': 10}")
    # plot and annotate:
    x = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 100)
    y = 0.5*np.sin(2.0*np.pi*x) + 0.5
    for ax in axs:
        ax.plot(x, y)
        ax.set_xlim(0.0, 1.0)
        ax.set_ylim(0.0, 2.0)
def demo()
Expand source code
def demo():