Module audioio.audioconverter

Command line script for converting, downsampling, renaming and merging audio files.

audioconverter -o test.wav test.mp3

converts 'test.mp3' to 'test.wav'.

The script reads all input files with load_audio(), combines the audio and marker data and writes them along with the metadata to an output file using write_audio().

Thus, all formats supported by these functions and the installed python audio modules are available. This implies that MP3 files can be read via the audioread module, and they can be written via pydub. Many other input and output file formats are supported by the sndfile library, provided the SoundFile or wavefile python packages are installed.

Metadata and markers are preserved if possible.


audioconverter -l

for a list of supported output file formats and

audioconverter -f wav -l

for a list of supported encodings for a given output format (-foption).


audioconverter --help


usage: audioconverter [-h] [--version] [-v] [-l] [-f FORMAT] [-e ENCODING] [-s SCALE] [-u [THRESH]] [-U [THRESH]]
                      [-d FAC] [-c CHANNELS] [-a KEY=VALUE] [-r KEY] [-n NUM] [-o OUTPATH]
                      [file ...]

Convert audio file formats.

positional arguments:
  file          one or more input files to be combined into a single output file

  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --version     show program's version number and exit
  -v            print debug output
  -l            list supported file formats and encodings
  -f FORMAT     audio format of output file
  -e ENCODING   audio encoding of output file
  -s SCALE      scale the data by factor SCALE
  -u [THRESH]   unwrap clipped data with threshold relative to maximum of input range (default is 0.5) and divide by
  -U [THRESH]   unwrap clipped data with threshold relative to maximum of input range (default is 0.5) and clip
  -d FAC        downsample by integer factor
  -c CHANNELS   comma and dash separated list of channels to be saved (first channel is 0)
  -a KEY=VALUE  add key-value pairs to metadata. Keys can have section names separated by "."
  -r KEY        remove keys from metadata. Keys can have section names separated by "."
  -n NUM        merge NUM input files into one output file
  -o OUTPATH    path or filename of output file. Metadata keys enclosed in curly braces will be replaced by their
                values from the input file

version 2.0.0 by Benda-Lab (2020-2024)


def add_arguments(parser)
Expand source code
def add_arguments(parser):
    """ Add command line arguments to parser.

    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser
        The parser.
    parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=__version__)
    parser.add_argument('-v', action='count', dest='verbose', default=0,
                        help='print debug output')
    parser.add_argument('-l', dest='list_formats', action='store_true',
                        help='list supported file formats and encodings')
    parser.add_argument('-f', dest='data_format', default=None, type=str,
                        metavar='FORMAT', help='audio format of output file')
    parser.add_argument('-e', dest='encoding', default=None, type=str,
                        help='audio encoding of output file')
    parser.add_argument('-s', dest='scale', default=1, type=float,
                        help='scale the data by factor SCALE')
    parser.add_argument('-u', dest='unwrap', default=0, type=float,
                        metavar='THRESH', const=1.5, nargs='?',
                        help='unwrap clipped data with threshold relative to maximum of input range (default is 0.5) and divide by two')
    parser.add_argument('-U', dest='unwrap_clip', default=0, type=float,
                        metavar='THRESH', const=1.5, nargs='?',
                        help='unwrap clipped data with threshold relative to maximum of input range (default is 0.5) and clip')
    parser.add_argument('-d', dest='decimate', default=1, type=int,
                        help='downsample by integer factor')
    parser.add_argument('-c', dest='channels', default='', type=str,
                        help='comma and dash separated list of channels to be saved (first channel is 0)')
    parser.add_argument('-a', dest='md_list', action='append', default=[],
                        type=str, metavar='KEY=VALUE',
                        help='add key-value pairs to metadata. Keys can have section names separated by "."')
    parser.add_argument('-r', dest='remove_keys', action='append', default=[],
                        type=str, metavar='KEY',
                        help='remove keys from metadata. Keys can have section names separated by "."')
    parser.add_argument('-n', dest='nmerge', default=0, type=int, metavar='NUM',
                        help='merge NUM input files into one output file')
    parser.add_argument('-o', dest='outpath', default=None, type=str,
                         help='path or filename of output file. Metadata keys enclosed in curly braces will be replaced by their values from the input file')
    parser.add_argument('file', nargs='*', type=str,
                        help='one or more input files to be combined into a single output file')

Add command line arguments to parser.


parser : argparse.ArgumentParser
The parser.
def parse_channels(cstr)
Expand source code
def parse_channels(cstr):
    """ Parse channel selection string.

    cstr: str
        String with comma separated channels and dash separated channel ranges.

    channels: list of int
        List of selected channels.
    cs = [s.strip() for s in cstr.split(',')]
    channels = []
    for c in cs:
        if len(c) == 0:
        css = [s.strip() for s in c.split('-')]
        if len(css) == 2:
            channels.extend(list(range(int(css[0]), int(css[1])+1)))
    return channels

Parse channel selection string.


cstr : str
String with comma separated channels and dash separated channel ranges.


channels : list of int
List of selected channels.
def check_format(format)
Expand source code
def check_format(format):
    Check whether requested audio format is valid and supported.

    If the format is not available print an error message on console.

    format: string
        Audio format to be checked.

    valid: bool
        True if the requested audio format is valid.
    if not format or format.upper() not in available_formats():
        print(f'! invalid audio file format "{format}"!')
        print(f'> {__file__} -l')
        print('for a list of available formats')
        return False
        return True

Check whether requested audio format is valid and supported.

If the format is not available print an error message on console.


format : string
Audio format to be checked.


valid : bool
True if the requested audio format is valid.
def list_formats_encodings(data_format)
Expand source code
def list_formats_encodings(data_format):
    """ List available formats or encodings.

    data_format: None or str
        If provided, list encodings for this data format.
        Otherwise, list available audio file formats.
    if not data_format:
        print('available file formats:')
        for f in available_formats():
            print(f'  {f}')
        if not check_format(data_format):
        print(f'available encodings for {data_format} file format:')
        for e in available_encodings(data_format):
            print(f'  {e}')

List available formats or encodings.


data_format : None or str
If provided, list encodings for this data format. Otherwise, list available audio file formats.
def make_outfile(outpath, infile, data_format, blocks, format_from_ext)
Expand source code
def make_outfile(outpath, infile, data_format, blocks, format_from_ext):
    """ Make name for output file.

    outpath: None or str
        Requested output path.
    infile: str
        Name of the input file.
    data_format: None or str
        Requested output file format.
    blocks: bool
        If True, produce outputfile for group of input files.
    format_from_ext: function
        Function that inspects a filename for its extension and
        deduces a file format from it.

    outfile: str
        Name of output file.
    data_format: str
        Format of output file.
    if blocks and outpath and \
       format_from_ext(outpath) is None and \
       not os.path.exists(outpath):
    if not outpath or os.path.isdir(outpath):
        outfile = infile
        if outpath:
            outfile = os.path.join(outpath, outfile)
        if not data_format:
            print('! need to specify an audio format via -f or a file extension !')
        outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + os.extsep + data_format.lower()
        outfile = outpath
        if data_format:
            outfile = os.path.splitext(outfile)[0] + os.extsep + data_format.lower()
            data_format = format_from_ext(outfile)
    return outfile, data_format

Make name for output file.


outpath : None or str
Requested output path.
infile : str
Name of the input file.
data_format : None or str
Requested output file format.
blocks : bool
If True, produce outputfile for group of input files.
format_from_ext : function
Function that inspects a filename for its extension and deduces a file format from it.


outfile : str
Name of output file.
data_format : str
Format of output file.
def modify_data(data,
Expand source code
def modify_data(data, rate, metadata, channels, scale,
                unwrap_clip, unwrap_thresh, ampl_max, unit, decimate_fac):
    """ Modify audio data and add modifications to metadata.

    data: 2-D array of float
        The data to be written into the output file.
    rate: float
        Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
    metadata: nested dict
    channels: list of int
        List of channels to be selected from the data.
    scale: float
        Scaling factor to be applied to the data.
    unwrap_clip: float
        If larger than zero, unwrap the data using this as a threshold
        relative to `ampl_max`, and clip the data at +-`ampl_max`.
    unwrap_thresh: float
        If larger than zero, unwrap the data using this as a threshold
        relative to `ampl_max`, and downscale the data by a factor of two.
        Also update the gain in the metadata.
    ampl_max: float
        Maximum amplitude of the input range.
    unit: str
        Unit of the input range.
    decimate_fac: int
        Downsample the data by this factor.

    # select channels:
    if len(channels) > 0:
        data = data[:,channels]
    # scale data:
    if scale != 1:
        data *= scale
        update_gain(metadata, 1/scale)
    # fix data:
    if unwrap_clip > 1e-3:
        unwrap(data, unwrap_clip, ampl_max)
        data[data > +ampl_max] = +ampl_max
        data[data < -ampl_max] = -ampl_max
        add_unwrap(metadata, unwrap_clip*ampl_max, ampl_max, unit)
    elif unwrap_thresh > 1e-3:
        unwrap(data, unwrap_thresh, ampl_max)
        data *= 0.5
        update_gain(metadata, 0.5)
        add_unwrap(metadata, unwrap_thresh*ampl_max, 0.0, unit)
    # decimate:
    if decimate_fac > 1:
        data = decimate(data, decimate_fac, axis=0)
        rate /= decimate_fac
    return data, rate

Modify audio data and add modifications to metadata.


data : 2-D array of float
The data to be written into the output file.
rate : float
Sampling rate of the data in Hertz.
metadata : nested dict
channels : list of int
List of channels to be selected from the data.
scale : float
Scaling factor to be applied to the data.
unwrap_clip : float
If larger than zero, unwrap the data using this as a threshold relative to ampl_max, and clip the data at +-ampl_max.
unwrap_thresh : float
If larger than zero, unwrap the data using this as a threshold relative to ampl_max, and downscale the data by a factor of two. Also update the gain in the metadata.
ampl_max : float
Maximum amplitude of the input range.
unit : str
Unit of the input range.
decimate_fac : int
Downsample the data by this factor.


def format_outfile(outfile, metadata)
Expand source code
def format_outfile(outfile, metadata):
    """ Put metadata values into name of output file.

    outfile: str
        Name of output file. May contain metadata keys enclosed in curly braces.
    metadata: nested dict

    outfile: str
        Name of output file.
    if len(metadata) > 0 and '{' in outfile and '}' in outfile:
        fmd = flatten_metadata(metadata)
        fmd = {k:(fmd[k] if isinstance(fmd[k], (int, float)) else fmd[k].replace(' ', '_')) for k in fmd}
        outfile = outfile.format(**fmd)
    return outfile

Put metadata values into name of output file.


outfile : str
Name of output file. May contain metadata keys enclosed in curly braces.
metadata : nested dict


outfile : str
Name of output file.
def main(*cargs)
Expand source code
def main(*cargs):
    Command line script for converting, downsampling, renaming and merging audio files.

    cargs: list of strings
        Command line arguments as returned by sys.argv[1:].
    # command line arguments:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(add_help=True,
        description='Convert audio file formats.',
        epilog=f'version {__version__} by Benda-Lab (2020-{__year__})')
    if len(cargs) == 0:
        cargs = None
    args = parser.parse_args(cargs)
    channels = parse_channels(args.channels)
    if args.list_formats:
        if args.data_format is None and len(args.file) > 0:
            args.data_format = args.file[0]

    if len(args.file) == 0 or len(args.file[0]) == 0:
        print('! need to specify at least one input file !')

    nmerge = args.nmerge
    if nmerge == 0:
        nmerge = len(args.file)

    for i0 in range(0, len(args.file), nmerge):
        infile = args.file[i0]
        outfile, data_format = make_outfile(args.outpath, infile,
                                            nmerge < len(args.file),
        if not check_format(data_format):
        if os.path.realpath(infile) == os.path.realpath(outfile):
            print(f'! cannot convert "{infile}" to itself !')
        # read in audio:
        pre_history = None
            with AudioLoader(infile) as sf:
                data = sf[:,:]
                rate = sf.rate
                md = sf.metadata()
                locs, labels = sf.markers()
                pre_history = bext_history_str(sf.encoding,
                if sf.encoding is not None and args.encoding is None:
                    args.encoding = sf.encoding
        except FileNotFoundError:
            print(f'file "{infile}" not found!')
        if args.verbose > 1:
            print(f'loaded audio file "{infile}"')
        for infile in args.file[i0+1:i0+nmerge]:
                xdata, xrate = load_audio(infile)
            except FileNotFoundError:
                print(f'file "{infile}" not found!')
            if abs(rate - xrate) > 1:
                print('! cannot merge files with different sampling rates !')
                print(f'    file "{args.file[i0]}" has {rate:.0f}Hz')
                print(f'    file "{infile}" has {xrate:.0f}Hz')
            if xdata.shape[1] != data.shape[1]:
                print('! cannot merge files with different numbers of channels !')
                print(f'    file "{args.file[i0]}" has {data.shape[1]} channels')
                print(f'    file "{infile}" has {xdata.shape[1]} channels')
            data = np.vstack((data, xdata))
            xlocs, xlabels = markers(infile)
            locs = np.vstack((locs, xlocs))
            labels = np.vstack((labels, xlabels))
            if args.verbose > 1:
                print(f'loaded audio file "{infile}"')
        data, rate = modify_data(data, rate, md, channels, args.scale,
                                 args.unwrap_clip, args.unwrap, 1.0,
                                 '', args.decimate)
        add_metadata(md, args.md_list, '.')
        if len(args.remove_keys) > 0:
            remove_metadata(md, args.remove_keys, '.')
        outfile = format_outfile(outfile, md)
        # history:
        hkey = 'CodingHistory'
        if 'BEXT' in md:
            hkey = 'BEXT.' + hkey
        history = bext_history_str(args.encoding, rate,
                                   data.shape[1], outfile)
        add_history(md, history, hkey, pre_history)
        # write out audio:
            write_audio(outfile, data, rate, md, locs, labels,
                        format=data_format, encoding=args.encoding)
        except PermissionError:
            print(f'failed to write "{outfile}": permission denied!')
        # message:
        if args.verbose > 1:
            print(f'wrote "{outfile}"')
        elif args.verbose:
            print(f'converted audio file "{infile}" to "{outfile}"')

Command line script for converting, downsampling, renaming and merging audio files.


cargs : list of strings
Command line arguments as returned by sys.argv[1:].