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Module thunderfish.eodanalysis

Analysis of EOD waveforms.

EOD waveform analysis

Similarity of EOD waveforms

Quality assessment



Fit functions

Filter functions

  • unfilter(): apply inverse low-pass filter on data.


Global variables

var file_types

List of all file types generated and supported by the save_* and load_* functions.


def eod_waveform(data,
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def eod_waveform(data, rate, eod_times, win_fac=2.0, min_win=0.01,
                 min_sem=False, max_eods=None, unfilter_cutoff=0.0):
"""Extract data snippets around each EOD, and compute a mean waveform with standard error. Retrieving the EOD waveform of a wave fish works under the following conditions: (i) at a signal-to-noise ratio \\(SNR = P_s/P_n\\), i.e. the power \\(P_s\\) of the EOD of interest relative to the largest other EOD \\(P_n\\), we need to average over at least \\(n > (SNR \\cdot c_s^2)^{-1}\\) snippets to bring the standard error of the averaged EOD waveform down to \\(c_s\\) relative to its amplitude. For a s.e.m. less than 5% ( \\(c_s=0.05\\) ) and an SNR of -10dB (the signal is 10 times smaller than the noise, \\(SNR=0.1\\) ) we get \\(n > 0.00025^{-1} = 4000\\) data snippets - a recording a couple of seconds long. (ii) Very important for wave fish is that they keep their frequency constant. Slight changes in the EOD frequency will corrupt the average waveform. If the period of the waveform changes by \\(c_f=\\Delta T/T\\), then after \\(n = 1/c_f\\) periods moved the modified waveform through a whole period. This is in the range of hundreds or thousands waveforms. NOTE: we need to take into account a possible error in the estimate of the EOD period. This will limit the maximum number of snippets to be averaged. If `min_sem` is set, the algorithm checks for a global minimum of the s.e.m. as a function of snippet number. If there is one then the average is computed for this number of snippets, otherwise all snippets are taken from the provided data segment. Note that this check only works for the strongest EOD in a recording. For weaker EOD the s.e.m. always decays with snippet number (empirical observation). TODO: use power spectra to check for changes in EOD frequency! Parameters ---------- data: 1-D array of float The data to be analysed. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. eod_times: 1-D array of float Array of EOD times in seconds over which the waveform should be averaged. WARNING: The first data point must be at time zero! win_fac: float The snippet size is the EOD period times `win_fac`. The EOD period is determined as the minimum interval between EOD times. min_win: float The minimum size of the snippets in seconds. min_sem: bool If set, check for minimum in s.e.m. to set the maximum numbers of EODs to be used for computing the average waveform. max_eods: int or None Maximum number of EODs to be used for averaging. unfilter_cutoff: float If not zero, the cutoff frequency for an inverse high-pass filter applied to the mean EOD waveform. Returns ------- mean_eod: 2-D array Average of the EOD snippets. First column is time in seconds, second column the mean eod, third column the standard error. eod_times: 1-D array Times of EOD peaks in seconds that have been actually used to calculate the averaged EOD waveform. """
# indices of EOD times: eod_idx = np.round(eod_times*rate).astype(int) # window size: period = np.min(np.diff(eod_times)) win = 0.5*win_fac*period if 2*win < min_win: win = 0.5*min_win win_inx = int(win*rate) # extract snippets: eod_times = eod_times[(eod_idx >= win_inx) & (eod_idx < len(data)-win_inx)] eod_idx = eod_idx[(eod_idx >= win_inx) & (eod_idx < len(data)-win_inx)] if max_eods and max_eods > 0 and len(eod_idx) > max_eods: dn = (len(eod_idx) - max_eods)//2 eod_times = eod_times[dn:dn+max_eods] eod_idx = eod_idx[dn:dn+max_eods] eod_snippets = snippets(data, eod_idx, -win_inx, win_inx) if len(eod_snippets) == 0: return np.zeros((0, 3)), eod_times # optimal number of snippets: step = 10 if min_sem and len(eod_snippets) > step: sems = [np.mean(np.std(eod_snippets[:k], axis=0, ddof=1)/np.sqrt(k)) for k in range(step, len(eod_snippets), step)] idx = np.argmin(sems) # there is a local minimum: if idx > 0 and idx < len(sems)-1: maxn = step*(idx+1) eod_snippets = eod_snippets[:maxn] eod_times = eod_times[:maxn] # mean and std of snippets: mean_eod = np.zeros((len(eod_snippets[0]), 3)) mean_eod[:,1] = np.mean(eod_snippets, axis=0) if len(eod_snippets) > 1: mean_eod[:,2] = np.std(eod_snippets, axis=0, ddof=1)/np.sqrt(len(eod_snippets)) # apply inverse filter: if unfilter_cutoff and unfilter_cutoff > 0.0: unfilter(mean_eod[:,1], rate, unfilter_cutoff) # time axis: mean_eod[:,0] = (np.arange(len(mean_eod)) - win_inx) / rate return mean_eod, eod_times

Extract data snippets around each EOD, and compute a mean waveform with standard error.

Retrieving the EOD waveform of a wave fish works under the following conditions: (i) at a signal-to-noise ratio SNR=Ps/Pn, i.e. the power Ps of the EOD of interest relative to the largest other EOD Pn, we need to average over at least n>(SNRc2s)1 snippets to bring the standard error of the averaged EOD waveform down to cs relative to its amplitude. For a s.e.m. less than 5% ( cs=0.05 ) and an SNR of -10dB (the signal is 10 times smaller than the noise, SNR=0.1 ) we get n>0.000251=4000 data snippets - a recording a couple of seconds long. (ii) Very important for wave fish is that they keep their frequency constant. Slight changes in the EOD frequency will corrupt the average waveform. If the period of the waveform changes by cf=ΔT/T, then after n=1/cf periods moved the modified waveform through a whole period. This is in the range of hundreds or thousands waveforms.

NOTE: we need to take into account a possible error in the estimate of the EOD period. This will limit the maximum number of snippets to be averaged.

If min_sem is set, the algorithm checks for a global minimum of the s.e.m. as a function of snippet number. If there is one then the average is computed for this number of snippets, otherwise all snippets are taken from the provided data segment. Note that this check only works for the strongest EOD in a recording. For weaker EOD the s.e.m. always decays with snippet number (empirical observation).

TODO: use power spectra to check for changes in EOD frequency!


data : 1-D array of float
The data to be analysed.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
eod_times : 1-D array of float
Array of EOD times in seconds over which the waveform should be averaged. WARNING: The first data point must be at time zero!
win_fac : float
The snippet size is the EOD period times win_fac. The EOD period is determined as the minimum interval between EOD times.
min_win : float
The minimum size of the snippets in seconds.
min_sem : bool
If set, check for minimum in s.e.m. to set the maximum numbers of EODs to be used for computing the average waveform.
max_eods : int or None
Maximum number of EODs to be used for averaging.
unfilter_cutoff : float
If not zero, the cutoff frequency for an inverse high-pass filter applied to the mean EOD waveform.


mean_eod : 2-D array
Average of the EOD snippets. First column is time in seconds, second column the mean eod, third column the standard error.
eod_times : 1-D array
Times of EOD peaks in seconds that have been actually used to calculate the averaged EOD waveform.
def waveeod_waveform(data, rate, freq, win_fac=2.0, unfilter_cutoff=0.0)
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def waveeod_waveform(data, rate, freq, win_fac=2.0, unfilter_cutoff=0.0):
"""Retrieve average EOD waveform via Fourier transform. TODO: use power spectra to check minimum data segment needed and check for changes in frequency over several segments! TODO: return waveform with higher samplign rate? (important for 2kHz waves on 24kHz sampling). But this seems to render some EODs inacceptable in the further thunderfish processing pipeline. Parameters ---------- data: 1-D array of float The data to be analysed. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. freq: float EOD frequency. win_fac: float The snippet size is the EOD period times `win_fac`. The EOD period is determined as the minimum interval between EOD times. unfilter_cutoff: float If not zero, the cutoff frequency for an inverse high-pass filter applied to the mean EOD waveform. Returns ------- mean_eod: 2-D array Average of the EOD snippets. First column is time in seconds, second column the mean eod, third column the standard error. eod_times: 1-D array Times of EOD peaks in seconds that have been actually used to calculate the averaged EOD waveform. """
@jit(nopython=True) def fourier_wave(data, rate, freq): """ extracting wave via fourier coefficients """ twave = np.arange(0, (1+win_fac)/freq, 1/rate) wave = np.zeros(len(twave)) t = np.arange(len(data))/rate for k in range(0, 31): Xk = np.trapz(data*np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*k*freq*t), t)*2/t[-1] wave += np.real(Xk*np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*k*freq*twave)) return wave @jit(nopython=True) def fourier_range(data, rate, f0, f1, df): wave = np.zeros(1) freq = f0 for f in np.arange(f0, f1, df): w = fourier_wave(data, rate, f) if np.max(w) - np.min(w) > np.max(wave) - np.min(wave): wave = w freq = f return wave, freq # TODO: parameterize! tsnippet = 2 min_corr = 0.98 min_ampl_frac = 0.5 frange = 0.1 fstep = 0.1 waves = [] freqs = [] times = [] step = int(tsnippet*rate) for i in range(0, len(data) - step//2, step//2): w, f = fourier_range(data[i:i + step], rate, freq - frange, freq + frange + fstep/2, fstep) waves.append(w) freqs.append(f)
""" waves.append(np.zeros(1)) freqs.append(freq) for f in np.arange(freq - frange, freq + frange + fstep/2, fstep): w = fourier_wave(data[i:i + step], rate, f) if np.max(w) - np.min(w) > np.max(waves[-1]) - np.min(waves[-1]): waves[-1] = w freqs[-1] = f """
times.append(np.arange(i/rate, (i + step)/rate, 1/freqs[-1])) eod_freq = np.mean(freqs) mean_eod = np.zeros((0, 3)) eod_times = np.zeros((0)) if len(waves) == 0: return mean_eod, eod_times for k in range(len(waves)): period = int(np.ceil(rate/freqs[k])) i = np.argmax(waves[k][:period]) waves[k] = waves[k][i:] n = np.min([len(w) for w in waves]) waves = np.array([w[:n] for w in waves]) # only snippets that are similar: if len(waves) > 1: corr = np.corrcoef(waves) nmax = np.argmax(np.sum(corr > min_corr, axis=1)) if nmax <= 1: nmax = 2 select = np.sum(corr > min_corr, axis=1) >= nmax waves = waves[select] times = [times[k] for k in range(len(times)) if select[k]] if len(waves) == 0: return mean_eod, eod_times # only the largest snippets: ampls = np.std(waves, axis=1) select = ampls >= min_ampl_frac*np.max(ampls) waves = waves[select] times = [times[k] for k in range(len(times)) if select[k]] if len(waves) == 0: return mean_eod, eod_times """ #plt.plot(freqs) plt.plot(waves.T) """ mean_eod = np.zeros((n, 3)) mean_eod[:, 0] = np.arange(len(mean_eod))/rate mean_eod[:, 1] = np.mean(waves, axis=0) mean_eod[:, 2] = np.std(waves, axis=0) eod_times = np.concatenate(times) # apply inverse filter: if unfilter_cutoff and unfilter_cutoff > 0.0: unfilter(mean_eod[:, 1], rate, unfilter_cutoff) return mean_eod, eod_times

Retrieve average EOD waveform via Fourier transform.

TODO: use power spectra to check minimum data segment needed and check for changes in frequency over several segments!

TODO: return waveform with higher samplign rate? (important for 2kHz waves on 24kHz sampling). But this seems to render some EODs inacceptable in the further thunderfish processing pipeline.


data : 1-D array of float
The data to be analysed.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
freq : float
EOD frequency.
win_fac : float
The snippet size is the EOD period times win_fac. The EOD period is determined as the minimum interval between EOD times.
unfilter_cutoff : float
If not zero, the cutoff frequency for an inverse high-pass filter applied to the mean EOD waveform.


mean_eod : 2-D array
Average of the EOD snippets. First column is time in seconds, second column the mean eod, third column the standard error.
eod_times : 1-D array
Times of EOD peaks in seconds that have been actually used to calculate the averaged EOD waveform.
def unfilter(data, rate, cutoff)
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def unfilter(data, rate, cutoff):
"""Apply inverse high-pass filter on data. Assumes high-pass filter \\[ \\tau \\dot y = -y + \\tau \\dot x \\] has been applied on the original data \\(x\\), where \\(\\tau=(2\\pi f_{cutoff})^{-1}\\) is the time constant of the filter. To recover \\(x\\) the ODE \\[ \\tau \\dot x = y + \\tau \\dot y \\] is applied on the filtered data \\(y\\). Parameters ---------- data: ndarray High-pass filtered original data. rate: float Sampling rate of `data` in Hertz. cutoff: float Cutoff frequency \\(f_{cutoff}\\) of the high-pass filter in Hertz. Returns ------- data: ndarray Recovered original data. """
tau = 0.5/np.pi/cutoff fac = tau*rate data -= np.mean(data) d0 = data[0] x = d0 for k in range(len(data)): d1 = data[k] x += (d1 - d0) + d0/fac data[k] = x d0 = d1 return data

Apply inverse high-pass filter on data.

Assumes high-pass filter τ˙y=y+τ˙x has been applied on the original data x, where τ=(2πfcutoff)1 is the time constant of the filter. To recover x the ODE τ˙x=y+τ˙y is applied on the filtered data y.


data : ndarray
High-pass filtered original data.
rate : float
Sampling rate of data in Hertz.
cutoff : float
Cutoff frequency fcutoff of the high-pass filter in Hertz.


data : ndarray
Recovered original data.
def fourier_series(t, freq, *ap)
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def fourier_series(t, freq, *ap):
"""Fourier series of sine waves with amplitudes and phases. x(t) = sum_{i=0}^n ap[2*i]*sin(2 pi (i+1) freq t + ap[2*i+1]) Parameters ---------- t: float or array Time. freq: float Fundamental frequency. *ap: list of floats The amplitudes and phases (in rad) of the fundamental and harmonics. Returns ------- x: float or array The Fourier series evaluated at times `t`. """
omega = 2.0*np.pi*freq x = 0.0 for i, (a, p) in enumerate(zip(ap[0:-1:2], ap[1::2])): x += a*np.sin((i+1)*omega*t+p) return x

Fourier series of sine waves with amplitudes and phases.

x(t) = sum_{i=0}^n ap[2i]sin(2 pi (i+1) freq t + ap[2*i+1])


t : float or array
freq : float
Fundamental frequency.
*ap : list of floats
The amplitudes and phases (in rad) of the fundamental and harmonics.


x : float or array
The Fourier series evaluated at times t.
def analyze_wave(eod, freq, n_harm=10, power_n_harmonics=0, n_harmonics=3, flip_wave='none')
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def analyze_wave(eod, freq, n_harm=10, power_n_harmonics=0,
                 n_harmonics=3, flip_wave='none'):
"""Analyze the EOD waveform of a wave fish. Parameters ---------- eod: 2-D array The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the EOD waveform, third column, if present, is the standard error of the EOD waveform, Further columns are optional but not used. freq: float or 2-D array The frequency of the EOD or the list of harmonics (rows) with frequency and peak height (columns) as returned from `harmonics.harmonic_groups()`. n_harm: int Maximum number of harmonics used for the Fourier decomposition. power_n_harmonics: int Sum over the first `power_n_harmonics` harmonics for computing the total power. If 0 sum over all harmonics. n_harmonics: int The maximum power of higher harmonics is computed from harmonics higher than the maximum harmonics within the first three harmonics plus `n_harmonics`. flip_wave: 'auto', 'none', 'flip' - 'auto' flip waveform such that the larger extremum is positive. - 'flip' flip waveform. - 'none' do not flip waveform. Returns ------- meod: 2-D array of floats The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the eod waveform. Further columns are kept from the input `eod`. And a column is added with the fit of the fourier series to the waveform. props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform. - type: set to 'wave'. - EODf: is set to the EOD fundamental frequency. - p-p-amplitude: peak-to-peak amplitude of the Fourier fit. - flipped: True if the waveform was flipped. - amplitude: amplitude factor of the Fourier fit. - noise: root-mean squared standard error mean of the averaged EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude. - rmserror: root-mean-square error between Fourier-fit and EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude. If larger than about 0.05 the data are bad. - ncrossings: number of zero crossings per period - peakwidth: width of the peak at the averaged amplitude relative to EOD period. - troughwidth: width of the trough at the averaged amplitude relative to EOD period. - minwidth: peakwidth or troughwidth, whichever is smaller. - leftpeak: time from positive zero crossing to peak relative to EOD period. - rightpeak: time from peak to negative zero crossing relative to EOD period. - lefttrough: time from negative zero crossing to trough relative to EOD period. - righttrough: time from trough to positive zero crossing relative to EOD period. - p-p-distance: time between peak and trough relative to EOD period. - min-p-p-distance: p-p-distance or EOD period minus p-p-distance, whichever is smaller, relative to EOD period. - relpeakampl: amplitude of peak or trough, whichever is larger, relative to p-p amplitude. - power: summed power of all harmonics of the extracted EOD waveform in decibel relative to one. - datapower: summed power of all harmonics of the original data in decibel relative to one. Only if `freq` is a list of harmonics. - thd: total harmonic distortion, i.e. square root of sum of amplitudes squared of harmonics relative to amplitude of fundamental. - dbdiff: smoothness of power spectrum as standard deviation of differences in decibel power. - maxdb: maximum power of higher harmonics relative to peak power in decibel. spec_data: 2-D array of floats First six columns are from the spectrum of the extracted waveform. First column is the index of the harmonics, second column its frequency, third column its amplitude, fourth column its amplitude relative to the fundamental, fifth column is power of harmonics relative to fundamental in decibel, and sixth column the phase shift relative to the fundamental. If `freq` is a list of harmonics, a seventh column is added to `spec_data` that contains the powers of the harmonics from the original power spectrum of the raw data. Rows are the harmonics, first row is the fundamental frequency with index 0, relative amplitude of one, relative power of 0dB, and phase shift of zero. error_str: string If fitting of the fourier series failed, this is reported in this string. Raises ------ IndexError: EOD data is less than one period long. """
error_str = '' freq0 = freq if hasattr(freq, 'shape'): freq0 = freq[0][0] # storage: meod = np.zeros((eod.shape[0], eod.shape[1]+1)) meod[:,:-1] = eod # subtract mean and flip: period = 1.0/freq0 pinx = int(np.ceil(period/(meod[1,0]-meod[0,0]))) maxn = (len(meod)//pinx)*pinx if maxn < pinx: maxn = len(meod) offs = (len(meod) - maxn)//2 meod[:,1] -= np.mean(meod[offs:offs+pinx,1]) flipped = False if 'flip' in flip_wave or ('auto' in flip_wave and -np.min(meod[:,1]) > np.max(meod[:,1])): meod[:,1] = -meod[:,1] flipped = True # move peak of waveform to zero: offs = len(meod)//4 maxinx = offs+np.argmax(meod[offs:3*offs,1]) meod[:,0] -= meod[maxinx,0] # indices of exactly one or two periods around peak: if len(meod) < pinx: raise IndexError('data need to contain at least one EOD period') if len(meod) >= 2*pinx: i0 = maxinx - pinx if maxinx >= pinx else 0 i1 = i0 + 2*pinx if i1 > len(meod): i1 = len(meod) i0 = i1 - 2*pinx else: i0 = maxinx - pinx//2 if maxinx >= pinx//2 else 0 i1 = i0 + pinx # subtract mean: meod[:,1] -= np.mean(meod[i0:i1,1]) # zero crossings: ui, di = threshold_crossings(meod[:,1], 0.0) ut, dt = threshold_crossing_times(meod[:,0], meod[:,1], 0.0, ui, di) ut, dt = merge_events(ut, dt, 0.02/freq0) ncrossings = int(np.round((len(ut) + len(dt))/(meod[-1,0]-meod[0,0])/freq0)) if np.any(ut<0.0): up_time = ut[ut<0.0][-1] else: up_time = 0.0 error_str += '%.1f Hz wave fish: no upward zero crossing. ' % freq0 if np.any(dt>0.0): down_time = dt[dt>0.0][0] else: down_time = 0.0 error_str += '%.1f Hz wave fish: no downward zero crossing. ' % freq0 peak_width = down_time - up_time trough_width = period - peak_width peak_time = 0.0 trough_time = meod[maxinx+np.argmin(meod[maxinx:maxinx+pinx,1]),0] phase1 = peak_time - up_time phase2 = down_time - peak_time phase3 = trough_time - down_time phase4 = up_time + period - trough_time distance = trough_time - peak_time min_distance = distance if distance > period/2: min_distance = period - distance # fit fourier series: ampl = 0.5*(np.max(meod[:,1])-np.min(meod[:,1])) while n_harm > 1: params = [freq0] for i in range(1, n_harm+1): params.extend([ampl/i, 0.0]) try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(fourier_series, meod[i0:i1,0], meod[i0:i1,1], params, maxfev=2000) break except (RuntimeError, TypeError): error_str += '%.1f Hz wave fish: fit of fourier series failed for %d harmonics. ' % (freq0, n_harm) n_harm //= 2 # store fourier fit: meod[:,-1] = fourier_series(meod[:,0], *popt) # make all amplitudes positive: for i in range(n_harm): if popt[i*2+1] < 0.0: popt[i*2+1] *= -1.0 popt[i*2+2] += np.pi # phases relative to fundamental: # phi0 = 2*pi*f0*dt <=> dt = phi0/(2*pi*f0) # phik = 2*pi*i*f0*dt = i*phi0 phi0 = popt[2] for i in range(n_harm): popt[i*2+2] -= (i + 1)*phi0 # all phases in the range -pi to pi: popt[i*2+2] %= 2*np.pi if popt[i*2+2] > np.pi: popt[i*2+2] -= 2*np.pi # store fourier spectrum: if hasattr(freq, 'shape'): n = n_harm n += np.sum(freq[:,0] > (n_harm+0.5)*freq[0,0]) spec_data = np.zeros((n, 7)) spec_data[:,:] = np.nan k = 0 for i in range(n_harm): while k < len(freq) and freq[k,0] < (i+0.5)*freq0: k += 1 if k >= len(freq): break if freq[k,0] < (i+1.5)*freq0: spec_data[i,6] = freq[k,1] k += 1 for i in range(n_harm, n): if k >= len(freq): break spec_data[i,:2] = [np.round(freq[k,0]/freq0)-1, freq[k,0]] spec_data[i,6] = freq[k,1] k += 1 else: spec_data = np.zeros((n_harm, 6)) for i in range(n_harm): spec_data[i,:6] = [i, (i+1)*freq0, popt[i*2+1], popt[i*2+1]/popt[1], decibel((popt[i*2+1]/popt[1])**2.0), popt[i*2+2]] # smoothness of power spectrum: db_powers = decibel(spec_data[:n_harm,2]**2) db_diff = np.std(np.diff(db_powers)) # maximum relative power of higher harmonics: p_max = np.argmax(db_powers[:3]) db_powers -= db_powers[p_max] if len(db_powers[p_max+n_harmonics:]) == 0: max_harmonics_power = -100.0 else: max_harmonics_power = np.max(db_powers[p_max+n_harmonics:]) # total harmonic distortion: thd = np.sqrt(np.nansum(spec_data[1:,3])) # peak-to-peak and trough amplitudes: ppampl = np.max(meod[i0:i1,1]) - np.min(meod[i0:i1,1]) relpeakampl = max(np.max(meod[i0:i1,1]), np.abs(np.min(meod[i0:i1,1])))/ppampl # variance and fit error: rmssem = np.sqrt(np.mean(meod[i0:i1,2]**2.0))/ppampl if eod.shape[1] > 2 else None rmserror = np.sqrt(np.mean((meod[i0:i1,1] - meod[i0:i1,-1])**2.0))/ppampl # store results: props = {} props['type'] = 'wave' props['EODf'] = freq0 props['p-p-amplitude'] = ppampl props['flipped'] = flipped props['amplitude'] = 0.5*ppampl # remove it props['rmserror'] = rmserror if rmssem: props['noise'] = rmssem props['ncrossings'] = ncrossings props['peakwidth'] = peak_width/period props['troughwidth'] = trough_width/period props['minwidth'] = min(peak_width, trough_width)/period props['leftpeak'] = phase1/period props['rightpeak'] = phase2/period props['lefttrough'] = phase3/period props['righttrough'] = phase4/period props['p-p-distance'] = distance/period props['min-p-p-distance'] = min_distance/period props['relpeakampl'] = relpeakampl pnh = power_n_harmonics if power_n_harmonics > 0 else n_harm pnh = min(n_harm, pnh) props['power'] = decibel(np.sum(spec_data[:pnh,2]**2.0)) if hasattr(freq, 'shape'): props['datapower'] = decibel(np.sum(freq[:pnh,1])) props['thd'] = thd props['dbdiff'] = db_diff props['maxdb'] = max_harmonics_power return meod, props, spec_data, error_str

Analyze the EOD waveform of a wave fish.


eod : 2-D array
The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the EOD waveform, third column, if present, is the standard error of the EOD waveform, Further columns are optional but not used.
freq : float or 2-D array
The frequency of the EOD or the list of harmonics (rows) with frequency and peak height (columns) as returned from harmonics.harmonic_groups().
n_harm : int
Maximum number of harmonics used for the Fourier decomposition.
power_n_harmonics : int
Sum over the first power_n_harmonics harmonics for computing the total power. If 0 sum over all harmonics.
n_harmonics : int
The maximum power of higher harmonics is computed from harmonics higher than the maximum harmonics within the first three harmonics plus n_harmonics.
flip_wave : 'auto', 'none', 'flip'
  • 'auto' flip waveform such that the larger extremum is positive.
  • 'flip' flip waveform.
  • 'none' do not flip waveform.


meod : 2-D array of floats
The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the eod waveform. Further columns are kept from the input eod. And a column is added with the fit of the fourier series to the waveform.
props : dict

A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform.

  • type: set to 'wave'.
  • EODf: is set to the EOD fundamental frequency.
  • p-p-amplitude: peak-to-peak amplitude of the Fourier fit.
  • flipped: True if the waveform was flipped.
  • amplitude: amplitude factor of the Fourier fit.
  • noise: root-mean squared standard error mean of the averaged EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude.
  • rmserror: root-mean-square error between Fourier-fit and EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude. If larger than about 0.05 the data are bad.
  • ncrossings: number of zero crossings per period
  • peakwidth: width of the peak at the averaged amplitude relative to EOD period.
  • troughwidth: width of the trough at the averaged amplitude relative to EOD period.
  • minwidth: peakwidth or troughwidth, whichever is smaller.
  • leftpeak: time from positive zero crossing to peak relative to EOD period.
  • rightpeak: time from peak to negative zero crossing relative to EOD period.
  • lefttrough: time from negative zero crossing to trough relative to EOD period.
  • righttrough: time from trough to positive zero crossing relative to EOD period.
  • p-p-distance: time between peak and trough relative to EOD period.
  • min-p-p-distance: p-p-distance or EOD period minus p-p-distance, whichever is smaller, relative to EOD period.
  • relpeakampl: amplitude of peak or trough, whichever is larger, relative to p-p amplitude.
  • power: summed power of all harmonics of the extracted EOD waveform in decibel relative to one.
  • datapower: summed power of all harmonics of the original data in decibel relative to one. Only if freq is a list of harmonics.
  • thd: total harmonic distortion, i.e. square root of sum of amplitudes squared of harmonics relative to amplitude of fundamental.
  • dbdiff: smoothness of power spectrum as standard deviation of differences in decibel power.
  • maxdb: maximum power of higher harmonics relative to peak power in decibel.
spec_data : 2-D array of floats
First six columns are from the spectrum of the extracted waveform. First column is the index of the harmonics, second column its frequency, third column its amplitude, fourth column its amplitude relative to the fundamental, fifth column is power of harmonics relative to fundamental in decibel, and sixth column the phase shift relative to the fundamental. If freq is a list of harmonics, a seventh column is added to spec_data that contains the powers of the harmonics from the original power spectrum of the raw data. Rows are the harmonics, first row is the fundamental frequency with index 0, relative amplitude of one, relative power of 0dB, and phase shift of zero.
error_str : string
If fitting of the fourier series failed, this is reported in this string.



EOD data is less than one period long.

def exp_decay(t, tau, ampl, offs)
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def exp_decay(t, tau, ampl, offs):
"""Exponential decay function. x(t) = ampl*exp(-t/tau) + offs Parameters ---------- t: float or array Time. tau: float Time constant of exponential decay. ampl: float Amplitude of exponential decay, i.e. initial value minus steady-state value. offs: float Steady-state value. Returns ------- x: float or array The exponential decay evaluated at times `t`. """
return offs + ampl*np.exp(-t/tau)

Exponential decay function.

x(t) = ampl*exp(-t/tau) + offs


t : float or array
tau : float
Time constant of exponential decay.
ampl : float
Amplitude of exponential decay, i.e. initial value minus steady-state value.
offs : float
Steady-state value.


x : float or array
The exponential decay evaluated at times t.
def analyze_pulse(eod,
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def analyze_pulse(eod, eod_times=None, min_pulse_win=0.001,
                  peak_thresh_fac=0.01, min_dist=50.0e-6,
                  width_frac=0.5, fit_frac = 0.5, freq_resolution=1.0,
                  flip_pulse='none', ipi_cv_thresh=0.5,
"""Analyze the EOD waveform of a pulse fish. Parameters ---------- eod: 2-D array The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the EOD waveform, third column, if present, is the standard error of the EOD waveform, Further columns are optional but not used. eod_times: 1-D array or None List of times of detected EOD peaks. min_pulse_win: float The minimum size of cut-out EOD waveform. peak_thresh_fac: float Set the threshold for peak detection to the maximum pulse amplitude times this factor. min_dist: float Minimum distance between peak and troughs of the pulse. width_frac: float The width of a peak is measured at this fraction of a peak's height (0-1). fit_frac: float or None An exponential is fitted to the tail of the last peak/trough starting where the waveform falls below this fraction of the peak's height (0-1). freq_resolution: float The frequency resolution of the power spectrum of the single pulse. flip_pulse: 'auto', 'none', 'flip' - 'auto' flip waveform such that the first large extremum is positive. - 'flip' flip waveform. - 'none' do not flip waveform. ipi_cv_thresh: float If the coefficient of variation of the interpulse intervals are smaller than this threshold, then the EOD frequency is computed as the inverse of the mean of all interpulse intervals. Otherwise only intervals smaller than a certain quantile are used. ipi_percentile: float When computing the EOD frequency, period, mean and standard deviation of interpulse intervals from a subset of the interpulse intervals, only intervals smaller than this percentile (between 0 and 100) are used. Returns ------- meod: 2-D array of floats The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the eod waveform. Further columns are kept from the input `eod`. As a last column the fit to the tail of the last peak is appended. props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform. - type: set to 'pulse'. - EODf: the inverse of the median interval between `eod_times`, if provided. - period: the median interval between `eod_times`, if provided. - IPI-mean: the mean interval between `eod_times`, if provided. - IPI-std: the standard deviation of the intervals between `eod_times`, if provided. - max-ampl: the amplitude of the largest positive peak (P1). - min-ampl: the amplitude of the largest negative peak (P2). - p-p-amplitude: peak-to-peak amplitude of the EOD waveform. - noise: root-mean squared standard error mean of the averaged EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude. - tstart: time in seconds where the pulse starts, i.e. crosses the threshold for the first time. - tend: time in seconds where the pulse ends, i.e. crosses the threshold for the last time. - width: total width of the pulse in seconds (tend-tstart). - P2-P1-dist: distance between P2 and P1 in seconds. - tau: time constant of exponential decay of pulse tail in seconds. - firstpeak: index of the first peak in the pulse (i.e. -1 for P-1) - lastpeak: index of the last peak in the pulse (i.e. 3 for P3) - peakfreq: frequency at peak power of the single pulse spectrum in Hertz. - peakpower: peak power of the single pulse spectrum in decibel. - poweratt5: how much the average power below 5 Hz is attenuated relative to the peak power in decibel. - poweratt50: how much the average power below 5 Hz is attenuated relative to the peak power in decibel. - lowcutoff: frequency at which the power reached half of the peak power relative to the initial power in Hertz. - flipped: True if the waveform was flipped. - n: number of pulses analyzed (i.e. `len(eod_times)`), if provided. - times: the times of the detected EOD pulses (i.e. `eod_times`), if provided. Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD. peaks: 2-D array For each peak and trough (rows) of the EOD waveform 5 columns: the peak index (1 is P1, i.e. the largest positive peak), time relative to largest positive peak, amplitude, amplitude normalized to largest postive peak, and width of peak/trough at half height. Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD. power: 2-D array The power spectrum of a single pulse. First column are the frequencies, second column the power in x^2/Hz such that the integral equals the variance. Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD. """
# storage: meod = np.zeros((eod.shape[0], eod.shape[1]+1)) meod[:,:eod.shape[1]] = eod meod[:,-1] = np.nan toffs = 0 # cut out stable estimate if standard deviation is available: if eod.shape[1] > 2 and np.max(meod[:,2]) > 3*np.min(meod[:,2]): n = len(meod) idx0 = np.argmax(np.abs(meod[n//10:9*n//10,1])) + n//10 toffs += meod[idx0,0] meod[:,0] -= meod[idx0,0] # minimum in standard deviation: lstd_idx = np.argmin(meod[:idx0-5,2]) rstd_idx = np.argmin(meod[idx0+5:,2]) + idx0 # central, left, and right maximum of standard deviation: max_std = np.max(meod[lstd_idx:rstd_idx,2]) l_std = np.max(meod[:len(meod)//4,2]) r_std = np.max(meod[len(meod)*3//4:,2]) lidx = 0 ridx = len(meod) if l_std > max_std and lstd_idx > lidx: lidx = lstd_idx - np.argmax(meod[lstd_idx:0:-1,2] >= 0.25*l_std + 0.75*meod[lstd_idx,2]) if r_std > max_std and rstd_idx < ridx: ridx = rstd_idx + np.argmax(meod[rstd_idx:,2] >= 0.25*r_std + 0.75*meod[rstd_idx,2]) #plt.plot(meod[:,0], meod[:,1]) #plt.plot(meod[:,0], meod[:,2], '-r') #plt.plot([meod[lidx,0], meod[lidx,0]], [-0.1, 0.1], '-k') #plt.plot([meod[ridx-1,0], meod[ridx-1,0]], [-0.1, 0.1], '-b') meod = meod[lidx:ridx,:] # subtract mean computed from the ends of the snippet: n = len(meod)//20 if len(meod) >= 20 else 1 meod[:,1] -= 0.5*(np.mean(meod[:n,1]) + np.mean(meod[-n:,1])) # largest positive and negative peak: flipped = False max_idx = np.argmax(meod[:,1]) max_ampl = np.abs(meod[max_idx,1]) min_idx = np.argmin(meod[:,1]) min_ampl = np.abs(meod[min_idx,1]) amplitude = np.max((max_ampl, min_ampl)) if max_ampl > 0.2*amplitude and min_ampl > 0.2*amplitude: # two major peaks: if 'flip' in flip_pulse or ('auto' in flip_pulse and min_idx < max_idx): # flip: meod[:,1] = -meod[:,1] peak_idx = min_idx min_idx = max_idx max_idx = peak_idx flipped = True elif 'flip' in flip_pulse or ('auto' in flip_pulse and min_ampl > 0.2*amplitude): # flip: meod[:,1] = -meod[:,1] peak_idx = min_idx min_idx = max_idx max_idx = peak_idx flipped = True max_ampl = np.abs(meod[max_idx,1]) min_ampl = np.abs(meod[min_idx,1]) # move peak of waveform to zero: toffs += meod[max_idx,0] meod[:,0] -= meod[max_idx,0] # minimum threshold for peak detection: n = len(meod[:,1])//10 if len(meod) >= 20 else 2 thl_max = np.max(meod[:n,1]) thl_min = np.min(meod[:n,1]) thr_max = np.max(meod[-n:,1]) thr_min = np.min(meod[-n:,1]) min_thresh = 2*np.max([thl_max, thr_max]) - np.min([thl_min, thr_min]) if min_thresh > 0.5*(max_ampl + min_ampl): min_thresh = 0.5*(max_ampl + min_ampl) fit_frac = None # threshold for peak detection: threshold = max_ampl*peak_thresh_fac if threshold < min_thresh: threshold = min_thresh if threshold <= 0.0: return meod, {}, [], [] # cut out relevant signal: lidx = np.argmax(np.abs(meod[:,1]) > threshold) ridx = len(meod) - 1 - np.argmax(np.abs(meod[::-1,1]) > threshold) t0 = meod[lidx,0] t1 = meod[ridx,0] width = t1 - t0 if width < min_pulse_win: width = min_pulse_win dt = meod[1,0] - meod[0,0] width_idx = int(np.round(width/dt)) # expand width: leidx = lidx - width_idx//2 if leidx < 0: leidx = 0 reidx = ridx + width_idx//2 if reidx >= len(meod): reidx = len(meod) meod = meod[leidx:reidx,:] lidx -= leidx ridx -= leidx max_idx -= leidx min_idx -= leidx tau = None dist = 0.0 peaks = [] # amplitude and variance: ppampl = max_ampl + min_ampl rmssem = np.sqrt(np.mean(meod[:,2]**2.0))/ppampl if eod.shape[1] > 2 else None # find smaller peaks: peak_idx, trough_idx = detect_peaks(meod[:,1], threshold) if len(peak_idx) > 0: # and their width: peak_widths = peak_width(meod[:,0], meod[:,1], peak_idx, trough_idx, peak_frac=width_frac, base='max') trough_widths = peak_width(meod[:,0], -meod[:,1], trough_idx, peak_idx, peak_frac=width_frac, base='max') # combine peaks and troughs: pt_idx = np.concatenate((peak_idx, trough_idx)) pt_widths = np.concatenate((peak_widths, trough_widths)) pts_idx = np.argsort(pt_idx) peak_list = pt_idx[pts_idx] width_list = pt_widths[pts_idx] # remove multiple peaks that are too close: XXX replace by Dexters function that keeps the maximum peak rmidx = [(k, k+1) for k in np.where(np.diff(meod[peak_list,0]) < min_dist)[0]] # flatten and keep maximum peak: rmidx = np.unique([k for kk in rmidx for k in kk if peak_list[k] != max_idx]) # delete: if len(rmidx) > 0: peak_list = np.delete(peak_list, rmidx) width_list = np.delete(width_list, rmidx) if len(peak_list) == 0: return meod, {}, [], [] # find P1: p1i = np.argmax(peak_list == max_idx) # truncate peaks to the left: XXX REALLY? WHY? offs = 0 if p1i <= 2 else p1i - 2 peak_list = peak_list[offs:] width_list = width_list[offs:] p1i -= offs # store peaks: peaks = np.zeros((len(peak_list), 5)) for i, pi in enumerate(peak_list): peaks[i,:] = [i+1-p1i, meod[pi,0], meod[pi,1], meod[pi,1]/max_ampl, width_list[i]] # P2 - P1 distance: dist = peaks[p1i+1,1] - peaks[p1i,1] if p1i+1 < len(peaks) else 0.0 # fit exponential to last peak/trough: pi = peak_list[-1] # positive or negative decay: sign = 1.0 if np.sum(meod[pi:,1] < -0.5*threshold) > np.sum(meod[pi:,1] > 0.5*threshold): sign = -1.0 if sign*meod[pi,1] < 0.0: pi += np.argmax(sign*meod[pi:,1]) pi_ampl = np.abs(meod[pi,1]) n = len(meod[pi:]) # no sufficiently large initial value: if fit_frac and pi_ampl*fit_frac <= 0.5*threshold: fit_frac = False # no sufficiently long decay: if n < 10: fit_frac = False # not decaying towards zero: max_line = pi_ampl - (pi_ampl-threshold)*np.arange(n)/n + 1e-8 if np.any(np.abs(meod[pi+2:,1]) > max_line[2:]): fit_frac = False if fit_frac: thresh = meod[pi,1]*fit_frac inx = pi + np.argmax(sign*meod[pi:,1] < sign*thresh) thresh = meod[inx,1]*np.exp(-1.0) tau_inx = np.argmax(sign*meod[inx:,1] < sign*thresh) if tau_inx < 2: tau_inx = 2 rridx = inx + 6*tau_inx if rridx > len(meod)-1: tau = None else: tau = meod[inx+tau_inx,0]-meod[inx,0] params = [tau, meod[inx,1]-meod[rridx,1], meod[rridx,1]] try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_decay, meod[inx:rridx,0]-meod[inx,0], meod[inx:rridx,1], params, bounds=([0.0, -np.inf, -np.inf], np.inf)) except TypeError: popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_decay, meod[inx:rridx,0]-meod[inx,0], meod[inx:rridx,1], params) if popt[0] > 1.2*tau: tau_inx = int(np.round(popt[0]/dt)) rridx = inx + 6*tau_inx if rridx > len(meod)-1: rridx = len(meod)-1 try: popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_decay, meod[inx:rridx,0]-meod[inx,0], meod[inx:rridx,1], popt, bounds=([0.0, -np.inf, -np.inf], np.inf)) except TypeError: popt, pcov = curve_fit(exp_decay, meod[inx:rridx,0]-meod[inx,0], meod[inx:rridx,1], popt) tau = popt[0] meod[inx:rridx,-1] = exp_decay(meod[inx:rridx,0]-meod[inx,0], *popt) # power spectrum of single pulse: rate = 1.0/(meod[1,0]-meod[0,0]) n_fft = nfft(rate, freq_resolution) n0 = max_idx n1 = len(meod)-max_idx n = 2*max(n0, n1) if n_fft < n: n_fft = next_power_of_two(n) data = np.zeros(n_fft) data[n_fft//2-n0:n_fft//2+n1] = meod[:,1] nr = n//4 data[n_fft//2-n0:n_fft//2-n0+nr] *= np.arange(nr)/nr data[n_fft//2+n1-nr:n_fft//2+n1] *= np.arange(nr)[::-1]/nr freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(n_fft, 1.0/rate) fourier = np.fft.rfft(data)/n_fft/freqs[1] power = np.abs(fourier)**2.0 ppower = np.zeros((len(power), 2)) ppower[:,0] = freqs ppower[:,1] = power maxpower = np.max(power) att5 = decibel(np.mean(power[freqs<5.0]), maxpower) att50 = decibel(np.mean(power[freqs<50.0]), maxpower) lowcutoff = freqs[decibel(power, maxpower) > 0.5*att5][0] # analyze pulse timing: if eod_times is not None: inter_pulse_intervals = np.diff(eod_times) ipi_cv = np.std(inter_pulse_intervals)/np.mean(inter_pulse_intervals) if ipi_cv < ipi_cv_thresh: period = np.median(inter_pulse_intervals) ipi_mean = np.mean(inter_pulse_intervals) ipi_std = np.std(inter_pulse_intervals) else: intervals = inter_pulse_intervals[inter_pulse_intervals < np.percentile(inter_pulse_intervals, ipi_percentile)] period = np.median(intervals) ipi_mean = np.mean(intervals) ipi_std = np.std(intervals) # store properties: props = {} props['type'] = 'pulse' if eod_times is not None: props['EODf'] = 1.0/period props['period'] = period props['IPI-mean'] = ipi_mean props['IPI-std'] = ipi_std props['max-ampl'] = max_ampl props['min-ampl'] = min_ampl props['p-p-amplitude'] = ppampl if rmssem: props['noise'] = rmssem props['tstart'] = t0 props['tend'] = t1 props['width'] = t1-t0 props['P2-P1-dist'] = dist if tau: props['tau'] = tau props['firstpeak'] = peaks[0, 0] if len(peaks) > 0 else 1 props['lastpeak'] = peaks[-1, 0] if len(peaks) > 0 else 1 props['peakfreq'] = freqs[np.argmax(power)] props['peakpower'] = decibel(maxpower) props['poweratt5'] = att5 props['poweratt50'] = att50 props['lowcutoff'] = lowcutoff props['flipped'] = flipped if eod_times is not None: props['n'] = len(eod_times) props['times'] = eod_times + toffs return meod, props, peaks, ppower

Analyze the EOD waveform of a pulse fish.


eod : 2-D array
The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the EOD waveform, third column, if present, is the standard error of the EOD waveform, Further columns are optional but not used.
eod_times : 1-D array or None
List of times of detected EOD peaks.
min_pulse_win : float
The minimum size of cut-out EOD waveform.
peak_thresh_fac : float
Set the threshold for peak detection to the maximum pulse amplitude times this factor.
min_dist : float
Minimum distance between peak and troughs of the pulse.
width_frac : float
The width of a peak is measured at this fraction of a peak's height (0-1).
fit_frac : float or None
An exponential is fitted to the tail of the last peak/trough starting where the waveform falls below this fraction of the peak's height (0-1).
freq_resolution : float
The frequency resolution of the power spectrum of the single pulse.
flip_pulse : 'auto', 'none', 'flip'
  • 'auto' flip waveform such that the first large extremum is positive.
  • 'flip' flip waveform.
  • 'none' do not flip waveform.
ipi_cv_thresh : float
If the coefficient of variation of the interpulse intervals are smaller than this threshold, then the EOD frequency is computed as the inverse of the mean of all interpulse intervals. Otherwise only intervals smaller than a certain quantile are used.
ipi_percentile : float
When computing the EOD frequency, period, mean and standard deviation of interpulse intervals from a subset of the interpulse intervals, only intervals smaller than this percentile (between 0 and 100) are used.


meod : 2-D array of floats
The eod waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the eod waveform. Further columns are kept from the input eod. As a last column the fit to the tail of the last peak is appended.
props : dict

A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform.

  • type: set to 'pulse'.
  • EODf: the inverse of the median interval between eod_times, if provided.
  • period: the median interval between eod_times, if provided.
  • IPI-mean: the mean interval between eod_times, if provided.
  • IPI-std: the standard deviation of the intervals between eod_times, if provided.
  • max-ampl: the amplitude of the largest positive peak (P1).
  • min-ampl: the amplitude of the largest negative peak (P2).
  • p-p-amplitude: peak-to-peak amplitude of the EOD waveform.
  • noise: root-mean squared standard error mean of the averaged EOD waveform relative to the p-p amplitude.
  • tstart: time in seconds where the pulse starts, i.e. crosses the threshold for the first time.
  • tend: time in seconds where the pulse ends, i.e. crosses the threshold for the last time.
  • width: total width of the pulse in seconds (tend-tstart).
  • P2-P1-dist: distance between P2 and P1 in seconds.
  • tau: time constant of exponential decay of pulse tail in seconds.
  • firstpeak: index of the first peak in the pulse (i.e. -1 for P-1)
  • lastpeak: index of the last peak in the pulse (i.e. 3 for P3)
  • peakfreq: frequency at peak power of the single pulse spectrum in Hertz.
  • peakpower: peak power of the single pulse spectrum in decibel.
  • poweratt5: how much the average power below 5 Hz is attenuated relative to the peak power in decibel.
  • poweratt50: how much the average power below 5 Hz is attenuated relative to the peak power in decibel.
  • lowcutoff: frequency at which the power reached half of the peak power relative to the initial power in Hertz.
  • flipped: True if the waveform was flipped.
  • n: number of pulses analyzed (i.e. len(eod_times)), if provided.
  • times: the times of the detected EOD pulses (i.e. eod_times), if provided.

Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD.

peaks : 2-D array
For each peak and trough (rows) of the EOD waveform 5 columns: the peak index (1 is P1, i.e. the largest positive peak), time relative to largest positive peak, amplitude, amplitude normalized to largest postive peak, and width of peak/trough at half height. Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD.
power : 2-D array
The power spectrum of a single pulse. First column are the frequencies, second column the power in x^2/Hz such that the integral equals the variance. Empty if waveform is not a pulse EOD.
def adjust_eodf(eodf, temp, temp_adjust=25.0, q10=1.62)
Expand source code
def adjust_eodf(eodf, temp, temp_adjust=25.0, q10=1.62):
"""Adjust EOD frequencies to a standard temperature using Q10. Parameters ---------- eodf: float or ndarray EOD frequencies. temp: float Temperature in degree celsisus at which EOD frequencies in `eodf` were measured. temp_adjust: float Standard temperature in degree celsisus to which EOD frequencies are adjusted. q10: float Q10 value describing temperature dependence of EOD frequencies. The default of 1.62 is from Dunlap, Smith, Yetka (2000) Brain Behav Evol, measured for Apteronotus lepthorhynchus in the lab. Returns ------- eodf_corrected: float or array EOD frequencies adjusted to `temp_adjust` using `q10`. """
return eodf*q10**((temp_adjust - temp) / 10.0)

Adjust EOD frequencies to a standard temperature using Q10.


eodf : float or ndarray
EOD frequencies.
temp : float
Temperature in degree celsisus at which EOD frequencies in eodf were measured.
temp_adjust : float
Standard temperature in degree celsisus to which EOD frequencies are adjusted.
q10 : float
Q10 value describing temperature dependence of EOD frequencies. The default of 1.62 is from Dunlap, Smith, Yetka (2000) Brain Behav Evol, measured for Apteronotus lepthorhynchus in the lab.


eodf_corrected : float or array
EOD frequencies adjusted to temp_adjust using q10.
def load_species_waveforms(species_file='none')
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def load_species_waveforms(species_file='none'):
"""Load template EOD waveforms for species matching. Parameters ---------- species_file: string Name of file containing species definitions. The content of this file is as follows: - Empty lines and line starting with a hash ('#') are skipped. - A line with the key-word 'wavefish' marks the beginning of the table for wave fish. - A line with the key-word 'pulsefish' marks the beginning of the table for pulse fish. - Each line in a species table has three fields, separated by colons (':'): 1. First field is an abbreviation of the species name. 2. Second field is the filename of the recording containing the EOD waveform. 3. The optional third field is the EOD frequency of the EOD waveform. The EOD frequency is used to normalize the time axis of a wave fish EOD to one EOD period. If it is not specified in the third field, it is taken from the corresponding *-wavespectrum-* file, if present. Otherwise the species is excluded and a warning is issued. Example file content: ``` plain Wavefish Aptero : F_91009L20-eodwaveform-0.csv : 823Hz Eigen : C_91008L01-eodwaveform-0.csv Pulsefish Gymnotus : pulsefish/gymnotus.csv Brachy : H_91009L11-eodwaveform-0.csv ``` Returns ------- wave_names: list of strings List of species names of wave-type fish. wave_eods: list of 2-D arrays List of EOD waveforms of wave-type fish corresponding to `wave_names`. First column of a waveform is time in seconds, second column is the EOD waveform. The waveforms contain exactly one EOD period. pulse_names: list of strings List of species names of pulse-type fish. pulse_eods: list of 2-D arrays List of EOD waveforms of pulse-type fish corresponding to `pulse_names`. First column of a waveform is time in seconds, second column is the EOD waveform. """
if len(species_file) == 0 or species_file == 'none' or \ not os.path.isfile(species_file): return [], [], [], [] wave_names = [] wave_eods = [] pulse_names = [] pulse_eods = [] fish_type = 'wave' with open(species_file, 'r') as sf: for line in sf: line = line.strip() if len(line) == 0 or line[0] == '#': continue if line.lower() == 'wavefish': fish_type = 'wave' elif line.lower() == 'pulsefish': fish_type = 'pulse' else: ls = [s.strip() for s in line.split(':')] if len(ls) < 2: continue name = ls[0] waveform_file = ls[1] eod = TableData(waveform_file).array() eod[:,0] *= 0.001 if fish_type == 'wave': eodf = None if len(ls) > 2: eodf = float(ls[2].replace('Hz', '').strip()) else: spectrum_file = waveform_file.replace('eodwaveform', 'wavespectrum') try: wave_spec = TableData(spectrum_file) eodf = wave_spec[0, 1] except FileNotFoundError: pass if eodf is None: print('warning: unknown EOD frequency of %s. Skip.' % name) continue eod[:,0] *= eodf wave_names.append(name) wave_eods.append(eod[:,:2]) elif fish_type == 'pulse': pulse_names.append(name) pulse_eods.append(eod[:,:2]) return wave_names, wave_eods, pulse_names, pulse_eods

Load template EOD waveforms for species matching.


species_file : string

Name of file containing species definitions. The content of this file is as follows:

  • Empty lines and line starting with a hash ('#') are skipped.
  • A line with the key-word 'wavefish' marks the beginning of the table for wave fish.
  • A line with the key-word 'pulsefish' marks the beginning of the table for pulse fish.
  • Each line in a species table has three fields, separated by colons (':'):

  • First field is an abbreviation of the species name.

  • Second field is the filename of the recording containing the EOD waveform.
  • The optional third field is the EOD frequency of the EOD waveform.

The EOD frequency is used to normalize the time axis of a wave fish EOD to one EOD period. If it is not specified in the third field, it is taken from the corresponding -wavespectrum- file, if present. Otherwise the species is excluded and a warning is issued.

Example file content: ``` plain Wavefish Aptero : F_91009L20-eodwaveform-0.csv : 823Hz Eigen : C_91008L01-eodwaveform-0.csv

Pulsefish Gymnotus : pulsefish/gymnotus.csv Brachy : H_91009L11-eodwaveform-0.csv ```


wave_names : list of strings
List of species names of wave-type fish.
wave_eods : list of 2-D arrays
List of EOD waveforms of wave-type fish corresponding to wave_names. First column of a waveform is time in seconds, second column is the EOD waveform. The waveforms contain exactly one EOD period.
pulse_names : list of strings
List of species names of pulse-type fish.
pulse_eods : list of 2-D arrays
List of EOD waveforms of pulse-type fish corresponding to pulse_names. First column of a waveform is time in seconds, second column is the EOD waveform.
def wave_similarity(eod1, eod2, eod1f=1.0, eod2f=1.0)
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def wave_similarity(eod1, eod2, eod1f=1.0, eod2f=1.0):
"""Root-mean squared difference between two wave fish EODs. Compute the root-mean squared difference between two wave fish EODs over one period. The better sampled signal is down-sampled to the worse sampled one. Amplitude are normalized to peak-to-peak amplitude before computing rms difference. Also compute the rms difference between the one EOD and the other one inverted in amplitude. The smaller of the two rms values is returned. Parameters ---------- eod1: 2-D array Time and amplitude of reference EOD. eod2: 2-D array Time and amplitude of EOD that is to be compared to `eod1`. eod1f: float EOD frequency of `eod1` used to transform the time axis of `eod1` to multiples of the EOD period. If already normalized to EOD period, as for example by the `load_species_waveforms()` function, then set the EOD frequency to one (default). eod2f: float EOD frequency of `eod2` used to transform the time axis of `eod2` to multiples of the EOD period. If already normalized to EOD period, as for example by the `load_species_waveforms()` function, then set the EOD frequency to one (default). Returns ------- rmse: float Root-mean-squared difference between the two EOD waveforms relative to their standard deviation over one period. """
# copy: eod1 = np.array(eod1[:,:2]) eod2 = np.array(eod2[:,:2]) # scale to multiples of EOD period: eod1[:,0] *= eod1f eod2[:,0] *= eod2f # make eod1 the waveform with less samples per period: n1 = int(1.0/(eod1[1,0]-eod1[0,0])) n2 = int(1.0/(eod2[1,0]-eod2[0,0])) if n1 > n2: eod1, eod2 = eod2, eod1 n1, n2 = n2, n1 # one period around time zero: i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(eod1[:,0])) k0 = i0-n1//2 if k0 < 0: k0 = 0 k1 = k0 + n1 + 1 if k1 >= len(eod1): k1 = len(eod1) # cut out one period from the reference EOD around maximum: i = k0 + np.argmax(eod1[k0:k1,1]) k0 = i-n1//2 if k0 < 0: k0 = 0 k1 = k0 + n1 + 1 if k1 >= len(eod1): k1 = len(eod1) eod1 = eod1[k0:k1,:] # normalize amplitudes of first EOD: eod1[:,1] -= np.min(eod1[:,1]) eod1[:,1] /= np.max(eod1[:,1]) sigma = np.std(eod1[:,1]) # set time zero to maximum of second EOD: i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(eod2[:,0])) k0 = i0-n2//2 if k0 < 0: k0 = 0 k1 = k0 + n2 + 1 if k1 >= len(eod2): k1 = len(eod2) i = k0 + np.argmax(eod2[k0:k1,1]) eod2[:,0] -= eod2[i,0] # interpolate eod2 to the time base of eod1: eod2w = np.interp(eod1[:,0], eod2[:,0], eod2[:,1]) # normalize amplitudes of second EOD: eod2w -= np.min(eod2w) eod2w /= np.max(eod2w) # root-mean-square difference: rmse1 = np.sqrt(np.mean((eod1[:,1] - eod2w)**2))/sigma # root-mean-square difference of the flipped signal: i = k0 + np.argmin(eod2[k0:k1,1]) eod2[:,0] -= eod2[i,0] eod2w = np.interp(eod1[:,0], eod2[:,0], -eod2[:,1]) eod2w -= np.min(eod2w) eod2w /= np.max(eod2w) rmse2 = np.sqrt(np.mean((eod1[:,1] - eod2w)**2))/sigma # take the smaller value: rmse = min(rmse1, rmse2) return rmse

Root-mean squared difference between two wave fish EODs.

Compute the root-mean squared difference between two wave fish EODs over one period. The better sampled signal is down-sampled to the worse sampled one. Amplitude are normalized to peak-to-peak amplitude before computing rms difference. Also compute the rms difference between the one EOD and the other one inverted in amplitude. The smaller of the two rms values is returned.


eod1 : 2-D array
Time and amplitude of reference EOD.
eod2 : 2-D array
Time and amplitude of EOD that is to be compared to eod1.
eod1f : float
EOD frequency of eod1 used to transform the time axis of eod1 to multiples of the EOD period. If already normalized to EOD period, as for example by the load_species_waveforms() function, then set the EOD frequency to one (default).
eod2f : float
EOD frequency of eod2 used to transform the time axis of eod2 to multiples of the EOD period. If already normalized to EOD period, as for example by the load_species_waveforms() function, then set the EOD frequency to one (default).


rmse : float
Root-mean-squared difference between the two EOD waveforms relative to their standard deviation over one period.
def pulse_similarity(eod1, eod2, wfac=10.0)
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def pulse_similarity(eod1, eod2, wfac=10.0):
"""Root-mean squared difference between two pulse fish EODs. Compute the root-mean squared difference between two pulse fish EODs over `wfac` times the distance between minimum and maximum of the wider EOD. The waveforms are normalized to their maxima prior to computing the rms difference. Also compute the rms difference between the one EOD and the other one inverted in amplitude. The smaller of the two rms values is returned. Parameters ---------- eod1: 2-D array Time and amplitude of reference EOD. eod2: 2-D array Time and amplitude of EOD that is to be compared to `eod1`. wfac: float Multiply the distance between minimum and maximum by this factor to get the window size over which to compute the rms difference. Returns ------- rmse: float Root-mean-squared difference between the two EOD waveforms relative to their standard deviation over the analysis window. """
# copy: eod1 = np.array(eod1[:,:2]) eod2 = np.array(eod2[:,:2]) # width of the pulses: imin1 = np.argmin(eod1[:,1]) imax1 = np.argmax(eod1[:,1]) w1 = np.abs(eod1[imax1,0]-eod1[imin1,0]) imin2 = np.argmin(eod2[:,1]) imax2 = np.argmax(eod2[:,1]) w2 = np.abs(eod2[imax2,0]-eod2[imin2,0]) w = wfac*max(w1, w2) # cut out signal from the reference EOD: n = int(w/(eod1[1,0]-eod1[0,0])) i0 = imax1-n//2 if i0 < 0: i0 = 0 i1 = imax1+n//2+1 if i1 >= len(eod1): i1 = len(eod1) eod1[:,0] -= eod1[imax1,0] eod1 = eod1[i0:i1,:] # normalize amplitude of first EOD: eod1[:,1] /= np.max(eod1[:,1]) sigma = np.std(eod1[:,1]) # interpolate eod2 to the time base of eod1: eod2[:,0] -= eod2[imax2,0] eod2w = np.interp(eod1[:,0], eod2[:,0], eod2[:,1]) # normalize amplitude of second EOD: eod2w /= np.max(eod2w) # root-mean-square difference: rmse1 = np.sqrt(np.mean((eod1[:,1] - eod2w)**2))/sigma # root-mean-square difference of the flipped signal: eod2[:,0] -= eod2[imin2,0] eod2w = np.interp(eod1[:,0], eod2[:,0], -eod2[:,1]) eod2w /= np.max(eod2w) rmse2 = np.sqrt(np.mean((eod1[:,1] - eod2w)**2))/sigma # take the smaller value: rmse = min(rmse1, rmse2) return rmse

Root-mean squared difference between two pulse fish EODs.

Compute the root-mean squared difference between two pulse fish EODs over wfac times the distance between minimum and maximum of the wider EOD. The waveforms are normalized to their maxima prior to computing the rms difference. Also compute the rms difference between the one EOD and the other one inverted in amplitude. The smaller of the two rms values is returned.


eod1 : 2-D array
Time and amplitude of reference EOD.
eod2 : 2-D array
Time and amplitude of EOD that is to be compared to eod1.
wfac : float
Multiply the distance between minimum and maximum by this factor to get the window size over which to compute the rms difference.


rmse : float
Root-mean-squared difference between the two EOD waveforms relative to their standard deviation over the analysis window.
def clipped_fraction(data, rate, eod_times, mean_eod, min_clip=-inf, max_clip=inf)
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def clipped_fraction(data, rate, eod_times, mean_eod,
                     min_clip=-np.inf, max_clip=np.inf):
"""Compute fraction of clipped EOD waveform snippets. Cut out snippets at each `eod_times` based on time axis of `mean_eod`. Check which fraction of snippets exceeds clipping amplitude `min_clip` and `max_clip`. Parameters ---------- data: 1-D array of float The data to be analysed. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. eod_times: 1-D array of float Array of EOD times in seconds. mean_eod: 2-D array with time, mean, sem, and fit. Averaged EOD waveform of wave fish. Only the time axis is used to set width of snippets. min_clip: float Minimum amplitude that is not clipped. max_clip: float Maximum amplitude that is not clipped. Returns ------- clipped_frac: float Fraction of snippets that are clipped. """
# snippets: idx0 = np.argmin(np.abs(mean_eod[:,0])) # index of time zero w0 = -idx0 w1 = len(mean_eod[:,0]) - idx0 eod_idx = np.round(eod_times*rate).astype(int) eod_snippets = snippets(data, eod_idx, w0, w1) # fraction of clipped snippets: clipped_frac = np.sum(np.any((eod_snippets > max_clip) | (eod_snippets < min_clip), axis=1))\ / len(eod_snippets) return clipped_frac

Compute fraction of clipped EOD waveform snippets.

Cut out snippets at each eod_times based on time axis of mean_eod. Check which fraction of snippets exceeds clipping amplitude min_clip and max_clip.


data : 1-D array of float
The data to be analysed.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
eod_times : 1-D array of float
Array of EOD times in seconds.
mean_eod: 2-D array with time, mean, sem, and fit.
Averaged EOD waveform of wave fish. Only the time axis is used
to set width of snippets.
min_clip : float
Minimum amplitude that is not clipped.
max_clip : float
Maximum amplitude that is not clipped.


clipped_frac : float
Fraction of snippets that are clipped.
def wave_quality(props,
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def wave_quality(props, harm_relampl=None, min_freq=0.0,
                 max_freq=2000.0, max_clipped_frac=0.1,
                 max_crossings=4, max_rms_sem=0.0, max_rms_error=0.05,
                 min_power=-100.0, max_thd=0.0, max_db_diff=20.0,
                 max_harmonics_db=-5.0, max_relampl_harm1=0.0,
                 max_relampl_harm2=0.0, max_relampl_harm3=0.0):
"""Assess the quality of an EOD waveform of a wave fish. Parameters ---------- props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by `analyze_wave()`. harm_relampl: 1-D array of floats or None Relative amplitude of at least the first 3 harmonics without the fundamental. min_freq: float Minimum EOD frequency (`props['EODf']`). max_freq: float Maximum EOD frequency (`props['EODf']`). max_clipped_frac: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed fraction of clipped data (`props['clipped']`). max_crossings: int If larger than zero, maximum number of zero crossings per EOD period (`props['ncrossings']`). max_rms_sem: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed standard error of the data relative to p-p amplitude (`props['noise']`). max_rms_error: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed root-mean-square error between EOD waveform and Fourier fit relative to p-p amplitude (`props['rmserror']`). min_power: float Minimum power of the EOD in dB (`props['power']`). max_thd: float If larger than zero, then maximum total harmonic distortion (`props['thd']`). max_db_diff: float If larger than zero, maximum standard deviation of differences between logarithmic powers of harmonics in decibel (`props['dbdiff']`). Low values enforce smoother power spectra. max_harmonics_db: Maximum power of higher harmonics relative to peak power in decibel (`props['maxdb']`). max_relampl_harm1: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of first harmonic relative to fundamental. max_relampl_harm2: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of second harmonic relative to fundamental. max_relampl_harm3: float If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of third harmonic relative to fundamental. Returns ------- remove: bool If True then this is most likely not an electric fish. Remove it from both the waveform properties and the list of EOD frequencies. If False, keep it in the list of EOD frequencies, but remove it from the waveform properties if `skip_reason` is not empty. skip_reason: string An empty string if the waveform is good, otherwise a string indicating the failure. msg: string A textual representation of the values tested. """
remove = False msg = [] skip_reason = [] # EOD frequency: if 'EODf' in props: eodf = props['EODf'] msg += ['EODf=%5.1fHz' % eodf] if eodf < min_freq or eodf > max_freq: remove = True skip_reason += ['invalid EODf=%5.1fHz (minimumFrequency=%5.1fHz, maximumFrequency=%5.1f))' % (eodf, min_freq, max_freq)] # clipped fraction: if 'clipped' in props: clipped_frac = props['clipped'] msg += ['clipped=%3.0f%%' % (100.0*clipped_frac)] if max_clipped_frac > 0 and clipped_frac >= max_clipped_frac: skip_reason += ['clipped=%3.0f%% (maximumClippedFraction=%3.0f%%)' % (100.0*clipped_frac, 100.0*max_clipped_frac)] # too many zero crossings: if 'ncrossings' in props: ncrossings = props['ncrossings'] msg += ['zero crossings=%d' % ncrossings] if max_crossings > 0 and ncrossings > max_crossings: skip_reason += ['too many zero crossings=%d (maximumCrossings=%d)' % (ncrossings, max_crossings)] # noise: rms_sem = None if 'rmssem' in props: rms_sem = props['rmssem'] if 'noise' in props: rms_sem = props['noise'] if rms_sem is not None: msg += ['rms sem waveform=%6.2f%%' % (100.0*rms_sem)] if max_rms_sem > 0.0 and rms_sem >= max_rms_sem: skip_reason += ['noisy waveform s.e.m.=%6.2f%% (max %6.2f%%)' % (100.0*rms_sem, 100.0*max_rms_sem)] # fit error: if 'rmserror' in props: rms_error = props['rmserror'] msg += ['rmserror=%6.2f%%' % (100.0*rms_error)] if max_rms_error > 0.0 and rms_error >= max_rms_error: skip_reason += ['noisy rmserror=%6.2f%% (maximumVariance=%6.2f%%)' % (100.0*rms_error, 100.0*max_rms_error)] # wave power: if 'power' in props: power = props['power'] msg += ['power=%6.1fdB' % power] if power < min_power: skip_reason += ['small power=%6.1fdB (minimumPower=%6.1fdB)' % (power, min_power)] # total harmonic distortion: if 'thd' in props: thd = props['thd'] msg += ['thd=%5.1f%%' % (100.0*thd)] if max_thd > 0.0 and thd > max_thd: skip_reason += ['large THD=%5.1f%% (maxximumTotalHarmonicDistortion=%5.1f%%)' % (100.0*thd, 100.0*max_thd)] # smoothness of spectrum: if 'dbdiff' in props: db_diff = props['dbdiff'] msg += ['dBdiff=%5.1fdB' % db_diff] if max_db_diff > 0.0 and db_diff > max_db_diff: remove = True skip_reason += ['not smooth s.d. diff=%5.1fdB (maxximumPowerDifference=%5.1fdB)' % (db_diff, max_db_diff)] # maximum power of higher harmonics: if 'maxdb' in props: max_harmonics = props['maxdb'] msg += ['max harmonics=%5.1fdB' % max_harmonics] if max_harmonics > max_harmonics_db: remove = True skip_reason += ['maximum harmonics=%5.1fdB too strong (maximumHarmonicsPower=%5.1fdB)' % (max_harmonics, max_harmonics_db)] # relative amplitude of harmonics: if harm_relampl is not None: for k, max_relampl in enumerate([max_relampl_harm1, max_relampl_harm2, max_relampl_harm3]): if k >= len(harm_relampl): break msg += ['ampl%d=%5.1f%%' % (k+1, 100.0*harm_relampl[k])] if max_relampl > 0.0 and k < len(harm_relampl) and harm_relampl[k] >= max_relampl: num_str = ['First', 'Second', 'Third'] skip_reason += ['distorted ampl%d=%5.1f%% (maximum%sHarmonicAmplitude=%5.1f%%)' % (k+1, 100.0*harm_relampl[k], num_str[k], 100.0*max_relampl)] return remove, ', '.join(skip_reason), ', '.join(msg)

Assess the quality of an EOD waveform of a wave fish.


props : dict
A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by analyze_wave().
harm_relampl : 1-D array of floats or None
Relative amplitude of at least the first 3 harmonics without the fundamental.
min_freq : float
Minimum EOD frequency (props['EODf']).
max_freq : float
Maximum EOD frequency (props['EODf']).
max_clipped_frac : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed fraction of clipped data (props['clipped']).
max_crossings : int
If larger than zero, maximum number of zero crossings per EOD period (props['ncrossings']).
max_rms_sem : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed standard error of the data relative to p-p amplitude (props['noise']).
max_rms_error : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed root-mean-square error between EOD waveform and Fourier fit relative to p-p amplitude (props['rmserror']).
min_power : float
Minimum power of the EOD in dB (props['power']).
max_thd : float
If larger than zero, then maximum total harmonic distortion (props['thd']).
max_db_diff : float
If larger than zero, maximum standard deviation of differences between logarithmic powers of harmonics in decibel (props['dbdiff']). Low values enforce smoother power spectra.
Maximum power of higher harmonics relative to peak power in
decibel (props['maxdb']).
max_relampl_harm1 : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of first harmonic relative to fundamental.
max_relampl_harm2 : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of second harmonic relative to fundamental.
max_relampl_harm3 : float
If larger than zero, maximum allowed amplitude of third harmonic relative to fundamental.


remove : bool
If True then this is most likely not an electric fish. Remove it from both the waveform properties and the list of EOD frequencies. If False, keep it in the list of EOD frequencies, but remove it from the waveform properties if skip_reason is not empty.
skip_reason : string
An empty string if the waveform is good, otherwise a string indicating the failure.
msg : string
A textual representation of the values tested.
def pulse_quality(props, max_clipped_frac=0.1, max_rms_sem=0.0)
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def pulse_quality(props, max_clipped_frac=0.1, max_rms_sem=0.0):
"""Assess the quality of an EOD waveform of a pulse fish. Parameters ---------- props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. max_clipped_frac: float Maximum allowed fraction of clipped data. max_rms_sem: float If not zero, maximum allowed standard error of the data relative to p-p amplitude. Returns ------- skip_reason: string An empty string if the waveform is good, otherwise a string indicating the failure. msg: string A textual representation of the values tested. skipped_clipped: bool True if waveform was skipped because of clipping. """
msg = [] skip_reason = [] skipped_clipped = False # clipped fraction: if 'clipped' in props: clipped_frac = props['clipped'] msg += ['clipped=%3.0f%%' % (100.0*clipped_frac)] if clipped_frac >= max_clipped_frac: skip_reason += ['clipped=%3.0f%% (maximumClippedFraction=%3.0f%%)' % (100.0*clipped_frac, 100.0*max_clipped_frac)] skipped_clipped = True # noise: rms_sem = None if 'rmssem' in props: rms_sem = props['rmssem'] if 'noise' in props: rms_sem = props['noise'] if rms_sem is not None: msg += ['rms sem waveform=%6.2f%%' % (100.0*rms_sem)] if max_rms_sem > 0.0 and rms_sem >= max_rms_sem: skip_reason += ['noisy waveform s.e.m.=%6.2f%% (maximumRMSNoise=%6.2f%%)' % (100.0*rms_sem, 100.0*max_rms_sem)] return ', '.join(skip_reason), ', '.join(msg), skipped_clipped

Assess the quality of an EOD waveform of a pulse fish.


props : dict
A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by analyze_pulse().
max_clipped_frac : float
Maximum allowed fraction of clipped data.
max_rms_sem : float
If not zero, maximum allowed standard error of the data relative to p-p amplitude.


skip_reason : string
An empty string if the waveform is good, otherwise a string indicating the failure.
msg : string
A textual representation of the values tested.
skipped_clipped : bool
True if waveform was skipped because of clipping.
def plot_eod_recording(ax, data, rate, unit=None, width=0.1, toffs=0.0, kwargs={'lw': 2, 'color': 'red'})
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def plot_eod_recording(ax, data, rate, unit=None, width=0.1,
                       toffs=0.0, kwargs={'lw': 2, 'color': 'red'}):
"""Plot a zoomed in range of the recorded trace. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes Axes used for plotting. data: 1D ndarray Recorded data to be plotted. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. unit: string Optional unit of the data used for y-label. width: float Width of data segment to be plotted in seconds. toffs: float Time of first data value in seconds. kwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the plot command for the recorded trace. """
widx2 = int(width*rate)//2 i0 = len(data)//2 - widx2 i0 = (i0//widx2)*widx2 i1 = i0 + 2*widx2 if i0 < 0: i0 = 0 if i1 >= len(data): i1 = len(data) time = np.arange(len(data))/rate + toffs tunit = 'sec' if np.abs(time[i0]) < 1.0 and np.abs(time[i1]) < 1.0: time *= 1000.0 tunit = 'ms' ax.plot(time, data, **kwargs) ax.set_xlim(time[i0], time[i1]) ax.set_xlabel('Time [%s]' % tunit) ymin = np.min(data[i0:i1]) ymax = np.max(data[i0:i1]) dy = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim(ymin-0.05*dy, ymax+0.05*dy) if len(unit) == 0 or unit == 'a.u.': ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude') else: ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [%s]' % unit)

Plot a zoomed in range of the recorded trace.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes used for plotting.
data : 1D ndarray
Recorded data to be plotted.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
unit : string
Optional unit of the data used for y-label.
width : float
Width of data segment to be plotted in seconds.
toffs : float
Time of first data value in seconds.
kwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the plot command for the recorded trace.
def plot_pulse_eods(ax,
Expand source code
def plot_pulse_eods(ax, data, rate, zoom_window, width, eod_props,
                    toffs=0.0, colors=None, markers=None, marker_size=10,
                    legend_rows=8, **kwargs):
"""Mark pulse EODs in a plot of an EOD recording. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes Axes used for plotting. data: 1D ndarray Recorded data (these are not plotted!). rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. zoom_window: tuple of floats Start and end time of the data to be plotted in seconds. width: float Minimum width of the data to be plotted in seconds. eod_props: list of dictionaries Lists of EOD properties as returned by `analyze_pulse()` and `analyze_wave()`. From the entries with 'type' == 'pulse' the properties 'EODf' and 'times' are used. 'EODf' is the averaged EOD frequency, and 'times' is a list of detected EOD pulse times. toffs: float Time of first data value in seconds that will be added to the pulse times in `eod_props`. colors: list of colors or None If not None list of colors for plotting each cluster markers: list of markers or None If not None list of markers for plotting each cluster marker_size: float Size of markers used to mark the pulses. legend_rows: int Maximum number of rows to be used for the legend. kwargs: Key word arguments for the legend of the plot. """
k = 0 for eod in eod_props: if eod['type'] != 'pulse': continue if 'times' not in eod: continue width = np.min([width, np.diff(zoom_window)[0]]) while len(eod['peaktimes'][(eod['peaktimes']>(zoom_window[1]-width)) & (eod['peaktimes']<(zoom_window[1]))]) == 0: width *= 2 if zoom_window[1] - width < 0: width = width/2 break x = eod['peaktimes'] + toffs pidx = np.round(eod['peaktimes']*rate).astype(int) y = data[pidx[(pidx>0)&(pidx<len(data))]] x = x[(pidx>0)&(pidx<len(data))] color_kwargs = {} #if colors is not None: # color_kwargs['color'] = colors[k%len(colors)] if marker_size is not None: color_kwargs['ms'] = marker_size label = '%6.1f Hz' % eod['EODf'] if legend_rows > 5 and k >= legend_rows: label = None if markers is None: ax.plot(x, y, 'o', label=label, zorder=-1, **color_kwargs) else: ax.plot(x, y, linestyle='none', label=label, marker=markers[k%len(markers)], mec=None, mew=0.0, zorder=-1, **color_kwargs) k += 1 # legend: if k > 1: if legend_rows > 0: if legend_rows > 5: ncol = 1 else: ncol = (len(idx)-1) // legend_rows + 1 ax.legend(numpoints=1, ncol=ncol, **kwargs) else: ax.legend(numpoints=1, **kwargs) # reset window so at least one EOD of each cluster is visible if len(zoom_window)>0: ax.set_xlim(max(toffs,toffs+zoom_window[1]-width), toffs+zoom_window[1]) i0 = max(0,int((zoom_window[1]-width)*rate)) i1 = int(zoom_window[1]*rate) ymin = np.min(data[i0:i1]) ymax = np.max(data[i0:i1]) dy = ymax - ymin ax.set_ylim(ymin-0.05*dy, ymax+0.05*dy)

Mark pulse EODs in a plot of an EOD recording.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes used for plotting.
data : 1D ndarray
Recorded data (these are not plotted!).
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
zoom_window : tuple of floats
Start and end time of the data to be plotted in seconds.
width : float
Minimum width of the data to be plotted in seconds.
eod_props : list of dictionaries
Lists of EOD properties as returned by analyze_pulse() and analyze_wave(). From the entries with 'type' == 'pulse' the properties 'EODf' and 'times' are used. 'EODf' is the averaged EOD frequency, and 'times' is a list of detected EOD pulse times.
toffs : float
Time of first data value in seconds that will be added to the pulse times in eod_props.
colors : list of colors or None
If not None list of colors for plotting each cluster
markers : list of markers or None
If not None list of markers for plotting each cluster
marker_size : float
Size of markers used to mark the pulses.
legend_rows : int
Maximum number of rows to be used for the legend.
Key word arguments for the legend of the plot.
def plot_eod_snippets(ax,
kwargs={'zorder': -5, 'scaley': False, 'lw': 0.5, 'color': '#CCCCCC'})
Expand source code
def plot_eod_snippets(ax, data, rate, tmin, tmax, eod_times,
                      n_snippets=10, flip=False,
                      kwargs={'zorder': -5, 'scaley': False,
                              'lw': 0.5, 'color': '#CCCCCC'}):
"""Plot a few EOD waveform snippets. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes Axes used for plotting. data: 1D ndarray Recorded data from which the snippets are taken. rate: float Sampling rate of the data in Hertz. tmin: float Start time of each snippet. tmax: float End time of each snippet. eod_times: 1-D array EOD peak times from which a few are selected to be plotted. n_snippets: int Number of snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot anything. flip: bool If True flip the snippets upside down. kwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the plot command for plotting the snippets. """
if n_snippets <= 0: return i0 = int(tmin*rate) i1 = int(tmax*rate) time = 1000.0*np.arange(i0, i1)/rate step = len(eod_times)//n_snippets if step < 1: step = 1 for t in eod_times[n_snippets//2::step]: idx = int(np.round(t*rate)) if idx+i0 < 0 or idx+i1 >= len(data): continue snippet = data[idx+i0:idx+i1] if flip: snippet *= -1 ax.plot(time, snippet - np.mean(snippet[:len(snippet)//4]), **kwargs)

Plot a few EOD waveform snippets.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes used for plotting.
data : 1D ndarray
Recorded data from which the snippets are taken.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
tmin : float
Start time of each snippet.
tmax : float
End time of each snippet.
eod_times : 1-D array
EOD peak times from which a few are selected to be plotted.
n_snippets : int
Number of snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot anything.
flip : bool
If True flip the snippets upside down.
kwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the plot command for plotting the snippets.
def plot_eod_waveform(ax,
mkwargs={'zorder': 10, 'lw': 2, 'color': 'red'},
skwargs={'zorder': -10, 'color': '#CCCCCC'},
fkwargs={'zorder': 5, 'lw': 6, 'color': 'steelblue'},
zkwargs={'zorder': -5, 'lw': 1, 'color': '#AAAAAA'})
Expand source code
def plot_eod_waveform(ax, eod_waveform, props, peaks=None, unit=None,
                      mkwargs={'zorder': 10, 'lw': 2, 'color': 'red'},
                      skwargs={'zorder': -10, 'color': '#CCCCCC'},
                      fkwargs={'zorder': 5, 'lw': 6, 'color': 'steelblue'},
                      zkwargs={'zorder': -5, 'lw': 1, 'color': '#AAAAAA'}):
"""Plot mean EOD, its standard error, and an optional fit to the EOD. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes Axes used for plotting. eod_waveform: 2-D array EOD waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the (mean) eod waveform. The optional third column is the standard error, and the optional fourth column is a fit on the waveform. props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by `analyze_wave()` and `analyze_pulse()`. peaks: 2_D arrays or None List of peak properties (index, time, and amplitude) of a EOD pulse as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. unit: string Optional unit of the data used for y-label. mkwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the plot command for the mean EOD. skwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the fill_between command for the standard error of the EOD. fkwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the plot command for the fitted EOD. zkwargs: dict Arguments passed on to the plot command for the zero line. """
ax.autoscale(True) time = 1000.0 * eod_waveform[:,0] # plot zero line: ax.axhline(0.0, **zkwargs) # plot fit: if eod_waveform.shape[1] > 3: ax.plot(time, eod_waveform[:,3], **fkwargs) # plot waveform: mean_eod = eod_waveform[:,1] ax.plot(time, mean_eod, **mkwargs) # plot standard error: if eod_waveform.shape[1] > 2: std_eod = eod_waveform[:,2] if np.mean(std_eod)/(np.max(mean_eod) - np.min(mean_eod)) > 0.1: ax.autoscale_view(False) ax.autoscale(False) ax.fill_between(time, mean_eod + std_eod, mean_eod - std_eod, **skwargs) # ax height dimensions: pixely = np.abs(np.diff(ax.get_window_extent().get_points()[:,1]))[0] ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() unity = ymax - ymin dyu = np.abs(unity)/pixely font_size = plt.rcParams['font.size']*dyu # annotate fit: tau = None if props is None else props.get('tau', None) ty = 0.0 if tau is not None and eod_waveform.shape[1] > 3: if tau < 0.001: label = u'\u03c4=%.0f\u00b5s' % (1.e6*tau) else: label = u'\u03c4=%.2fms' % (1.e3*tau) inx = np.argmin(np.isnan(eod_waveform[:,3])) x = eod_waveform[inx,0] + 1.5*tau ty = 0.7*eod_waveform[inx,3] if np.abs(ty) < 0.5*font_size: ty = 0.5*font_size*np.sign(ty) va = 'bottom' if ty > 0.0 else 'top' ax.text(1000.0*x, ty, label, ha='left', va=va, zorder=20) # annotate peaks: if peaks is not None and len(peaks)>0: for p in peaks: ax.scatter(1000.0*p[1], p[2], s=80, clip_on=False, zorder=0, alpha=0.4, c=mkwargs['color'], edgecolors=mkwargs['color']) label = u'P%d' % p[0] if p[0] != 1: if np.abs(p[1]) < 0.001: ts = u'%.0f\u00b5s' % (1.0e6*p[1]) elif np.abs(p[1]) < 0.01: ts = u'%.2fms' % (1.0e3*p[1]) else: ts = u'%.3gms' % (1.0e3*p[1]) if np.abs(p[3]) < 0.05: ps = u'%.1f%%' % (100*p[3]) else: ps = u'%.0f%%' % (100*p[3]) label += u'(%s @ %s)' % (ps, ts) va = 'bottom' dy = 0.4*font_size if p[0] % 2 == 0: va = 'top' dy = -dy if p[0] == 1: dy = 0.0 """ if p[2] <= np.min(peaks[:,2]): dy = -0.8*font_size va = 'bottom' """ if p[2] + dy < ymin + 1.3*font_size: dy = ymin + 1.3*font_size - p[2] sign = np.sign(p[2]) if p[0] == np.max(peaks[:,0]) and ty*p[2] > 0.0 and \ sign*p[2]+dy < sign*ty+1.2*font_size: dy = ty + sign*1.2*font_size - p[2] dx = 0.05*time[-1] if p[1] >= 0.0: ax.text(1000.0*p[1]+dx, p[2]+dy, label, ha='left', va=va, zorder=20) else: ax.text(1000.0*p[1]-dx, p[2]+dy, label, ha='right', va=va, zorder=20) # annotate plot: if unit is None or len(unit) == 0 or unit == 'a.u.': unit = '' if props is not None: props['unit'] = unit label = 'p-p amplitude = {p-p-amplitude:.3g} {unit}\n'.format(**props) if 'n' in props: props['eods'] = 'EODs' if props['n'] > 1 else 'EOD' label += 'n = {n} {eods}\n'.format(**props) if props['flipped']: label += 'flipped\n' if -eod_waveform[0,0] < 0.6*eod_waveform[-1,0]: ax.text(0.97, 0.97, label, transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', ha='right', zorder=20) else: ax.text(0.03, 0.97, label, transform=ax.transAxes, va='top', zorder=20) # axis: if props is not None and props['type'] == 'wave': lim = 750.0/props['EODf'] ax.set_xlim([-lim, +lim]) else: ax.set_xlim(time[0], time[-1]) ax.set_xlabel('Time [msec]') if unit: ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude [%s]' % unit) else: ax.set_ylabel('Amplitude')

Plot mean EOD, its standard error, and an optional fit to the EOD.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes used for plotting.
eod_waveform : 2-D array
EOD waveform. First column is time in seconds, second column the (mean) eod waveform. The optional third column is the standard error, and the optional fourth column is a fit on the waveform.
props : dict
A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by analyze_wave() and analyze_pulse().
peaks : 2_D arrays or None
List of peak properties (index, time, and amplitude) of a EOD pulse as returned by analyze_pulse().
unit : string
Optional unit of the data used for y-label.
mkwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the plot command for the mean EOD.
skwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the fill_between command for the standard error of the EOD.
fkwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the plot command for the fitted EOD.
zkwargs : dict
Arguments passed on to the plot command for the zero line.
def plot_wave_spectrum(axa, axp, spec, props, unit=None, color='b', lw=2, markersize=10)
Expand source code
def plot_wave_spectrum(axa, axp, spec, props, unit=None,
                       color='b', lw=2, markersize=10):
"""Plot and annotate spectrum of wave EOD. Parameters ---------- axa: matplotlib axes Axes for amplitude plot. axp: matplotlib axes Axes for phase plot. spec: 2-D array The amplitude spectrum of a single pulse as returned by `analyze_wave()`. First column is the index of the harmonics, second column its frequency, third column its amplitude, fourth column its amplitude relative to the fundamental, fifth column is power of harmonics relative to fundamental in decibel, and sixth column the phase shift relative to the fundamental. props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by `analyze_wave()`. unit: string Optional unit of the data used for y-label. color: Color for line and points of spectrum. lw: float Linewidth for spectrum. markersize: float Size of points on spectrum. """
n = min(9, np.sum(np.isfinite(spec[:,2]))) # amplitudes: markers, stemlines, _ = axa.stem(spec[:n,0]+1, spec[:n,2], basefmt='none') plt.setp(markers, color=color, markersize=markersize, clip_on=False) plt.setp(stemlines, color=color, lw=lw) axa.set_xlim(0.5, n+0.5) axa.set_ylim(bottom=0) axa.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) axa.tick_params('x', direction='out') if unit: axa.set_ylabel('Amplitude [%s]' % unit) else: axa.set_ylabel('Amplitude') # phases: phases = spec[:n,5] phases[phases<0.0] = phases[phases<0.0] + 2.0*np.pi markers, stemlines, _ = axp.stem(spec[:n,0]+1, phases[:n], basefmt='none') plt.setp(markers, color=color, markersize=markersize, clip_on=False) plt.setp(stemlines, color=color, lw=lw) axp.set_xlim(0.5, n+0.5) axp.xaxis.set_major_locator(plt.MultipleLocator(1)) axp.tick_params('x', direction='out') axp.set_ylim(0, 2.0*np.pi) axp.set_yticks([0, np.pi, 2.0*np.pi]) axp.set_yticklabels([u'0', u'\u03c0', u'2\u03c0']) axp.set_xlabel('Harmonics') axp.set_ylabel('Phase')

Plot and annotate spectrum of wave EOD.


axa : matplotlib axes
Axes for amplitude plot.
axp : matplotlib axes
Axes for phase plot.
spec : 2-D array
The amplitude spectrum of a single pulse as returned by analyze_wave(). First column is the index of the harmonics, second column its frequency, third column its amplitude, fourth column its amplitude relative to the fundamental, fifth column is power of harmonics relative to fundamental in decibel, and sixth column the phase shift relative to the fundamental.
props : dict
A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by analyze_wave().
unit : string
Optional unit of the data used for y-label.
Color for line and points of spectrum.
lw : float
Linewidth for spectrum.
markersize : float
Size of points on spectrum.
def plot_pulse_spectrum(ax, power, props, min_freq=1.0, max_freq=10000.0, color='b', lw=3, markersize=80)
Expand source code
def plot_pulse_spectrum(ax, power, props, min_freq=1.0, max_freq=10000.0,
                        color='b', lw=3, markersize=80):
"""Plot and annotate spectrum of single pulse EOD. Parameters ---------- ax: matplotlib axes Axes used for plotting. power: 2-D array The power spectrum of a single pulse as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. First column are the frequencies, second column the power. props: dict A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. min_freq: float Minimun frequency of the spectrum to be plotted (logscale!). max_freq: float Maximun frequency of the spectrum to be plotted (logscale!). color: Color for line and points of spectrum. lw: float Linewidth for spectrum. markersize: float Size of points on spectrum. """
box = mpatches.Rectangle((1,-60), 49, 60, linewidth=0, facecolor='#DDDDDD', zorder=1) ax.add_patch(box) att = props['poweratt50'] if att < -5.0: ax.text(10.0, att+1.0, '%.0f dB' % att, ha='left', va='bottom', zorder=10) else: ax.text(10.0, att-1.0, '%.0f dB' % att, ha='left', va='top', zorder=10) box = mpatches.Rectangle((1,-60), 4, 60, linewidth=0, facecolor='#CCCCCC', zorder=2) ax.add_patch(box) att = props['poweratt5'] if att < -5.0: ax.text(4.0, att+1.0, '%.0f dB' % att, ha='right', va='bottom', zorder=10) else: ax.text(4.0, att-1.0, '%.0f dB' % att, ha='right', va='top', zorder=10) lowcutoff = props['lowcutoff'] if lowcutoff >= min_freq: ax.plot([lowcutoff, lowcutoff, 1.0], [-60.0, 0.5*att, 0.5*att], '#BBBBBB', zorder=3) ax.text(1.2*lowcutoff, 0.5*att-1.0, '%.0f Hz' % lowcutoff, ha='left', va='top', zorder=10) db = decibel(power[:,1]) smax = np.nanmax(db) ax.plot(power[:,0], db - smax, color, lw=lw, zorder=4) peakfreq = props['peakfreq'] if peakfreq >= min_freq: ax.scatter([peakfreq], [0.0], c=color, edgecolors=color, s=markersize, alpha=0.4, zorder=5) ax.text(peakfreq*1.2, 1.0, '%.0f Hz' % peakfreq, va='bottom', zorder=10) ax.set_xlim(min_freq, max_freq) ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_ylim(-60.0, 2.0) ax.set_xlabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax.set_ylabel('Power [dB]')

Plot and annotate spectrum of single pulse EOD.


ax : matplotlib axes
Axes used for plotting.
power : 2-D array
The power spectrum of a single pulse as returned by analyze_pulse(). First column are the frequencies, second column the power.
props : dict
A dictionary with properties of the analyzed EOD waveform as returned by analyze_pulse().
min_freq : float
Minimun frequency of the spectrum to be plotted (logscale!).
max_freq : float
Maximun frequency of the spectrum to be plotted (logscale!).
Color for line and points of spectrum.
lw : float
Linewidth for spectrum.
markersize : float
Size of points on spectrum.
def save_eod_waveform(mean_eod, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_eod_waveform(mean_eod, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save mean EOD waveform to file. Parameters ---------- mean_eod: 2D array of floats Averaged EOD waveform as returned by `eod_waveform()`, `analyze_wave()`, and `analyze_pulse()`. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. idx: int or None Index of fish. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-eodwaveform', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write EOD waveform data into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_eod_waveform() """
td = TableData(mean_eod[:,:3]*[1000.0, 1.0, 1.0], ['time', 'mean', 'sem'], ['ms', unit, unit], ['%.3f', '%.6g', '%.6g']) if mean_eod.shape[1] > 3: td.append('fit', unit, '%.5f', mean_eod[:,3]) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '' if not ext: fp = '-eodwaveform' if idx is not None: fp += '-%d' % idx return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save mean EOD waveform to file.


mean_eod : 2D array of floats
Averaged EOD waveform as returned by eod_waveform(), analyze_wave(), and analyze_pulse().
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
idx : int or None
Index of fish.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-eodwaveform', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write EOD waveform data into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_eod_waveform(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_eod_waveform(file_path):
"""Load EOD waveform from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- mean_eod: 2D array of floats Averaged EOD waveform: time in seconds, mean, standard deviation, fit. unit: string Unit of EOD waveform. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_eod_waveform() """
data = TableData(file_path) mean_eod = data.array() mean_eod[:,0] *= 0.001 return mean_eod, data.unit('mean')

Load EOD waveform from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


mean_eod : 2D array of floats
Averaged EOD waveform: time in seconds, mean, standard deviation, fit.
unit : string
Unit of EOD waveform.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_wave_eodfs(wave_eodfs, wave_indices, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_wave_eodfs(wave_eodfs, wave_indices, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save frequencies of wave EODs to file. Parameters ---------- wave_eodfs: list of 2D arrays Each item is a matrix with the frequencies and powers (columns) of the fundamental and harmonics (rows) as returned by `harmonics.harmonic_groups()`. wave_indices: array Indices identifying each fish or NaN. If None no index column is inserted. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-waveeodfs' and a file extension according to `kwargs` are appended. If stream, write EOD frequencies data into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_wave_eodfs() """
eodfs = fundamental_freqs_and_power(wave_eodfs) td = TableData() if wave_indices is not None: td.append('index', '', '%d', [wi if wi >= 0 else np.nan for wi in wave_indices]) td.append('EODf', 'Hz', '%7.2f', eodfs[:,0]) td.append('datapower', 'dB', '%7.2f', eodfs[:,1]) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '-waveeodfs' if not ext else '' return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save frequencies of wave EODs to file.


wave_eodfs : list of 2D arrays
Each item is a matrix with the frequencies and powers (columns) of the fundamental and harmonics (rows) as returned by harmonics.harmonic_groups().
wave_indices : array
Indices identifying each fish or NaN. If None no index column is inserted.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-waveeodfs' and a file extension according to kwargs are appended. If stream, write EOD frequencies data into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_wave_eodfs(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_wave_eodfs(file_path):
"""Load frequencies of wave EODs from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- eodfs: 2D array of floats EODfs and power of wave type fish. indices: array of ints Corresponding indices of fish, can contain negative numbers to indicate frequencies without fish. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_wave_eodfs() """
data = TableData(file_path) eodfs = data.array() if 'index' in data: indices = data[:,'index'] indices[~np.isfinite(indices)] = -1 indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int) eodfs = eodfs[:,1:] else: indices = np.zeros(data.rows(), dtype=int) - 1 return eodfs, indices

Load frequencies of wave EODs from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


eodfs : 2D array of floats
EODfs and power of wave type fish.
indices : array of ints
Corresponding indices of fish, can contain negative numbers to indicate frequencies without fish.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_wave_fish(eod_props, unit, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_wave_fish(eod_props, unit, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save properties of wave EODs to file. Parameters ---------- eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs as returned by `analyze_wave()` and `analyze_pulse()`. Only properties of wave fish are saved. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-wavefish' and a file extension are appended. If stream, write wave fish properties into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string or None Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. None if no wave fish are contained in eod_props and consequently no file was written. See Also -------- load_wave_fish() """
wave_props = [p for p in eod_props if p['type'] == 'wave'] if len(wave_props) == 0: return None td = TableData() if 'twin' in wave_props[0] or 'rate' in wave_props[0] or \ 'nfft' in wave_props[0]: td.append_section('recording') if 'twin' in wave_props[0]: td.append('twin', 's', '%7.2f', wave_props) td.append('window', 's', '%7.2f', wave_props) td.append('winclipped', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) if 'samplerate' in wave_props[0]: td.append('samplerate', 'kHz', '%.3f', wave_props, 0.001) if 'nfft' in wave_props[0]: td.append('nfft', '', '%d', wave_props) td.append('dfreq', 'Hz', '%.2f', wave_props) td.append_section('waveform') td.append('index', '', '%d', wave_props) td.append('EODf', 'Hz', '%7.2f', wave_props) td.append('p-p-amplitude', unit, '%.5f', wave_props) td.append('power', 'dB', '%7.2f', wave_props) if 'datapower' in wave_props[0]: td.append('datapower', 'dB', '%7.2f', wave_props) td.append('thd', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('dbdiff', 'dB', '%7.2f', wave_props) td.append('maxdb', 'dB', '%7.2f', wave_props) if 'noise' in wave_props[0]: td.append('noise', '%', '%.1f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('rmserror', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) if 'clipped' in wave_props[0]: td.append('clipped', '%', '%.1f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('flipped', '', '%d', wave_props) td.append('n', '', '%5d', wave_props) td.append_section('timing') td.append('ncrossings', '', '%d', wave_props) td.append('peakwidth', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('troughwidth', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('minwidth', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('leftpeak', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('rightpeak', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('lefttrough', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('righttrough', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('p-p-distance', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('min-p-p-distance', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) td.append('relpeakampl', '%', '%.2f', wave_props, 100.0) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '-wavefish' if not ext else '' return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save properties of wave EODs to file.


eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs as returned by analyze_wave() and analyze_pulse(). Only properties of wave fish are saved.
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-wavefish' and a file extension are appended. If stream, write wave fish properties into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string or None
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. None if no wave fish are contained in eod_props and consequently no file was written.

See Also


def load_wave_fish(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_wave_fish(file_path):
"""Load properties of wave EODs from file. All times are scaled to seconds, all frequencies to Hertz and all percentages to fractions. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_wave_fish() """
data = TableData(file_path) eod_props = data.dicts() for props in eod_props: if 'winclipped' in props: props['winclipped'] /= 100 if 'samplerate' in props: props['samplerate'] *= 1000 if 'nfft' in props: props['nfft'] = int(props['nfft']) props['index'] = int(props['index']) props['n'] = int(props['n']) props['type'] = 'wave' props['thd'] /= 100 props['noise'] /= 100 props['rmserror'] /= 100 if 'clipped' in props: props['clipped'] /= 100 props['ncrossings'] = int(props['ncrossings']) props['peakwidth'] /= 100 props['troughwidth'] /= 100 props['minwidth'] /= 100 props['leftpeak'] /= 100 props['rightpeak'] /= 100 props['lefttrough'] /= 100 props['righttrough'] /= 100 props['p-p-distance'] /= 100 props['min-p-p-distance'] /= 100 props['relpeakampl'] /= 100 return eod_props

Load properties of wave EODs from file.

All times are scaled to seconds, all frequencies to Hertz and all percentages to fractions.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_pulse_fish(eod_props, unit, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_pulse_fish(eod_props, unit, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save properties of pulse EODs to file. Parameters ---------- eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs as returned by `analyze_wave()` and `analyze_pulse()`. Only properties of pulse fish are saved. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-pulsefish' and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse fish properties into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string or None Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. None if no pulse fish are contained in eod_props and consequently no file was written. See Also -------- load_pulse_fish() """
pulse_props = [p for p in eod_props if p['type'] == 'pulse'] if len(pulse_props) == 0: return None td = TableData() if 'twin' in pulse_props[0] or 'samplerate' in pulse_props[0] or \ 'nfft' in pulse_props[0]: td.append_section('recording') if 'twin' in pulse_props[0]: td.append('twin', 's', '%7.2f', pulse_props) td.append('window', 's', '%7.2f', pulse_props) td.append('winclipped', '%', '%.2f', pulse_props, 100.0) if 'samplerate' in pulse_props[0]: td.append('samplerate', 'kHz', '%.3f', pulse_props, 0.001) if 'nfft' in pulse_props[0]: td.append('nfft', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append('dfreq', 'Hz', '%.2f', pulse_props) td.append_section('waveform') td.append('index', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append('EODf', 'Hz', '%7.2f', pulse_props) td.append('period', 'ms', '%7.2f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('max-ampl', unit, '%.5f', pulse_props) td.append('min-ampl', unit, '%.5f', pulse_props) td.append('p-p-amplitude', unit, '%.5f', pulse_props) if 'noise' in pulse_props[0]: td.append('noise', '%', '%.1f', pulse_props, 100.0) if 'clipped' in pulse_props[0]: td.append('clipped', '%', '%.1f', pulse_props, 100.0) td.append('flipped', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append('tstart', 'ms', '%.3f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('tend', 'ms', '%.3f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('width', 'ms', '%.3f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('P2-P1-dist', 'ms', '%.3f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('tau', 'ms', '%.3f', pulse_props, 1000.0) td.append('firstpeak', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append('lastpeak', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append('n', '', '%d', pulse_props) td.append_section('power spectrum') td.append('peakfreq', 'Hz', '%.2f', pulse_props) td.append('peakpower', 'dB', '%.2f', pulse_props) td.append('poweratt5', 'dB', '%.2f', pulse_props) td.append('poweratt50', 'dB', '%.2f', pulse_props) td.append('lowcutoff', 'Hz', '%.2f', pulse_props) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '-pulsefish' if not ext else '' return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save properties of pulse EODs to file.


eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs as returned by analyze_wave() and analyze_pulse(). Only properties of pulse fish are saved.
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-pulsefish' and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse fish properties into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string or None
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. None if no pulse fish are contained in eod_props and consequently no file was written.

See Also


def load_pulse_fish(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_pulse_fish(file_path):
"""Load properties of pulse EODs from file. All times are scaled to seconds, all frequencies to Hertz and all percentages to fractions. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_pulse_fish() """
data = TableData(file_path) eod_props = data.dicts() for props in eod_props: if 'winclipped' in props: props['winclipped'] /= 100 if 'samplerate' in props: props['samplerate'] *= 1000 if 'nfft' in props: props['nfft'] = int(props['nfft']) props['index'] = int(props['index']) props['n'] = int(props['n']) props['firstpeak'] = int(props['firstpeak']) props['lastpeak'] = int(props['lastpeak']) props['type'] = 'pulse' if 'clipped' in props: props['clipped'] /= 100 props['period'] /= 1000 props['noise'] /= 100 props['tstart'] /= 1000 props['tend'] /= 1000 props['width'] /= 1000 props['P2-P1-dist'] /= 1000 props['tau'] /= 1000 return eod_props

Load properties of pulse EODs from file.

All times are scaled to seconds, all frequencies to Hertz and all percentages to fractions.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_wave_spectrum(spec_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_wave_spectrum(spec_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD to file. Parameters ---------- spec_data: 2D array of floats Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD as returned by `analyze_wave()`. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. idx: int or None Index of fish. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-wavespectrum', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write wave spectrum into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_wave_spectrum() """
td = TableData(spec_data[:,:6]*[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 100.0, 1.0, 1.0], ['harmonics', 'frequency', 'amplitude', 'relampl', 'relpower', 'phase'], ['', 'Hz', unit, '%', 'dB', 'rad'], ['%.0f', '%.2f', '%.6f', '%10.2f', '%6.2f', '%8.4f']) if spec_data.shape[1] > 6: td.append('datapower', '%s^2/Hz' % unit, '%11.4e', spec_data[:,6]) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '' if not ext: fp = '-wavespectrum' if idx is not None: fp += '-%d' % idx return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD to file.


spec_data : 2D array of floats
Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD as returned by analyze_wave().
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
idx : int or None
Index of fish.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-wavespectrum', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write wave spectrum into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_wave_spectrum(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_wave_spectrum(file_path):
"""Load amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- spec: 2D array of floats Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD: harmonics, frequency, amplitude, relative amplitude in dB, relative power in dB, phase, data power in unit squared. Can contain NaNs. unit: string Unit of amplitudes. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_wave_spectrum() """
data = TableData(file_path) spec = data.array() spec[:,3] *= 0.01 return spec, data.unit('amplitude')

Load amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


spec : 2D array of floats
Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave EOD: harmonics, frequency, amplitude, relative amplitude in dB, relative power in dB, phase, data power in unit squared. Can contain NaNs.
unit : string
Unit of amplitudes.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_pulse_spectrum(spec_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_pulse_spectrum(spec_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save power spectrum of pulse EOD to file. Parameters ---------- spec_data: 2D array of floats Power spectrum of single pulse as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. idx: int or None Index of fish. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-pulsespectrum', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse spectrum into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_pulse_spectrum() """
td = TableData(spec_data[:,:2], ['frequency', 'power'], ['Hz', '%s^2/Hz' % unit], ['%.2f', '%.4e']) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '' if not ext: fp = '-pulsespectrum' if idx is not None: fp += '-%d' % idx return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save power spectrum of pulse EOD to file.


spec_data : 2D array of floats
Power spectrum of single pulse as returned by analyze_pulse().
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
idx : int or None
Index of fish.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-pulsespectrum', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse spectrum into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_pulse_spectrum(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_pulse_spectrum(file_path):
"""Load power spectrum of pulse EOD from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- spec: 2D array of floats Power spectrum of single pulse: frequency, power Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_pulse_spectrum() """
data = TableData(file_path) spec = data.array() return spec

Load power spectrum of pulse EOD from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


spec : 2D array of floats
Power spectrum of single pulse: frequency, power



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_pulse_peaks(peak_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_pulse_peaks(peak_data, unit, idx, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save peak properties of pulse EOD to file. Parameters ---------- peak_data: 2D array of floats Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EOD as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. idx: int or None Index of fish. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-pulsepeaks', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse peaks into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_pulse_peaks() """
if len(peak_data) == 0: return None td = TableData(peak_data[:,:5]*[1.0, 1000.0, 1.0, 100.0, 1000.0], ['P', 'time', 'amplitude', 'relampl', 'width'], ['', 'ms', unit, '%', 'ms'], ['%.0f', '%.3f', '%.5f', '%.2f', '%.3f']) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '' if not ext: fp = '-pulsepeaks' if idx is not None: fp += '-%d' % idx return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save peak properties of pulse EOD to file.


peak_data : 2D array of floats
Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EOD as returned by analyze_pulse().
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
idx : int or None
Index of fish.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-pulsepeaks', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse peaks into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_pulse_peaks(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_pulse_peaks(file_path):
"""Load peak properties of pulse EOD from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- peak_data: 2D array of floats Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EOD: P, time, amplitude, relampl, width unit: string Unit of peak amplitudes. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_pulse_peaks() """
data = TableData(file_path) peaks = data.array() peaks[:,1] *= 0.001 peaks[:,3] *= 0.01 peaks[:,4] *= 0.001 return peaks, data.unit('amplitude')

Load peak properties of pulse EOD from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


peak_data : 2D array of floats
Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EOD: P, time, amplitude, relampl, width
unit : string
Unit of peak amplitudes.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def save_pulse_times(pulse_times, idx, basename, **kwargs)
Expand source code
def save_pulse_times(pulse_times, idx, basename, **kwargs):
"""Save times of pulse EOD to file. Parameters ---------- pulse_times: dict or array of floats Times of EOD pulses. Either as array of times or `props['peaktimes']` or `props['times']` as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. idx: int or None Index of fish. basename: string or stream If string, path and basename of file. If `basename` does not have an extension, '-pulsetimes', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse times into this stream. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. Returns ------- filename: string Path and full name of the written file in case of `basename` being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename. See Also -------- load_pulse_times() """
if isinstance(pulse_times, dict): props = pulse_times pulse_times = props.get('times', []) pulse_times = props.get('peaktimes', pulse_times) if len(pulse_times) == 0: return None td = TableData() td.append('time', 's', '%.4f', pulse_times) _, ext = os.path.splitext(basename) fp = '' if not ext: fp = '-pulsetimes' if idx is not None: fp += '-%d' % idx return td.write_file_stream(basename, fp, **kwargs)

Save times of pulse EOD to file.


pulse_times : dict or array of floats
Times of EOD pulses. Either as array of times or props['peaktimes'] or props['times'] as returned by analyze_pulse().
idx : int or None
Index of fish.
basename : string or stream
If string, path and basename of file. If basename does not have an extension, '-pulsetimes', the fish index, and a file extension are appended. If stream, write pulse times into this stream.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().


filename : string
Path and full name of the written file in case of basename being a string. Otherwise, the file name and extension that would have been appended to a basename.

See Also


def load_pulse_times(file_path)
Expand source code
def load_pulse_times(file_path):
"""Load times of pulse EOD from file. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be loaded. Returns ------- pulse_times: array of floats Times of pulse EODs in seconds. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError: If `file_path` does not exist. See Also -------- save_pulse_times() """
data = TableData(file_path) pulse_times = data.array()[:,0] return pulse_times

Load times of pulse EOD from file.


file_path : string
Path of the file to be loaded.


pulse_times : array of floats
Times of pulse EODs in seconds.



If file_path does not exist.

See Also


def parse_filename(file_path)
Expand source code
def parse_filename(file_path):
"""Parse components of an EOD analysis file name. Analysis files generated by the `eodanalysis` module are named according to ```plain PATH/RECORDING-CHANNEL-TIME-FTYPE-N.EXT ``` Parameters ---------- file_path: string Path of the file to be parsed. Returns ------- recording: string Path and basename of the recording, i.e. 'PATH/RECORDING'. A leading './' is removed. base_path: string Path and basename of the analysis results, i.e. 'PATH/RECORDING-CHANNEL-TIME'. A leading './' is removed. channel: int Channel of the recording ('CHANNEL' component of the file name if present). -1 if not present in `file_path`. time: float Start time of analysis window in seconds ('TIME' component of the file name if present). `None` if not present in `file_path`. ftype: string Type of analysis file (e.g. 'wavespectrum', 'pulsepeaks', etc.), ('FTYPE' component of the file name if present). See `file_types` for a list of all supported file types. Empty string if not present in `file_path`. index: int Index of the EOD. ('N' component of the file name if present). -1 if not present in `file_path`. ext: string File extension *without* leading period ('EXT' component of the file name). """
name, ext = os.path.splitext(file_path) ext = ext[1:] parts = name.split('-') index = -1 if len(parts) > 0 and parts[-1].isdigit(): index = int(parts[-1]) parts = parts[:-1] ftype = '' if len(parts) > 0: ftype = parts[-1] parts = parts[:-1] base_path = '-'.join(parts) if base_path.startswith('./'): base_path = base_path[2:] time = None if len(parts) > 0 and len(parts[-1]) > 0 and \ parts[-1][0] == 't' and parts[-1][-1] == 's' and \ parts[-1][1:-1].isdigit(): time = float(parts[-1][1:-1]) parts = parts[:-1] channel = -1 if len(parts) > 0 and len(parts[-1]) > 0 and \ parts[-1][0] == 'c' and parts[-1][1:].isdigit(): channel = int(parts[-1][1:]) parts = parts[:-1] recording = '-'.join(parts) if recording.startswith('./'): recording = recording[2:] return recording, base_path, channel, time, ftype, index, ext

Parse components of an EOD analysis file name.

Analysis files generated by the eodanalysis module are named according to



file_path : string
Path of the file to be parsed.


recording : string
Path and basename of the recording, i.e. 'PATH/RECORDING'. A leading './' is removed.
base_path : string
Path and basename of the analysis results, i.e. 'PATH/RECORDING-CHANNEL-TIME'. A leading './' is removed.
channel : int
Channel of the recording ('CHANNEL' component of the file name if present). -1 if not present in file_path.
time : float
Start time of analysis window in seconds ('TIME' component of the file name if present). None if not present in file_path.
ftype : string
Type of analysis file (e.g. 'wavespectrum', 'pulsepeaks', etc.), ('FTYPE' component of the file name if present). See file_types for a list of all supported file types. Empty string if not present in file_path.
index : int
Index of the EOD. ('N' component of the file name if present). -1 if not present in file_path.
ext : string
File extension without leading period ('EXT' component of the file name).
def save_analysis(output_basename,
Expand source code
def save_analysis(output_basename, zip_file, eod_props, mean_eods,
                  spec_data, peak_data, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, unit,
                  verbose, **kwargs):
"""Save EOD analysis results to files. Parameters ---------- output_basename: string Path and basename of files to be saved. zip_file: bool If `True`, write all analysis results into a zip archive. eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs as returned by `analyze_wave()` and `analyze_pulse()`. mean_eods: list of 2D array of floats Averaged EOD waveforms as returned by `eod_waveform()`, `analyze_wave()`, and `analyze_pulse()`. spec_data: list of 2D array of floats Power spectra of single pulses as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. peak_data: list of 2D array of floats Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EODs as returned by `analyze_pulse()`. wave_eodfs: list of 2D array of float Each item is a matrix with the frequencies and powers (columns) of the fundamental and harmonics (rows) as returned by `harmonics.harmonic_groups()`. wave_indices: array of int Indices identifying each fish in `wave_eodfs` or NaN. unit: string Unit of the waveform data. verbose: int Verbosity level. kwargs: Arguments passed on to `TableData.write()`. """
def write_file_zip(zf, save_func, output, *args, **kwargs): if zf is None: fp = save_func(*args, basename=output, **kwargs) if verbose > 0 and fp is not None: print('wrote file %s' % fp) else: with io.StringIO() as df: fp = save_func(*args, basename=df, **kwargs) if fp is not None: fp = output_basename + fp zf.writestr(os.path.basename(fp), df.getvalue()) if verbose > 0: print('zipped file %s' % fp) if 'table_format' in kwargs and kwargs['table_format'] == 'py': with open(output_basename+'.py', 'w') as f: name = os.path.basename(output_basename) for k, sdata in enumerate(spec_data): # save wave fish only: if len(sdata)>0 and sdata.shape[1] > 2: fish = dict(amplitudes=sdata[:,3], phases=sdata[:,5]) fish = normalize_wavefish(fish) export_wavefish(fish, name+'-%d_harmonics' % k, f) else: zf = None if zip_file: zf = zipfile.ZipFile(output_basename + '.zip', 'w') # all wave fish in wave_eodfs: if len(wave_eodfs) > 0: write_file_zip(zf, save_wave_eodfs, output_basename, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, **kwargs) # all wave and pulse fish: for i, (mean_eod, sdata, pdata, props) in enumerate(zip(mean_eods, spec_data, peak_data, eod_props)): write_file_zip(zf, save_eod_waveform, output_basename, mean_eod, unit, i, **kwargs) # power spectrum: if len(sdata)>0: if sdata.shape[1] == 2: write_file_zip(zf, save_pulse_spectrum, output_basename, sdata, unit, i, **kwargs) else: write_file_zip(zf, save_wave_spectrum, output_basename, sdata, unit, i, **kwargs) # peaks: write_file_zip(zf, save_pulse_peaks, output_basename, pdata, unit, i, **kwargs) # times: write_file_zip(zf, save_pulse_times, output_basename, props, i, **kwargs) # wave fish properties: write_file_zip(zf, save_wave_fish, output_basename, eod_props, unit, **kwargs) # pulse fish properties: write_file_zip(zf, save_pulse_fish, output_basename, eod_props, unit, **kwargs)

Save EOD analysis results to files.


output_basename : string
Path and basename of files to be saved.
zip_file : bool
If True, write all analysis results into a zip archive.
eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs as returned by analyze_wave() and analyze_pulse().
mean_eods : list of 2D array of floats
Averaged EOD waveforms as returned by eod_waveform(), analyze_wave(), and analyze_pulse().
spec_data : list of 2D array of floats
Power spectra of single pulses as returned by analyze_pulse().
peak_data : list of 2D array of floats
Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse EODs as returned by analyze_pulse().
wave_eodfs : list of 2D array of float
Each item is a matrix with the frequencies and powers (columns) of the fundamental and harmonics (rows) as returned by harmonics.harmonic_groups().
wave_indices : array of int
Indices identifying each fish in wave_eodfs or NaN.
unit : string
Unit of the waveform data.
verbose : int
Verbosity level.

kwargs: Arguments passed on to TableData.write().

def load_analysis(file_pathes)
Expand source code
def load_analysis(file_pathes):
"""Load all EOD analysis files. Parameters ---------- file_pathes: list of string Pathes of the analysis files of a single recording to be loaded. Returns ------- mean_eods: list of 2D array of floats Averaged EOD waveforms: time in seconds, mean, standard deviation, fit. wave_eodfs: 2D array of floats EODfs and power of wave type fish. wave_indices: array of ints Corresponding indices of fish, can contain negative numbers to indicate frequencies without fish. eod_props: list of dict Properties of EODs. The 'index' property is an index into the reurned lists. spec_data: list of 2D array of floats Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave-type EODs with columns harmonics, frequency, amplitude, relative amplitude in dB, relative power in dB, phase, data power in unit squared. Power spectrum of single pulse-type EODs with columns frequency, power peak_data: list of 2D array of floats Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse-type EODs with columns P, time, amplitude, relampl, width recording: string Path and base name of the recording file. channel: int Analysed channel of the recording. unit: string Unit of EOD waveform. """
recording = None channel = -1 eod_props = [] zf = None if len(file_pathes) == 1 and os.path.splitext(file_pathes[0])[1][1:] == 'zip': zf = zipfile.ZipFile(file_pathes[0]) file_pathes = sorted(zf.namelist()) # first, read wave- and pulse-fish summaries: pulse_fish = False wave_fish = False for f in file_pathes: recording, _, channel, _, ftype, _, _ = parse_filename(f) if zf is not None: f = io.TextIOWrapper(, 'r')) if ftype == 'wavefish': eod_props.extend(load_wave_fish(f)) wave_fish = True elif ftype == 'pulsefish': eod_props.extend(load_pulse_fish(f)) pulse_fish = True idx_offs = 0 if wave_fish and not pulse_fish: idx_offs = sorted([ep['index'] for ep in eod_props])[0] # then load all other files: neods = len(eod_props) if neods < 1: neods = 1 eod_props = [None] wave_eodfs = np.array([]) wave_indices = np.array([]) mean_eods = [None]*neods spec_data = [None]*neods peak_data = [None]*neods unit = None for f in file_pathes: recording, _, channel, _, ftype, idx, _ = parse_filename(f) if neods == 1 and idx > 0: idx = 0 idx -= idx_offs if zf is not None: f = io.TextIOWrapper(, 'r')) if ftype == 'waveeodfs': wave_eodfs, wave_indices = load_wave_eodfs(f) elif ftype == 'eodwaveform': mean_eods[idx], unit = load_eod_waveform(f) elif ftype == 'wavespectrum': spec_data[idx], unit = load_wave_spectrum(f) elif ftype == 'pulsepeaks': peak_data[idx], unit = load_pulse_peaks(f) elif ftype == 'pulsetimes': pulse_times = load_pulse_times(f) eod_props[idx]['times'] = pulse_times eod_props[idx]['peaktimes'] = pulse_times elif ftype == 'pulsespectrum': spec_data[idx] = load_pulse_spectrum(f) # fix wave spectra: wave_eodfs = [fish.reshape(1, 2) if len(fish)>0 else fish for fish in wave_eodfs] if len(wave_eodfs) > 0 and len(spec_data) > 0: eodfs = [] for idx, fish in zip(wave_indices, wave_eodfs): if idx >= 0: spec = spec_data[idx] specd = np.zeros((np.sum(np.isfinite(spec[:,-1])), 2)) specd[:,0] = spec[np.isfinite(spec[:,-1]),1] specd[:,1] = spec[np.isfinite(spec[:,-1]),-1] eodfs.append(specd) else: specd = np.zeros((10, 2)) specd[:,0] = np.arange(len(specd))*fish[0,0] specd[:,1] = np.nan eodfs.append(specd) wave_eodfs = eodfs return mean_eods, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, eod_props, spec_data, \ peak_data, recording, channel, unit

Load all EOD analysis files.


file_pathes : list of string
Pathes of the analysis files of a single recording to be loaded.


mean_eods : list of 2D array of floats
Averaged EOD waveforms: time in seconds, mean, standard deviation, fit.
wave_eodfs : 2D array of floats
EODfs and power of wave type fish.
wave_indices : array of ints
Corresponding indices of fish, can contain negative numbers to indicate frequencies without fish.
eod_props : list of dict
Properties of EODs. The 'index' property is an index into the reurned lists.
spec_data : list of 2D array of floats
Amplitude and phase spectrum of wave-type EODs with columns harmonics, frequency, amplitude, relative amplitude in dB, relative power in dB, phase, data power in unit squared. Power spectrum of single pulse-type EODs with columns frequency, power
peak_data : list of 2D array of floats
Properties of peaks and troughs of pulse-type EODs with columns P, time, amplitude, relampl, width
recording : string
Path and base name of the recording file.
channel : int
Analysed channel of the recording.
unit : string
Unit of EOD waveform.
def load_recording(file_path, channel=0, load_kwargs={}, eod_props=None, verbose=0)
Expand source code
def load_recording(file_path, channel=0, load_kwargs={},
                   eod_props=None, verbose=0):
"""Load recording. Parameters ---------- file_path: string Full path of the file with the recorded data. Extension is optional. If absent, look for the first file with a reasonable extension. channel: int Channel of the recording to be returned. load_kwargs: dict Keyword arguments that are passed on to the format specific loading functions. eod_props: list of dict or None List of EOD properties from which start and end times of analysis window are extracted. verbose: int Verbosity level passed on to load function. Returns ------- data: array of float Data of the requested `channel`. rate: float Sampling rate in Hertz. idx0: int Start index of the analysis window. idx1: int End index of the analysis window. data_file: str Full path and name of the loaded file inclusively extension. """
data = None rate = 0.0 idx0 = 0 idx1 = 0 data_file = '' if len(os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]) > 1: data_file = file_path else: data_files = glob.glob(file_path + os.extsep + '*') for dfile in data_files: if not os.path.splitext(dfile)[1][1:] in ['zip'] + list(TableData.ext_formats.values()): data_file = dfile break if os.path.exists(data_file): data, rate, unit, amax = load_data(data_file, verbose=verbose, **load_kwargs) idx0 = 0 idx1 = len(data) if eod_props is not None and len(eod_props) > 0 and 'twin' in eod_props[0]: idx0 = int(eod_props[0]['twin']*rate) if len(eod_props) > 0 and 'window' in eod_props[0]: idx1 = idx0 + int(eod_props[0]['window']*rate) return data[:,channel], rate, idx0, idx1, data_file

Load recording.


file_path : string
Full path of the file with the recorded data. Extension is optional. If absent, look for the first file with a reasonable extension.
channel : int
Channel of the recording to be returned.
load_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that are passed on to the format specific loading functions.
eod_props : list of dict or None
List of EOD properties from which start and end times of analysis window are extracted.
verbose : int
Verbosity level passed on to load function.


data : array of float
Data of the requested channel.
rate : float
Sampling rate in Hertz.
idx0 : int
Start index of the analysis window.
idx1 : int
End index of the analysis window.
data_file : str
Full path and name of the loaded file inclusively extension.
def add_eod_analysis_config(cfg,
Expand source code
def add_eod_analysis_config(cfg, thresh_fac=0.8, percentile=0.1,
                            win_fac=2.0, min_win=0.01, max_eods=None,
                            min_sem=False, unfilter_cutoff=0.0,
                            flip_wave='none', flip_pulse='none',
                            n_harm=10, min_pulse_win=0.001,
                            peak_thresh_fac=0.01, min_dist=50.0e-6,
                            width_frac = 0.5, fit_frac = 0.5,
                            ipi_cv_thresh=0.5, ipi_percentile=30.0):
"""Add all parameters needed for the eod analysis functions as a new section to a configuration. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. See `eod_waveform()`, `analyze_wave()`, and `analyze_pulse()` for details on the remaining arguments. """
cfg.add_section('EOD analysis:') cfg.add('eodSnippetFac', win_fac, '', 'The duration of EOD snippets is the EOD period times this factor.') cfg.add('eodMinSnippet', min_win, 's', 'Minimum duration of cut out EOD snippets.') cfg.add('eodMaxEODs', max_eods or 0, '', 'The maximum number of EODs used to compute the average EOD. If 0 use all EODs.') cfg.add('eodMinSem', min_sem, '', 'Use minimum of s.e.m. to set maximum number of EODs used to compute the average EOD.') cfg.add('unfilterCutoff', unfilter_cutoff, 'Hz', 'If non-zero remove effect of high-pass filter with this cut-off frequency.') cfg.add('flipWaveEOD', flip_wave, '', 'Flip EOD of wave fish to make largest extremum positive (flip, none, or auto).') cfg.add('flipPulseEOD', flip_pulse, '', 'Flip EOD of pulse fish to make the first large peak positive (flip, none, or auto).') cfg.add('eodHarmonics', n_harm, '', 'Number of harmonics fitted to the EOD waveform.') cfg.add('eodMinPulseSnippet', min_pulse_win, 's', 'Minimum duration of cut out EOD snippets for a pulse fish.') cfg.add('eodPeakThresholdFactor', peak_thresh_fac, '', 'Threshold for detection of peaks in pulse EODs as a fraction of the pulse amplitude.') cfg.add('eodMinimumDistance', min_dist, 's', 'Minimum distance between peaks and troughs in a EOD pulse.') cfg.add('eodPulseWidthFraction', width_frac, '', 'The width of a pulse is measured at this fraction of the pulse height.') cfg.add('eodExponentialFitFraction', fit_frac, '', 'An exponential function is fitted on the tail of a pulse starting at this fraction of the height of the last peak.') cfg.add('ipiCVThresh', ipi_cv_thresh, '', 'If coefficient of variation of interpulse intervals is smaller than this threshold, then use all intervals for computing EOD frequency.') cfg.add('ipiPercentile', ipi_percentile, '%', 'Use only interpulse intervals shorter than this percentile to compute EOD frequency.')

Add all parameters needed for the eod analysis functions as a new section to a configuration.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.

See eod_waveform(), analyze_wave(), and analyze_pulse() for details on the remaining arguments.

def eod_waveform_args(cfg)
Expand source code
def eod_waveform_args(cfg):
"""Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function `eod_waveform()`. The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. Returns ------- a: dict Dictionary with names of arguments of the `eod_waveform()` function and their values as supplied by `cfg`. """
a ={'win_fac': 'eodSnippetFac', 'min_win': 'eodMinSnippet', 'max_eods': 'eodMaxEODs', 'min_sem': 'eodMinSem', 'unfilter_cutoff': 'unfilterCutoff'}) return a

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function eod_waveform().

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the eod_waveform() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def analyze_wave_args(cfg)
Expand source code
def analyze_wave_args(cfg):
"""Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function `analyze_wave()`. The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. Returns ------- a: dict Dictionary with names of arguments of the `analyze_wave()` function and their values as supplied by `cfg`. """
a ={'n_harm': 'eodHarmonics', 'power_n_harmonics': 'powerNHarmonics', 'flip_wave': 'flipWaveEOD'}) return a

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function analyze_wave().

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the analyze_wave() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def analyze_pulse_args(cfg)
Expand source code
def analyze_pulse_args(cfg):
"""Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function `analyze_pulse()`. The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. Returns ------- a: dict Dictionary with names of arguments of the `analyze_pulse()` function and their values as supplied by `cfg`. """
a ={'min_pulse_win': 'eodMinPulseSnippet', 'peak_thresh_fac': 'eodPeakThresholdFactor', 'min_dist': 'eodMinimumDistance', 'width_frac': 'eodPulseWidthFraction', 'fit_frac': 'eodExponentialFitFraction', 'flip_pulse': 'flipPulseEOD', 'ipi_cv_thresh': 'ipiCVThresh', 'ipi_percentile': 'ipiPercentile'}) return a

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function analyze_pulse().

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the analyze_pulse() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def add_species_config(cfg, species_file='none', wave_max_rms=0.2, pulse_max_rms=0.2)
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def add_species_config(cfg, species_file='none', wave_max_rms=0.2,
"""Add parameters needed for assigning EOD waveforms to species. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. species_file: string File path to a file containing species names and corresponding file names of EOD waveform templates. If 'none', no species assignemnt is performed. wave_max_rms: float Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a wave fish species. pulse_max_rms: float Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a pulse fish species. """
cfg.add_section('Species assignment:') cfg.add('speciesFile', species_file, '', 'File path to a file containing species names and corresponding file names of EOD waveform templates.') cfg.add('maximumWaveSpeciesRMS', wave_max_rms, '', 'Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a wave fish species.') cfg.add('maximumPulseSpeciesRMS', pulse_max_rms, '', 'Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a pulse fish species.')

Add parameters needed for assigning EOD waveforms to species.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.
species_file : string
File path to a file containing species names and corresponding file names of EOD waveform templates. If 'none', no species assignemnt is performed.
wave_max_rms : float
Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a wave fish species.
pulse_max_rms : float
Maximum allowed rms difference (relative to standard deviation of EOD waveform) to an EOD waveform template for assignment to a pulse fish species.
def add_eod_quality_config(cfg,
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def add_eod_quality_config(cfg, max_clipped_frac=0.1, max_variance=0.0,
                           max_rms_error=0.05, min_power=-100.0, max_thd=0.0,
                           max_crossings=4, max_relampl_harm1=0.0,
                           max_relampl_harm2=0.0, max_relampl_harm3=0.0):
"""Add parameters needed for assesing the quality of an EOD waveform. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. See `wave_quality()` and `pulse_quality()` for details on the remaining arguments. """
cfg.add_section('Waveform selection:') cfg.add('maximumClippedFraction', max_clipped_frac, '', 'Take waveform of the fish with the highest power only if the fraction of clipped signals is below this value.') cfg.add('maximumVariance', max_variance, '', 'Skip waveform of fish if the standard error of the EOD waveform relative to the peak-to-peak amplitude is larger than this number. A value of zero allows any variance.') cfg.add('maximumRMSError', max_rms_error, '', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if the root-mean-squared error of the fit relative to the peak-to-peak amplitude is larger than this number.') cfg.add('minimumPower', min_power, 'dB', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if its power is smaller than this value.') cfg.add('maximumTotalHarmonicDistortion', max_thd, '', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if its total harmonic distortion is larger than this value. If set to zero do not check.') cfg.add('maximumCrossings', max_crossings, '', 'Maximum number of zero crossings per EOD period.') cfg.add('maximumFirstHarmonicAmplitude', max_relampl_harm1, '', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if the amplitude of the first harmonic is higher than this factor times the amplitude of the fundamental. If set to zero do not check.') cfg.add('maximumSecondHarmonicAmplitude', max_relampl_harm2, '', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if the ampltude of the second harmonic is higher than this factor times the amplitude of the fundamental. That is, the waveform appears to have twice the frequency than the fundamental. If set to zero do not check.') cfg.add('maximumThirdHarmonicAmplitude', max_relampl_harm3, '', 'Skip waveform of wave fish if the ampltude of the third harmonic is higher than this factor times the amplitude of the fundamental. If set to zero do not check.')

Add parameters needed for assesing the quality of an EOD waveform.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.

See wave_quality() and pulse_quality() for details on the remaining arguments.

def wave_quality_args(cfg)
Expand source code
def wave_quality_args(cfg):
"""Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function `wave_quality()`. The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. Returns ------- a: dict Dictionary with names of arguments of the `wave_quality()` function and their values as supplied by `cfg`. """
a ={'max_clipped_frac': 'maximumClippedFraction', 'max_rms_sem': 'maximumVariance', 'max_rms_error': 'maximumRMSError', 'min_power': 'minimumPower', 'max_crossings': 'maximumCrossings', 'min_freq': 'minimumFrequency', 'max_freq': 'maximumFrequency', 'max_thd': 'maximumTotalHarmonicDistortion', 'max_db_diff': 'maximumPowerDifference', 'max_harmonics_db': 'maximumHarmonicsPower', 'max_relampl_harm1': 'maximumFirstHarmonicAmplitude', 'max_relampl_harm2': 'maximumSecondHarmonicAmplitude', 'max_relampl_harm3': 'maximumThirdHarmonicAmplitude'}) return a

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function wave_quality().

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the wave_quality() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def pulse_quality_args(cfg)
Expand source code
def pulse_quality_args(cfg):
"""Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function `pulse_quality()`. The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function. Parameters ---------- cfg: ConfigFile The configuration. Returns ------- a: dict Dictionary with names of arguments of the `pulse_quality()` function and their values as supplied by `cfg`. """
a ={'max_clipped_frac': 'maximumClippedFraction', 'max_rms_sem': 'maximumRMSNoise'}) return a

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the function pulse_quality().

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this function.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the pulse_quality() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def main()
Expand source code
def main():
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from .fakefish import pulsefish_eods

    print('Analysis of EOD waveforms.')

    # data:
    rate = 44100.0
    data = pulsefish_eods('Triphasic', 83.0, rate, 5.0, noise_std=0.02)
    unit = 'mV'
    eod_idx, _ = detect_peaks(data, 1.0)
    eod_times = eod_idx/rate

    # analyse EOD:
    mean_eod, eod_times = eod_waveform(data, rate, eod_times)
    mean_eod, props, peaks, power = analyze_pulse(mean_eod, eod_times)

    # plot:
    fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2)
    plot_eod_waveform(axs[0], mean_eod, props, peaks, unit=unit)
    axs[0].set_title('{type} fish: EODf = {EODf:.1f} Hz'.format(**props))
    plot_pulse_spectrum(axs[1], power, props)