Module thunderlab.powerspectrum

Powerspectra and spectrograms for a given frequency resolution

Computation of nfft

  • next_power_of_two(): round an integer up to the next power of two.
  • nfft(): compute nfft based on a given frequency resolution.


Power spectra

  • psd(): power spectrum for a given frequency resolution.
  • multi_psd(): power spectra for consecutive data windows and mutiple frequency resolutions.
  • spectrogram(): spectrogram of a given frequency resolution and overlap fraction.

Power spectrum analysis

  • peak_freqs(): peak frequencies computed from power spectra of data snippets.


Configuration parameter


def next_power_of_two(n)

The next integer power of two.


n : int
A positive number.


m : int
The next integer power of two equal or larger than n.
def nfft(rate, freq_resolution, min_nfft=16, max_nfft=None)

Required number of samples for an FFT of a given frequency resolution.

Note that the returned number of FFT samples results in frequency intervals that are smaller or equal to freq_resolution.


rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
freq_resolution : float
Minimum frequency resolution in Hertz.
min_nfft : int
Smallest value of nfft to be used.
max_nfft : int or None
If not None, largest value of nfft to be used.


nfft : int
Number of FFT points.
def decibel(power, ref_power=1.0, min_power=1e-20)

Transform power to decibel relative to ref_power.

decibel = 10 \cdot \log_{10}(power/ref\_power) Power values smaller than min_power are set to -np.inf.


power : float or array
Power values, for example from a power spectrum or spectrogram.
ref_power : float or None or 'peak'
Reference power for computing decibel. If set to None or 'peak', the maximum power is used.
min_power : float
Power values smaller than min_power are set to -np.inf.


decibel_psd : array
Power values in decibel relative to ref_power.
def power(decibel, ref_power=1.0)

Transform decibel back to power relative to ref_power.

power = ref\_power \cdot 10^{decibel/10}


decibel : array
Decibel values of the power spectrum or spectrogram.
ref_power : float
Reference power for computing power.


power : array
Power values of the power spectrum or spectrogram.
def psd(data,

Power spectrum density of a given frequency resolution.

NFFT is computed from the requested frequency resolution and the sampling rate. Check the returned frequency array for the actually used frequency resolution. The frequency intervals are smaller or equal to freq_resolution. NFFT can be retrieved by dividing the sampling rate by the actual frequency resolution:

freq, power = psd(data, samplingrate, 0.1)
df = np.mean(np.diff(freq))  # the actual frequency resolution
nfft = int(samplingrate/df)

Uses scipy signal.welch() if available, otherwise matplotlib.mlab.psd().


data : 1-D array
Data from which power spectra are computed.
ratetime : float or array
If float, sampling rate of the data in Hertz. If array, assume ratetime to be the time array corresponding to the data. Compute sampling rate as 1/(ratetime[1]-ratetime[0]).
freq_resolution : float
Frequency resolution of the psd in Hertz.
min_nfft : int
Smallest value of nfft to be used.
max_nfft : int or None
If not None, largest value of nfft to be used.
overlap_frac : float
Fraction of overlap for the fft windows.
detrend : string
If 'constant' or 'mean' subtract mean of data. If 'linear' subtract line fitted to the data. If 'none' do not detrend the data.
window : string
Function used for windowing data segements. One of hann, blackman, hamming, bartlett, boxcar, triang, parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, fattop, barthann (see scipy.signal window functions).


freq : 1-D array
Frequencies corresponding to power array.
power : 1-D array
Power spectral density in [data]^2/Hz.
def multi_psd(data,

Power spectra computed for consecutive data windows.

See also psd() for more information on power spectra with given frequency resolution.


data : 1-D array
Data from which power spectra are computed.
ratetime : float or array
If float, sampling rate of the data in Hertz. If array, assume ratetime to be the time array corresponding to the data. Compute sampling rate as 1/(ratetime[1]-ratetime[0]).
freq_resolution : float
Frequency resolution of psd in Hertz.
num_windows : int
Data are chopped into num_windows segments that overlap by half for which power spectra are computed.
min_nfft : int
Smallest value of nfft to be used.
overlap_frac : float
Fraction of overlap for the fft windows within a single power spectrum.
detrend : string
If 'constant' subtract mean of data. If 'linear' subtract line fitted to the data. If 'none' do not deternd the data.
window : string
Function used for windowing data segements. One of hann, blackman, hamming, bartlett, boxcar, triang, parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, fattop, barthann (see scipy.signal window functions).


multi_psd_data : list of 2-D arrays
List of the power spectra for each window and frequency resolution (psd_data[i][freq, power()]).
def spectrogram(data,

Spectrogram of a given frequency resolution.

Check the returned frequency array for the actually used frequency resolution. The actual frequency resolution is smaller or equal to freq_resolution. The used number of data points per FFT segment (NFFT) is the sampling rate divided by the actual frequency resolution:

spec, freq, time = spectrum(data, samplingrate, 0.1) # request 0.1Hz resolution
df = np.mean(np.diff(freq))  # the actual frequency resolution
nfft = int(samplingrate/df)


data : 1D or 2D array of floats
Data for the spectrograms. First dimension is time, optional second dimension is channel.
ratetime : float or array
If float, sampling rate of the data in Hertz. If array, assume ratetime to be the time array corresponding to the data. The sampling rate is then computed as 1/(ratetime[1]-ratetime[0]).
freq_resolution : float
Frequency resolution for the spectrogram in Hertz. See nfft() for details.
min_nfft : int
Smallest value of nfft to be used. See nfft() for details.
max_nfft : int or None
If not None, largest value of nfft to be used. See nfft() for details.
overlap_frac : float
Overlap of the nffts (0 = no overlap; 1 = complete overlap).
detrend : string or False
If 'constant' subtract mean of each data segment. If 'linear' subtract line fitted to each data segment. If False do not detrend the data segments.
window : string
Function used for windowing data segements. One of hann, blackman, hamming, bartlett, boxcar, triang, parzen, bohman, blackmanharris, nuttall, fattop, barthann, tukey (see scipy.signal window functions).


freqs : array
Frequencies of the spectrogram.
time : array
Time of the nfft windows.
spectrum : 2D or 3D array
Power spectral density for each frequency and time. First dimension is frequency and second dimension is time. Optional last dimension is channel.
def plot_decibel_psd(ax,

Plot the powerspectum in decibel relative to ref_power.


Axis for plot.
freqs : 1-D array
Frequency array of the power spectrum.
power : 1-D array
Power values of the power spectrum.
ref_power : float
Reference power for computing decibel. If set to None the maximum power is used.
min_power : float
Power values smaller than min_power are set to np.nan.
log_freq : boolean
Logarithmic (True) or linear (False) frequency axis.
min_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis are set to (min_freq, max_freq) if max_freq is greater than zero
max_freq : float
Limits of frequency axis are set to (min_freq, max_freq) and limits of power axis are computed from powers below max_freq if max_freq is greater than zero
ymarg : float
Add this to the maximum decibel power for setting the ylim.
kwargs : dict
Plot parameter that are passed on to the plot() function.
def peak_freqs(onsets, offsets, data, rate, freq_resolution=0.2, thresh=None, **kwargs)

Peak frequencies computed from power spectra of data snippets.


onsets : array of ints
Indices indicating the onsets of the snippets in data.
offsets : array of ints
Indices indicating the offsets of the snippets in data.
data : 1-D array
Data array that contains the data snippets defined by onsets and offsets.
rate : float
Sampling rate of data in Hertz.
freq_resolution : float
Desired frequency resolution of the computed power spectra in Hertz.
thresh : None or float
If not None than this is the threshold required for the minimum height of the peak in the decibel power spectrum. If the peak is too small than the peak frequency of that snippet is set to NaN.
kwargs : dict
Further arguments passed on to psd().


freqs : array of floats
For each data snippet the frequency of the maximum power.
def add_multi_psd_config(cfg, freq_resolution=0.2, num_resolutions=1, num_windows=1)

Add all parameters needed for the multi_psd() function as a new section to a configuration.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.

See multi_psd() for details on the remaining arguments.

def multi_psd_args(cfg)

Translates a configuration to the respective parameter names of the multi_psd() function.

The return value can then be passed as key-word arguments to this functions.


cfg : ConfigFile
The configuration.


a : dict
Dictionary with names of arguments of the multi_psd() function and their values as supplied by cfg.
def main()