Multivariate Explorer
Simple GUI for viewing and exploring multivariate data.
Command line arguments
multivariateexplorer --help
usage: [-h] [--version] [-l] [-d COLUMN] [-c COLUMN] [-m CMAP] [file]
View and explore multivariate data.
positional arguments:
file a file containing a table of data (csv file or similar)
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-l list all available data columns (features) and exit
-d COLUMN data columns (features) to be explored
-c COLUMN data column to be used for color code or "row"
-m CMAP name of color map to be used
version 1.2.0 by Benda-Lab (2019-2024)
left click select sample
left and drag rectangular selection of samples and/or zoom
shift + left click/drag add samples to selection
ctrl + left click/drag remove samples from selection
double left click run thunderfish on selected EOD waveform
key shortcuts:
c, C cycle color map trough data columns
p,P toggle between features, PCs, and scaled PCs
<, pageup decrease number of displayed featured/PCs
>, pagedown increase number of displayed features/PCs
o, z toggle zoom mode on or off
backspace zoom back
n, N decrease, increase number of bins of histograms
H toggle between scatter plot and 2D histogram
left, right, up, down show and move magnified scatter plot
escape close magnified scatter plot
ctrl + a select all
+, - increase, decrease pick radius
0 reset pick radius
l list selection on console
w toggle maximized waveform plot
h toggle help window