Module plottools.ticks

Setting tick locations and formats.

Axes member functions


Install/uninstall ticks functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the ticks module, install_ticks() is called automatically.

Expand source code
Setting tick locations and formats.

## Axes member functions

- `set_xticks_delta()`: set interval between major xticks.
- `set_yticks_delta()`: set interval between major yticks.
- `set_xticks_log()`: set major ticks on a logarithmic x-axis.
- `set_yticks_log()`: set major ticks on a logarithmic y-axis.
- `set_xticks_fixed()`: set custom xticks at fixed positions.
- `set_yticks_fixed()`: set custom yticks at fixed positions.
- `set_xticks_prefix()`: format xticks with SI prefixes.
- `set_yticks_prefix()`: format yticks with SI prefixes.
- `set_xticks_fracs()`: format and place xticks as fractions.
- `set_yticks_fracs()`: format and place xticks as fractions.
- `set_xticks_pifracs()`: format and place xticks as mutiples of pi.
- `set_yticks_pifracs()`: format and place yticks as mutiples of pi.
- `set_xticks_format()`: format xticks according to formatter string.
- `set_yticks_format()`: format yticks according to formatter string.
- `set_xticks_blank()`: draw xticks without labeling them.
- `set_yticks_blank()`: draw yticks without labeling them.
- `set_xticks_off()`: do not draw and label any xticks.
- `set_yticks_off()`: do not draw and label any yticks.
- `set_minor_xticks_off()`: do not draw any minor xticks.
- `set_minor_yticks_off()`: do not draw any minor yticks.

## Settings

- `ticks_params()`: set default ticks appearance.

## Install/uninstall ticks functions

You usually do not need to call these functions. Upon loading the ticks
module, `install_ticks()` is called automatically.

- `install_ticks()`: install functions of the ticks module in matplotlib.
- `uninstall_ticks()`: uninstall all code of the ticks module from matplotlib.

import numpy as np
from fractions import Fraction
import matplotlib as mpl
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.ticker as ticker

def set_xticks_delta(ax, delta):
    """ Set interval between major xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    delta: float
        Interval between xticks.


def set_yticks_delta(ax, delta):
    """ Set interval between major yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    delta: float
        Interval between yticks.

    See also

def set_xticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None):
    """ Set major ticks on a logarithmic x-axis.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    subs: None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
        Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
    numdecs: int
    numticks: int
        Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.
    ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(10.0, subs, numdecs, numticks))

def set_yticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None):
    """ Set major ticks on a logarithmic y-axis.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    subs: None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
        Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
    numdecs: int
    numticks: int
        Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.

    See also
    ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(10.0, subs, numdecs, numticks))

def set_xticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g'):
    """ Set custom xticks at fixed positions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    locs: list of floats
        Locations of xticks.
    labels: string or list of strings
        Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels
        for each tick position in `locs`.

    On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via

    Fixed locations:
    ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))

    Fixed locations and labels:
    ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    if isinstance(labels, (tuple, list)):

def set_yticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g'):
    """ Set custom yticks at fixed positions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    locs: list of floats
        Locations of yticks.
    labels: string or list of strings
        Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels
        for each tick position in `locs`.

    On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via

    See also
    if isinstance(labels, (tuple, list)):

def prefix_formatter(x, pos):
    """ Function formatter used by `set_xticks_prefix()` and `set_yticks_prefix()`.
    if x <= 0:
        return '%g' % x
    prefixes = {-4: 'p', -3: 'n', -2: u'\u00B5', -1: 'm', 0: '', 1: 'k', 2: 'M', 3: 'G', 4: 'T'}
    if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
        prefixes[-2] = r'\micro'
    e = int(np.log10(x)//3)
    prefix = prefixes[e]
    if prefix:
        if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            return u'%g\\,%s' % (x/10**(3*e), prefix)
            return u'%g\u2009%s' % (x/10**(3*e), prefix)
        return '%g' % x

def set_xticks_prefix(ax):
    """ Format xticks with SI prefixes.

    Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary
    SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and
    are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are
    divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 ->
    '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and
    get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.

    ax.set_xlim(1e-6, 1e0)

def set_yticks_prefix(ax):
    """ Format yticks with SI prefixes.

    Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary
    SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and
    are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are
    divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 ->
    '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and
    get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also

def fraction_formatter(denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Function formatter used by `set_xticks_fracs()` and `set_yticks_fracs()`.

    denominator: int
        Ticks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    Function formatter.
    def _fraction_formatter(x, pos):
        denom = int(np.round(denominator))
        num = int(np.round(x*denominator/factor))
        f = Fraction(num, denom)
        denom = f.denominator
        num = f.numerator
        sign = ''
        if num < 0:
            num = -num
            sign = '-'
        if denom == 1:
            if num == 0:
                return '$0$'
            elif num == 1 and fstring:
                return '$%s%s$' % (sign, fstring)
                return '$%s%d%s$' % (sign, num, fstring)
            if ontop:
                if num == 1 and fstring:
                    return r'$%s\frac{%s}{%d}$' % (sign, fstring, denom)
                    return r'$%s\frac{%d%s}{%d}$' % (sign, num, fstring, denom)
                return r'$%s\frac{%d}{%d}%s$' % (sign, num, denom, fstring)
    return _fraction_formatter

def set_xticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as fractions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        XTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
    ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(fraction_formatter(denominator, factor, fstring, ontop)))
    if == 'polar':
        # do not mark 2pi !
        ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(0, 1.99*np.pi, factor/denominator)))
        pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
            fs = label.get_fontsize()

def set_yticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as fractions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        YTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    See also
    ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(fraction_formatter(denominator, factor, fstring, ontop)))

def set_xticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as mutiples of pi.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        XTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    ax.set_xlim(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)

    Pi in the nominator:
    ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi/3)
    ax.set_xticks_pifracs(3, True)
    ax.set_xticks_fracs(denominator, np.pi, '\\pi', ontop)

def set_yticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False):
    """ Format and place yticks as mutiples of pi.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        YTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    See also
    ax.set_yticks_fracs(denominator, np.pi, '\\pi', ontop)

def set_xticks_format(ax, fs):
    """ Format xticks according to formatter string.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    fs: string
        Format string used to format xticks.


def set_yticks_format(ax, fs):
    """ Format yticks according to formatter string.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    fs: string
        Format string used to format xticks.

    See also

def set_xticks_blank(ax):
    """ Draw xticks without labeling them.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.

    See also


def set_yticks_blank(ax):
    """ Draw yticks without labeling them.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also

def set_xticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw and label any xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.


def set_yticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw and label any yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also

def set_minor_xticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw any minor xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the minor xticks are set.

def set_minor_yticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw any minor yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the minor yticks are set.

    See also

def ticks_params(xtick_minor=None, ytick_minor='same',
                 xtick_dir=None, ytick_dir='same',
                 xtick_size=None, ytick_size='same',
                 xtick_major_width=None, ytick_major_width='same',
                 xtick_minor_width=None, ytick_minor_width='same',
                 xtick_major_pad=None, ytick_major_pad='same',
                 xtick_minor_pad=None, ytick_minor_pad='same',
                 xtick_alignment=None, ytick_alignment=None,
                 xtick_color='axes', ytick_color='same',
                 xtick_labelcolor='ticks', ytick_labelcolor='same',
                 xtick_labelsize=None, ytick_labelsize='same'):
    """ Set default ticks appearance.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Arguments for ytick parameters with default 'same', are set to the
    respective xtick parameter, if that one is supplied. If you want to
    set the xtick parameter, but not the ytick parameter, you need to
    explicitly set the ytick parameter to `None`.

    Call this function *before* you create any matplotlib figure.

    xtick_minor: bool
        Show minor xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.visible`.
    ytick_minor: bool
        Show minor yticks. If 'same' set to the value of `ytick_minor`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.visible`.
    xtick_dir: {'in', 'out', 'inout'}
        Direction of xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.direction`.
    ytick_dir: {'in', 'out', 'inout', 'same'}
        Direction of yticks. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_dir`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.direction`.
    xtick_size: float
        Length of major xticks marks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.size` and `xtick.minor.size`.
        The minor tick size is multiplied with `minor_tick_frac`.
    ytick_size: float or 'same'
        Length of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_size`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.size` and `ytick.minor.size`.
        The minor ytick size is multiplied with `minor_tick_frac`.
    minor_tick_frac: float
        Length of minor ticks relative to major tick size.
    xtick_major_width: float
        Width of major xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.width`.
    ytick_major_width: float or 'same'
        Width of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_width`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.width`.
    xtick_minor_width: float
        Width of minor xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.width`.
    ytick_minor_width: float or 'same'
        Width of minor yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `ytick_minor_width`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.width`.
    xtick_major_pad: float
        Distance of major xtick labels from major xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.pad`.
    ytick_major_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of major ytick labels from major yticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.pad`.
    xtick_minor_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of minor xtick labels from minor xticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.pad`.
    ytick_minor_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of minor ytick labels from minor yticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_minor_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.pad`.
    xtick_alignment: {'center', 'left', 'right'}
        Alignment of xtick labels relative to xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.alignment`.
    ytick_alignment: {'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'baseline', 'center_baseline'}
        Alignment of ytick labels relative to yticks.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.alignment`.
    xtick_color: matplotlib color or 'axes'
        Color of xticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        Sets rcParam `xtick.color`.
    ytick_color: matplotlib color, 'axes', or 'same'
        Color of yticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_color`. Sets rcParam `ytick.color`.
    xtick_labelcolor: matplotlib color, 'axes' or 'ticks'
        Color of xtick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'ticks' set to color of xticks (rcParam `xtick.color`).
        Sets rcParam `xtick.labelcolor`.
    ytick_labelcolor: matplotlib color, 'axes', 'ticks', or 'same'
        Color of ytick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'ticks' set to color of yticks (rcParam `ytick.color`).
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_labelcolor`. Sets rcParam `ytick.labelcolor`.
    xtick_labelsize: float
        Font size of xtick labels. Sets rcParam `xtick.labelsize`.
    ytick_labelsize: float or 'same'
        Font size of ytick labels. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_labelsize`.
        Sets rcParam `ytick.labelsize`.
    if ytick_minor == 'same':
        ytick_minor = xtick_minor
    if 'xtick.minor.visible' in mpl.rcParams and xtick_minor is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = xtick_minor
    if 'ytick.minor.visible' in mpl.rcParams and ytick_minor is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible'] = ytick_minor
    if ytick_dir == 'same':
        ytick_dir = xtick_dir
    if xtick_dir is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = xtick_dir
    if ytick_dir is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = ytick_dir
    if ytick_size == 'same':
        ytick_size = xtick_size
    if xtick_size is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = xtick_size
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = minor_tick_frac*xtick_size
    if ytick_size is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = ytick_size
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = minor_tick_frac*ytick_size
    if ytick_major_width == 'same':
        ytick_major_width = xtick_major_width
    if xtick_major_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = xtick_major_width
    if ytick_major_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = ytick_major_width
    if ytick_minor_width == 'same':
        ytick_minor_width = xtick_minor_width
    if xtick_minor_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = xtick_minor_width
    if ytick_minor_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = ytick_minor_width
    if ytick_major_pad == 'same':
        ytick_major_pad = xtick_major_pad
    if xtick_major_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = xtick_major_pad
    if ytick_major_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = ytick_major_pad
    if xtick_minor_pad == 'same':
        xtick_minor_pad = xtick_major_pad
    if ytick_minor_pad == 'same':
        ytick_minor_pad = xtick_minor_pad
    if xtick_minor_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.pad'] = xtick_minor_pad
    if ytick_minor_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.pad'] = ytick_minor_pad
    if 'xtick.alignment' in mpl.rcParams and xtick_alignment is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.alignment'] = xtick_alignment
    if 'ytick.alignment' in mpl.rcParams and ytick_alignment is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.alignment'] = ytick_alignment
    if ytick_color == 'same':
        ytick_color = xtick_color
    if xtick_color == 'axes':
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.color'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
    elif xtick_color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.color'] = xtick_color
    if ytick_color == 'axes':
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.color'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
    elif ytick_color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.color'] = ytick_color
    if ytick_labelcolor == 'same':
        ytick_labelcolor = xtick_labelcolor
    if 'xtick.labelcolor' in mpl.rcParams:
        if xtick_labelcolor == 'axes':
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
        elif xtick_labelcolor == 'ticks':
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['xtick.color']
        elif xtick_labelcolor is not None:
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = xtick_labelcolor
    if 'ytick.labelcolor' in mpl.rcParams:
        if ytick_labelcolor == 'axes':
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
        elif ytick_labelcolor == 'ticks':
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['ytick.color']
        elif ytick_labelcolor is not None:
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = ytick_labelcolor
    if ytick_labelsize == 'same':
        ytick_labelsize = xtick_labelsize
    if xtick_labelsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = xtick_labelsize
    if ytick_labelsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = ytick_labelsize

def install_ticks():
    """ Install ticks functions on matplotlib axes.

    This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_delta = set_xticks_delta
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_delta = set_yticks_delta
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_log = set_xticks_log
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_log = set_yticks_log
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_fixed = set_xticks_fixed
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_fixed = set_yticks_fixed
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_prefix = set_xticks_prefix
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_prefix = set_yticks_prefix
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_fracs = set_xticks_fracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_fracs = set_yticks_fracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_pifracs = set_xticks_pifracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_pifracs = set_yticks_pifracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_format = set_xticks_format
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_format = set_yticks_format
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_blank = set_xticks_blank
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_blank = set_yticks_blank
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_off = set_xticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_off = set_yticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_minor_xticks_off = set_minor_xticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_minor_yticks_off = set_minor_yticks_off

def uninstall_ticks():
    """ Uninstall ticks functions from matplotlib axes.

    Call this function to disable anything that was installed by `install_ticks()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off')


def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the ticks module.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2)
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.6)


    axs[0,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_delta(1.0)')
    axs[0,0].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_delta(0.5)')

    axs[0,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_off()')
    axs[0,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_off()')

    axs[1,0].text(0.1, 0.8, "ax.set_xticks_format('%04.1f')")
    axs[1,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_format('%.2f')")

    axs[1,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_blank()')
    axs[1,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_blank()')

    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))')
    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1),")
    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.4, "                    ('a', 'b', 'c'))")
    axs[2,0].set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))
    axs[2,0].set_yticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c'))

    axs[2,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_prefix()', transform=axs[2,1].transAxes)
    axs[2,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_prefix()', transform=axs[2,1].transAxes)
    axs[2,1].set_xlim(1e-6, 1e0)
    axs[2,1].set_ylim(1e0, 1e6)

    axs[3,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_fracs(4)', transform=axs[3,0].transAxes)
    axs[3,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_fracs(2)", transform=axs[3,0].transAxes)
    axs[3,0].set_xlim(-1, 1)
    axs[3,0].set_ylim(-1, 1)

    axs[3,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_pifracs(2)', transform=axs[3,1].transAxes)
    axs[3,1].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_pifracs(3, True)", transform=axs[3,1].transAxes)
    axs[3,1].set_xlim(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)
    axs[3,1].set_ylim(0, 4*np.pi/3)
    axs[3,1].set_yticks_pifracs(3, True)

if __name__ == "__main__":


def set_xticks_delta(ax, delta)

Set interval between major xticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
delta : float
Interval between xticks.




Expand source code
def set_xticks_delta(ax, delta):
    """ Set interval between major xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    delta: float
        Interval between xticks.

def set_yticks_delta(ax, delta)

Set interval between major yticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.
delta : float
Interval between yticks.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_delta(ax, delta):
    """ Set interval between major yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    delta: float
        Interval between yticks.

    See also
def set_xticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None)

Set major ticks on a logarithmic x-axis.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
subs : None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
numdecs : int
numticks : int
Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.
Expand source code
def set_xticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None):
    """ Set major ticks on a logarithmic x-axis.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    subs: None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
        Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
    numdecs: int
    numticks: int
        Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.
    ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(10.0, subs, numdecs, numticks))
def set_yticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None)

Set major ticks on a logarithmic y-axis.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.
subs : None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
numdecs : int
numticks : int
Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_log(ax, subs=(1.0,), numdecs=4, numticks=None):
    """ Set major ticks on a logarithmic y-axis.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    subs: None, 'auto', 'all', or sequence of floats
        Multiples of integer powers of ten, where to place major ticks.
    numdecs: int
    numticks: int
        Maximum number of ticks placed on the axis.

    See also
    ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.LogLocator(10.0, subs, numdecs, numticks))
def set_xticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g')

Set custom xticks at fixed positions.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
locs : list of floats
Locations of xticks.
labels : string or list of strings
Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels for each tick position in locs.


On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via ax.set_minor_xticks_off().


Fixed locations:

ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))


Fixed locations and labels:

ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c'))


Expand source code
def set_xticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g'):
    """ Set custom xticks at fixed positions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    locs: list of floats
        Locations of xticks.
    labels: string or list of strings
        Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels
        for each tick position in `locs`.

    On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via

    Fixed locations:
    ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))

    Fixed locations and labels:
    ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c'))
    if isinstance(labels, (tuple, list)):
def set_yticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g')

Set custom yticks at fixed positions.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.
locs : list of floats
Locations of yticks.
labels : string or list of strings
Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels for each tick position in locs.


On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via ax.set_minor_yticks_off().

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_fixed(ax, locs, labels='%g'):
    """ Set custom yticks at fixed positions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    locs: list of floats
        Locations of yticks.
    labels: string or list of strings
        Either a format string (e.g. '%.1f') or a list of labels
        for each tick position in `locs`.

    On logarithmic axis you may want to turn off minor ticks, e.g. via

    See also
    if isinstance(labels, (tuple, list)):
def prefix_formatter(x, pos)

Function formatter used by set_xticks_prefix() and set_yticks_prefix().

Expand source code
def prefix_formatter(x, pos):
    """ Function formatter used by `set_xticks_prefix()` and `set_yticks_prefix()`.
    if x <= 0:
        return '%g' % x
    prefixes = {-4: 'p', -3: 'n', -2: u'\u00B5', -1: 'm', 0: '', 1: 'k', 2: 'M', 3: 'G', 4: 'T'}
    if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
        prefixes[-2] = r'\micro'
    e = int(np.log10(x)//3)
    prefix = prefixes[e]
    if prefix:
        if plt.rcParams['text.usetex']:
            return u'%g\\,%s' % (x/10**(3*e), prefix)
            return u'%g\u2009%s' % (x/10**(3*e), prefix)
        return '%g' % x
def set_xticks_prefix(ax)

Format xticks with SI prefixes.

Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 -> '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.


ax.set_xlim(1e-6, 1e0)


Expand source code
def set_xticks_prefix(ax):
    """ Format xticks with SI prefixes.

    Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary
    SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and
    are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are
    divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 ->
    '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and
    get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.

    ax.set_xlim(1e-6, 1e0)
def set_yticks_prefix(ax)

Format yticks with SI prefixes.

Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 -> '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_prefix(ax):
    """ Format yticks with SI prefixes.

    Ensures ticks to be numbers between 1 and 999 by appending necessary
    SI prefixes. That is, numbers between 1 and 999 are not modified and
    are formatted with '%g'. Numbers between 1000 and 999999 are
    divdided by 1000 and get an 'k' appended, e.g. 10000 ->
    '10k'. Numbers between 0.001 and 0.999 are multiplied with 1000 and
    get an 'm' appended, e.g. 0.02 -> '20m'. And so on.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also
def fraction_formatter(denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False)

Function formatter used by set_xticks_fracs() and set_yticks_fracs().


denominator : int
Ticks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
factor : float
Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e. they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
fstring : string
Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
ontop : boolean
Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.


Function formatter.

Expand source code
def fraction_formatter(denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Function formatter used by `set_xticks_fracs()` and `set_yticks_fracs()`.

    denominator: int
        Ticks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    Function formatter.
    def _fraction_formatter(x, pos):
        denom = int(np.round(denominator))
        num = int(np.round(x*denominator/factor))
        f = Fraction(num, denom)
        denom = f.denominator
        num = f.numerator
        sign = ''
        if num < 0:
            num = -num
            sign = '-'
        if denom == 1:
            if num == 0:
                return '$0$'
            elif num == 1 and fstring:
                return '$%s%s$' % (sign, fstring)
                return '$%s%d%s$' % (sign, num, fstring)
            if ontop:
                if num == 1 and fstring:
                    return r'$%s\frac{%s}{%d}$' % (sign, fstring, denom)
                    return r'$%s\frac{%d%s}{%d}$' % (sign, num, fstring, denom)
                return r'$%s\frac{%d}{%d}%s$' % (sign, num, denom, fstring)
    return _fraction_formatter
def set_xticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False)

Format and place xticks as fractions.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
denominator : int
XTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
factor : float
Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e. they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
fstring : string
Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
ontop : boolean
Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.


ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)


Expand source code
def set_xticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as fractions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        XTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    ax.set_xlim(-1, 1)
    ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(fraction_formatter(denominator, factor, fstring, ontop)))
    if == 'polar':
        # do not mark 2pi !
        ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(ticker.FixedLocator(np.arange(0, 1.99*np.pi, factor/denominator)))
        pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0]
        for label in ax.get_xticklabels():
            fs = label.get_fontsize()
def set_yticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False)

Format and place xticks as fractions.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
denominator : int
YTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
factor : float
Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e. they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
fstring : string
Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
ontop : boolean
Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_fracs(ax, denominator, factor=1, fstring='', ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as fractions.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        YTicks are located at multiples of factor/denominator.
    factor: float
        Tick values are interpreted as multiples of factor, i.e.
        they are divided by factor, before turning them into fractions.
    fstring: string
        Textual representation of factor that is appended to the fractions.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    See also
    ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ticker.FuncFormatter(fraction_formatter(denominator, factor, fstring, ontop)))
def set_xticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False)

Format and place xticks as mutiples of pi.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
denominator : int
XTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
ontop : boolean
Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.


ax.set_xlim(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)


Pi in the nominator:

ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi/3)
ax.set_xticks_pifracs(3, True)


Expand source code
def set_xticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False):
    """ Format and place xticks as mutiples of pi.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        XTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    ax.set_xlim(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)

    Pi in the nominator:
    ax.set_xlim(0, 4*np.pi/3)
    ax.set_xticks_pifracs(3, True)
    ax.set_xticks_fracs(denominator, np.pi, '\\pi', ontop)
def set_yticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False)

Format and place yticks as mutiples of pi.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
denominator : int
YTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
ontop : boolean
Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_pifracs(ax, denominator, ontop=False):
    """ Format and place yticks as mutiples of pi.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    denominator: int
        YTicks are located at multiples of pi/denominator.
    ontop: boolean
        Place fstring into the numerator instead of after the fraction.

    See also
    ax.set_yticks_fracs(denominator, np.pi, '\\pi', ontop)
def set_xticks_format(ax, fs)

Format xticks according to formatter string.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.
fs : string
Format string used to format xticks.




Expand source code
def set_xticks_format(ax, fs):
    """ Format xticks according to formatter string.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.
    fs: string
        Format string used to format xticks.

def set_yticks_format(ax, fs)

Format yticks according to formatter string.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.
fs : string
Format string used to format xticks.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_format(ax, fs):
    """ Format yticks according to formatter string.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.
    fs: string
        Format string used to format xticks.

    See also
def set_xticks_blank(ax)

Draw xticks without labeling them.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.

See Also





Expand source code
def set_xticks_blank(ax):
    """ Draw xticks without labeling them.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.

    See also

def set_yticks_blank(ax)

Draw yticks without labeling them.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.

See Also

common_ylabels(), set_xticks_blank()

Expand source code
def set_yticks_blank(ax):
    """ Draw yticks without labeling them.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also
def set_xticks_off(ax)

Do not draw and label any xticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the xticks are set.




Expand source code
def set_xticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw and label any xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the xticks are set.

def set_yticks_off(ax)

Do not draw and label any yticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the yticks are set.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_yticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw and label any yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the yticks are set.

    See also
def set_minor_xticks_off(ax)

Do not draw any minor xticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the minor xticks are set.
Expand source code
def set_minor_xticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw any minor xticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the minor xticks are set.
def set_minor_yticks_off(ax)

Do not draw any minor yticks.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes on which the minor yticks are set.

See Also


Expand source code
def set_minor_yticks_off(ax):
    """ Do not draw any minor yticks.

    ax: matplotlib axes
        Axes on which the minor yticks are set.

    See also
def ticks_params(xtick_minor=None, ytick_minor='same', xtick_dir=None, ytick_dir='same', xtick_size=None, ytick_size='same', minor_tick_frac=0.6, xtick_major_width=None, ytick_major_width='same', xtick_minor_width=None, ytick_minor_width='same', xtick_major_pad=None, ytick_major_pad='same', xtick_minor_pad=None, ytick_minor_pad='same', xtick_alignment=None, ytick_alignment=None, xtick_color='axes', ytick_color='same', xtick_labelcolor='ticks', ytick_labelcolor='same', xtick_labelsize=None, ytick_labelsize='same')

Set default ticks appearance.

Only parameters that are not None are updated.

Arguments for ytick parameters with default 'same', are set to the respective xtick parameter, if that one is supplied. If you want to set the xtick parameter, but not the ytick parameter, you need to explicitly set the ytick parameter to None.

Call this function before you create any matplotlib figure.


xtick_minor : bool
Show minor xticks. Sets rcParams xtick.minor.visible.
ytick_minor : bool
Show minor yticks. If 'same' set to the value of ytick_minor. Sets rcParams ytick.minor.visible.
xtick_dir : {'in', 'out', 'inout'}
Direction of xticks. Sets rcParams xtick.direction.
ytick_dir : {'in', 'out', 'inout', 'same'}
Direction of yticks. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_dir. Sets rcParams ytick.direction.
xtick_size : float
Length of major xticks marks in points. Sets rcParams xtick.major.size and xtick.minor.size. The minor tick size is multiplied with minor_tick_frac.
ytick_size : float or 'same'
Length of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_size. Sets rcParams ytick.major.size and ytick.minor.size. The minor ytick size is multiplied with minor_tick_frac.
minor_tick_frac : float
Length of minor ticks relative to major tick size.
xtick_major_width : float
Width of major xticks in points. Sets rcParams xtick.major.width.
ytick_major_width : float or 'same'
Width of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_major_width. Sets rcParams ytick.major.width.
xtick_minor_width : float
Width of minor xticks in points. Sets rcParams xtick.minor.width.
ytick_minor_width : float or 'same'
Width of minor yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of ytick_minor_width. Sets rcParams ytick.minor.width.
xtick_major_pad : float
Distance of major xtick labels from major xticks in points. Sets rcParams xtick.major.pad.
ytick_major_pad : float or 'same'
Distance of major ytick labels from major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_major_pad. Sets rcParams ytick.major.pad.
xtick_minor_pad : float or 'same'
Distance of minor xtick labels from minor xticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_major_pad. Sets rcParams xtick.minor.pad.
ytick_minor_pad : float or 'same'
Distance of minor ytick labels from minor yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_minor_pad. Sets rcParams ytick.minor.pad.
xtick_alignment : {'center', 'left', 'right'}
Alignment of xtick labels relative to xticks. Sets rcParams xtick.alignment.
ytick_alignment : {'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'baseline', 'center_baseline'}
Alignment of ytick labels relative to yticks. Sets rcParams ytick.alignment.
xtick_color : matplotlib color or 'axes'
Color of xticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam axes.edgecolor). Sets rcParam xtick.color.
ytick_color : matplotlib color, 'axes', or 'same'
Color of yticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam axes.edgecolor). If 'same' set to the value of xtick_color. Sets rcParam ytick.color.
xtick_labelcolor : matplotlib color, 'axes' or 'ticks'
Color of xtick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam axes.edgecolor). If 'ticks' set to color of xticks (rcParam xtick.color). Sets rcParam xtick.labelcolor.
ytick_labelcolor : matplotlib color, 'axes', 'ticks', or 'same'
Color of ytick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam axes.edgecolor). If 'ticks' set to color of yticks (rcParam ytick.color). If 'same' set to the value of xtick_labelcolor. Sets rcParam ytick.labelcolor.
xtick_labelsize : float
Font size of xtick labels. Sets rcParam xtick.labelsize.
ytick_labelsize : float or 'same'
Font size of ytick labels. If 'same' set to the value of xtick_labelsize. Sets rcParam ytick.labelsize.
Expand source code
def ticks_params(xtick_minor=None, ytick_minor='same',
                 xtick_dir=None, ytick_dir='same',
                 xtick_size=None, ytick_size='same',
                 xtick_major_width=None, ytick_major_width='same',
                 xtick_minor_width=None, ytick_minor_width='same',
                 xtick_major_pad=None, ytick_major_pad='same',
                 xtick_minor_pad=None, ytick_minor_pad='same',
                 xtick_alignment=None, ytick_alignment=None,
                 xtick_color='axes', ytick_color='same',
                 xtick_labelcolor='ticks', ytick_labelcolor='same',
                 xtick_labelsize=None, ytick_labelsize='same'):
    """ Set default ticks appearance.
    Only parameters that are not `None` are updated.

    Arguments for ytick parameters with default 'same', are set to the
    respective xtick parameter, if that one is supplied. If you want to
    set the xtick parameter, but not the ytick parameter, you need to
    explicitly set the ytick parameter to `None`.

    Call this function *before* you create any matplotlib figure.

    xtick_minor: bool
        Show minor xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.visible`.
    ytick_minor: bool
        Show minor yticks. If 'same' set to the value of `ytick_minor`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.visible`.
    xtick_dir: {'in', 'out', 'inout'}
        Direction of xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.direction`.
    ytick_dir: {'in', 'out', 'inout', 'same'}
        Direction of yticks. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_dir`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.direction`.
    xtick_size: float
        Length of major xticks marks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.size` and `xtick.minor.size`.
        The minor tick size is multiplied with `minor_tick_frac`.
    ytick_size: float or 'same'
        Length of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_size`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.size` and `ytick.minor.size`.
        The minor ytick size is multiplied with `minor_tick_frac`.
    minor_tick_frac: float
        Length of minor ticks relative to major tick size.
    xtick_major_width: float
        Width of major xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.width`.
    ytick_major_width: float or 'same'
        Width of major yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_width`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.width`.
    xtick_minor_width: float
        Width of minor xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.width`.
    ytick_minor_width: float or 'same'
        Width of minor yticks in points. If 'same' set to the value of `ytick_minor_width`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.width`.
    xtick_major_pad: float
        Distance of major xtick labels from major xticks in points.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.major.pad`.
    ytick_major_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of major ytick labels from major yticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.major.pad`.
    xtick_minor_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of minor xtick labels from minor xticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_major_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.minor.pad`.
    ytick_minor_pad: float or 'same'
        Distance of minor ytick labels from minor yticks in points.
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_minor_pad`.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.minor.pad`.
    xtick_alignment: {'center', 'left', 'right'}
        Alignment of xtick labels relative to xticks.
        Sets rcParams `xtick.alignment`.
    ytick_alignment: {'center', 'top', 'bottom', 'baseline', 'center_baseline'}
        Alignment of ytick labels relative to yticks.
        Sets rcParams `ytick.alignment`.
    xtick_color: matplotlib color or 'axes'
        Color of xticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        Sets rcParam `xtick.color`.
    ytick_color: matplotlib color, 'axes', or 'same'
        Color of yticks. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_color`. Sets rcParam `ytick.color`.
    xtick_labelcolor: matplotlib color, 'axes' or 'ticks'
        Color of xtick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'ticks' set to color of xticks (rcParam `xtick.color`).
        Sets rcParam `xtick.labelcolor`.
    ytick_labelcolor: matplotlib color, 'axes', 'ticks', or 'same'
        Color of ytick labels. If 'axes' set to color of axes (rcParam `axes.edgecolor`).
        If 'ticks' set to color of yticks (rcParam `ytick.color`).
        If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_labelcolor`. Sets rcParam `ytick.labelcolor`.
    xtick_labelsize: float
        Font size of xtick labels. Sets rcParam `xtick.labelsize`.
    ytick_labelsize: float or 'same'
        Font size of ytick labels. If 'same' set to the value of `xtick_labelsize`.
        Sets rcParam `ytick.labelsize`.
    if ytick_minor == 'same':
        ytick_minor = xtick_minor
    if 'xtick.minor.visible' in mpl.rcParams and xtick_minor is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.visible'] = xtick_minor
    if 'ytick.minor.visible' in mpl.rcParams and ytick_minor is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.visible'] = ytick_minor
    if ytick_dir == 'same':
        ytick_dir = xtick_dir
    if xtick_dir is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = xtick_dir
    if ytick_dir is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = ytick_dir
    if ytick_size == 'same':
        ytick_size = xtick_size
    if xtick_size is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.size'] = xtick_size
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.size'] = minor_tick_frac*xtick_size
    if ytick_size is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.size'] = ytick_size
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.size'] = minor_tick_frac*ytick_size
    if ytick_major_width == 'same':
        ytick_major_width = xtick_major_width
    if xtick_major_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.width'] = xtick_major_width
    if ytick_major_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.width'] = ytick_major_width
    if ytick_minor_width == 'same':
        ytick_minor_width = xtick_minor_width
    if xtick_minor_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.width'] = xtick_minor_width
    if ytick_minor_width is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.width'] = ytick_minor_width
    if ytick_major_pad == 'same':
        ytick_major_pad = xtick_major_pad
    if xtick_major_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.major.pad'] = xtick_major_pad
    if ytick_major_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.major.pad'] = ytick_major_pad
    if xtick_minor_pad == 'same':
        xtick_minor_pad = xtick_major_pad
    if ytick_minor_pad == 'same':
        ytick_minor_pad = xtick_minor_pad
    if xtick_minor_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.minor.pad'] = xtick_minor_pad
    if ytick_minor_pad is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.minor.pad'] = ytick_minor_pad
    if 'xtick.alignment' in mpl.rcParams and xtick_alignment is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.alignment'] = xtick_alignment
    if 'ytick.alignment' in mpl.rcParams and ytick_alignment is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.alignment'] = ytick_alignment
    if ytick_color == 'same':
        ytick_color = xtick_color
    if xtick_color == 'axes':
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.color'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
    elif xtick_color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.color'] = xtick_color
    if ytick_color == 'axes':
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.color'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
    elif ytick_color is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.color'] = ytick_color
    if ytick_labelcolor == 'same':
        ytick_labelcolor = xtick_labelcolor
    if 'xtick.labelcolor' in mpl.rcParams:
        if xtick_labelcolor == 'axes':
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
        elif xtick_labelcolor == 'ticks':
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['xtick.color']
        elif xtick_labelcolor is not None:
            mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelcolor'] = xtick_labelcolor
    if 'ytick.labelcolor' in mpl.rcParams:
        if ytick_labelcolor == 'axes':
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['axes.edgecolor']
        elif ytick_labelcolor == 'ticks':
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = mpl.rcParams['ytick.color']
        elif ytick_labelcolor is not None:
            mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelcolor'] = ytick_labelcolor
    if ytick_labelsize == 'same':
        ytick_labelsize = xtick_labelsize
    if xtick_labelsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = xtick_labelsize
    if ytick_labelsize is not None:
        mpl.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = ytick_labelsize
def install_ticks()

Install ticks functions on matplotlib axes.

This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

See Also


Expand source code
def install_ticks():
    """ Install ticks functions on matplotlib axes.

    This function is also called automatically upon importing the module.

    See also
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_delta = set_xticks_delta
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_delta = set_yticks_delta
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_log = set_xticks_log
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_log = set_yticks_log
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_fixed = set_xticks_fixed
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_fixed = set_yticks_fixed
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_prefix = set_xticks_prefix
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_prefix = set_yticks_prefix
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_fracs = set_xticks_fracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_fracs = set_yticks_fracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_pifracs = set_xticks_pifracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_pifracs = set_yticks_pifracs
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_format = set_xticks_format
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_format = set_yticks_format
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_blank = set_xticks_blank
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_blank = set_yticks_blank
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_xticks_off = set_xticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_yticks_off = set_yticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_minor_xticks_off = set_minor_xticks_off
    if not hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off'):
        mpl.axes.Axes.set_minor_yticks_off = set_minor_yticks_off
def uninstall_ticks()

Uninstall ticks functions from matplotlib axes.

Call this function to disable anything that was installed by install_ticks().

See Also


Expand source code
def uninstall_ticks():
    """ Uninstall ticks functions from matplotlib axes.

    Call this function to disable anything that was installed by `install_ticks()`.

    See also
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_delta')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_delta')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_log')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_log')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fixed')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fixed')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_prefix')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_prefix')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_fracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_fracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_pifracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_pifracs')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_format')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_format')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_blank')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_blank')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_xticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_yticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_xticks_off')
    if hasattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off'):
        delattr(mpl.axes.Axes, 'set_minor_yticks_off')
def demo()

Run a demonstration of the ticks module.

Expand source code
def demo():
    """ Run a demonstration of the ticks module.
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2)
    fig.subplots_adjust(wspace=0.2, hspace=0.6)


    axs[0,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_delta(1.0)')
    axs[0,0].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_delta(0.5)')

    axs[0,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_off()')
    axs[0,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_off()')

    axs[1,0].text(0.1, 0.8, "ax.set_xticks_format('%04.1f')")
    axs[1,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_format('%.2f')")

    axs[1,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_blank()')
    axs[1,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_blank()')

    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))')
    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1),")
    axs[2,0].text(0.1, 0.4, "                    ('a', 'b', 'c'))")
    axs[2,0].set_xticks_fixed((0, 0.3, 1))
    axs[2,0].set_yticks_fixed((0, 0.5, 1), ('a', 'b', 'c'))

    axs[2,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_prefix()', transform=axs[2,1].transAxes)
    axs[2,1].text(0.1, 0.6, 'ax.set_yticks_prefix()', transform=axs[2,1].transAxes)
    axs[2,1].set_xlim(1e-6, 1e0)
    axs[2,1].set_ylim(1e0, 1e6)

    axs[3,0].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_fracs(4)', transform=axs[3,0].transAxes)
    axs[3,0].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_fracs(2)", transform=axs[3,0].transAxes)
    axs[3,0].set_xlim(-1, 1)
    axs[3,0].set_ylim(-1, 1)

    axs[3,1].text(0.1, 0.8, 'ax.set_xticks_pifracs(2)', transform=axs[3,1].transAxes)
    axs[3,1].text(0.1, 0.6, "ax.set_yticks_pifracs(3, True)", transform=axs[3,1].transAxes)
    axs[3,1].set_xlim(-np.pi, 2*np.pi)
    axs[3,1].set_ylim(0, 4*np.pi/3)
    axs[3,1].set_yticks_pifracs(3, True)