Module thunderlab.consoleinput

User input from console.

Global variables

var recorded_inputs

List of strings with all inputs received by read() and select().


def read(prompt, default=None, dtype=builtins.str, min=None, max=None)
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def read(prompt, default=None, dtype=str, min=None, max=None):
    """Read a single input value from the console.
    prompt: string
        prompt to be displayed.
    default: string
        default value if only 'return' is pressed.
    dtype: type
        data type to be returned (str, int, float, ...)
    min: dtype
        input needs to be larger than min.
    min: dtype
        input needs to be smaller than max.

    x: dtype
        the value of the input.
    if default is not None:
        prompt += ' [%s]: ' % default
    while True:
        s = input_(prompt)
        if len(s) == 0 and default is not None:
            s = default
        if len(s) > 0:
                x = dtype(s)
            except ValueError:
                x = None
            if x is not None:
                if min is not None and x < min:
                if max is not None and x > max:
                return x

Read a single input value from the console.


prompt : string
prompt to be displayed.
default : string
default value if only 'return' is pressed.
dtype : type
data type to be returned (str, int, float, …)
min : dtype
input needs to be larger than min.
min : dtype
input needs to be smaller than max.


x : dtype
the value of the input.
def select(prompt, default, options, descriptions)
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def select(prompt, default, options, descriptions):
    """Print a menue from which the user can select an entry.
    prompt: string
        A title for the menue.
    default: string
        The default selection.
    options: list of single character strings
        The characters by which the menue options are selected.
    descriptions: list of strings
        A description for each menue option.

    s: string
        the selected value (one of the characters in options).
    for o, d in zip(options, descriptions):
        print('  [%s] %s' % (o, d))
    sprompt = '  Select'
    if default is not None:
        sprompt += ' [%s]: ' % default
    while True:
        s = input_(sprompt).lower()
        if len(s) == 0:
            s = default
        if s in options:
            return s

Print a menue from which the user can select an entry.


prompt : string
A title for the menue.
default : string
The default selection.
options : list of single character strings
The characters by which the menue options are selected.
descriptions : list of strings
A description for each menue option.


s : string
the selected value (one of the characters in options).
def save_inputs(file)
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def save_inputs(file):
    """Write all inputs from `read()` and `select()` into a file.

    This file can then be used to pipe these inputs to the program
    instead of typing them in manually.
    file: string
        Name of the file where to save the inputs.
    with open(file, 'w') as df:
        for line in recorded_inputs:

Write all inputs from read() and select() into a file.

This file can then be used to pipe these inputs to the program instead of typing them in manually.


file : string
Name of the file where to save the inputs.
def clear_inputs()
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def clear_inputs():
    """Clear list all inputs recorded from `read()` and `select()`.
    recorded_inputs = []

Clear list all inputs recorded from read() and select().

def main()
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def main():
    x = read('Give me a number between 1 and 10', '5', int, 1, 10)
    y = select('Your options are', 'a', ['a', 'b', 'o'], ['apples', 'bananas', 'oranges'])

    print('your successfull inputs have been:')
    # save_inputs('test.txt')
    ## you then can call the script like this:
    ## python -m src.thunderlab.consoleinput < test.txt