Module plottools.tag

Tag axes with a label.

Figure member functions

  • tag(): tag each axes with a label.


matplotlib.rcParams defined by the tag module:

figure.tags.xoffs : 'auto',
figure.tags.yoffs : 'auto',
figure.tags.label : '%A',
figure.tags.minorlabel : '%A%mi',
figure.tags.font  : dict(fontsize='x-large', fontfamily='sans-serif')

Install/uninstall tag functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the tag module, install_tag() is called automatically.

Expand source code
Tag axes with a label.

## Figure member functions

- `tag()`: tag each axes with a label.

## Settings

- `tag_params()`: set default tag appearance.

`matplotlib.rcParams` defined by the tag module:
figure.tags.xoffs : 'auto',
figure.tags.yoffs : 'auto',
figure.tags.label : '%A',
figure.tags.minorlabel : '%A%mi',
figure.tags.font  : dict(fontsize='x-large', fontfamily='sans-serif')

## Install/uninstall tag functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the tag
module, `install_tag()` is called automatically.

- `install_tag()`: install functions of the tag module in matplotlib.
- `uninstall_tag()`: uninstall all code of the tag module from matplotlib.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.rcsetup as mrc
import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec
from .rcsetup import _validate_fontdict

def tag(fig=None, axes=None, xoffs=None, yoffs=None,
        labels=None, minor_label=None, major_index=None,
        minor_index=None, **kwargs):
    """Tag each axes with a label.

    Labels are left/top aligned.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        If None take figure from first element in `axes`.
    axes: None or matplotlib axes or int or list of matplotlib axes or int
        If None label all axes of the figure.
        Integers in the list are indices to the axes of the figure.
        For axes in the out list, `labels` is used for tagging,
        for axes in (optional) inner lists, `minor_label` is used.
    xoffs: float, 'auto', or None
        X-coordinate of label relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width
        of a character (simply 60% of the current font size).
        If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure,
        set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border,
        otherwise use the value computed by the first call.
        If None take value from `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs']`.
    yoffs: float, 'auto', or None
        Y-coordinate of label relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples
        of the height of a character (the current font size).
        If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure,
        set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border,
        otherwise use the value computed by the first call.
        If None take value from `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs']`.
    labels: string or list of strings
        If string, then replace formatting substrings 
        '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' to generate labels for each axes in the outer list.
        - '%A': A B C ...
        - '%a': a b c ...
        - '%1': 1 2 3 ...
        - '%i': i ii iii iv ...
        - '%I': I II III IV ...
        Subsequent calls to `tag()` keep incrementing the label.
        With a list arbitary labels can be specified.
        If None, set to `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label']`.
    minor_label: string
        If `axes` is a nested list of axes, then for the inner lists
        `minor_label` is used for formatting the axes label.
        Formatting substrings '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' are replaced
        by the corresponding tags for the outer list, '%mA', '%ma', '%m1', '%mi',
        and '%mI' are replaced by the equivalently formatted tags for the inner list.
        See `labels` for meaning of the formatting substrings.
        If None, set to `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel']`.
    major_index: int or None
        Start labeling major axes with this index (0 = 'A').
        If None, use last index from previous call to `tag()`.
    minor_index: int or None
        Start labeling minor axes with this index (0 = 'A').
        If None, start with 0.
    kwargs: dict
        Key-word arguments are passed on to ax.text() for formatting the tag label.
        Overrides settings in `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.font']`.
    if fig is None:
        fig = axes[0].get_figure()
    if axes is None:
        axes = fig.get_axes()
    if not isinstance(axes, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axes = [axes]
    if labels is None:
        labels = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label']
    if minor_label is None:
        minor_label = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel']
    if not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        # generate labels:
        romans_lower = ['i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix', 'x',
                        'xi', 'xii', 'xiii']
        romans_upper = [r.upper() for r in romans_lower]
        if major_index is None:
            if hasattr(fig, 'tags_major_index'):
                major_index = fig.tags_major_index
                major_index = 0
        if minor_index is None:
            minor_index = 0
        label_list = []
        k = 0
        for axs in axes:
            if isinstance(axs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
                j = 0
                for ax in axs:
                    if ax.get_visible():
                        mlabel = str(minor_label) if minor_label else str(lables)
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%a', chr(ord('a') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%A', chr(ord('A') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%1', chr(ord('1') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%i', romans_lower[major_index + k])
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%I', romans_upper[major_index + k]) 
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%ma', chr(ord('a') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mA', chr(ord('A') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%m1', chr(ord('1') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mi', romans_lower[minor_index + j])
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mI', romans_upper[minor_index + j]) 
                        j += 1
                if j > 0:
                    minor_index = 0
                    k += 1
            elif axs.get_visible():
                label = labels.replace('%a', chr(ord('a') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%A', chr(ord('A') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%1', chr(ord('1') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%i', romans_lower[major_index + k])
                label = label.replace('%I', romans_upper[major_index + k]) 
                k += 1
        fig.tags_major_index = major_index + k
        label_list = labels
    # flatten axes:
    axes_list = []
    for axs in axes:
        if isinstance(axs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            for ax in axs:
                if ax.get_visible():
        elif axs.get_visible():
    # font settings:
    fkwargs = dict(**mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.font'])
    # get axes offsets:
    xo = -1.0
    yo = +1.0
    for ax, l in zip(axes_list, label_list):
        if isinstance(ax, int):
            ax = fig.get_axes()[ax]
        x0, y0, width, height = ax.get_position(original=True).bounds
        if x0 <= -xo:
            xo = -x0
        if 1.0 - y0 - height < yo:
            yo = 1.0 - y0 - height
    # get figure size in pixel:
    w, h = fig.get_window_extent().bounds[2:]
    ppi = 72.0 # points per inch:
    fs = mpl.rcParams['font.size']*fig.dpi/ppi
    # compute offsets:
    if xoffs is None:
        xoffs = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs']
    if yoffs is None:
        yoffs = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs']
    if xoffs == 'auto':
        if hasattr(fig, 'tags_xoffs'):
            xoffs = fig.tags_xoffs
            xoffs = xo
        xoffs *= 0.6*fs/w
    if yoffs == 'auto':
        if hasattr(fig, 'tags_yoffs'):
            yoffs = fig.tags_yoffs
            yoffs = yo - 1.0/h   # minus one pixel
        yoffs *= fs/h
    fig.tags_xoffs = xoffs
    fig.tags_yoffs = yoffs
    # put labels onto axes:
    for ax, l in zip(axes_list, label_list):
        if isinstance(ax, int):
            ax = fig.get_axes()[ax]
        x0, y0, width, height = ax.get_position(original=True).bounds
        x = x0 + xoffs
        if x <= 0.0:
            x = 0.0
        y = y0 + height + yoffs
        if y >= 1.0:
            y = 1.0
        ax.text(x, y, l, transform=fig.transFigure, ha='left', va='top', **fkwargs)

def tag_params(xoffs=None, yoffs=None, label=None, minor_label=None, font=None):
    """ Set default tag appearance.

    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    xoffs: float or 'auto'
        X-coordinate of tag relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width
        of a character (simply 60% of the current font size).
        If 'auto', set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border,
        or to a previously computed value from that figure.
        Sets rcParam `figure.tags.xoffs`.
    yoffs: float or 'auto'
        Y-coordinate of tag relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples
        of the height of a character (the current font size).
        If 'auto', set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border,
        or to a previously computed value from that figure.
        Sets rcParam `figure.tags.yoffs`.
    label: string
        Label used to tag axes. Sets rcParam `figure.tags.label`.
        See `tag()` for details.
    minor_label: string
        Label used to tag minor axes. Sets rcParam `figure.tags.minorlabel`.
        See `tag()` for details.
    font: dict
        Dictionary with font settings for tags
        (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, ...).
        Updates rcParam `figure.tags.font`.
    if xoffs is not None and 'figure.tags.xoffs' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs'] = xoffs
    if yoffs is not None and 'figure.tags.yoffs' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs'] = yoffs
    if label is not None and 'figure.tags.label' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label'] = label
    if minor_label is not None and 'figure.tags.minorlabel' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel'] = minor_label
    if font is not None and 'figure.tags.font' in mrc._validators:

def _validate_tagoffs(s):
    """ Validator for matplotlib.rcsetup.
    if s in ('auto',):
        return s
        return float(s)
    except ValueError as e:
        raise ValueError('not a valid offset specification for tag') from e

def install_tag():
    """ Install functions of the tag module in matplotlib.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.tag = tag
    if not hasattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs'):
        mrc.validate_tagoffs = _validate_tagoffs
    # add tag parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'figure.tags.xoffs' not in mrc._validators:
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.xoffs'] = mrc.validate_tagoffs
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.yoffs'] = mrc.validate_tagoffs
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.label'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.minorlabel'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.font'] = _validate_fontdict
        mpl.rcParams.update({'figure.tags.xoffs': 'auto',
                             'figure.tags.yoffs': 'auto',
                             'figure.tags.label': '%A',
                             'figure.tags.minorlabel': '%A%mi',
                             'figure.tags.font': dict(fontsize='x-large', fontfamily='sans-serif') })

def uninstall_tag():
    """ Uninstall all code of the tag module from matplotlib.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag')
    if hasattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs'):
        delattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs')
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.xoffs', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.yoffs', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.label', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.minorlabel', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.font', None)


def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the tag module.

    def afigure():
        fig = plt.figure()
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[5, 1.5, 2.4])
        gs.update(left=0.075, bottom=0.14, right=0.985, top=0.9, wspace=0.6, hspace=0.6)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,0])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1:])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,2])
        for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]:
        return fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4)

    tag_params(xoffs='auto', yoffs='auto', label='%A',
    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.5, 'fig.tag()', transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    axs[0].text(0.0, 0.0, 'X', transform=fig.transFigure, ha='left', va='bottom')
    fig.tag(xoffs=-5, yoffs=3)

    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.7, 'fig,tag([ax1])',
                transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.5, "fig,tag([ax2, ax4], 'auto', 2, '%a:', major_index=0,\n fontweight='normal', fontstyle='italic')", transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    fig.tag([axs[0]], xoffs=-5, yoffs=3)
    fig.tag([axs[1], axs[3]], 'auto', 2, '%a:', major_index=0,
            fontweight='normal', fontstyle='italic')

    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.05, 0.7, "fig.tag([0, [1, 2, 3]],\n labels='Panel %A)',\n minor_label='%A.%mi)')",
    fig.tag([0, [1, 2, 3]], xoffs=0, yoffs=3, labels='Panel %A)', minor_label='%A.%mi)')

if __name__ == "__main__":


def tag(fig=None, axes=None, xoffs=None, yoffs=None, labels=None, minor_label=None, major_index=None, minor_index=None, **kwargs)

Tag each axes with a label.

Labels are left/top aligned.


fig : matplotlib figure
If None take figure from first element in axes.
axes : None or matplotlib axes or int or list of matplotlib axes or int
If None label all axes of the figure. Integers in the list are indices to the axes of the figure. For axes in the out list, labels is used for tagging, for axes in (optional) inner lists, minor_label is used.
xoffs : float, 'auto', or None
X-coordinate of label relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width of a character (simply 60% of the current font size). If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure, set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border, otherwise use the value computed by the first call. If None take value from mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs'].
yoffs : float, 'auto', or None
Y-coordinate of label relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples of the height of a character (the current font size). If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure, set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border, otherwise use the value computed by the first call. If None take value from mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs'].
labels : string or list of strings

If string, then replace formatting substrings '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' to generate labels for each axes in the outer list.

  • '%A': A B C …
  • '%a': a b c …
  • '%1': 1 2 3 …
  • '%i': i ii iii iv …
  • '%I': I II III IV …

Subsequent calls to tag() keep incrementing the label. With a list arbitary labels can be specified. If None, set to mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label'].

minor_label : string
If axes is a nested list of axes, then for the inner lists minor_label is used for formatting the axes label. Formatting substrings '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' are replaced by the corresponding tags for the outer list, '%mA', '%ma', '%m1', '%mi', and '%mI' are replaced by the equivalently formatted tags for the inner list. See labels for meaning of the formatting substrings. If None, set to mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel'].
major_index : int or None
Start labeling major axes with this index (0 = 'A'). If None, use last index from previous call to tag().
minor_index : int or None
Start labeling minor axes with this index (0 = 'A'). If None, start with 0.
kwargs : dict
Key-word arguments are passed on to ax.text() for formatting the tag label. Overrides settings in mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.font'].
Expand source code
def tag(fig=None, axes=None, xoffs=None, yoffs=None,
        labels=None, minor_label=None, major_index=None,
        minor_index=None, **kwargs):
    """Tag each axes with a label.

    Labels are left/top aligned.

    fig: matplotlib figure
        If None take figure from first element in `axes`.
    axes: None or matplotlib axes or int or list of matplotlib axes or int
        If None label all axes of the figure.
        Integers in the list are indices to the axes of the figure.
        For axes in the out list, `labels` is used for tagging,
        for axes in (optional) inner lists, `minor_label` is used.
    xoffs: float, 'auto', or None
        X-coordinate of label relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width
        of a character (simply 60% of the current font size).
        If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure,
        set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border,
        otherwise use the value computed by the first call.
        If None take value from `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs']`.
    yoffs: float, 'auto', or None
        Y-coordinate of label relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples
        of the height of a character (the current font size).
        If 'auto' and this is the first call of this function on the figure,
        set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border,
        otherwise use the value computed by the first call.
        If None take value from `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs']`.
    labels: string or list of strings
        If string, then replace formatting substrings 
        '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' to generate labels for each axes in the outer list.
        - '%A': A B C ...
        - '%a': a b c ...
        - '%1': 1 2 3 ...
        - '%i': i ii iii iv ...
        - '%I': I II III IV ...
        Subsequent calls to `tag()` keep incrementing the label.
        With a list arbitary labels can be specified.
        If None, set to `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label']`.
    minor_label: string
        If `axes` is a nested list of axes, then for the inner lists
        `minor_label` is used for formatting the axes label.
        Formatting substrings '%A', '%a', '%1', '%i', and '%I' are replaced
        by the corresponding tags for the outer list, '%mA', '%ma', '%m1', '%mi',
        and '%mI' are replaced by the equivalently formatted tags for the inner list.
        See `labels` for meaning of the formatting substrings.
        If None, set to `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel']`.
    major_index: int or None
        Start labeling major axes with this index (0 = 'A').
        If None, use last index from previous call to `tag()`.
    minor_index: int or None
        Start labeling minor axes with this index (0 = 'A').
        If None, start with 0.
    kwargs: dict
        Key-word arguments are passed on to ax.text() for formatting the tag label.
        Overrides settings in `mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.font']`.
    if fig is None:
        fig = axes[0].get_figure()
    if axes is None:
        axes = fig.get_axes()
    if not isinstance(axes, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        axes = [axes]
    if labels is None:
        labels = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label']
    if minor_label is None:
        minor_label = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel']
    if not isinstance(labels, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
        # generate labels:
        romans_lower = ['i', 'ii', 'iii', 'iv', 'v', 'vi', 'vii', 'viii', 'ix', 'x',
                        'xi', 'xii', 'xiii']
        romans_upper = [r.upper() for r in romans_lower]
        if major_index is None:
            if hasattr(fig, 'tags_major_index'):
                major_index = fig.tags_major_index
                major_index = 0
        if minor_index is None:
            minor_index = 0
        label_list = []
        k = 0
        for axs in axes:
            if isinstance(axs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
                j = 0
                for ax in axs:
                    if ax.get_visible():
                        mlabel = str(minor_label) if minor_label else str(lables)
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%a', chr(ord('a') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%A', chr(ord('A') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%1', chr(ord('1') + major_index + k))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%i', romans_lower[major_index + k])
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%I', romans_upper[major_index + k]) 
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%ma', chr(ord('a') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mA', chr(ord('A') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%m1', chr(ord('1') + minor_index + j))
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mi', romans_lower[minor_index + j])
                        mlabel = mlabel.replace('%mI', romans_upper[minor_index + j]) 
                        j += 1
                if j > 0:
                    minor_index = 0
                    k += 1
            elif axs.get_visible():
                label = labels.replace('%a', chr(ord('a') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%A', chr(ord('A') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%1', chr(ord('1') + major_index + k))
                label = label.replace('%i', romans_lower[major_index + k])
                label = label.replace('%I', romans_upper[major_index + k]) 
                k += 1
        fig.tags_major_index = major_index + k
        label_list = labels
    # flatten axes:
    axes_list = []
    for axs in axes:
        if isinstance(axs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)):
            for ax in axs:
                if ax.get_visible():
        elif axs.get_visible():
    # font settings:
    fkwargs = dict(**mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.font'])
    # get axes offsets:
    xo = -1.0
    yo = +1.0
    for ax, l in zip(axes_list, label_list):
        if isinstance(ax, int):
            ax = fig.get_axes()[ax]
        x0, y0, width, height = ax.get_position(original=True).bounds
        if x0 <= -xo:
            xo = -x0
        if 1.0 - y0 - height < yo:
            yo = 1.0 - y0 - height
    # get figure size in pixel:
    w, h = fig.get_window_extent().bounds[2:]
    ppi = 72.0 # points per inch:
    fs = mpl.rcParams['font.size']*fig.dpi/ppi
    # compute offsets:
    if xoffs is None:
        xoffs = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs']
    if yoffs is None:
        yoffs = mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs']
    if xoffs == 'auto':
        if hasattr(fig, 'tags_xoffs'):
            xoffs = fig.tags_xoffs
            xoffs = xo
        xoffs *= 0.6*fs/w
    if yoffs == 'auto':
        if hasattr(fig, 'tags_yoffs'):
            yoffs = fig.tags_yoffs
            yoffs = yo - 1.0/h   # minus one pixel
        yoffs *= fs/h
    fig.tags_xoffs = xoffs
    fig.tags_yoffs = yoffs
    # put labels onto axes:
    for ax, l in zip(axes_list, label_list):
        if isinstance(ax, int):
            ax = fig.get_axes()[ax]
        x0, y0, width, height = ax.get_position(original=True).bounds
        x = x0 + xoffs
        if x <= 0.0:
            x = 0.0
        y = y0 + height + yoffs
        if y >= 1.0:
            y = 1.0
        ax.text(x, y, l, transform=fig.transFigure, ha='left', va='top', **fkwargs)
def tag_params(xoffs=None, yoffs=None, label=None, minor_label=None, font=None)

Set default tag appearance.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.


xoffs : float or 'auto'
X-coordinate of tag relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width of a character (simply 60% of the current font size). If 'auto', set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border, or to a previously computed value from that figure. Sets rcParam figure.tags.xoffs.
yoffs : float or 'auto'
Y-coordinate of tag relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples of the height of a character (the current font size). If 'auto', set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border, or to a previously computed value from that figure. Sets rcParam figure.tags.yoffs.
label : string
Label used to tag axes. Sets rcParam figure.tags.label. See tag() for details.
minor_label : string
Label used to tag minor axes. Sets rcParam figure.tags.minorlabel. See tag() for details.
font : dict
Dictionary with font settings for tags (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, …). Updates rcParam figure.tags.font.
Expand source code
def tag_params(xoffs=None, yoffs=None, label=None, minor_label=None, font=None):
    """ Set default tag appearance.

    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    xoffs: float or 'auto'
        X-coordinate of tag relative to origin of axis in multiples of the width
        of a character (simply 60% of the current font size).
        If 'auto', set it to the distance of the right-most axis to the left figure border,
        or to a previously computed value from that figure.
        Sets rcParam `figure.tags.xoffs`.
    yoffs: float or 'auto'
        Y-coordinate of tag relative to top end of left yaxis in multiples
        of the height of a character (the current font size).
        If 'auto', set it to the distance of the top-most axis to the top figure border,
        or to a previously computed value from that figure.
        Sets rcParam `figure.tags.yoffs`.
    label: string
        Label used to tag axes. Sets rcParam `figure.tags.label`.
        See `tag()` for details.
    minor_label: string
        Label used to tag minor axes. Sets rcParam `figure.tags.minorlabel`.
        See `tag()` for details.
    font: dict
        Dictionary with font settings for tags
        (e.g. fontsize, fontfamiliy, fontstyle, fontweight, bbox, ...).
        Updates rcParam `figure.tags.font`.
    if xoffs is not None and 'figure.tags.xoffs' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.xoffs'] = xoffs
    if yoffs is not None and 'figure.tags.yoffs' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.yoffs'] = yoffs
    if label is not None and 'figure.tags.label' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.label'] = label
    if minor_label is not None and 'figure.tags.minorlabel' in mrc._validators:
        mpl.rcParams['figure.tags.minorlabel'] = minor_label
    if font is not None and 'figure.tags.font' in mrc._validators:
def install_tag()

Install functions of the tag module in matplotlib.

See Also


Expand source code
def install_tag():
    """ Install functions of the tag module in matplotlib.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag'):
        mpl.figure.Figure.tag = tag
    if not hasattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs'):
        mrc.validate_tagoffs = _validate_tagoffs
    # add tag parameter to rc configuration:
    if 'figure.tags.xoffs' not in mrc._validators:
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.xoffs'] = mrc.validate_tagoffs
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.yoffs'] = mrc.validate_tagoffs
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.label'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.minorlabel'] = mrc.validate_string
        mrc._validators['figure.tags.font'] = _validate_fontdict
        mpl.rcParams.update({'figure.tags.xoffs': 'auto',
                             'figure.tags.yoffs': 'auto',
                             'figure.tags.label': '%A',
                             'figure.tags.minorlabel': '%A%mi',
                             'figure.tags.font': dict(fontsize='x-large', fontfamily='sans-serif') })
def uninstall_tag()

Uninstall all code of the tag module from matplotlib.

See Also


Expand source code
def uninstall_tag():
    """ Uninstall all code of the tag module from matplotlib.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag'):
        delattr(mpl.figure.Figure, 'tag')
    if hasattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs'):
        delattr(mrc, 'validate_tagoffs')
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.xoffs', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.yoffs', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.label', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.minorlabel', None)
    mrc._validators.pop('figure.tags.font', None)
def demo()

Run a demonstration of the tag module.

Expand source code
def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the tag module.

    def afigure():
        fig = plt.figure()
        gs = gridspec.GridSpec(2, 3, width_ratios=[5, 1.5, 2.4])
        gs.update(left=0.075, bottom=0.14, right=0.985, top=0.9, wspace=0.6, hspace=0.6)
        ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,0])
        ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1:])
        ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1])
        ax4 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,2])
        for ax in [ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4]:
        return fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3, ax4)

    tag_params(xoffs='auto', yoffs='auto', label='%A',
    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.5, 'fig.tag()', transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    axs[0].text(0.0, 0.0, 'X', transform=fig.transFigure, ha='left', va='bottom')
    fig.tag(xoffs=-5, yoffs=3)

    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.7, 'fig,tag([ax1])',
                transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    axs[0].text(0.5, 0.5, "fig,tag([ax2, ax4], 'auto', 2, '%a:', major_index=0,\n fontweight='normal', fontstyle='italic')", transform=axs[0].transAxes, ha='center')
    fig.tag([axs[0]], xoffs=-5, yoffs=3)
    fig.tag([axs[1], axs[3]], 'auto', 2, '%a:', major_index=0,
            fontweight='normal', fontstyle='italic')

    fig, axs = afigure()
    axs[0].text(0.05, 0.7, "fig.tag([0, [1, 2, 3]],\n labels='Panel %A)',\n minor_label='%A.%mi)')",
    fig.tag([0, [1, 2, 3]], xoffs=0, yoffs=3, labels='Panel %A)', minor_label='%A.%mi)')