Module thunderfish.thunderfish


Automatically detect and analyze all EOD waveforms in short recordings and generated summary plots and data tables.

Run it from the thunderfish development directory as:

> python3 -m thunderfish.thunderfish audiofile.wav

Or install thunderfish

> sudo pip3 install .

Then you can run it directly from every directory:

> thunderfish audiofile.wav


def configuration()
Expand source code
def configuration():
    """Assemble configuration parameter for thunderfish.

    cfg: ConfigFile
        Configuration parameters.
    cfg = ConfigFile()
    cfg.add('frequencyThreshold', 1.0, 'Hz',
            'The fundamental frequency of each fish needs to be detected in each power spectrum within this threshold.')
    # TODO: make this threshold dependent on frequency resolution!
    cfg.add('minPSDAverages', 3, '', 'Minimum number of fft averages for estimating the power spectrum.')  # needed by fishfinder
    cfg.add('unwrapData', False, '', 'Unwrap clipped voltage traces.')
    add_best_window_config(cfg, win_size=8.0, w_cv_ampl=10.0)
    add_eod_analysis_config(cfg, min_pulse_win=0.004)
    del cfg['eodSnippetFac']
    del cfg['eodMinSnippet']
    del cfg['eodMinSem']
    add_write_table_config(cfg, table_format='csv', unit_style='row',
                           align_columns=True, shrink_width=False)
    return cfg

Assemble configuration parameter for thunderfish.


cfg : ConfigFile
Configuration parameters.
def save_configuration(cfg, config_file)
Expand source code
def save_configuration(cfg, config_file):
    """Save configuration parameter for thunderfish to a file.

    cfg: ConfigFile
        Configuration parameters and their values.
    config_file: string
        Name of the configuration file to be loaded.
    ext = os.path.splitext(config_file)[1]
    if ext != os.extsep + 'cfg':
        print('configuration file name must have .cfg as extension!')
        print('write configuration to %s ...' % config_file)
        del cfg['fileColumnNumbers']
        del cfg['fileShrinkColumnWidth']
        del cfg['fileMissing']
        del cfg['fileLaTeXLabelCommand']
        del cfg['fileLaTeXMergeStd']

Save configuration parameter for thunderfish to a file.


cfg : ConfigFile
Configuration parameters and their values.
config_file : string
Name of the configuration file to be loaded.
def detect_eods(data, rate, min_clip, max_clip, name, mode, verbose, plot_level, cfg)
Expand source code
def detect_eods(data, rate, min_clip, max_clip, name, mode,
                verbose, plot_level, cfg):
    """Detect EODs of all fish present in the data.

    data: array of floats
        The recording in which to detect EODs.
    rate: float
        Sampling rate of the dataset.
    min_clip: float
        Minimum amplitude that is not clipped.
    max_clip: float
        Maximum amplitude that is not clipped.
    name: string
        Name of the recording (e.g. its filename).
    mode: string
        Characters in the string indicate what and how to analyze:
        - 'w': analyze wavefish
        - 'p': analyze pulsefish
        - 'P': analyze only the pulsefish with the largest amplitude (not implemented yet) 
    verbose: int
        Print out information about EOD detection if greater than zero.
    plot_level : int
        Similar to verbosity levels, but with plots. 
    cfg: ConfigFile
        Configuration parameters.

    psd_data: list of 2D arrays
        List of power spectra (frequencies and power) of the analysed data
        for different frequency resolutions.
    wave_eodfs: list of 2D arrays
        Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of all wave fish.
    wave_indices: array of int
        Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props.
        If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
    eod_props: list of dict
        Lists of EOD properties as returned by analyze_pulse() and analyze_wave()
        for each waveform in mean_eods.
    mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean, sem, and fit.
        Averaged EOD waveforms of pulse and wave fish.
    spec_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for
        each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
    peak_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulse fish a list of peak properties
        (index, time, and amplitude), empty array for wave fish.
    power_thresh:  2 D array or None
        Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold
        derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish.
        None if no pulse fish was detected.
    skip_reason: list of string
        Reasons, why an EOD was discarded.
    dfreq = np.nan
    nfft = 0
    psd_data = [[]]
    wave_eodfs = []
    wave_indices = []
    if 'w' in mode:
        # detect wave fish:
        psd_data = multi_psd(data, rate, **multi_psd_args(cfg))
        dfreq = np.mean(np.diff(psd_data[0][:,0]))
        nfft = int(rate/dfreq)
        h_kwargs = psd_peak_detection_args(cfg)
        wave_eodfs_list = []
        for i, psd in enumerate(psd_data):
            wave_eodfs = harmonic_groups(psd[:,0], psd[:,1], verbose-1, **h_kwargs)[0]
            if verbose > 0 and len(psd_data) > 1:
                numpsdresolutions = cfg.value('numberPSDResolutions')
                print('fundamental frequencies detected in power spectrum of window %d at resolution %d:'
                      % (i//numpsdresolutions, i%numpsdresolutions))
                if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
                    print('  ' + ' '.join(['%.1f' % freq[0, 0] for freq in wave_eodfs]))
                    print('  none')
        wave_eodfs = consistent_fishes(wave_eodfs_list,
        if verbose > 0:
            if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
                print('found %2d EOD frequencies consistent in all power spectra:' % len(wave_eodfs))
                print('  ' + ' '.join(['%.1f' % freq[0, 0] for freq in wave_eodfs]))
                print('no fundamental frequencies are consistent in all power spectra')

    # analysis results:
    eod_props = []
    mean_eods = []
    spec_data = []
    peak_data = []
    power_thresh = None
    skip_reason = []
    max_pulse_amplitude = 0.0
    zoom_window = []

    if 'p' in mode:
        # detect pulse fish:
        _, eod_times, eod_peaktimes, zoom_window, _ = extract_pulsefish(data, rate, verbose=verbose-1, plot_level=plot_level, save_path=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0])

        #eod_times = []
        #eod_peaktimes = []
        if verbose > 0:
            if len(eod_times) > 0:
                print('found %2d pulsefish EODs' % len(eod_times))
                print('no pulsefish EODs found')

        # analyse eod waveform of pulse-fish:
        min_freq_res = cfg.value('frequencyResolution')
        for k, (eod_ts, eod_pts) in enumerate(zip(eod_times, eod_peaktimes)):
            mean_eod, eod_times0 = \
                eod_waveform(data, rate, eod_ts, win_fac=0.8,
                             min_sem=False, **eod_waveform_args(cfg))
            mean_eod, props, peaks, power = analyze_pulse(mean_eod, eod_times0,
            if len(peaks) == 0:
                print('error: no peaks in pulse EOD detected')
            clipped_frac = clipped_fraction(data, rate, eod_times0,
                                            mean_eod, min_clip, max_clip)
            props['peaktimes'] = eod_pts  # XXX that should go into analyze pulse
            props['index'] = len(eod_props)
            props['clipped'] = clipped_frac
            props['samplerate'] = rate
            props['nfft'] = nfft
            props['dfreq'] = dfreq

            # add good waveforms only:
            skips, msg, skipped_clipped = pulse_quality(props, **pulse_quality_args(cfg))

            if len(skips) == 0:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('take %6.1fHz pulse fish: %s' % (props['EODf'], msg))
                skip_reason += ['%.1fHz pulse fish %s' % (props['EODf'], skips)]
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('skip %6.1fHz pulse fish: %s (%s)' %
                          (props['EODf'], skips, msg))

            # threshold for wave fish peaks based on single pulse spectra:
            if len(skips) == 0 or skipped_clipped:
                if max_pulse_amplitude < props['p-p-amplitude']:
                    max_pulse_amplitude = props['p-p-amplitude']
                i0 = np.argmin(np.abs(mean_eod[:,0]))
                i1 = len(mean_eod) - i0
                pulse_data = np.zeros(len(data))
                for t in props['peaktimes']:
                    idx = int(t*rate)
                    ii0 = i0 if idx-i0 >= 0 else idx
                    ii1 = i1 if idx+i1 < len(pulse_data) else len(pulse_data)-1-idx
                    pulse_data[idx-ii0:idx+ii1] = mean_eod[i0-ii0:i0+ii1,1]
                pulse_psd = multi_psd(pulse_data, rate, **multi_psd_args(cfg))
                pulse_power = pulse_psd[0][:,1]
                pulse_power *= len(data)/rate/props['period']/len(props['peaktimes'])
                pulse_power *= 5.0
                if power_thresh is None:
                    power_thresh = pulse_psd[0]
                    power_thresh[:,1] = pulse_power
                    power_thresh[:,1] += pulse_power

        # remove wavefish below pulse fish power:
        if 'w' in mode and power_thresh is not None:
            n = len(wave_eodfs)
            maxh = 3  # XXX make parameter
            df = power_thresh[1,0] - power_thresh[0,0]
            for k, fish in enumerate(reversed(wave_eodfs)):
                idx = np.array(fish[:maxh,0]//df, dtype=int)
                for offs in range(-2, 3):
                    nbelow = np.sum(fish[:maxh,1] < power_thresh[idx+offs,1])
                    if nbelow > 0:
                        if verbose > 0:
                            print('skip %6.1fHz wave  fish: %2d harmonics are below pulsefish threshold' % (fish[0,0], nbelow))

    if 'w' in mode:
        # analyse EOD waveform of all wavefish:
        powers = np.array([np.sum(fish[:,1]) for fish in wave_eodfs])
        power_indices = np.argsort(-powers)
        wave_indices = np.zeros(len(wave_eodfs), dtype=int) - 3
        for k, idx in enumerate(power_indices):
            fish = wave_eodfs[idx]
            eod_times = np.arange(0.0, len(data)/rate, 1.0/fish[0,0])
            mean_eod, eod_times = \
                eod_waveform(data, rate, eod_times, win_fac=3.0, min_win=0.0,
                             min_sem=(k==0), **eod_waveform_args(cfg))
            mean_eod, eod_times = \
                waveeod_waveform(data, rate, fish[0, 0], win_fac=3.0,
            if len(mean_eod) == 0:
            mean_eod, props, sdata, error_str = \
                analyze_wave(mean_eod, fish, **analyze_wave_args(cfg))
            if error_str:
                print(name + ': ' + error_str)
            clipped_frac = clipped_fraction(data, rate, eod_times,
                                            mean_eod, min_clip, max_clip)
            props['n'] = len(eod_times)
            props['index'] = len(eod_props)
            props['clipped'] = clipped_frac
            props['samplerate'] = rate
            props['nfft'] = nfft
            props['dfreq'] = dfreq
            # remove wave fish that are smaller than the largest pulse fish:
            if props['p-p-amplitude'] < 0.01*max_pulse_amplitude:
                rm_indices = power_indices[k:]
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('skip %6.1fHz wave  fish: power=%5.1fdB, p-p amplitude=%5.1fdB smaller than pulse fish=%5.1dB - 20dB' %
                          (props['EODf'], decibel(powers[idx]),
                           decibel(props['p-p-amplitude']), decibel(max_pulse_amplitude)))
                    for idx in rm_indices[1:]:
                        print('skip %6.1fHz wave  fish: power=%5.1fdB even smaller' %
                              (wave_eodfs[idx][0,0], decibel(powers[idx])))
                wave_eodfs = [eodfs for idx, eodfs in enumerate(wave_eodfs)
                              if idx not in rm_indices]
                wave_indices = np.array([idcs for idx, idcs in enumerate(wave_indices)
                                        if idx not in rm_indices], dtype=int)
            # add good waveforms only:
            remove, skips, msg = wave_quality(props, sdata[1:,3], **wave_quality_args(cfg))
            if len(skips) == 0:
                wave_indices[idx] = props['index']
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('take   %6.1fHz wave  fish: %s' % (props['EODf'], msg))
                wave_indices[idx] = -2 if remove else -1
                skip_reason += ['%.1fHz wave fish %s' % (props['EODf'], skips)]
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('%-6s %6.1fHz wave  fish: %s (%s)' %
                          ('remove' if remove else 'skip', props['EODf'], skips, msg))
        wave_eodfs = [eodfs for idx, eodfs in zip(wave_indices, wave_eodfs) if idx > -2]
        wave_indices = np.array([idx for idx in wave_indices if idx > -2], dtype=int)
    return (psd_data, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, eod_props, mean_eods,
            spec_data, peak_data, power_thresh, skip_reason, zoom_window)

Detect EODs of all fish present in the data.


data : array of floats
The recording in which to detect EODs.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the dataset.
min_clip : float
Minimum amplitude that is not clipped.
max_clip : float
Maximum amplitude that is not clipped.
name : string
Name of the recording (e.g. its filename).
mode : string
Characters in the string indicate what and how to analyze: - 'w': analyze wavefish - 'p': analyze pulsefish - 'P': analyze only the pulsefish with the largest amplitude (not implemented yet)
verbose : int
Print out information about EOD detection if greater than zero.
plot_level : int
Similar to verbosity levels, but with plots.
cfg : ConfigFile
Configuration parameters.


psd_data : list of 2D arrays
List of power spectra (frequencies and power) of the analysed data for different frequency resolutions.
wave_eodfs : list of 2D arrays
Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of all wave fish.
wave_indices : array of int
Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props. If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
eod_props : list of dict
Lists of EOD properties as returned by analyze_pulse() and analyze_wave() for each waveform in mean_eods.
mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean, sem, and fit.
Averaged EOD waveforms of pulse and wave fish.
spec_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
peak_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulse fish a list of peak properties (index, time, and amplitude), empty array for wave fish.
power_thresh :  2 D array or None
Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish. None if no pulse fish was detected.
skip_reason : list of string
Reasons, why an EOD was discarded.
def remove_eod_files(output_basename, verbose, cfg)
Expand source code
def remove_eod_files(output_basename, verbose, cfg):
    """Remove all files from previous runs of thunderfish
    ff = cfg.value('fileFormat')
    if ff == 'py':
        fext = 'py'
        fext = TableData.extensions[ff]
    # remove all files from previous runs of thunderfish:
    for fn in glob.glob('%s*.%s' % (output_basename, fext)):
        if verbose > 0:
            print('removed file %s' % fn)

Remove all files from previous runs of thunderfish

def plot_style()
Expand source code
def plot_style():
    """Set style of plots.
    plt.rcParams['figure.facecolor'] = 'white'
    plt.rcParams['axes.facecolor'] = 'none'
    plt.rcParams['xtick.direction'] = 'out'
    plt.rcParams['ytick.direction'] = 'out'

Set style of plots.

def axes_style(ax)
Expand source code
def axes_style(ax):
    """Fix style of axes.

    ax: matplotlib axes

Fix style of axes.


ax : matplotlib axes
def plot_eods(base_name,
Expand source code
def plot_eods(base_name, message_filename,
              raw_data, rate, channel, idx0, idx1, clipped,
              psd_data, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, mean_eods, eod_props,
              peak_data, spec_data, indices, unit, zoom_window,
              n_snippets=10, power_thresh=None, label_power=True,
              all_eods=False, spec_plots='auto', skip_bad=True,
              log_freq=False, min_freq=0.0, max_freq=3000.0,
              interactive=True, verbose=0):
    """Creates an output plot for the thunderfish program.

    This output contains the raw trace where the analysis window is
    marked, the power-spectrum of this analysis window where the
    detected fish are marked, plots of averaged EOD plots, and
    spectra of the EOD waveforms.

    base_name: string
        Basename of audio_file.
    message_filename: string or None
        Path to meta-data message.
    raw_data: array
    rate: float
        Sampling rate of the dataset.
    channel: int or None
        Channel of the recording to be put into the plot title.
        If None, do not write the channel into the title.
    idx0: float
        Index of the beginning of the analysis window in the dataset.
    idx1: float
        Index of the end of the analysis window in the dataset.
    clipped: float
        Fraction of clipped amplitudes.
    psd_data: 2D array
        Power spectrum (frequencies and power) of the analysed data.
    wave_eodfs: array
        Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of several fish.
    wave_indices: array of int
        Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props.
        If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
    mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean and std.
        Mean trace for the mean EOD plot.
    eod_props: list of dict
        Properties for each waveform in mean_eods.
    peak_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulsefish a list of peak properties
        (index, time, and amplitude).
    spec_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for
        each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
    indices: list of int or None
        Indices of the fish in eod_props to be plotted.
        If None try to plot all.
    unit: string
        Unit of the trace and the mean EOD.
    n_snippets: int
        Number of EOD waveform snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot any.
    power_thresh:  2 D array or None
        Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold
        derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish.
    label_power: boolean
        If `True` put the power in decibel in addition to the frequency
        into the legend.
    all_eods: bool
        Plot all EOD waveforms.
    spec_plots: bool or 'auto'
        Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms.
        If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
    skip_bad: bool
        Skip harmonic groups without index (entry in indices is negative).
    log_freq: boolean
        Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
    min_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    max_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` and limits of power axis are computed
        from powers below max_freq if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    interactive: bool
        If True install some keyboard interaction.
    verbose: int
        Print out information about data to be plotted if greater than zero.

    fig: plt.figure
        Figure with the plots.

    def keypress(event):
        if event.key in 'pP':
            if idx1 > idx0:
                playdata = 1.0 * raw_data[idx0:idx1]
                playdata = 1.0 * raw_data[:]
            fade(playdata, rate, 0.1)
            play(playdata, rate, blocking=False)
        if event.key in 'mM' and message_filename:
            # play voice message:
            msg, msg_rate = load_audio(message_filename)
            play(msg, msg_rate, blocking=False)

    def recording_format_coord(x, y):
        return 'full recording: x=%.3f s, y=%.3f' % (x, y)

    def recordingzoom_format_coord(x, y):
        return 'recording zoom-in: x=%.3f s, y=%.3f' % (x, y)
    def psd_format_coord(x, y):
        return 'power spectrum: x=%.1f Hz, y=%.1f dB' % (x, y)

    def meaneod_format_coord(x, y):
        return 'mean EOD waveform: x=%.2f ms, y=%.3f' % (x, y)

    def ampl_format_coord(x, y):
        return u'amplitude spectrum: x=%.0f, y=%.2f' % (x, y)

    def phase_format_coord(x, y):
        return u'phase spectrum: x=%.0f, y=%.2f \u03c0' % (x, y/np.pi)
    def pulsepsd_format_coord(x, y):
        return 'single pulse power spectrum: x=%.1f Hz, y=%.1f dB' % (x, y)

    # count number of fish types to be plotted:
    if indices is None:
        indices = np.arange(len(eod_props))
        indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int)
    nwave = 0
    npulse = 0
    for idx in indices:
        if eod_props[idx]['type'] == 'pulse':
            npulse += 1
        elif eod_props[idx]['type'] == 'wave':
            nwave += 1
    neods = nwave + npulse

    if verbose > 0:
        print('plot: %2d waveforms: %2d wave fish, %2d pulse fish and %2d EOD frequencies.'
              % (len(indices), nwave, npulse, len(wave_eodfs)))

    # size and positions:
    if spec_plots == 'auto':
        spec_plots = len(indices) == 1
    large_plots = spec_plots or len(indices) <= 2
    width = 14.0
    height = 10.0
    if all_eods and len(indices) > 0:
        nrows = len(indices) if spec_plots else (len(indices)+1)//2
        if large_plots:
            height = 6.0 + 4.0*nrows
            height = 6.4 + 1.9*nrows
    leftx = 1.0/width
    midx = 0.5 + leftx
    fullwidth = 1.0-1.4/width
    halfwidth = 0.5-1.4/width
    pheight = 3.0/height
    # figure:
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height))
    if interactive:
        fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', keypress)
    # plot title:
    title = base_name
    if channel is not None:
        title += ' c%d' % channel
    ax = fig.add_axes([0.2/width, 1.0-0.6/height, 1.0-0.4/width, 0.55/height])
    ax.text(0.0, 1.0, title, fontsize=22, va='top')
    ax.text(1.0, 1.0, 'thunderfish by Benda-Lab', fontsize=16, ha='right', va='top')
    ax.text(1.0, 0.0, 'version %s' % __version__, fontsize=16, ha='right', va='bottom')

    # layout of recording and psd plots:
    #force_both = True  # set to True for debugging pulse and wave detection
    force_both = False
    posy = 1.0 - 4.0/height
    axr = None
    axp = None
    legend_inside = True
    legendwidth = 2.2/width if label_power else 1.7/width
    if neods == 0:
        axr = fig.add_axes([leftx, posy, fullwidth, pheight])                    # top, wide
        if len(psd_data) > 0:
            axp = fig.add_axes([leftx, 2.0/height, fullwidth, pheight])              # bottom, wide
        if npulse == 0 and nwave > 2 and psd_data is not None and \
           len(psd_data) > 0 and not force_both:
            axp = fig.add_axes([leftx, posy, fullwidth-legendwidth, pheight])    # top, wide
            legend_inside = False
        elif (npulse > 0 or psd_data is None or len(psd_data) == 0) \
             and len(wave_eodfs) == 0 and not force_both:
            axr = fig.add_axes([leftx, posy, fullwidth, pheight])                # top, wide
            axr = fig.add_axes([leftx, posy, halfwidth, pheight])                # top left
            label_power = False
            legendwidth = 2.2/width
            axp = fig.add_axes([midx, posy, halfwidth, pheight])                 # top, right
    # best window data:
    data = raw_data[idx0:idx1] if idx1 > idx0 else raw_data

    # plot recording
    pulse_colors, pulse_markers = colors_markers()
    pulse_colors = pulse_colors[3:]
    pulse_markers = pulse_markers[3:]
    if axr is not None:
        twidth = 0.1
        if len(indices) > 0:
            if eod_props[indices[0]]['type'] == 'wave':
                twidth = 5.0/eod_props[indices[0]]['EODf']
                if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
                    twidth = 3.0/eod_props[indices[0]]['EODf']
                    twidth = 10.0/eod_props[indices[0]]['EODf']
            twidth = (1+twidth//0.005)*0.005
        if data is not None and len(data) > 0:
            plot_eod_recording(axr, data, rate, unit, twidth,
            plot_pulse_eods(axr, data, rate,
                            zoom_window, twidth, eod_props,
                            idx0/rate, colors=pulse_colors,
                            markers=pulse_markers, frameon=True,
                            loc='upper right')
        if axr.get_legend() is not None:
        axr.set_title('Recording', fontsize=14, y=1.05)
        axr.format_coord = recordingzoom_format_coord
    # plot psd
    wave_colors, wave_markers = colors_markers()
    if axp is not None:
        if power_thresh is not None:
            axp.plot(power_thresh[:,0], decibel(power_thresh[:,1]), '#CCCCCC', lw=1)
        if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
            kwargs = {}
            if len(wave_eodfs) > 1:
                title = '%d EOD frequencies' % len(wave_eodfs)
                kwargs = {'title': title if len(wave_eodfs) > 2 else None }
                if legend_inside:
                    kwargs.update({'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1.1),
                                   'loc': 'upper right', 'legend_rows': 10,
                                   'frameon': True})
                    kwargs.update({'bbox_to_anchor': (1.02, 1.1),
                                   'loc': 'upper left', 'legend_rows': 14,
                                   'labelspacing': 0.6, 'frameon': False})
            plot_harmonic_groups(axp, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, max_groups=0,
                                 sort_by_freq=True, label_power=label_power,
                                 colors=wave_colors, markers=wave_markers,
            if legend_inside:
        if psd_data is not None and len(psd_data) > 0:
            plot_decibel_psd(axp, psd_data[:,0], psd_data[:,1], log_freq=log_freq,
                             min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, ymarg=5.0, color='blue')
        if len(wave_eodfs) == 1:
            label = '%6.1f Hz' % wave_eodfs[0][0, 0]
            axp.set_title('Powerspectrum: %s' % label, y=1.05, fontsize=14)
            axp.set_title('Powerspectrum', y=1.05, fontsize=14)
        axp.format_coord = psd_format_coord

    # get fish labels from legends:
    if axp is not None:
        w, _ = axp.get_legend_handles_labels()
        eodf_labels = [wi.get_label().split()[0] for wi in w]
        legend_wave_eodfs = np.array([float(f) if f[0] != '(' else np.nan for f in eodf_labels])
    if axr is not None:
        p, _ = axr.get_legend_handles_labels()
        eodf_labels = [pi.get_label().split()[0] for pi in p]
        legend_pulse_eodfs = np.array([float(f) if f[0] != '(' else np.nan for f in eodf_labels])

    # layout:
    sheight = 1.4/height
    sstep = 1.6/height
    max_plots = len(indices)
    if not all_eods:
        if large_plots:
            max_plots = 1 if spec_plots else 2
            max_plots = 4
    if large_plots:
        pstep = pheight + 1.0/height
        ty = 1.08
        my = 1.10
        ny = 6
        posy -= 0.2/height
        pheight = 1.3/height
        pstep = 1.9/height
        ty = 1.10
        my = 1.16
        ny = 4
    posy -= pstep
    # sort indices by p-p amplitude:
    pp_ampls = [eod_props[idx]['p-p-amplitude'] for idx in indices]
    pp_indices = np.argsort(pp_ampls)[::-1]
    # plot EOD waveform and spectra:
    for k, idx in enumerate(indices[pp_indices]):
        if k >= max_plots:
        # plot EOD waveform:
        mean_eod = mean_eods[idx]
        props = eod_props[idx]
        peaks = peak_data[idx]
        lx = leftx if spec_plots or k%2 == 0 else midx
        ax = fig.add_axes([lx, posy, halfwidth, pheight])
        if len(indices) > 1:
            ax.text(0.3, ty, '{EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props),
                       transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, zorder=20)
            mx = 0.25
            ax.text(-0.1, ty, '{EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props),
                       transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, zorder=20)
            ax.text(0.5, ty, 'Averaged EOD', ha='center',
                       transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, zorder=20)
            mx = -0.14
        eodf = props['EODf']
        if props['type'] == 'wave':
            if axp is not None:
                wk = np.nanargmin(np.abs(legend_wave_eodfs - eodf))
                ma = ml.Line2D([mx], [my], color=w[wk].get_color(), marker=w[wk].get_marker(),
                               markersize=w[wk].get_markersize(), mec='none', clip_on=False,
                               label=w[wk].get_label(), transform=ax.transAxes)
            if axr is not None and len(legend_pulse_eodfs) > 0:
                pk = np.argmin(np.abs(legend_pulse_eodfs - eodf))
                ma = ml.Line2D([mx], [my], color=p[pk].get_color(), marker=p[pk].get_marker(),
                               markersize=p[pk].get_markersize(), mec='none', clip_on=False,
                               label=p[pk].get_label(), transform=ax.transAxes)
        plot_eod_waveform(ax, mean_eod, props, peaks, unit)
        if props['type'] == 'pulse' and 'times' in props:
            plot_eod_snippets(ax, data, rate, mean_eod[0,0], mean_eod[-1,0],
                              props['times'], n_snippets, props['flipped'])
        if not large_plots and k < max_plots-2:
        ax.format_coord = meaneod_format_coord

        # plot spectra:
        if spec_plots:
            spec = spec_data[idx]
            if  props['type'] == 'pulse':
                ax = fig.add_axes([midx, posy, halfwidth, pheight])
                plot_pulse_spectrum(ax, spec, props)
                ax.set_title('Single pulse spectrum', fontsize=14, y=1.05)
                ax.format_coord = pulsepsd_format_coord
                axa = fig.add_axes([midx, posy+sstep, halfwidth, sheight])
                axp = fig.add_axes([midx, posy, halfwidth, sheight])
                plot_wave_spectrum(axa, axp, spec, props, unit)
                axa.set_title('Amplitude and phase spectrum', fontsize=14, y=1.05)
                axa.format_coord = ampl_format_coord
                axp.format_coord = phase_format_coord

        if spec_plots or k%2 == 1:
            posy -= pstep

    # whole trace:
    ax = fig.add_axes([leftx, 0.6/height, fullwidth, 0.9/height])
    if raw_data is not None and len(raw_data) > 0:
        plot_data_window(ax, raw_data, rate, unit, idx0, idx1, clipped)
    ax.format_coord = recording_format_coord

    return fig

Creates an output plot for the thunderfish program.

This output contains the raw trace where the analysis window is marked, the power-spectrum of this analysis window where the detected fish are marked, plots of averaged EOD plots, and spectra of the EOD waveforms.


base_name : string
Basename of audio_file.
message_filename : string or None
Path to meta-data message.
raw_data : array
rate : float
Sampling rate of the dataset.
channel : int or None
Channel of the recording to be put into the plot title. If None, do not write the channel into the title.
idx0 : float
Index of the beginning of the analysis window in the dataset.
idx1 : float
Index of the end of the analysis window in the dataset.
clipped : float
Fraction of clipped amplitudes.
psd_data : 2D array
Power spectrum (frequencies and power) of the analysed data.
wave_eodfs : array
Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of several fish.
wave_indices : array of int
Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props. If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean and std.
Mean trace for the mean EOD plot.
eod_props : list of dict
Properties for each waveform in mean_eods.
peak_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulsefish a list of peak properties (index, time, and amplitude).
spec_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
indices : list of int or None
Indices of the fish in eod_props to be plotted. If None try to plot all.
unit : string
Unit of the trace and the mean EOD.
n_snippets : int
Number of EOD waveform snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot any.
power_thresh :  2 D array or None
Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish.
label_power : boolean
If True put the power in decibel in addition to the frequency into the legend.
all_eods : bool
Plot all EOD waveforms.
spec_plots : bool or 'auto'
Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms. If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
skip_bad : bool
Skip harmonic groups without index (entry in indices is negative).
log_freq : boolean
Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
min_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) if max_freq is greater than zero
max_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) and limits of power axis are computed from powers below max_freq if max_freq is greater than zero
interactive : bool
If True install some keyboard interaction.
verbose : int
Print out information about data to be plotted if greater than zero.


fig : plt.figure
Figure with the plots.
def plot_eod_subplots(base_name,
Expand source code
def plot_eod_subplots(base_name, subplots, raw_data, rate, idx0, idx1,
                      clipped, psd_data, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, mean_eods,
                      eod_props, peak_data, spec_data, unit, zoom_window,
                      n_snippets=10, power_thresh=None, label_power=True,
                      skip_bad=True, log_freq=False,
                      min_freq=0.0, max_freq=3000.0, save=True):
    """Plot time traces and spectra into separate windows or files.

    base_name: string
        Basename of audio_file.
    subplots: string
        Specifies which subplots to plot:
        r) recording with best window, t) data trace with detected pulse fish,
        p) power spectrum with detected wave fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform,
        s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD waveform and spectra. With capital letters
        all fish are saved into a single pdf file, with small letters each fish
        is saved into a separate file.
    raw_data: array
    rate: float
        Sampling rate of the dataset.
    idx0: float
        Index of the beginning of the analysis window in the dataset.
    idx1: float
        Index of the end of the analysis window in the dataset.
    clipped: float
        Fraction of clipped amplitudes.
    psd_data: 2D array
        Power spectrum (frequencies and power) of the analysed data.
    wave_eodfs: array
        Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of several fish.
    wave_indices: array of int
        Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props.
        If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
    mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean and std.
        Mean trace for the mean EOD plot.
    eod_props: list of dict
        Properties for each waveform in mean_eods.
    peak_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulsefish a list of peak properties
        (index, time, and amplitude).
    spec_data: list of 2_D arrays
        For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for
        each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
    unit: string
        Unit of the trace and the mean EOD.
    n_snippets: int
        Number of EOD waveform snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot any.
    power_thresh:  2 D array or None
        Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold
        derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish.
    label_power: boolean
        If `True` put the power in decibel in addition to the frequency
        into the legend.
    skip_bad: bool
        Skip harmonic groups without index (entry in indices is negative).
    log_freq: boolean
        Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
    min_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    max_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` and limits of power axis are computed
        from powers below max_freq if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    save: bool
        If True save plots to files instead of showing them.
    if 'r' in subplots:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 2))
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.07, right=0.99, bottom=0.22, top=0.95)
        plot_data_window(ax, raw_data, rate, unit, idx0, idx1, clipped)
        if save:
            fig.savefig(base_name + '-recording.pdf')
    if 't' in subplots:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6))
        twidth = 0.1
        if len(eod_props) > 0:
            if eod_props[0]['type'] == 'wave':
                twidth = 5.0/eod_props[0]['EODf']
                if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
                    twidth = 3.0/eod_props[0]['EODf']
                    twidth = 10.0/eod_props[0]['EODf']
        twidth = (1+twidth//0.005)*0.005
        pulse_colors, pulse_markers = colors_markers()
        pulse_colors = pulse_colors[3:]
        pulse_markers = pulse_markers[3:]
        plot_eod_recording(ax, raw_data[idx0:idx1], rate, unit,
                           twidth, idx0/rate)
        plot_pulse_eods(ax, raw_data[idx0:idx1], rate, zoom_window,
                        twidth, eod_props, idx0/rate,
                        colors=pulse_colors, markers=pulse_markers,
                        frameon=True, loc='upper right')
        if ax.get_legend() is not None:
        if save:
            fig.savefig(base_name + '-trace.pdf')
    if 'p' in subplots:
        fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 5))
        fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.975, bottom=0.11, top=0.9)
        if power_thresh is not None:
            ax.plot(power_thresh[:,0], decibel(power_thresh[:,1]), '#CCCCCC', lw=1)
        if len(wave_eodfs) > 0:
            kwargs = {}
            if len(wave_eodfs) > 1:
                title = '%d EOD frequencies' % len(wave_eodfs)
                kwargs = {'title': title if len(wave_eodfs) > 2 else None }
                if len(wave_eodfs) > 2:
                    fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, right=0.78, bottom=0.11, top=0.9)
                    kwargs.update({'bbox_to_anchor': (1.01, 1.1),
                                   'loc': 'upper left', 'legend_rows': 14,
                                   'labelspacing': 0.6})
                    kwargs.update({'bbox_to_anchor': (1.05, 1.1),
                                   'loc': 'upper right', 'legend_rows': 10})
            wave_colors, wave_markers = colors_markers()
            plot_harmonic_groups(ax, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, max_groups=0,
                                 sort_by_freq=True, label_power=label_power,
                                 colors=wave_colors, markers=wave_markers,
                                 frameon=False, **kwargs)
        plot_decibel_psd(ax, psd_data[:,0], psd_data[:,1], log_freq=log_freq,
                         min_freq=min_freq, max_freq=max_freq, ymarg=5.0, color='blue')
        if len(wave_eodfs) == 1:
            label = '%6.1f Hz' % wave_eodfs[0][0, 0]
            ax.set_title('Powerspectrum: %s' % label, y=1.05)
            ax.set_title('Powerspectrum', y=1.05)
        if save:
            fig.savefig(base_name + '-psd.pdf')
    if 'w' in subplots or 'W' in subplots:
        mpdf = None
        if 'W' in subplots:
            mpdf = PdfPages(base_name + '-waveforms.pdf')
        for meod, props, peaks in zip(mean_eods, eod_props, peak_data):
            if meod is None:
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3))
            fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.18, right=0.98, bottom=0.15, top=0.9)
            if not props is None:
                ax.set_title('{index:d}: {EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props))
            plot_eod_waveform(ax, meod, props, peaks, unit)
            data = raw_data[idx0:idx1] if idx1 > idx0 else raw_data
            if not props is None and props['type'] == 'pulse' and \
               'times' in props:
                plot_eod_snippets(ax, data, rate, meod[0,0],
                                  meod[-1,0], props['times'],
            if mpdf is None:
                if save:
                    fig.savefig(base_name + '-waveform-%d.pdf' % props['index'])
        if mpdf is not None:
    if 's' in subplots or 'S' in subplots:
        mpdf = None
        if 'S' in subplots:
            mpdf = PdfPages(base_name + '-spectrum.pdf')
        for props, peaks, spec in zip(eod_props, peak_data, spec_data):
            if spec is None:
            if props is not None and props['type'] == 'pulse':
                fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.5))
                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.967, bottom=0.16, top=0.88)
                ax.set_title('{index:d}: {EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props), y=1.07)
                plot_pulse_spectrum(ax, spec, props)
                fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(5, 3.5))
                fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.15, right=0.97, bottom=0.16, top=0.88, hspace=0.4)
                if not props is None:
                    ax1.set_title('{index:d}: {EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props), y=1.15)
                plot_wave_spectrum(ax1, ax2, spec, props, unit)
            if mpdf is None:
                if save:
                    fig.savefig(base_name + '-spectrum-%d.pdf' % props['index'])
        if mpdf is not None:
    if 'e' in subplots or 'E' in subplots:
        mpdf = None
        if 'E' in subplots:
            mpdf = PdfPages(base_name + '-eods.pdf')
        for meod, props, peaks, spec in zip(mean_eods, eod_props, peak_data, spec_data):
            if meod is None or spec is None:
            fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 3.5))
            gs = gridspec.GridSpec(nrows=2, ncols=2, left=0.09, right=0.98,
                                   bottom=0.16, top=0.88, wspace=0.4, hspace=0.4)
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,0])
            if not props is None:
                ax1.set_title('{index:d}: {EODf:.1f} Hz {type} fish'.format(**props), y=1.07)
            plot_eod_waveform(ax1, meod, props, peaks, unit)
            data = raw_data[idx0:idx1] if idx1 > idx0 else raw_data
            if not props is None and props['type'] == 'pulse' and 'times' in props:
                plot_eod_snippets(ax1, data, rate, meod[0,0],
                                  meod[-1,0], props['times'],
            if not props is None and props['type'] == 'pulse':
                ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:,1])
                plot_pulse_spectrum(ax2, spec, props)
                ax2.set_title('Single pulse spectrum', y=1.07)
                ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,1])
                ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1,1])
                plot_wave_spectrum(ax2, ax3, spec, props, unit)
                ax2.set_title('Amplitude and phase spectrum', y=1.15)
            if mpdf is None:
                if save:
                    fig.savefig(base_name + '-eod-%d.pdf' % props['index'])
        if mpdf is not None:
    if not save:

Plot time traces and spectra into separate windows or files.


base_name : string
Basename of audio_file.
subplots : string
Specifies which subplots to plot: r) recording with best window, t) data trace with detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD waveform and spectra. With capital letters all fish are saved into a single pdf file, with small letters each fish is saved into a separate file.
raw_data : array
rate : float
Sampling rate of the dataset.
idx0 : float
Index of the beginning of the analysis window in the dataset.
idx1 : float
Index of the end of the analysis window in the dataset.
clipped : float
Fraction of clipped amplitudes.
psd_data : 2D array
Power spectrum (frequencies and power) of the analysed data.
wave_eodfs : array
Frequency and power of fundamental frequency/harmonics of several fish.
wave_indices : array of int
Indices of wave fish mapping from wave_eodfs to eod_props. If negative, then that EOD frequency has no waveform described in eod_props.
mean_eods: list of 2-D arrays with time, mean and std.
Mean trace for the mean EOD plot.
eod_props : list of dict
Properties for each waveform in mean_eods.
peak_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulsefish a list of peak properties (index, time, and amplitude).
spec_data : list of 2_D arrays
For each pulsefish a power spectrum of the single pulse and for each wavefish the relative amplitudes and phases of the harmonics.
unit : string
Unit of the trace and the mean EOD.
n_snippets : int
Number of EOD waveform snippets to be plotted. If zero do not plot any.
power_thresh :  2 D array or None
Frequency (first column) and power (second column) of threshold derived from single pulse spectra to discard false wave fish.
label_power : boolean
If True put the power in decibel in addition to the frequency into the legend.
skip_bad : bool
Skip harmonic groups without index (entry in indices is negative).
log_freq : boolean
Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
min_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) if max_freq is greater than zero
max_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) and limits of power axis are computed from powers below max_freq if max_freq is greater than zero
save : bool
If True save plots to files instead of showing them.
def thunderfish_plot(files,
Expand source code
def thunderfish_plot(files, data_path=None, load_kwargs={},
                     all_eods=False, spec_plots='auto', skip_bad=True,
                     save_plot=False, multi_pdf=None,
                     save_subplots='', log_freq=False, min_freq=0.0,
                     max_freq=3000.0, output_folder='.',
                     keep_path=False, verbose=0):
    """Generate plots from saved analysis results.

    files: list of str
        Analysis files from a single recording.
    data_path: str
        Path where to find the raw data.
    load_kwargs: dict
        Key-word arguments for the `load_data()` function.
    all_eods: bool
        If True, plot all EOD waveforms.
    spec_plots: bool or 'auto'
        Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms.
        If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
    skip_bad: bool
        Skip harmonic groups without index in the spectrum plot.
    save_plot: bool
        If True, save plots as pdf file.
    multi_pdf: matplotlib.PdfPages or None
        PdfPages instance in which to save plots.
    save_subplots: string
        If not empty, specifies subplots to be saved as separate pdf
        files: r) recording with best window, t) data trace with
        detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave
        fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD
        waveform and spectra. Capital letters produce a single
        multipage pdf containing plots of all detected fish.
    log_freq: boolean
        Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of
        power spectrum of recording.
    min_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)`, if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    max_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` and limits of power axis are computed
        from powers below max_freq, if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    output_folder: string
        Folder where to save results.
    keep_path: bool
        Add relative path of data files to output path.
    verbose: int
       Verbosity level (for debugging).
    if len(save_subplots) == 0:
        save_subplots = 'rtpwsed'  # plot everything
    # load analysis results:
    mean_eods, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, eod_props, spec_data, \
        peak_data, base_name, channel, unit = load_analysis(files)
    if len(mean_eods) == 0 or all(me is None for me in mean_eods):
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('w', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('W', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('e', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('E', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
    if len(spec_data) == 0 or all(sd is None for sd in spec_data):
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('s', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('S', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('e', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('E', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
    clipped = 0.0
    if len(eod_props) > 0 and not eod_props[0] is None and \
       'winclipped' in eod_props[0]:
        clipped = eod_props[0]['winclipped']
    zoom_window = [1.2, 1.3]
    # load recording:
    psd_data = None
    if base_name:
        name = os.path.basename(base_name) if data_path and data_path != '.' else base_name
        data_path = os.path.join(data_path, name)
    data, rate, idx0, idx1, data_path = \
        load_recording(data_path, channel, load_kwargs,
                       eod_props, verbose-1)
    if data is None:
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('r', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('t', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
    if verbose > 0:
        print('loaded', data_path)
    if len(eod_props) > 0 and not eod_props[0] is None and \
       'dfreq' in eod_props[0] and data is not None and len(data) > 0:
        psd_data = multi_psd(data[idx0:idx1], rate,
    if psd_data is not None and len(psd_data) > 0:
        for idx, fish in zip(wave_indices, wave_eodfs):
            if idx < 0:
                for k in range(len(fish)):
                    fish[k,1] = psd_data[np.argmin(np.abs(psd_data[:,0] - fish[k,0])),1]
    if psd_data is None:
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('p', '')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
    # file name for output files:
    fn = base_name if keep_path else os.path.basename(base_name)
    output_basename = os.path.join(output_folder, fn)
    if channel >= 0:
        output_basename += f'-c{channel}'
    # make directory if necessary:
    if keep_path:
        outpath = os.path.dirname(output_basename)
        if not os.path.exists(outpath):
            if verbose > 0:
                print('mkdir %s' % outpath)
    # plot:
    if len(save_subplots) == 0 or 'd' in save_subplots:
        fig = plot_eods(os.path.basename(base_name), None, data, rate,
                        channel, idx0, idx1, clipped, psd_data,
                        wave_eodfs, wave_indices, mean_eods,
                        eod_props, peak_data, spec_data, None, unit,
                        zoom_window, 10, None, True, all_eods,
                        spec_plots, skip_bad, log_freq, min_freq,
                        max_freq, interactive=not save_plot,
        if save_plot:
            if multi_pdf is not None:
                fig.savefig(output_basename + '.pdf')
        save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
    if len(save_subplots) > 0:
        plot_eod_subplots(output_basename, save_subplots, data, rate,
                          idx0, idx1, clipped, psd_data, wave_eodfs,
                          wave_indices, mean_eods, eod_props,
                          peak_data, spec_data, unit, zoom_window, 10,
                          None, True, skip_bad, log_freq, min_freq,
                          max_freq, save_plot)
    return None

Generate plots from saved analysis results.


files : list of str
Analysis files from a single recording.
data_path : str
Path where to find the raw data.
load_kwargs : dict
Key-word arguments for the load_data() function.
all_eods : bool
If True, plot all EOD waveforms.
spec_plots : bool or 'auto'
Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms. If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
skip_bad : bool
Skip harmonic groups without index in the spectrum plot.
save_plot : bool
If True, save plots as pdf file.
multi_pdf : matplotlib.PdfPages or None
PdfPages instance in which to save plots.
save_subplots : string
If not empty, specifies subplots to be saved as separate pdf files: r) recording with best window, t) data trace with detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD waveform and spectra. Capital letters produce a single multipage pdf containing plots of all detected fish.
log_freq : boolean
Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
min_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq), if max_freq is greater than zero
max_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) and limits of power axis are computed from powers below max_freq, if max_freq is greater than zero
output_folder : string
Folder where to save results.
keep_path : bool
Add relative path of data files to output path.
verbose : int

Verbosity level (for debugging).

def thunderfish(filename,
Expand source code
def thunderfish(filename, load_kwargs, cfg, channel=0,
                time=None, time_file=False,
                mode='wp', log_freq=False, min_freq=0.0, max_freq=3000,
                save_data=False, zip_file=False,
                all_eods=False, spec_plots='auto', skip_bad=True,
                save_plot=False, multi_pdf=None, save_subplots='',
                output_folder='.', keep_path=False,
                verbose=0, plot_level=0):
    """Automatically detect and analyze all EOD waveforms in a short recording.

    filename: string
        Path of the data file to be analyzed.
    load_kwargs: dict
        Key-word arguments for the `load_data()` function.
    cfg: dict
    channel: int
        Channel to be analyzed.
    time: string, float, or None
        Start time of analysis window: "beginning", "center", "end",
        "best", or time in seconds (as float or string). If not None
        overwrites "windowPosition" in cofiguration file.
    time_file: bool
        If `True` add time of analysis window to output file names.
    mode: 'w', 'p', 'P', 'wp', or 'wP'
        Analyze wavefish ('w'), all pulse fish ('p'), or largest pulse
        fish only ('P').
    log_freq: boolean
        Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of
        power spectrum of recording.
    min_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)`, if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    max_freq: float
        Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording
        are set to `(min_freq, max_freq)` and limits of power axis are computed
        from powers below max_freq, if `max_freq` is greater than zero
    save_data: bool
        If True save analysis results in files. If False, just plot the data.
    zip_data: bool
        If True, store all analysis results in a single zip file.
    all_eods: bool
        If True, plot all EOD waveforms.
    spec_plots: bool or 'auto'
        Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms.
        If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
    skip_bad: bool
        Skip harmonic groups without index in the spectrum plot.
    save_plot: bool
        If True, save plots as pdf file.
    multi_pdf: matplotlib.PdfPages or None
        PdfPages instance in which to save plots.
    save_subplots: string
        If not empty, specifies subplots to be saved as separate pdf
        files: r) recording with best window, t) data trace with
        detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave
        fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD
        waveform and spectra. Capital letters produce a single
        multipage pdf containing plots of all detected fish.
    output_folder: string
        Folder where to save results.
    keep_path: bool
        Add relative path of data files to output path.
    verbose: int
       Verbosity level (for debugging).
    plot_level: int
       Plot intermediate results.

    msg: string or None
        In case of errors, an error message.
    # check data file:
    if len(filename) == 0:
        return 'you need to specify a file containing some data'

    # file names:
    fn = filename if keep_path else os.path.basename(filename)
    outfilename = os.path.splitext(fn)[0]
    messagefilename = os.path.splitext(fn)[0] + '-message.wav'
    if not os.path.isfile(messagefilename):
        messagefilename = None

    # load data:
        all_data, rate, unit, ampl_max = load_data(filename,
    except IOError as e:
        return '%s: failed to open file: %s' % (filename, str(e))
    # select channel:
    channels = all_data.shape[1]
    chan_list = [channel]
    if channel < 0:
        chan_list = range(channels)
    elif channel >= channels:
        return '%s: invalid channel %d (%d channels)' % (filename, channel, channels)
    # process all channels:
    for chan in chan_list:
        raw_data = all_data[:,chan]
        if len(raw_data) <= 1:
            return '%s: empty data file' % filename
        if verbose >= 0 and len(chan_list) > 1:
            print('  channel %d' % chan)

        # analysis window:
        win_pos = cfg.value('windowPosition')
        if time is not None:
            win_pos = time
        data, idx0, idx1, clipped, min_clip, max_clip = \
            analysis_window(raw_data, rate, ampl_max, win_pos, cfg,
        found_bestwindow = idx1 > 0
        if not found_bestwindow:
            return '%s: not enough data for requested window length. You may want to adjust the windowSize parameter in the configuration file.' % filename

        # detect EODs in the data:
        psd_data, wave_eodfs, wave_indices, eod_props, \
        mean_eods, spec_data, peak_data, power_thresh, skip_reason, zoom_window = \
          detect_eods(data, rate, min_clip, max_clip, filename, mode,
                      verbose, plot_level, cfg)
        if not found_bestwindow:
            wave_eodfs = []
            wave_indices = []
            eod_props = []
            mean_eods = []

        # add analysis window to EOD properties:
        for props in eod_props:
            props['twin'] = idx0/rate
            props['window'] = (idx1 - idx0)/rate
            props['winclipped'] = clipped

        # warning message in case no fish has been found:
        if found_bestwindow and not eod_props :
            msg = ', '.join(skip_reason)
            if msg:
                print(filename + ': no fish found: %s' % msg)
                print(filename + ': no fish found.')

        # file name for output files:
        output_basename = os.path.join(output_folder, outfilename)
        if channels > 1:
            if channels > 100:
                output_basename += '-c%03d' % chan
            elif channels > 10:
                output_basename += '-c%02d' % chan
                output_basename += '-c%d' % chan
        if time_file:
            output_basename += '-t%.0fs' % (idx0/rate)
        # make directory if necessary:
        if keep_path and found_bestwindow:
            outpath = os.path.dirname(output_basename)
            if not os.path.exists(outpath):
                if verbose > 0:
                    print('mkdir %s' % outpath)
        # save results to files:
        if save_data:
            remove_eod_files(output_basename, verbose, cfg)
            if found_bestwindow:
                save_analysis(output_basename, zip_file, eod_props,
                              mean_eods, spec_data, peak_data,
                              wave_eodfs, wave_indices, unit, verbose,
        # summary plots:
        if save_plot or not save_data:
            n_snippets = 10
            if len(save_subplots) == 0 or 'd' in save_subplots:
                chl = chan if channels > 1 else None
                fig = plot_eods(outfilename, messagefilename,
                                raw_data, rate, chl, idx0, idx1,
                                clipped, psd_data[0], wave_eodfs,
                                wave_indices, mean_eods, eod_props,
                                peak_data, spec_data, None, unit,
                                zoom_window, n_snippets, power_thresh,
                                True, all_eods, spec_plots, skip_bad,
                                log_freq, min_freq, max_freq,
                                interactive=not save_plot,
                if save_plot:
                    if multi_pdf is not None:
                        fig.savefig(output_basename + '.pdf')
                save_subplots = save_subplots.replace('d', '')
            if len(save_subplots) > 0:
                plot_eod_subplots(output_basename, save_subplots,
                                  raw_data, rate, idx0, idx1, clipped,
                                  psd_data[0], wave_eodfs,
                                  wave_indices, mean_eods, eod_props,
                                  peak_data, spec_data, unit,
                                  zoom_window, n_snippets,
                                  power_thresh, True, skip_bad,
                                  log_freq, min_freq, max_freq,
    return None

Automatically detect and analyze all EOD waveforms in a short recording.


filename : string
Path of the data file to be analyzed.
load_kwargs : dict
Key-word arguments for the load_data() function.
cfg : dict
channel : int
Channel to be analyzed.
time : string, float, or None
Start time of analysis window: "beginning", "center", "end", "best", or time in seconds (as float or string). If not None overwrites "windowPosition" in cofiguration file.
time_file : bool
If True add time of analysis window to output file names.
mode : 'w', 'p', 'P', 'wp', or 'wP'
Analyze wavefish ('w'), all pulse fish ('p'), or largest pulse fish only ('P').
log_freq : boolean
Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis of power spectrum of recording.
min_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq), if max_freq is greater than zero
max_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis of power spectrum of recording are set to (min_freq, max_freq) and limits of power axis are computed from powers below max_freq, if max_freq is greater than zero
save_data : bool
If True save analysis results in files. If False, just plot the data.
zip_data : bool
If True, store all analysis results in a single zip file.
all_eods : bool
If True, plot all EOD waveforms.
spec_plots : bool or 'auto'
Plot amplitude spectra of EOD waveforms. If 'auto', plot them if there is a singel waveform only.
skip_bad : bool
Skip harmonic groups without index in the spectrum plot.
save_plot : bool
If True, save plots as pdf file.
multi_pdf : matplotlib.PdfPages or None
PdfPages instance in which to save plots.
save_subplots : string
If not empty, specifies subplots to be saved as separate pdf files: r) recording with best window, t) data trace with detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD waveform and spectra. Capital letters produce a single multipage pdf containing plots of all detected fish.
output_folder : string
Folder where to save results.
keep_path : bool
Add relative path of data files to output path.
verbose : int
Verbosity level (for debugging).
plot_level : int

Plot intermediate results.


msg : string or None
In case of errors, an error message.
def run_thunderfish(file_args)
Expand source code
def run_thunderfish(file_args):
    """Helper function for mutlithreading Pool().map().
    results = file_args[1][0]
    verbose = file_args[1][-1] if results else file_args[1][-2]+1
    if verbose > 1:
        if results:
            thunderfish_plot(file_args[0], *file_args[1][1:])
            if verbose > 0:
                print('analyze recording %s ...' % file_args[0])
            msg = thunderfish(file_args[0], *file_args[1][1:])
            if msg:
    except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
        print('\nthunderfish interrupted by user... exit now.')

Helper function for mutlithreading Pool().map().

def main(cargs=None)
Expand source code
def main(cargs=None):
    # config file name:
    cfgfile = __package__ + '.cfg'

    # command line arguments:
    if cargs is None:
        cargs = sys.argv[1:]
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=False,
        description='Analyze EOD waveforms of weakly electric fish.',
        epilog='version %s by Benda-Lab (2015-%s)' % (__version__, __year__))
    parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='store_true',
                        help='show this help message and exit')
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__)
    parser.add_argument('-v', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0,
                        help='verbosity level. Increase by specifying -v multiple times, or like -vvv')
    parser.add_argument('-V', action='count', dest='plot_level', default=0,
                        help='level for debugging plots. Increase by specifying -V multiple times, or like -VVV')
    parser.add_argument('-c', dest='save_config', action='store_true',
                        help='save configuration to file {0} after reading all configuration files'.format(cfgfile))
    parser.add_argument('--channel', default=0, type=int,
                        help='channel to be analyzed (defaults to first channel, negative channel selects all channels)')
    parser.add_argument('-t', dest='time', default=None, type=str, metavar='TIME',
                        help='start time of analysis window in recording: "beginning", "center", "end", "best", or time in seconds (overwrites "windowPosition" in cofiguration file)')
    parser.add_argument('-u', dest='unwrap', action='store_true',
                        help='unwrap clipped files, toggles unwrap setting of config file.')
    parser.add_argument('-T', dest='time_file', action='store_true',
                        help='add start time of analysis file to output file names')
    parser.add_argument('-m', dest='mode', default='wp', type=str,
                        choices=['w', 'p', 'wp'],
                        help='extract wave "w" and/or pulse "p" fish EODs')
    parser.add_argument('-a', dest='all_eods', action='store_true',
                        help='show all EOD waveforms in the summary plot')
    parser.add_argument('-S', dest='spec_plots', action='store_true',
                        help='plot spectra for all EOD waveforms in the summary plot')
    parser.add_argument('-b', dest='skip_bad', action='store_false',
                        help='indicate bad EODs in legend of power spectrum')
    parser.add_argument('-l', dest='log_freq', type=float, metavar='MINFREQ',
                        nargs='?', const=100.0, default=0.0,
                        help='logarithmic frequency axis in  power spectrum with optional minimum frequency (defaults to 100 Hz)')
    parser.add_argument('-p', dest='save_plot', action='store_true',
                        help='save output plots as pdf files')
    parser.add_argument('-M', dest='multi_pdf', default='', type=str, metavar='PDFFILE',
                        help='save all summary plots of all recordings in a multi page pdf file. Disables parallel jobs.')
    parser.add_argument('-P', dest='save_subplots', default='', type=str, metavar='rtpwsed',
                        help='save subplots as separate pdf files: r) recording with analysis window, t) data trace with detected pulse fish, p) power spectrum with detected wave fish, w/W) mean EOD waveform, s/S) EOD spectrum, e/E) EOD waveform and spectra, d) the default summary plot. Capital letters produce a single multipage pdf containing plots of all detected fish')
    parser.add_argument('-d', dest='rawdata_path', default='.', type=str, metavar='PATH',
                        help='path to raw EOD recordings needed for plotting based on analysis results')
    parser.add_argument('-j', dest='jobs', nargs='?', type=int, default=None, const=0,
                        help='number of jobs run in parallel. Without argument use all CPU cores.')
    parser.add_argument('-s', dest='save_data', action='store_true',
                        help='save analysis results to files')
    parser.add_argument('-z', dest='zip_file', action='store_true',
                        help='save analysis results in a single zip file')
    parser.add_argument('-f', dest='format', default='auto', type=str,
                        choices=TableData.formats + ['py'],
                        help='file format used for saving analysis results, defaults to the format specified in the configuration file or "csv"')
    parser.add_argument('-o', dest='outpath', default='.', type=str,
                        help='path where to store results and figures (defaults to current working directory)')
    parser.add_argument('-k', dest='keep_path', action='store_true',
                        help='keep path of input file when saving analysis files, i.e. append path of input file to OUTPATH')
    parser.add_argument('-i', dest='load_kwargs', default=[],
                        action='append', metavar='KWARGS',
                        help='key-word arguments for the data loader function')
    parser.add_argument('file', nargs='*', default='', type=str,
                        help='name of a file with time series data of an EOD recording, may include wildcards')
    args = parser.parse_args(cargs)

    # help:
        print('- analyze the single file data.wav interactively:')
        print('  > thunderfish data.wav')
        print('- extract wavefish only:')
        print('  > thunderfish -m w data.wav')
        print('- automatically analyze all wav files in the current working directory and save analysis results and plot to files:')
        print('  > thunderfish -s -p *.wav')
        print('- analyze all wav files in the river1/ directory, use all CPUs, and write files directly to "results/":')
        print('  > thunderfish -j -s -p -o results/ river1/*.wav')
        print('- analyze all wav files in the river1/ directory and write files to "results/river1/":')
        print('  > thunderfish -s -p -o results/ -k river1/*.wav')
        print('- write configuration file:')
        print('  > thunderfish -c')

    # set verbosity level from command line:
    verbose = args.verbose
    plot_level = args.plot_level
    if verbose < plot_level:
        verbose = plot_level

    # interactive plot:
    plt.rcParams['keymap.quit'] = 'ctrl+w, alt+q, q'

    # expand wildcard patterns:
    files = []
    if == 'nt':
        for fn in args.file:
        files = [f for f in args.file if '-message' not in f]

    # save configuration:
    if args.save_config:
        file_name = files[0] if len(files) else ''
        cfg = configuration()
        cfg.load_files(cfgfile, file_name, 4, verbose)
        save_configuration(cfg, cfgfile)
    elif len(files) == 0:
        parser.error('you need to specify at least one file for the analysis')

    # configure:
    cfg = configuration()
    cfg.load_files(cfgfile, files[0], 4, verbose)
    if args.format != 'auto':
        cfg.set('fileFormat', args.format)
    if args.unwrap:
        cfg.set('unwrapData', not cfg.value('unwrapData'))
    # plot parameter:
    spec_plots = 'auto'
    if args.spec_plots:
        spec_plots = True

    # multi-page pdfs:
    multi_pdf = None
    if len(args.multi_pdf) > 0:
        args.save_plot = True = None  # PdfPages does not work yet with mutliprocessing
        ext = os.path.splitext(args.multi_pdf)[1]
        if ext != os.extsep + 'pdf':
            args.multi_pdf += os.extsep + 'pdf'
        multi_pdf = PdfPages(args.multi_pdf)
    # create output folder:
    if args.save_data or args.save_plot:
        if not os.path.exists(args.outpath):
            if verbose > 1:
                print('mkdir %s' % args.outpath)

    # kwargs for data loader:
    load_kwargs = {}
    for s in args.load_kwargs:
        for kw in s.split(','):
            kws = kw.split(':')
            if len(kws) == 2:
                load_kwargs[kws[0].strip()] = kws[1].strip()

    # frequency limits for power spectrum:
    min_freq = 0.0
    max_freq = 3000.0
    log_freq = args.log_freq
    if log_freq > 0.0:
        min_freq = log_freq
        max_freq = min_freq*20
        if max_freq < 2000:
            max_freq = 2000
        log_freq = True
        log_freq = False

    # check if all input files are results:
    exts = TableData.ext_formats.values()
    results = True
    # check and group by recording:
    result_files = []
    for f in sorted(files):
        _, base_name, _, _, ftype, _, ext = parse_filename(f)
        if ext == 'zip' or (ext in exts and ftype in file_types):
            if len(result_files) == 0 or \
               not result_files[-1][-1].startswith(base_name):
            results = False
    if results:
        files = result_files

    # adjust verbosity:
    v = verbose
    if len(files) > 1:
        v += 1
    # run on pool:
    pool_args = (results, load_kwargs, cfg,, args.time,
                 args.time_file, args.mode, log_freq, min_freq,
                 max_freq, args.save_data, args.zip_file,
                 args.all_eods, spec_plots, args.skip_bad,
                 args.save_plot, multi_pdf, args.save_subplots,
                 args.outpath, args.keep_path, v-1, plot_level)
    if results:
        pool_args = (results, args.rawdata_path, load_kwargs,
                     args.all_eods, spec_plots, args.skip_bad,
                     args.save_plot, multi_pdf, args.save_subplots,
                     log_freq, min_freq, max_freq, args.outpath,
                     args.keep_path, v)
    if is not None and (args.save_data or args.save_plot) and len(files) > 1:
        cpus = cpu_count() if == 0 else
        if verbose > 1:
            print('run on %d cpus' % cpus)
        p = Pool(cpus), zip(files, [pool_args]*len(files)))
        list(map(run_thunderfish, zip(files, [pool_args]*len(files))))
    if multi_pdf is not None: