Module audioio.audioloader

Loading data, metadata, and markers from audio files.

  • load_audio(): load a whole audio file at once.
  • metadata(): read metadata of an audio file.
  • markers(): read markers of an audio file.
  • BufferArray: random access to 2D data of which only a part is held in memory.
  • AudioLoader: read data from audio files in chunks.
  • blocks(): generator for blockwise processing of array data.

The read in data are always numpy arrays of floats ranging between -1 and 1. The arrays are 2-D arrays with first axis time and second axis channel, even for single channel data.

If an audio file cannot be loaded, you might need to install additional packages. See installation for further instructions.

For a demo run the module as:

python -m src.audioio.audioloader audiofile.wav
Expand source code
"""Loading data, metadata, and markers from audio files.

- `load_audio()`: load a whole audio file at once.
- `metadata()`: read metadata of an audio file.
- `markers()`: read markers of an audio file.
- `BufferArray()`: random access to 2D data of which only a part is held in memory.
- `AudioLoader`: read data from audio files in chunks.
- `blocks()`: generator for blockwise processing of array data.

The read in data are always numpy arrays of floats ranging between -1 and 1.
The arrays are 2-D arrays with first axis time and second axis channel,
even for single channel data.

If an audio file cannot be loaded, you might need to install
additional packages.  See
[installation]( for
further instructions.

For a demo run the module as:
python -m src.audioio.audioloader audiofile.wav
import sys
import warnings
import os.path
import numpy as np
from .audiomodules import *
from .riffmetadata import metadata_riff, markers_riff
from .audiometadata import update_gain, add_unwrap
from .audiotools import unwrap

def load_wave(filepath):
    """Load wav file using the wave module from pythons standard libray.

    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The wave module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['wave']:
        raise ImportError

    wf =, 'r')   # 'with' is not supported by wave
    (nchannels, sampwidth, rate, nframes, comptype, compname) = wf.getparams()
    buffer = wf.readframes(nframes)
    factor = 2.0**(sampwidth*8-1)
    if sampwidth == 1:
        dtype = 'u1'
        buffer = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1, nchannels)
        data = buffer.astype('d')/factor - 1.0
        dtype = f'i{sampwidth}' 
        buffer = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1, nchannels)
        data = buffer.astype('d')/factor
    return data, float(rate)

def load_ewave(filepath):
    """Load wav file using ewave module.


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The ewave module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['ewave']:
        raise ImportError

    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with, 'r') as wf:
        rate = wf.sampling_rate
        buffer =
        data = ewave.rescale(buffer, 'float')
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        data = np.reshape(data,(-1, 1))
    return data, float(rate)

def load_wavfile(filepath):
    """Load wav file using

    Does not support blocked read.
    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['']:
        raise ImportError

    rate, data =
    if data.dtype == np.uint8:
        data = data / 128.0 - 1.0
    elif np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.signedinteger):
        data = data / (2.0**(data.dtype.itemsize*8-1))
        data = data.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        data = np.reshape(data,(-1, 1))
    return data, float(rate)

def load_soundfile(filepath):
    """Load audio file using SoundFile (based on libsndfile).


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The soundfile module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['soundfile']:
        raise ImportError

    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with soundfile.SoundFile(filepath, 'r') as sf:
        rate = sf.samplerate
        data =, dtype='float64', always_2d=True)
    return data, float(rate)

def load_wavefile(filepath):
    """Load audio file using wavefile (based on libsndfile).


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The wavefile module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['wavefile']:
        raise ImportError

    rate, data = wavefile.load(filepath)
    return data.astype(np.float64, copy=False).T, float(rate)

def load_audioread(filepath):
    """Load audio file using audioread.


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The audioread module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['audioread']:
        raise ImportError
    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with audioread.audio_open(filepath) as af:
        rate = af.samplerate
        data = np.zeros((int(np.ceil(af.samplerate*af.duration)), af.channels),
        index = 0
        for buffer in af:
            fulldata = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, af.channels)
            n = fulldata.shape[0]
            if index + n > len(data):
                n = len(fulldata) - index
            if n <= 0:
            data[index:index+n,:] = fulldata[:n,:]
            index += n
    return data/(2.0**15-1.0), float(rate)

audio_loader_funcs = (
    ('soundfile', load_soundfile),
    ('wave', load_wave),
    ('wavefile', load_wavefile),
    ('ewave', load_ewave),
    ('', load_wavfile),
    ('audioread', load_audioread),
"""List of implemented load() functions.

Each element of the list is a tuple with the module's name and its
load() function.


def load_audio(filepath, verbose=0):
    """Call this function to load all channels of audio data from a file.
    This function tries different python modules to load the audio file.

    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, even for single channel data.
        First dimension is time, second is channel.
        Data values range maximally between -1 and 1.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        Empty `filepath`.
        `filepath` is not an existing file.
        File size of `filepath` is zero.
        Failed to load data.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from audioio import load_audio
    data, rate = load_audio('some/audio.wav')
    plt.plot(np.arange(len(data))/rate, data[:,0])
    # check values:
    if filepath is None or len(filepath) == 0:
        raise ValueError('input argument filepath is empty string!')
    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{filepath}" not found')
    if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 0:
        raise EOFError(f'file "{filepath}" is empty (size=0)!')

    # load an audio file by trying various modules:
    not_installed = []
    errors = [f'failed to load data from file "{filepath}":']
    for lib, load_file in audio_loader_funcs:
        if not audio_modules[lib]:
            if verbose > 1:
                print(f'unable to load data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module: module not available')
            data, rate = load_file(filepath)
            if len(data) > 0:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print(f'loaded data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module')
                    if verbose > 1:
                        print(f'  sampling rate: {rate:g} Hz')
                        print(f'  channels     : {data.shape[1]}')
                        print(f'  frames       : {len(data)}')
                return data, rate
        except Exception as e:
            errors.append(f'  {lib} failed: {str(e)}')
            if verbose > 1:
    if len(not_installed) > 0:
        errors.append('\n  You may need to install one of the ' + \
          ', '.join(not_installed) + ' packages.')
    raise IOError('\n'.join(errors))
    return np.zeros(0), 0.0

def metadata(filepath, store_empty=False):
    """Read metadata of an audio file.

    filepath: string or file handle
        The audio file from which to read metadata.
    store_empty: bool
        If `False` do not return meta data with empty values.

    meta_data: nested dict
        Meta data contained in the audio file.  Keys of the nested
        dictionaries are always strings.  If the corresponding values
        are dictionaries, then the key is the section name of the
        metadata contained in the dictionary. All other types of
        values are values for the respective key. In particular they
        are strings. But other types like for example ints or floats
        are also allowed.  See `audioio.audiometadata` module for
        available functions to work with such metadata.

    from audioio import metadata, print_metadata
    md = metadata('data.wav')

        return metadata_riff(filepath, store_empty)
    except ValueError: # not a RIFF file
        return {}

def markers(filepath):
    """ Read markers of an audio file.

    See `audioio.audiomarkers` module for available functions
    to work with markers.

    filepath: string or file handle
        The audio file.

    locs: 2-D array of ints
        Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column)
        for each marker (rows).
    labels: 2-D array of string objects
        Labels (first column) and texts (second column)
        for each marker (rows).

    from audioio import markers, print_markers
    locs, labels = markers('data.wav')
    print_markers(locs, labels)
        return markers_riff(filepath)
    except ValueError: # not a RIFF file
        return np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int), np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=object)

def blocks(data, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None):
    """Generator for blockwise processing of array data.

    data: array
        Data to loop over. First dimension is time.
    block_size: int
        Len of data blocks to be returned.
    noverlap: int
        Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
    start: int
        Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
    stop: int
        Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.

    data: array
        Successive slices of the input data.

        `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`.

    import numpy as np
    from audioio import blocks
    data = np.arange(20)
    for x in blocks(data, 6, 2):
    results in
    [0 1 2 3 4 5]
    [4 5 6 7 8 9]
    [ 8  9 10 11 12 13]
    [12 13 14 15 16 17]
    [16 17 18 19]

    Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a
    spectrogram with overlap:
    from scipy.signal import spectrogram
    from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
    nfft = 2048
    with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in blocks(data, 100*nfft, nfft//2):
            f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                    nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)

    if noverlap >= block_size:
        raise ValueError(f'noverlap={noverlap} larger than block_size={block_size}')
    if stop is None:
        stop = len(data)
    m = block_size - noverlap
    n = (stop-start-noverlap)//m
    if n == 0:
        yield data[start:stop]
        for k in range(n):
            yield data[start+k*m:start+k*m+block_size]
        if stop - start - (k*m+block_size) > 0:
            yield data[start+(k+1)*m:]

class BufferArray(object):
    """Random access to 2D data of which only a part is held in memory.
    This is a base class for accessing large audio recordings either
    from a file (class AudioLoader) or by computing its contents.  The
    BufferArray behaves like a single big ndarray with first dimension
    indexing the frames and second dimension indexing the channels of
    the audio data. Internally it only holds a part of the data in

    Classes inheriting BufferArray just need to implement
    self.load_buffer(offset, size, buffer)
    This function needs to load the supplied 2-D `buffer` with `size`
    frames of data starting at `offset`.

    In the constructor or some kind of opening function, you need to
    set the following member variables, followed by a call to
    self.samplerate      # number of frames per second
    self.channels        # number of channels per frame
    self.frames          # total number of frames
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)        
    self.ndim            # number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels)
    self.size            # total number of samples: frames times channels
    self.buffersize      # number of frames the buffer should hold
    self.backsize        # number of frames kept for moving back
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

    samplerate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
    channels: int
        The number of channels.
    frames: int
        The number of frames. Same as `len()`.
    shape: tuple
        Frames and channels of the data.
    ndim: int
        Number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels).
    size: int
        Total number of samples: frames times channels.
    offset: int
        Index of first frame in the current buffer.
    buffer: array of floats
        The curently available data.
    ampl_min: float
        Minimum amplitude the data supports.
    ampl_max: float
        Maximum amplitude the data supports.

    - `len()`: Number of frames.
    - `__getitem__`: Access data.
    - `update_buffer()`: Update the buffer for a range of frames.
    - `load_buffer()`: Load a range of frames into a buffer.

    Access via `__getitem__` or `__next__` is slow!
    Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts
    it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want!
    We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray .
    For details see
    When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to
    speed up `__getitem__` .

    def __init__(self, verbose=0):
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.ndim = 2
        self.size = 0
        self.ampl_min = -1.0
        self.ampl_max = +1.0
        self.offset = 0
        self.buffersize = 0
        self.backsize = 0
        self.buffer = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.unwrap = False
        self.unwrap_thresh = 0.0
        self.unwrap_clips = False
        self.unwrap_ampl = 1.0
        self.unwrap_downscale = True
        self.verbose = verbose

    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, tb):
        return (ex_value is None)
    def __len__(self):
        return self.frames

    def __iter__(self):
        self.iter_counter = -1
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        self.iter_counter += 1
        if self.iter_counter >= self.frames:
            raise StopIteration
            self.update_buffer(self.iter_counter, self.iter_counter + 1)
            return self.buffer[self.iter_counter - self.offset,:]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Access data of the audio file."""
        if type(key) is tuple:
            index = key[0]
            index = key
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            start = index.start
            stop = index.stop
            step = index.step
            if start is None:
                start = int(start)
            if start < 0:
                start += len(self)
            if stop is None:
                stop = len(self)
                stop = int(stop)
            if stop < 0:
                stop += len(self)
            if stop > self.frames:
                stop = self.frames
            if step is None:
                step = 1
                step = int(step)
            self.update_buffer(start, stop)
            newindex = slice(start-self.offset, stop-self.offset, step)
        elif hasattr(index, '__len__'):
            index = [inx if inx >= 0 else inx+len(self) for inx in index]
            start = min(index)
            stop = max(index)
            self.update_buffer(start, stop+1)
            newindex = [inx-self.offset for inx in index]
            if index > self.frames:
                raise IndexError
            index = int(index)
            if index < 0:
                index += len(self)
            self.update_buffer(index, index+1)
            newindex = index-self.offset
        if type(key) is tuple:
            newkey = (newindex,) + key[1:]
            return self.buffer[newkey]
            return self.buffer[newindex]

    def _init_buffer(self):
        """Allocate a buffer with zero frames but all the channels."""
        self.buffer = np.empty((0, self.channels))
        self.offset = 0

    def update_buffer(self, start, stop):
        """Make sure that the buffer contains data between start and stop.

        start: int
            Index of the first frame for the buffer.
        stop: int
            Index of the last frame for the buffer.
        if start < self.offset or stop > self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0]:
            offset, size = self._read_indices(start, stop)
            r_offset, r_size = self._recycle_buffer(offset, size)
            self.offset = offset
            # load buffer content from file, this is backend specific:
            data = self.buffer[r_offset-self.offset:
            self.load_buffer(r_offset, r_size, data)
            if self.unwrap:
                # TODO: handle edge effects!
                unwrap(data, self.unwrap_thresh, self.unwrap_ampl)
                if self.unwrap_clips:
                    data[data > self.ampl_max] = self.ampl_max
                    data[data < self.ampl_min] = self.ampl_min
                elif self.unwrap_down_scale:
                    data *= 0.5
            if self.verbose > 1:
                print(f'  loaded {self.buffer.shape[0]} frames from {self.offset} up to {self.offset+self.buffer.shape[0]}')

    def _read_indices(self, start, stop):
        """Compute position and size for next read from file.

        This takes buffersize and backsize into account.

        start: int
            Index of the first requested frame.
        stop: int
            Index of the last requested frame.

        offset: int
           Frame index for the first frame in the buffer.
        size: int
           Number of frames the buffer should hold.
        offset = start
        size = stop - start
        if size < self.buffersize:
            back = self.backsize
            if self.buffersize - size < back:
                back = self.buffersize - size
            offset -= back
            size = self.buffersize
            if offset < 0:
                offset = 0
            if offset + size > self.frames:
                offset = self.frames - size
                if offset < 0:
                    offset = 0
                    size = self.frames - offset
        if self.verbose > 2:
            print(f'  request {size:6d} frames at {offset}-{offset+size}')
        return offset, size

    def _recycle_buffer(self, offset, size):
        """Recycle buffer contents and return indices for data to be loaded from file.

        Move already existing parts of the buffer to their new position (as
        returned by _read_indices() ) and return position and size of
        data chunk that still needs to be loaded from file.

        offset: int
           Frame index for the first frame in the buffer.
        size: int
           Number of frames the buffer should hold.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        def allocate_buffer(size):
            """Make sure the buffer has the right size."""
            if size != self.buffer.shape[0]:
                self.buffer = np.empty((size, self.channels))

        r_offset = offset
        r_size = size
        if ( offset >= self.offset and
             offset < self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] ):
            i = self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] - offset
            n = i
            if n > size:
                n = size
            m = self.buffer.shape[0]
            buffer = self.buffer[-i:m-i+n,:]
            self.buffer[:n,:] = buffer
            r_offset += n
            r_size -= n
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset+m-i}-{self.offset+m-i+n} of the old {m}-sized buffer to the front at {offset}-{offset+n} ({0}-{n} in buffer)')
        elif ( offset + size > self.offset and
            offset + size <= self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] ):
            n = offset + size - self.offset
            m = self.buffer.shape[0]
            buffer = self.buffer[:n,:]
            self.buffer[-n:,:] = buffer
            r_size -= n
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset}-{self.offset+n} of the old {m}-sized buffer to the end at {offset+size-n}-{offset+size} ({size-n}-{size} in buffer)')
        return r_offset, r_size
class AudioLoader(BufferArray):
    """Buffered reading of audio data for random access of the data in the file.
    The class allows for reading very large audio files that do not
    fit into memory.
    An AudioLoader instance can be used like a huge read-only numpy array, i.e.
    data = AudioLoader('path/to/audio/file.wav')
    x = data[10000:20000,0]
    The first index specifies the frame, the second one the channel.

    Behind the scenes AudioLoader tries to open the audio file with
    all available audio modules until it succeeds (first line). It
    then reads data from the file as necessary for the requested data
    (second line).

    Reading sequentially through the file is always possible. Some
    modules, however, (e.g. audioread, needed for mp3 files) can only
    read forward. If previous data are requested, then the file is read
    from the beginning again. This slows down access to previous data
    considerably. Use the `backsize` argument of the open function to
    make sure some data are loaded into the buffer before the requested
    frame. Then a subsequent access to the data within backsize `seconds`
    before that frame can still be handled without the need to reread
    the file from the beginning.

    With context management:
    import audioio as aio
    with aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0, 10.0) as data:
        # do something with the content of the file:
        x = data[0:10000]
        y = data[10000:20000]
        z = x + y

    For using a specific audio module, here the audioread module:
    data = aio.AudioLoader()
    with data.open_audioread(filepath, 60.0, 10.0):
        # do something ...

    Use `blocks()` for sequential, blockwise reading and processing:
    from scipy.signal import spectrogram
    nfft = 2048
    with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
            f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                    nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)

    For loop iterates over single frames (1-D arrays containing samples for each channel):
    with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in data:
    Traditional open and close:
    data = aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0)
    x = data[:,:]  # read the whole file
    this is the same as:
    data = aio.AudioLoader(), 60.0)
    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.
    store_empty: bool
        If `False` do not return meta data with empty values.

    filepath: str
        Path and name of the file.
    samplerate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
    channels: int
        The number of channels.
    frames: int
        The number of frames in the file. Same as `len()`.
    format: str or None
        Format of the audio file.
    encoding: str or None
        Encoding/subtype of the audio file.
    shape: tuple
        Frames and channels of the data.
    offset: int
        Index of first frame in the current buffer.
    buffer: array of floats
        The curently available data from the file.
    ampl_min: float
        Minimum amplitude the file format supports.
        Always -1.0 for audio data.
    ampl_max: float
        Maximum amplitude the file format supports.
        Always +1.0 for audio data.

    - `len()`: Number of frames.
    - `open()`: Open an audio file by trying available audio modules.
    - `open_*()`: Open an audio file with the respective audio module.
    - `__getitem__`: Access data of the audio file.
    - `update_buffer()`: Update the internal buffer for a range of frames.
    - `load_buffer()`: Load a range of frames into a buffer.
    - `blocks()`: Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.
    - `format_dict()`: technical infos about how the data are stored.
    - `metadata()`: Metadata stored along with the audio data.
    - `markers()`: Markers stored along with the audio data.
    - `set_unwrap()`: Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.
    - `close()`: Close the file.

    Access via `__getitem__` or `__next__` is slow!
    Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts
    it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want!
    We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray .
    For details see
    When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to
    speed up `__getitem__` .

    def __init__(self, filepath=None, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0,
                 verbose=0, **meta_kwargs):
        self.format = None
        self.encoding = None
        self._metadata = None
        self._locs = None
        self._labels = None
        self._load_metadata = metadata
        self._load_markers = markers
        self._metadata_kwargs = meta_kwargs
        self.filepath = None
        self.sf = None
        self.close = self._close
        if filepath is not None:
  , buffersize, backsize, verbose)
    numpy_encodings = {np.dtype(np.int64): 'PCM_64',
                       np.dtype(np.int32): 'PCM_32',
                       np.dtype(np.int16): 'PCM_16',
                       np.dtype(np.single): 'FLOAT',
                       np.dtype(np.double): 'DOUBLE'}
    """ Map numpy dtypes to encodings.

    def _close(self):

    def __del__(self):

    def blocks(self, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None):
        """Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.

        block_size: int
            Len of data blocks to be returned.
        noverlap: int
            Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
        start: int
            Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
        stop: int
            Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.

        data: array
            Successive slices of the data managed by AudioLoader.

            `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`.

        Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap:
        from scipy.signal import spectrogram
        from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
        nfft = 2048
        with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
            for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
                f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                        nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)
        return blocks(self, block_size, noverlap, start, stop)

    def format_dict(self):
        """ Technical infos about how the data are stored in the file.

        fmt: dict
            Dictionary with filepath, format, encoding, samplingrate,
            channels, frames, and duration of the audio file as strings.

        fmt = dict(filepath=self.filepath)
        if self.format is not None:
            fmt['format'] = self.format
        if self.encoding is not None:
            fmt['encoding'] = self.encoding
        return fmt
    def metadata(self):
        """Metadata of the audio file.

        store_empty: bool
            If `False` do not add meta data with empty values.

        meta_data: nested dict

            Meta data contained in the audio file.  Keys of the nested
            dictionaries are always strings.  If the corresponding
            values are dictionaries, then the key is the section name
            of the metadata contained in the dictionary. All other
            types of values are values for the respective key. In
            particular they are strings. But other types like for
            example ints or floats are also allowed.  See
            `audioio.audiometadata` module for available functions to
            work with such metadata.

        if self._metadata is None:
            if self._load_metadata is None:
                self._metadata = {}
                self._metadata = self._load_metadata(self.filepath,
        return self._metadata

    def markers(self):
        """Read markers of the audio file.

        See `audioio.audiomarkers` module for available functions
        to work with markers.

        locs: 2-D array of ints
            Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column)
            for each marker (rows).
        labels: 2-D array of string objects
            Labels (first column) and texts (second column)
            for each marker (rows).
        if self._locs is None:
            if self._load_markers is None:
                self._locs = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int)
                self._labels = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=object)
                self._locs, self._labels = self._load_markers(self.filepath)
        return self._locs, self._labels 

    def set_unwrap(self, thresh, clips=False, down_scale=True, unit=''):
        """Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.

        See unwrap() function from the audioio package.

        thresh: float
            Threshold for detecting wrapped data relative to self.unwrap_ampl
            which is initially set to self.ampl_max.
            If zero, do not unwrap.
        clips: bool
            If True, then clip the unwrapped data properly.
            Otherwise, unwrap the data and double the
            minimum and maximum data range
            (self.ampl_min and self.ampl_max).
        down_scale: bool
            If not `clip`, then downscale the signal by a factor of two,
            in order to keep the range between -1 and 1.
        unit: str
            Unit of the data.
        self.unwrap_ampl = self.ampl_max
        self.unwrap_thresh = thresh
        self.unwrap_clips = clips
        self.unwrap_down_scale = down_scale
        self.unwrap = thresh > 1e-3
        if self.unwrap:
            if self.unwrap_clips:
                           self.unwrap_ampl, unit)
            elif down_scale:
                update_gain(self.metadata(), 0.5)
                           0.0, unit)
                self.ampl_min *= 2
                self.ampl_max *= 2
                           0.0, unit)

    # wave interface:        
    def open_wave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the wave module.

        Note: we assume that setpos() and tell() use integer numbers!

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The wave module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_wave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['wave']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.size = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf =, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.getframerate())
        self.format = 'WAV'
        sampwidth = self.sf.getsampwidth()
        if sampwidth == 1:
            self.dtype = 'u1'
            self.encoding = 'PCM_U8'
            self.dtype = f'i{sampwidth}' 
            self.encoding = f'PCM_{sampwidth*8}'
        self.factor = 1.0/(2.0**(sampwidth*8-1))
        self.channels = self.sf.getnchannels()
        self.frames = self.sf.getnframes()
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_wave
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wave
        # read 1 frame to determine the unit of the position values:
        self.p0 = self.sf.tell()
        self.pfac = self.sf.tell() - self.p0
        return self

    def _close_wave(self):
        """Close the audio file using the wave module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_wave(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the wave module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        self.sf.setpos(r_offset*self.pfac + self.p0)
        fbuffer = self.sf.readframes(r_size)
        fbuffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype=self.dtype).reshape((-1, self.channels))
        if self.dtype[0] == 'u':
            buffer[:, :] = fbuffer * self.factor - 1.0
            buffer[:, :] = fbuffer * self.factor

    # ewave interface:        
    def open_ewave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the ewave module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The ewave module is not installed.
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_ewave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['ewave']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf =, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.sampling_rate)
        self.channels = self.sf.nchannels
        self.frames = self.sf.nframes
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.format = 'WAV' # or WAVEX?
        self.encoding = self.numpy_encodings[self.sf.dtype]
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_ewave
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_ewave
        return self

    def _close_ewave(self):
        """Close the audio file using the ewave module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            del self.sf
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_ewave(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the ewave module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        fbuffer =, offset=r_offset, memmap='r')
        fbuffer = ewave.rescale(fbuffer, 'float')
        if len(fbuffer.shape) == 1:
            fbuffer = np.reshape(fbuffer,(-1, 1))
        buffer[:,:] = fbuffer
    # soundfile interface:        
    def open_soundfile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the SoundFile module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The SoundFile module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_soundfile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['soundfile']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = soundfile.SoundFile(filepath, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = 0
        self.size = 0
        if self.sf.seekable():
            self.frames =, soundfile.SEEK_END)
  , soundfile.SEEK_SET)
        # TODO: if not seekable, we cannot handle that file!
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.format = self.sf.format
        self.encoding = self.sf.subtype
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_soundfile
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_soundfile
        return self

    def _close_soundfile(self):
        """Close the audio file using the SoundFile module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_soundfile(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the SoundFile module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        """, soundfile.SEEK_SET)
        buffer[:, :] =, always_2d=True)

    # wavefile interface:        
    def open_wavefile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the wavefile module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The wavefile module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_wavefile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['wavefile']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = wavefile.WaveReader(filepath)
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = self.sf.frames
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        # get format and encoding:
        for attr in dir(wavefile.Format):
            v = getattr(wavefile.Format, attr)
            if isinstance(v, int):
                if v & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK > 0 and \
                   (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK) == v:
                    self.format = attr
                if v & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK > 0 and \
                   (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK) == v:
                    self.encoding = attr
        # init buffer:
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_wavefile
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wavefile
        return self

    def _close_wavefile(self):
        """Close the audio file using the wavefile module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_wavefile(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the wavefile module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        """, wavefile.Seek.SET)
        fbuffer = self.sf.buffer(r_size, dtype=self.buffer.dtype)
        buffer[:,:] = fbuffer.T

    # audioread interface:        
    def open_audioread(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the audioread module.

        Note, that audioread can only read forward, therefore random and
        backward access is really slow.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The audioread module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_audioread(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['audioread']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = audioread.audio_open(filepath)
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = int(np.ceil(self.samplerate*self.sf.duration))
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
        self.read_offset = 0
        self.close = self._close_audioread
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_audioread
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.sf_iter = self.sf.__iter__()
        return self

    def _close_audioread(self):
        """Close the audio file using the audioread module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf.__exit__(None, None, None)
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_audioread(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the audioread module.

        audioread can only iterate through a file once and in blocksizes that are
        given by audioread. Therefore we keep yet another buffer: `self.read_buffer`
        at file offset `self.read_offset` containing whatever audioread returned.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        b_offset = 0
        if ( self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] >= r_offset + r_size
             and self.read_offset < r_offset + r_size ):
            # read_buffer overlaps at the end of the requested interval:
            i = 0
            n = r_offset + r_size - self.read_offset
            if n > r_size:
                i += n - r_size
                n = r_size
            buffer[self.read_offset+i-r_offset:self.read_offset+i+n-r_offset,:] = self.read_buffer[i:i+n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from the front of the read buffer at {self.read_offset}-{self.read_offset+n} ({self.read_offset-self.offset}-{self.read_offset-self.offset+n} in buffer)')
            r_size -= n
            if r_size <= 0:
        # go back to beginning of file:
        if r_offset < self.read_offset:
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print('  rewind')
            self.sf = audioread.audio_open(self.filepath)
            self.sf_iter = self.sf.__iter__()
            self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
            self.read_offset = 0
        # read to position:
        while self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] < r_offset:
            self.read_offset += self.read_buffer.shape[0]
                if hasattr(self.sf_iter, 'next'):
                    fbuffer =
                    fbuffer = next(self.sf_iter)
            except StopIteration:
                self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
                buffer[:,:] = 0.0
                if self.verbose > 1:
                    print(f'  caught StopIteration, padded buffer with {r_size} zeros')
            self.read_buffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, self.channels)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  read forward by {self.read_buffer.shape[0]} frames')
        # recycle file data:
        if ( self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] > r_offset
             and self.read_offset <= r_offset ):
            i = r_offset - self.read_offset
            n = self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] - r_offset
            if n > r_size:
                n = r_size
            buffer[:n,:] = self.read_buffer[i:i+n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from the end of the read buffer at {self.read_offset}-{self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0]} to {r_offset}-{r_offset+n} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+n-self.offset} in buffer)')
            b_offset += n
            r_offset += n
            r_size -= n
        # read data:
        if self.verbose > 2 and r_size > 0:
            print(f'  read    {r_size:6d} frames at {r_offset}-{r_offset+r_size} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+r_size-self.offset} in buffer)')
        while r_size > 0:
            self.read_offset += self.read_buffer.shape[0]
                if hasattr(self.sf_iter, 'next'):
                    fbuffer =
                    fbuffer = next(self.sf_iter)
            except StopIteration:
                self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
                buffer[b_offset:,:] = 0.0
                if self.verbose > 1:
                    print(f'  caught StopIteration, padded buffer with {r_size} zeros')
            self.read_buffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, self.channels)
            n = self.read_buffer.shape[0]
            if n > r_size:
                n = r_size
            if n > 0:
                buffer[b_offset:b_offset+n,:] = self.read_buffer[:n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
                if self.verbose > 2:
                    print(f'    read  {n:6d} frames to {r_offset}-{r_offset+n} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+n-self.offset} in buffer)')
                b_offset += n
                r_offset += n
                r_size -= n

    def open(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            Empty `filepath`.
            `filepath` is not an existing file.
            File size of `filepath` is zero.
            Failed to load data.
        self.buffer = np.array([])
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        if not filepath:
            raise ValueError('input argument filepath is empty string!')
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{filepath}" not found')
        if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 0:
            raise EOFError(f'file "{filepath}" is empty (size=0)!')
        # list of implemented open functions:
        audio_open_funcs = (
            ('soundfile', self.open_soundfile),
            ('wave', self.open_wave),
            ('wavefile', self.open_wavefile),
            ('ewave', self.open_ewave),
            ('audioread', self.open_audioread),
        # open an audio file by trying various modules:
        not_installed = []
        errors = [f'failed to load data from file "{filepath}":']
        for lib, open_file in audio_open_funcs:
            if not audio_modules[lib]:
                if verbose > 1:
                    print(f'unable to load data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module: module not available')
                open_file(filepath, buffersize, backsize, verbose-1)
                if self.frames > 0:
                    if verbose > 0:
                        print(f'opened audio file "{filepath}" using {lib}')
                        if verbose > 1:
                            if self.format is not None:
                                print(f'  format       : {self.format}')
                            if self.encoding is not None:
                                print(f'  encoding     : {self.encoding}')
                            print(f'  sampling rate: {self.samplerate} Hz')
                            print(f'  channels     : {self.channels}')
                            print(f'  frames       : {self.frames}')
                    return self
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append(f'  {lib} failed: {str(e)}')
                if verbose > 1:
        if len(not_installed) > 0:
            errors.append('\n  You may need to install one of the ' + \
              ', '.join(not_installed) + ' packages.')
        raise IOError('\n'.join(errors))
        return self

def demo(file_path, plot):
    """Demo of the audioloader functions.

    file_path: string
        File path of an audio file.
    plot: bool
        If True also plot the loaded data.
    print("try load_audio:")
    full_data, rate = load_audio(file_path, 1)
    if plot:
        plt.plot(np.arange(len(full_data))/rate, full_data[:,0])

    if audio_modules['soundfile'] and audio_modules['audioread']:
        print("cross check:")
        data1, rate1 = load_soundfile(file_path)
        data2, rate2 = load_audioread(file_path)
        n = min((len(data1), len(data2)))
        print(f"rms difference is {np.std(data1[:n]-data2[:n])}")
        if plot:
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(data1))/rate1, data1[:,0])
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(data2))/rate2, data2[:,0])
    print("try AudioLoader:")
    with AudioLoader(file_path, 4.0, 1.0, 1) as data:
        print(f'samplerate: {data.samplerate:0f}Hz')
        print(f'channels: {data.channels} {data.shape[1]}')
        print(f'frames: {len(data)} {data.shape[0]}')
        nframes = int(1.5*data.samplerate)
        # check access:
        print('check random single frame access')
        for inx in np.random.randint(0, len(data), 1000):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx] - data[inx]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('single random frame access failed', inx, full_data[inx], data[inx])
        print('check random frame slice access')
        for inx in np.random.randint(0, len(data)-nframes, 1000):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('random frame slice access failed', inx)
        print('check frame slice access forward')
        for inx in range(0, len(data)-nframes, 10):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('frame slice access forward failed', inx)
        print('check frame slice access backward')
        for inx in range(len(data)-nframes, 0, -10):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('frame slice access backward failed', inx)
        # forward:
        for i in range(0, len(data), nframes):
            print(f'forward {i}-{i+nframes}')
            x = data[i:i+nframes,0]
            if plot:
                plt.plot((i+np.arange(len(x)))/rate, x)
        # and backwards:
        for i in reversed(range(0, len(data), nframes)):
            print(f'backward {i}-{i+nframes}')
            x = data[i:i+nframes,0]
            if plot:
                plt.plot((i+np.arange(len(x)))/rate, x)

def main(*args):
    """Call demo with command line arguments.

    args: list of strings
        Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:]
    print("Checking audioloader module ...")

    help = False
    plot = False
    file_path = None
    mod = False
    for arg in args:
        if mod:
            if not select_module(arg):
                print(f'can not select module {arg} that is not installed')
            mod = False
        elif arg == '-h':
            help = True
        elif arg == '-p':
            plot = True
        elif arg == '-m':
            mod = True
            file_path = arg

    if help:
        print('  python -m src.audioio.audioloader [-m <module>] [-p] <audio/file.wav>')
        print('  -m: audio module to be used')
        print('  -p: plot loaded data')

    if plot:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    demo(file_path, plot)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Global variables

var audio_loader_funcs

List of implemented load() functions.

Each element of the list is a tuple with the module's name and its load() function.


def main(*args)

Call demo with command line arguments.


args : list of strings
Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:]
Expand source code
def main(*args):
    """Call demo with command line arguments.

    args: list of strings
        Command line arguments as provided by sys.argv[1:]
    print("Checking audioloader module ...")

    help = False
    plot = False
    file_path = None
    mod = False
    for arg in args:
        if mod:
            if not select_module(arg):
                print(f'can not select module {arg} that is not installed')
            mod = False
        elif arg == '-h':
            help = True
        elif arg == '-p':
            plot = True
        elif arg == '-m':
            mod = True
            file_path = arg

    if help:
        print('  python -m src.audioio.audioloader [-m <module>] [-p] <audio/file.wav>')
        print('  -m: audio module to be used')
        print('  -p: plot loaded data')

    if plot:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    demo(file_path, plot)
def load_wave(filepath)

Load wav file using the wave module from pythons standard libray.



filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The wave module is not installed

* Loading of the data failed

Expand source code
def load_wave(filepath):
    """Load wav file using the wave module from pythons standard libray.

    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The wave module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['wave']:
        raise ImportError

    wf =, 'r')   # 'with' is not supported by wave
    (nchannels, sampwidth, rate, nframes, comptype, compname) = wf.getparams()
    buffer = wf.readframes(nframes)
    factor = 2.0**(sampwidth*8-1)
    if sampwidth == 1:
        dtype = 'u1'
        buffer = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1, nchannels)
        data = buffer.astype('d')/factor - 1.0
        dtype = f'i{sampwidth}' 
        buffer = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=dtype).reshape(-1, nchannels)
        data = buffer.astype('d')/factor
    return data, float(rate)
def load_ewave(filepath)

Load wav file using ewave module.



filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The ewave module is not installed

* Loading of the data failed

Expand source code
def load_ewave(filepath):
    """Load wav file using ewave module.


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The ewave module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['ewave']:
        raise ImportError

    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with, 'r') as wf:
        rate = wf.sampling_rate
        buffer =
        data = ewave.rescale(buffer, 'float')
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        data = np.reshape(data,(-1, 1))
    return data, float(rate)
def load_wavfile(filepath)

Load wav file using

Documentation Does not support blocked read.


filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The module is not installed

* Loading of the data failed

Expand source code
def load_wavfile(filepath):
    """Load wav file using

    Does not support blocked read.
    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The module is not installed
        Loading of the data failed
    if not audio_modules['']:
        raise ImportError

    rate, data =
    if data.dtype == np.uint8:
        data = data / 128.0 - 1.0
    elif np.issubdtype(data.dtype, np.signedinteger):
        data = data / (2.0**(data.dtype.itemsize*8-1))
        data = data.astype(np.float64, copy=False)
    if len(data.shape) == 1:
        data = np.reshape(data,(-1, 1))
    return data, float(rate)
def load_soundfile(filepath)

Load audio file using SoundFile (based on libsndfile).



filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The soundfile module is not installed.

* Loading of the data failed.

Expand source code
def load_soundfile(filepath):
    """Load audio file using SoundFile (based on libsndfile).


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The soundfile module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['soundfile']:
        raise ImportError

    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with soundfile.SoundFile(filepath, 'r') as sf:
        rate = sf.samplerate
        data =, dtype='float64', always_2d=True)
    return data, float(rate)
def load_wavefile(filepath)

Load audio file using wavefile (based on libsndfile).



filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The wavefile module is not installed.

* Loading of the data failed.

Expand source code
def load_wavefile(filepath):
    """Load audio file using wavefile (based on libsndfile).


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The wavefile module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['wavefile']:
        raise ImportError

    rate, data = wavefile.load(filepath)
    return data.astype(np.float64, copy=False).T, float(rate)
def load_audioread(filepath)

Load audio file using audioread.



filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


The audioread module is not installed.

* Loading of the data failed.

Expand source code
def load_audioread(filepath):
    """Load audio file using audioread.


    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, first dimension is time, second is channel.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        The audioread module is not installed.
        Loading of the data failed.
    if not audio_modules['audioread']:
        raise ImportError
    data = np.array([])
    rate = 0.0
    with audioread.audio_open(filepath) as af:
        rate = af.samplerate
        data = np.zeros((int(np.ceil(af.samplerate*af.duration)), af.channels),
        index = 0
        for buffer in af:
            fulldata = np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, af.channels)
            n = fulldata.shape[0]
            if index + n > len(data):
                n = len(fulldata) - index
            if n <= 0:
            data[index:index+n,:] = fulldata[:n,:]
            index += n
    return data/(2.0**15-1.0), float(rate)
def load_audio(filepath, verbose=0)

Call this function to load all channels of audio data from a file.

This function tries different python modules to load the audio file.


filepath : string
The full path and name of the file to load.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


data : array
All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, even for single channel data. First dimension is time, second is channel. Data values range maximally between -1 and 1.
rate : float
The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.


Empty filepath.
filepath is not an existing file.
File size of filepath is zero.
Failed to load data.


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from audioio import load_audio

data, rate = load_audio('some/audio.wav')
plt.plot(np.arange(len(data))/rate, data[:,0])
Expand source code
def load_audio(filepath, verbose=0):
    """Call this function to load all channels of audio data from a file.
    This function tries different python modules to load the audio file.

    filepath: string
        The full path and name of the file to load.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

    data: array
        All data traces as an 2-D numpy array, even for single channel data.
        First dimension is time, second is channel.
        Data values range maximally between -1 and 1.
    rate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in Hertz.

        Empty `filepath`.
        `filepath` is not an existing file.
        File size of `filepath` is zero.
        Failed to load data.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from audioio import load_audio
    data, rate = load_audio('some/audio.wav')
    plt.plot(np.arange(len(data))/rate, data[:,0])
    # check values:
    if filepath is None or len(filepath) == 0:
        raise ValueError('input argument filepath is empty string!')
    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{filepath}" not found')
    if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 0:
        raise EOFError(f'file "{filepath}" is empty (size=0)!')

    # load an audio file by trying various modules:
    not_installed = []
    errors = [f'failed to load data from file "{filepath}":']
    for lib, load_file in audio_loader_funcs:
        if not audio_modules[lib]:
            if verbose > 1:
                print(f'unable to load data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module: module not available')
            data, rate = load_file(filepath)
            if len(data) > 0:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print(f'loaded data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module')
                    if verbose > 1:
                        print(f'  sampling rate: {rate:g} Hz')
                        print(f'  channels     : {data.shape[1]}')
                        print(f'  frames       : {len(data)}')
                return data, rate
        except Exception as e:
            errors.append(f'  {lib} failed: {str(e)}')
            if verbose > 1:
    if len(not_installed) > 0:
        errors.append('\n  You may need to install one of the ' + \
          ', '.join(not_installed) + ' packages.')
    raise IOError('\n'.join(errors))
    return np.zeros(0), 0.0
def metadata(filepath, store_empty=False)

Read metadata of an audio file.


filepath : string or file handle
The audio file from which to read metadata.
store_empty : bool
If False do not return meta data with empty values.


meta_data : nested dict
Meta data contained in the audio file. Keys of the nested dictionaries are always strings. If the corresponding values are dictionaries, then the key is the section name of the metadata contained in the dictionary. All other types of values are values for the respective key. In particular they are strings. But other types like for example ints or floats are also allowed. See audioio.audiometadata module for available functions to work with such metadata.


from audioio import metadata, print_metadata
md = metadata('data.wav')
Expand source code
def metadata(filepath, store_empty=False):
    """Read metadata of an audio file.

    filepath: string or file handle
        The audio file from which to read metadata.
    store_empty: bool
        If `False` do not return meta data with empty values.

    meta_data: nested dict
        Meta data contained in the audio file.  Keys of the nested
        dictionaries are always strings.  If the corresponding values
        are dictionaries, then the key is the section name of the
        metadata contained in the dictionary. All other types of
        values are values for the respective key. In particular they
        are strings. But other types like for example ints or floats
        are also allowed.  See `audioio.audiometadata` module for
        available functions to work with such metadata.

    from audioio import metadata, print_metadata
    md = metadata('data.wav')

        return metadata_riff(filepath, store_empty)
    except ValueError: # not a RIFF file
        return {}
def markers(filepath)

Read markers of an audio file.

See audioio.audiomarkers module for available functions to work with markers.


filepath : string or file handle
The audio file.


locs : 2-D array of ints
Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column) for each marker (rows).
labels : 2-D array of string objects
Labels (first column) and texts (second column) for each marker (rows).


from audioio import markers, print_markers
locs, labels = markers('data.wav')
print_markers(locs, labels)
Expand source code
def markers(filepath):
    """ Read markers of an audio file.

    See `audioio.audiomarkers` module for available functions
    to work with markers.

    filepath: string or file handle
        The audio file.

    locs: 2-D array of ints
        Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column)
        for each marker (rows).
    labels: 2-D array of string objects
        Labels (first column) and texts (second column)
        for each marker (rows).

    from audioio import markers, print_markers
    locs, labels = markers('data.wav')
    print_markers(locs, labels)
        return markers_riff(filepath)
    except ValueError: # not a RIFF file
        return np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int), np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=object)
def blocks(data, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None)

Generator for blockwise processing of array data.


data : array
Data to loop over. First dimension is time.
block_size : int
Len of data blocks to be returned.
noverlap : int
Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
start : int
Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
stop : int
Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.


data : array
Successive slices of the input data.


noverlap larger or equal to block_size.


import numpy as np
from audioio import blocks
data = np.arange(20)
for x in blocks(data, 6, 2):

results in

[0 1 2 3 4 5]
[4 5 6 7 8 9]
[ 8  9 10 11 12 13]
[12 13 14 15 16 17]
[16 17 18 19]

Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap:

from scipy.signal import spectrogram
from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
nfft = 2048
with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
    for x in blocks(data, 100*nfft, nfft//2):
        f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)
Expand source code
def blocks(data, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None):
    """Generator for blockwise processing of array data.

    data: array
        Data to loop over. First dimension is time.
    block_size: int
        Len of data blocks to be returned.
    noverlap: int
        Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
    start: int
        Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
    stop: int
        Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.

    data: array
        Successive slices of the input data.

        `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`.

    import numpy as np
    from audioio import blocks
    data = np.arange(20)
    for x in blocks(data, 6, 2):
    results in
    [0 1 2 3 4 5]
    [4 5 6 7 8 9]
    [ 8  9 10 11 12 13]
    [12 13 14 15 16 17]
    [16 17 18 19]

    Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a
    spectrogram with overlap:
    from scipy.signal import spectrogram
    from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
    nfft = 2048
    with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in blocks(data, 100*nfft, nfft//2):
            f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                    nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)

    if noverlap >= block_size:
        raise ValueError(f'noverlap={noverlap} larger than block_size={block_size}')
    if stop is None:
        stop = len(data)
    m = block_size - noverlap
    n = (stop-start-noverlap)//m
    if n == 0:
        yield data[start:stop]
        for k in range(n):
            yield data[start+k*m:start+k*m+block_size]
        if stop - start - (k*m+block_size) > 0:
            yield data[start+(k+1)*m:]
def demo(file_path, plot)

Demo of the audioloader functions.


file_path : string
File path of an audio file.
plot : bool
If True also plot the loaded data.
Expand source code
def demo(file_path, plot):
    """Demo of the audioloader functions.

    file_path: string
        File path of an audio file.
    plot: bool
        If True also plot the loaded data.
    print("try load_audio:")
    full_data, rate = load_audio(file_path, 1)
    if plot:
        plt.plot(np.arange(len(full_data))/rate, full_data[:,0])

    if audio_modules['soundfile'] and audio_modules['audioread']:
        print("cross check:")
        data1, rate1 = load_soundfile(file_path)
        data2, rate2 = load_audioread(file_path)
        n = min((len(data1), len(data2)))
        print(f"rms difference is {np.std(data1[:n]-data2[:n])}")
        if plot:
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(data1))/rate1, data1[:,0])
            plt.plot(np.arange(len(data2))/rate2, data2[:,0])
    print("try AudioLoader:")
    with AudioLoader(file_path, 4.0, 1.0, 1) as data:
        print(f'samplerate: {data.samplerate:0f}Hz')
        print(f'channels: {data.channels} {data.shape[1]}')
        print(f'frames: {len(data)} {data.shape[0]}')
        nframes = int(1.5*data.samplerate)
        # check access:
        print('check random single frame access')
        for inx in np.random.randint(0, len(data), 1000):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx] - data[inx]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('single random frame access failed', inx, full_data[inx], data[inx])
        print('check random frame slice access')
        for inx in np.random.randint(0, len(data)-nframes, 1000):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('random frame slice access failed', inx)
        print('check frame slice access forward')
        for inx in range(0, len(data)-nframes, 10):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('frame slice access forward failed', inx)
        print('check frame slice access backward')
        for inx in range(len(data)-nframes, 0, -10):
            if np.any(np.abs(full_data[inx:inx+nframes] - data[inx:inx+nframes]) > 2.0**(-14)):
                print('frame slice access backward failed', inx)
        # forward:
        for i in range(0, len(data), nframes):
            print(f'forward {i}-{i+nframes}')
            x = data[i:i+nframes,0]
            if plot:
                plt.plot((i+np.arange(len(x)))/rate, x)
        # and backwards:
        for i in reversed(range(0, len(data), nframes)):
            print(f'backward {i}-{i+nframes}')
            x = data[i:i+nframes,0]
            if plot:
                plt.plot((i+np.arange(len(x)))/rate, x)


class BufferArray (verbose=0)

Random access to 2D data of which only a part is held in memory.

This is a base class for accessing large audio recordings either from a file (class AudioLoader) or by computing its contents. The BufferArray behaves like a single big ndarray with first dimension indexing the frames and second dimension indexing the channels of the audio data. Internally it only holds a part of the data in memory.

Classes inheriting BufferArray just need to implement

self.load_buffer(offset, size, buffer)

This function needs to load the supplied 2-D buffer with size frames of data starting at offset.

In the constructor or some kind of opening function, you need to set the following member variables, followed by a call to _init_buffer():

self.samplerate      # number of frames per second
self.channels        # number of channels per frame
self.frames          # total number of frames
self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)        
self.ndim            # number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels)
self.size            # total number of samples: frames times channels
self.buffersize      # number of frames the buffer should hold
self.backsize        # number of frames kept for moving back


verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


samplerate : float
The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
channels : int
The number of channels.
frames : int
The number of frames. Same as len().
shape : tuple
Frames and channels of the data.
ndim : int
Number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels).
size : int
Total number of samples: frames times channels.
offset : int
Index of first frame in the current buffer.
buffer : array of floats
The curently available data.
ampl_min : float
Minimum amplitude the data supports.
ampl_max : float
Maximum amplitude the data supports.


  • len(): Number of frames.
  • __getitem__: Access data.
  • update_buffer(): Update the buffer for a range of frames.
  • load_buffer(): Load a range of frames into a buffer.


Access via __getitem__ or __next__ is slow! Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want! We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray . For details see When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to speed up __getitem__ .

Expand source code
class BufferArray(object):
    """Random access to 2D data of which only a part is held in memory.
    This is a base class for accessing large audio recordings either
    from a file (class AudioLoader) or by computing its contents.  The
    BufferArray behaves like a single big ndarray with first dimension
    indexing the frames and second dimension indexing the channels of
    the audio data. Internally it only holds a part of the data in

    Classes inheriting BufferArray just need to implement
    self.load_buffer(offset, size, buffer)
    This function needs to load the supplied 2-D `buffer` with `size`
    frames of data starting at `offset`.

    In the constructor or some kind of opening function, you need to
    set the following member variables, followed by a call to
    self.samplerate      # number of frames per second
    self.channels        # number of channels per frame
    self.frames          # total number of frames
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)        
    self.ndim            # number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels)
    self.size            # total number of samples: frames times channels
    self.buffersize      # number of frames the buffer should hold
    self.backsize        # number of frames kept for moving back
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

    samplerate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
    channels: int
        The number of channels.
    frames: int
        The number of frames. Same as `len()`.
    shape: tuple
        Frames and channels of the data.
    ndim: int
        Number of dimensions: always 2 (frames and channels).
    size: int
        Total number of samples: frames times channels.
    offset: int
        Index of first frame in the current buffer.
    buffer: array of floats
        The curently available data.
    ampl_min: float
        Minimum amplitude the data supports.
    ampl_max: float
        Maximum amplitude the data supports.

    - `len()`: Number of frames.
    - `__getitem__`: Access data.
    - `update_buffer()`: Update the buffer for a range of frames.
    - `load_buffer()`: Load a range of frames into a buffer.

    Access via `__getitem__` or `__next__` is slow!
    Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts
    it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want!
    We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray .
    For details see
    When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to
    speed up `__getitem__` .

    def __init__(self, verbose=0):
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.ndim = 2
        self.size = 0
        self.ampl_min = -1.0
        self.ampl_max = +1.0
        self.offset = 0
        self.buffersize = 0
        self.backsize = 0
        self.buffer = np.zeros((0, 0))
        self.unwrap = False
        self.unwrap_thresh = 0.0
        self.unwrap_clips = False
        self.unwrap_ampl = 1.0
        self.unwrap_downscale = True
        self.verbose = verbose

    def __enter__(self):
        return self
    def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, tb):
        return (ex_value is None)
    def __len__(self):
        return self.frames

    def __iter__(self):
        self.iter_counter = -1
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        self.iter_counter += 1
        if self.iter_counter >= self.frames:
            raise StopIteration
            self.update_buffer(self.iter_counter, self.iter_counter + 1)
            return self.buffer[self.iter_counter - self.offset,:]

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """Access data of the audio file."""
        if type(key) is tuple:
            index = key[0]
            index = key
        if isinstance(index, slice):
            start = index.start
            stop = index.stop
            step = index.step
            if start is None:
                start = int(start)
            if start < 0:
                start += len(self)
            if stop is None:
                stop = len(self)
                stop = int(stop)
            if stop < 0:
                stop += len(self)
            if stop > self.frames:
                stop = self.frames
            if step is None:
                step = 1
                step = int(step)
            self.update_buffer(start, stop)
            newindex = slice(start-self.offset, stop-self.offset, step)
        elif hasattr(index, '__len__'):
            index = [inx if inx >= 0 else inx+len(self) for inx in index]
            start = min(index)
            stop = max(index)
            self.update_buffer(start, stop+1)
            newindex = [inx-self.offset for inx in index]
            if index > self.frames:
                raise IndexError
            index = int(index)
            if index < 0:
                index += len(self)
            self.update_buffer(index, index+1)
            newindex = index-self.offset
        if type(key) is tuple:
            newkey = (newindex,) + key[1:]
            return self.buffer[newkey]
            return self.buffer[newindex]

    def _init_buffer(self):
        """Allocate a buffer with zero frames but all the channels."""
        self.buffer = np.empty((0, self.channels))
        self.offset = 0

    def update_buffer(self, start, stop):
        """Make sure that the buffer contains data between start and stop.

        start: int
            Index of the first frame for the buffer.
        stop: int
            Index of the last frame for the buffer.
        if start < self.offset or stop > self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0]:
            offset, size = self._read_indices(start, stop)
            r_offset, r_size = self._recycle_buffer(offset, size)
            self.offset = offset
            # load buffer content from file, this is backend specific:
            data = self.buffer[r_offset-self.offset:
            self.load_buffer(r_offset, r_size, data)
            if self.unwrap:
                # TODO: handle edge effects!
                unwrap(data, self.unwrap_thresh, self.unwrap_ampl)
                if self.unwrap_clips:
                    data[data > self.ampl_max] = self.ampl_max
                    data[data < self.ampl_min] = self.ampl_min
                elif self.unwrap_down_scale:
                    data *= 0.5
            if self.verbose > 1:
                print(f'  loaded {self.buffer.shape[0]} frames from {self.offset} up to {self.offset+self.buffer.shape[0]}')

    def _read_indices(self, start, stop):
        """Compute position and size for next read from file.

        This takes buffersize and backsize into account.

        start: int
            Index of the first requested frame.
        stop: int
            Index of the last requested frame.

        offset: int
           Frame index for the first frame in the buffer.
        size: int
           Number of frames the buffer should hold.
        offset = start
        size = stop - start
        if size < self.buffersize:
            back = self.backsize
            if self.buffersize - size < back:
                back = self.buffersize - size
            offset -= back
            size = self.buffersize
            if offset < 0:
                offset = 0
            if offset + size > self.frames:
                offset = self.frames - size
                if offset < 0:
                    offset = 0
                    size = self.frames - offset
        if self.verbose > 2:
            print(f'  request {size:6d} frames at {offset}-{offset+size}')
        return offset, size

    def _recycle_buffer(self, offset, size):
        """Recycle buffer contents and return indices for data to be loaded from file.

        Move already existing parts of the buffer to their new position (as
        returned by _read_indices() ) and return position and size of
        data chunk that still needs to be loaded from file.

        offset: int
           Frame index for the first frame in the buffer.
        size: int
           Number of frames the buffer should hold.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        def allocate_buffer(size):
            """Make sure the buffer has the right size."""
            if size != self.buffer.shape[0]:
                self.buffer = np.empty((size, self.channels))

        r_offset = offset
        r_size = size
        if ( offset >= self.offset and
             offset < self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] ):
            i = self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] - offset
            n = i
            if n > size:
                n = size
            m = self.buffer.shape[0]
            buffer = self.buffer[-i:m-i+n,:]
            self.buffer[:n,:] = buffer
            r_offset += n
            r_size -= n
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset+m-i}-{self.offset+m-i+n} of the old {m}-sized buffer to the front at {offset}-{offset+n} ({0}-{n} in buffer)')
        elif ( offset + size > self.offset and
            offset + size <= self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0] ):
            n = offset + size - self.offset
            m = self.buffer.shape[0]
            buffer = self.buffer[:n,:]
            self.buffer[-n:,:] = buffer
            r_size -= n
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset}-{self.offset+n} of the old {m}-sized buffer to the end at {offset+size-n}-{offset+size} ({size-n}-{size} in buffer)')
        return r_offset, r_size



def update_buffer(self, start, stop)

Make sure that the buffer contains data between start and stop.


start : int
Index of the first frame for the buffer.
stop : int
Index of the last frame for the buffer.
Expand source code
def update_buffer(self, start, stop):
    """Make sure that the buffer contains data between start and stop.

    start: int
        Index of the first frame for the buffer.
    stop: int
        Index of the last frame for the buffer.
    if start < self.offset or stop > self.offset + self.buffer.shape[0]:
        offset, size = self._read_indices(start, stop)
        r_offset, r_size = self._recycle_buffer(offset, size)
        self.offset = offset
        # load buffer content from file, this is backend specific:
        data = self.buffer[r_offset-self.offset:
        self.load_buffer(r_offset, r_size, data)
        if self.unwrap:
            # TODO: handle edge effects!
            unwrap(data, self.unwrap_thresh, self.unwrap_ampl)
            if self.unwrap_clips:
                data[data > self.ampl_max] = self.ampl_max
                data[data < self.ampl_min] = self.ampl_min
            elif self.unwrap_down_scale:
                data *= 0.5
        if self.verbose > 1:
            print(f'  loaded {self.buffer.shape[0]} frames from {self.offset} up to {self.offset+self.buffer.shape[0]}')
class AudioLoader (filepath=None, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0, **meta_kwargs)

Buffered reading of audio data for random access of the data in the file.

The class allows for reading very large audio files that do not fit into memory. An AudioLoader instance can be used like a huge read-only numpy array, i.e.

data = AudioLoader('path/to/audio/file.wav')
x = data[10000:20000,0]

The first index specifies the frame, the second one the channel.

Behind the scenes AudioLoader tries to open the audio file with all available audio modules until it succeeds (first line). It then reads data from the file as necessary for the requested data (second line).

Reading sequentially through the file is always possible. Some modules, however, (e.g. audioread, needed for mp3 files) can only read forward. If previous data are requested, then the file is read from the beginning again. This slows down access to previous data considerably. Use the backsize argument of the open function to make sure some data are loaded into the buffer before the requested frame. Then a subsequent access to the data within backsize seconds before that frame can still be handled without the need to reread the file from the beginning.


With context management:

import audioio as aio
with aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0, 10.0) as data:
    # do something with the content of the file:
    x = data[0:10000]
    y = data[10000:20000]
    z = x + y

For using a specific audio module, here the audioread module:

data = aio.AudioLoader()
with data.open_audioread(filepath, 60.0, 10.0):
    # do something ...

Use blocks() for sequential, blockwise reading and processing:

from scipy.signal import spectrogram
nfft = 2048
with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
    for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
        f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)

For loop iterates over single frames (1-D arrays containing samples for each channel):

with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
    for x in data:

Traditional open and close:

data = aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0)
x = data[:,:]  # read the whole file

this is the same as:

data = aio.AudioLoader(), 60.0)


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.
store_empty : bool
If False do not return meta data with empty values.


filepath : str
Path and name of the file.
samplerate : float
The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
channels : int
The number of channels.
frames : int
The number of frames in the file. Same as len().
format : str or None
Format of the audio file.
encoding : str or None
Encoding/subtype of the audio file.
shape : tuple
Frames and channels of the data.
offset : int
Index of first frame in the current buffer.
buffer : array of floats
The curently available data from the file.
ampl_min : float
Minimum amplitude the file format supports. Always -1.0 for audio data.
ampl_max : float
Maximum amplitude the file format supports. Always +1.0 for audio data.


  • len(): Number of frames.
  • open(): Open an audio file by trying available audio modules.
  • open_*(): Open an audio file with the respective audio module.
  • __getitem__: Access data of the audio file.
  • update_buffer(): Update the internal buffer for a range of frames.
  • load_buffer(): Load a range of frames into a buffer.
  • blocks(): Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.
  • format_dict(): technical infos about how the data are stored.
  • metadata(): Metadata stored along with the audio data.
  • markers(): Markers stored along with the audio data.
  • set_unwrap(): Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.
  • close(): Close the file.


Access via __getitem__ or __next__ is slow! Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want! We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray . For details see When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to speed up __getitem__ .

Expand source code
class AudioLoader(BufferArray):
    """Buffered reading of audio data for random access of the data in the file.
    The class allows for reading very large audio files that do not
    fit into memory.
    An AudioLoader instance can be used like a huge read-only numpy array, i.e.
    data = AudioLoader('path/to/audio/file.wav')
    x = data[10000:20000,0]
    The first index specifies the frame, the second one the channel.

    Behind the scenes AudioLoader tries to open the audio file with
    all available audio modules until it succeeds (first line). It
    then reads data from the file as necessary for the requested data
    (second line).

    Reading sequentially through the file is always possible. Some
    modules, however, (e.g. audioread, needed for mp3 files) can only
    read forward. If previous data are requested, then the file is read
    from the beginning again. This slows down access to previous data
    considerably. Use the `backsize` argument of the open function to
    make sure some data are loaded into the buffer before the requested
    frame. Then a subsequent access to the data within backsize `seconds`
    before that frame can still be handled without the need to reread
    the file from the beginning.

    With context management:
    import audioio as aio
    with aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0, 10.0) as data:
        # do something with the content of the file:
        x = data[0:10000]
        y = data[10000:20000]
        z = x + y

    For using a specific audio module, here the audioread module:
    data = aio.AudioLoader()
    with data.open_audioread(filepath, 60.0, 10.0):
        # do something ...

    Use `blocks()` for sequential, blockwise reading and processing:
    from scipy.signal import spectrogram
    nfft = 2048
    with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
            f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                    nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)

    For loop iterates over single frames (1-D arrays containing samples for each channel):
    with aio.AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in data:
    Traditional open and close:
    data = aio.AudioLoader(filepath, 60.0)
    x = data[:,:]  # read the whole file
    this is the same as:
    data = aio.AudioLoader(), 60.0)
    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.
    store_empty: bool
        If `False` do not return meta data with empty values.

    filepath: str
        Path and name of the file.
    samplerate: float
        The sampling rate of the data in seconds.
    channels: int
        The number of channels.
    frames: int
        The number of frames in the file. Same as `len()`.
    format: str or None
        Format of the audio file.
    encoding: str or None
        Encoding/subtype of the audio file.
    shape: tuple
        Frames and channels of the data.
    offset: int
        Index of first frame in the current buffer.
    buffer: array of floats
        The curently available data from the file.
    ampl_min: float
        Minimum amplitude the file format supports.
        Always -1.0 for audio data.
    ampl_max: float
        Maximum amplitude the file format supports.
        Always +1.0 for audio data.

    - `len()`: Number of frames.
    - `open()`: Open an audio file by trying available audio modules.
    - `open_*()`: Open an audio file with the respective audio module.
    - `__getitem__`: Access data of the audio file.
    - `update_buffer()`: Update the internal buffer for a range of frames.
    - `load_buffer()`: Load a range of frames into a buffer.
    - `blocks()`: Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.
    - `format_dict()`: technical infos about how the data are stored.
    - `metadata()`: Metadata stored along with the audio data.
    - `markers()`: Markers stored along with the audio data.
    - `set_unwrap()`: Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.
    - `close()`: Close the file.

    Access via `__getitem__` or `__next__` is slow!
    Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts
    it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want!
    We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray .
    For details see
    When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to
    speed up `__getitem__` .

    def __init__(self, filepath=None, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0,
                 verbose=0, **meta_kwargs):
        self.format = None
        self.encoding = None
        self._metadata = None
        self._locs = None
        self._labels = None
        self._load_metadata = metadata
        self._load_markers = markers
        self._metadata_kwargs = meta_kwargs
        self.filepath = None
        self.sf = None
        self.close = self._close
        if filepath is not None:
  , buffersize, backsize, verbose)
    numpy_encodings = {np.dtype(np.int64): 'PCM_64',
                       np.dtype(np.int32): 'PCM_32',
                       np.dtype(np.int16): 'PCM_16',
                       np.dtype(np.single): 'FLOAT',
                       np.dtype(np.double): 'DOUBLE'}
    """ Map numpy dtypes to encodings.

    def _close(self):

    def __del__(self):

    def blocks(self, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None):
        """Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.

        block_size: int
            Len of data blocks to be returned.
        noverlap: int
            Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
        start: int
            Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
        stop: int
            Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.

        data: array
            Successive slices of the data managed by AudioLoader.

            `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`.

        Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap:
        from scipy.signal import spectrogram
        from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
        nfft = 2048
        with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
            for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
                f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                        nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)
        return blocks(self, block_size, noverlap, start, stop)

    def format_dict(self):
        """ Technical infos about how the data are stored in the file.

        fmt: dict
            Dictionary with filepath, format, encoding, samplingrate,
            channels, frames, and duration of the audio file as strings.

        fmt = dict(filepath=self.filepath)
        if self.format is not None:
            fmt['format'] = self.format
        if self.encoding is not None:
            fmt['encoding'] = self.encoding
        return fmt
    def metadata(self):
        """Metadata of the audio file.

        store_empty: bool
            If `False` do not add meta data with empty values.

        meta_data: nested dict

            Meta data contained in the audio file.  Keys of the nested
            dictionaries are always strings.  If the corresponding
            values are dictionaries, then the key is the section name
            of the metadata contained in the dictionary. All other
            types of values are values for the respective key. In
            particular they are strings. But other types like for
            example ints or floats are also allowed.  See
            `audioio.audiometadata` module for available functions to
            work with such metadata.

        if self._metadata is None:
            if self._load_metadata is None:
                self._metadata = {}
                self._metadata = self._load_metadata(self.filepath,
        return self._metadata

    def markers(self):
        """Read markers of the audio file.

        See `audioio.audiomarkers` module for available functions
        to work with markers.

        locs: 2-D array of ints
            Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column)
            for each marker (rows).
        labels: 2-D array of string objects
            Labels (first column) and texts (second column)
            for each marker (rows).
        if self._locs is None:
            if self._load_markers is None:
                self._locs = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int)
                self._labels = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=object)
                self._locs, self._labels = self._load_markers(self.filepath)
        return self._locs, self._labels 

    def set_unwrap(self, thresh, clips=False, down_scale=True, unit=''):
        """Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.

        See unwrap() function from the audioio package.

        thresh: float
            Threshold for detecting wrapped data relative to self.unwrap_ampl
            which is initially set to self.ampl_max.
            If zero, do not unwrap.
        clips: bool
            If True, then clip the unwrapped data properly.
            Otherwise, unwrap the data and double the
            minimum and maximum data range
            (self.ampl_min and self.ampl_max).
        down_scale: bool
            If not `clip`, then downscale the signal by a factor of two,
            in order to keep the range between -1 and 1.
        unit: str
            Unit of the data.
        self.unwrap_ampl = self.ampl_max
        self.unwrap_thresh = thresh
        self.unwrap_clips = clips
        self.unwrap_down_scale = down_scale
        self.unwrap = thresh > 1e-3
        if self.unwrap:
            if self.unwrap_clips:
                           self.unwrap_ampl, unit)
            elif down_scale:
                update_gain(self.metadata(), 0.5)
                           0.0, unit)
                self.ampl_min *= 2
                self.ampl_max *= 2
                           0.0, unit)

    # wave interface:        
    def open_wave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the wave module.

        Note: we assume that setpos() and tell() use integer numbers!

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The wave module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_wave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['wave']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.size = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf =, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.getframerate())
        self.format = 'WAV'
        sampwidth = self.sf.getsampwidth()
        if sampwidth == 1:
            self.dtype = 'u1'
            self.encoding = 'PCM_U8'
            self.dtype = f'i{sampwidth}' 
            self.encoding = f'PCM_{sampwidth*8}'
        self.factor = 1.0/(2.0**(sampwidth*8-1))
        self.channels = self.sf.getnchannels()
        self.frames = self.sf.getnframes()
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_wave
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wave
        # read 1 frame to determine the unit of the position values:
        self.p0 = self.sf.tell()
        self.pfac = self.sf.tell() - self.p0
        return self

    def _close_wave(self):
        """Close the audio file using the wave module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_wave(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the wave module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        self.sf.setpos(r_offset*self.pfac + self.p0)
        fbuffer = self.sf.readframes(r_size)
        fbuffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype=self.dtype).reshape((-1, self.channels))
        if self.dtype[0] == 'u':
            buffer[:, :] = fbuffer * self.factor - 1.0
            buffer[:, :] = fbuffer * self.factor

    # ewave interface:        
    def open_ewave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the ewave module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The ewave module is not installed.
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_ewave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['ewave']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf =, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.sampling_rate)
        self.channels = self.sf.nchannels
        self.frames = self.sf.nframes
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.format = 'WAV' # or WAVEX?
        self.encoding = self.numpy_encodings[self.sf.dtype]
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_ewave
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_ewave
        return self

    def _close_ewave(self):
        """Close the audio file using the ewave module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            del self.sf
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_ewave(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the ewave module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        fbuffer =, offset=r_offset, memmap='r')
        fbuffer = ewave.rescale(fbuffer, 'float')
        if len(fbuffer.shape) == 1:
            fbuffer = np.reshape(fbuffer,(-1, 1))
        buffer[:,:] = fbuffer
    # soundfile interface:        
    def open_soundfile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the SoundFile module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The SoundFile module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_soundfile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['soundfile']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = soundfile.SoundFile(filepath, 'r')
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = 0
        self.size = 0
        if self.sf.seekable():
            self.frames =, soundfile.SEEK_END)
  , soundfile.SEEK_SET)
        # TODO: if not seekable, we cannot handle that file!
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.format = self.sf.format
        self.encoding = self.sf.subtype
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_soundfile
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_soundfile
        return self

    def _close_soundfile(self):
        """Close the audio file using the SoundFile module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_soundfile(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the SoundFile module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        """, soundfile.SEEK_SET)
        buffer[:, :] =, always_2d=True)

    # wavefile interface:        
    def open_wavefile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the wavefile module.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The wavefile module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_wavefile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['wavefile']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = wavefile.WaveReader(filepath)
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = self.sf.frames
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        # get format and encoding:
        for attr in dir(wavefile.Format):
            v = getattr(wavefile.Format, attr)
            if isinstance(v, int):
                if v & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK > 0 and \
                   (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK) == v:
                    self.format = attr
                if v & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK > 0 and \
                   (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK) == v:
                    self.encoding = attr
        # init buffer:
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.close = self._close_wavefile
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wavefile
        return self

    def _close_wavefile(self):
        """Close the audio file using the wavefile module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_wavefile(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the wavefile module.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        """, wavefile.Seek.SET)
        fbuffer = self.sf.buffer(r_size, dtype=self.buffer.dtype)
        buffer[:,:] = fbuffer.T

    # audioread interface:        
    def open_audioread(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading using the audioread module.

        Note, that audioread can only read forward, therefore random and
        backward access is really slow.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            The audioread module is not installed
        self.verbose = verbose
        if self.verbose > 0:
            print(f'open_audioread(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
        if not audio_modules['audioread']:
            self.samplerate = 0.0
            self.channels = 0
            self.frames = 0
            self.shape = (0, 0)
            self.size = 0
            self.offset = 0
            raise ImportError
        if self.sf is not None:
        self.sf = audioread.audio_open(filepath)
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
        self.channels = self.sf.channels
        self.frames = int(np.ceil(self.samplerate*self.sf.duration))
        self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
        self.size = self.frames * self.channels
        self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
        self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
        self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
        self.read_offset = 0
        self.close = self._close_audioread
        self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_audioread
        self.filepath = filepath
        self.sf_iter = self.sf.__iter__()
        return self

    def _close_audioread(self):
        """Close the audio file using the audioread module. """
        if self.sf is not None:
            self.sf.__exit__(None, None, None)
            self.sf = None

    def _load_buffer_audioread(self, r_offset, r_size, buffer):
        """Load new data from file using the audioread module.

        audioread can only iterate through a file once and in blocksizes that are
        given by audioread. Therefore we keep yet another buffer: `self.read_buffer`
        at file offset `self.read_offset` containing whatever audioread returned.

        r_offset: int
           First frame to be read from file.
        r_size: int
           Number of frames to be read from file.
        buffer: ndarray
           Buffer where to store the loaded data.
        b_offset = 0
        if ( self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] >= r_offset + r_size
             and self.read_offset < r_offset + r_size ):
            # read_buffer overlaps at the end of the requested interval:
            i = 0
            n = r_offset + r_size - self.read_offset
            if n > r_size:
                i += n - r_size
                n = r_size
            buffer[self.read_offset+i-r_offset:self.read_offset+i+n-r_offset,:] = self.read_buffer[i:i+n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from the front of the read buffer at {self.read_offset}-{self.read_offset+n} ({self.read_offset-self.offset}-{self.read_offset-self.offset+n} in buffer)')
            r_size -= n
            if r_size <= 0:
        # go back to beginning of file:
        if r_offset < self.read_offset:
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print('  rewind')
            self.sf = audioread.audio_open(self.filepath)
            self.sf_iter = self.sf.__iter__()
            self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
            self.read_offset = 0
        # read to position:
        while self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] < r_offset:
            self.read_offset += self.read_buffer.shape[0]
                if hasattr(self.sf_iter, 'next'):
                    fbuffer =
                    fbuffer = next(self.sf_iter)
            except StopIteration:
                self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
                buffer[:,:] = 0.0
                if self.verbose > 1:
                    print(f'  caught StopIteration, padded buffer with {r_size} zeros')
            self.read_buffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, self.channels)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  read forward by {self.read_buffer.shape[0]} frames')
        # recycle file data:
        if ( self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] > r_offset
             and self.read_offset <= r_offset ):
            i = r_offset - self.read_offset
            n = self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0] - r_offset
            if n > r_size:
                n = r_size
            buffer[:n,:] = self.read_buffer[i:i+n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
            if self.verbose > 2:
                print(f'  recycle {n:6d} frames from the end of the read buffer at {self.read_offset}-{self.read_offset + self.read_buffer.shape[0]} to {r_offset}-{r_offset+n} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+n-self.offset} in buffer)')
            b_offset += n
            r_offset += n
            r_size -= n
        # read data:
        if self.verbose > 2 and r_size > 0:
            print(f'  read    {r_size:6d} frames at {r_offset}-{r_offset+r_size} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+r_size-self.offset} in buffer)')
        while r_size > 0:
            self.read_offset += self.read_buffer.shape[0]
                if hasattr(self.sf_iter, 'next'):
                    fbuffer =
                    fbuffer = next(self.sf_iter)
            except StopIteration:
                self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
                buffer[b_offset:,:] = 0.0
                if self.verbose > 1:
                    print(f'  caught StopIteration, padded buffer with {r_size} zeros')
            self.read_buffer = np.frombuffer(fbuffer, dtype='<i2').reshape(-1, self.channels)
            n = self.read_buffer.shape[0]
            if n > r_size:
                n = r_size
            if n > 0:
                buffer[b_offset:b_offset+n,:] = self.read_buffer[:n,:] / (2.0**15-1.0)
                if self.verbose > 2:
                    print(f'    read  {n:6d} frames to {r_offset}-{r_offset+n} ({r_offset-self.offset}-{r_offset+n-self.offset} in buffer)')
                b_offset += n
                r_offset += n
                r_size -= n

    def open(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
        """Open audio file for reading.

        filepath: string
            Name of the file.
        buffersize: float
            Size of internal buffer in seconds.
        backsize: float
            Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
        verbose: int
            If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

            Empty `filepath`.
            `filepath` is not an existing file.
            File size of `filepath` is zero.
            Failed to load data.
        self.buffer = np.array([])
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        if not filepath:
            raise ValueError('input argument filepath is empty string!')
        if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
            raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{filepath}" not found')
        if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 0:
            raise EOFError(f'file "{filepath}" is empty (size=0)!')
        # list of implemented open functions:
        audio_open_funcs = (
            ('soundfile', self.open_soundfile),
            ('wave', self.open_wave),
            ('wavefile', self.open_wavefile),
            ('ewave', self.open_ewave),
            ('audioread', self.open_audioread),
        # open an audio file by trying various modules:
        not_installed = []
        errors = [f'failed to load data from file "{filepath}":']
        for lib, open_file in audio_open_funcs:
            if not audio_modules[lib]:
                if verbose > 1:
                    print(f'unable to load data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module: module not available')
                open_file(filepath, buffersize, backsize, verbose-1)
                if self.frames > 0:
                    if verbose > 0:
                        print(f'opened audio file "{filepath}" using {lib}')
                        if verbose > 1:
                            if self.format is not None:
                                print(f'  format       : {self.format}')
                            if self.encoding is not None:
                                print(f'  encoding     : {self.encoding}')
                            print(f'  sampling rate: {self.samplerate} Hz')
                            print(f'  channels     : {self.channels}')
                            print(f'  frames       : {self.frames}')
                    return self
            except Exception as e:
                errors.append(f'  {lib} failed: {str(e)}')
                if verbose > 1:
        if len(not_installed) > 0:
            errors.append('\n  You may need to install one of the ' + \
              ', '.join(not_installed) + ' packages.')
        raise IOError('\n'.join(errors))
        return self


Class variables

var numpy_encodings

Map numpy dtypes to encodings.


def blocks(self, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None)

Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.


block_size : int
Len of data blocks to be returned.
noverlap : int
Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
start : int
Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
stop : int
Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.


data : array
Successive slices of the data managed by AudioLoader.


noverlap larger or equal to block_size.


Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap:

from scipy.signal import spectrogram
from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
nfft = 2048
with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
    for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
        f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)
Expand source code
def blocks(self, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None):
    """Generator for blockwise processing of AudioLoader data.

    block_size: int
        Len of data blocks to be returned.
    noverlap: int
        Number of indices successive data points should overlap.
    start: int
        Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data.
    stop: int
        Optional last index until which to return blocks of data.

    data: array
        Successive slices of the data managed by AudioLoader.

        `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`.

    Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap:
    from scipy.signal import spectrogram
    from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks
    nfft = 2048
    with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data:
        for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2):
            f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.samplerate,
                                    nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2)
    return blocks(self, block_size, noverlap, start, stop)
def format_dict(self)

Technical infos about how the data are stored in the file.


fmt : dict
Dictionary with filepath, format, encoding, samplingrate, channels, frames, and duration of the audio file as strings.
Expand source code
def format_dict(self):
    """ Technical infos about how the data are stored in the file.

    fmt: dict
        Dictionary with filepath, format, encoding, samplingrate,
        channels, frames, and duration of the audio file as strings.

    fmt = dict(filepath=self.filepath)
    if self.format is not None:
        fmt['format'] = self.format
    if self.encoding is not None:
        fmt['encoding'] = self.encoding
    return fmt
def metadata(self)

Metadata of the audio file.


store_empty : bool
If False do not add meta data with empty values.


meta_data : nested dict
Meta data contained in the audio file. Keys of the nested dictionaries are always strings. If the corresponding values are dictionaries, then the key is the section name of the metadata contained in the dictionary. All other types of values are values for the respective key. In particular they are strings. But other types like for example ints or floats are also allowed. See audioio.audiometadata module for available functions to work with such metadata.
Expand source code
def metadata(self):
    """Metadata of the audio file.

    store_empty: bool
        If `False` do not add meta data with empty values.

    meta_data: nested dict

        Meta data contained in the audio file.  Keys of the nested
        dictionaries are always strings.  If the corresponding
        values are dictionaries, then the key is the section name
        of the metadata contained in the dictionary. All other
        types of values are values for the respective key. In
        particular they are strings. But other types like for
        example ints or floats are also allowed.  See
        `audioio.audiometadata` module for available functions to
        work with such metadata.

    if self._metadata is None:
        if self._load_metadata is None:
            self._metadata = {}
            self._metadata = self._load_metadata(self.filepath,
    return self._metadata
def markers(self)

Read markers of the audio file.

See audioio.audiomarkers module for available functions to work with markers.


locs : 2-D array of ints
Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column) for each marker (rows).
labels : 2-D array of string objects
Labels (first column) and texts (second column) for each marker (rows).
Expand source code
def markers(self):
    """Read markers of the audio file.

    See `audioio.audiomarkers` module for available functions
    to work with markers.

    locs: 2-D array of ints
        Marker positions (first column) and spans (second column)
        for each marker (rows).
    labels: 2-D array of string objects
        Labels (first column) and texts (second column)
        for each marker (rows).
    if self._locs is None:
        if self._load_markers is None:
            self._locs = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=int)
            self._labels = np.zeros((0, 2), dtype=object)
            self._locs, self._labels = self._load_markers(self.filepath)
    return self._locs, self._labels 
def set_unwrap(self, thresh, clips=False, down_scale=True, unit='')

Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.

See unwrap() function from the audioio package.


thresh : float
Threshold for detecting wrapped data relative to self.unwrap_ampl which is initially set to self.ampl_max. If zero, do not unwrap.
clips : bool
If True, then clip the unwrapped data properly. Otherwise, unwrap the data and double the minimum and maximum data range (self.ampl_min and self.ampl_max).
down_scale : bool
If not clip, then downscale the signal by a factor of two, in order to keep the range between -1 and 1.
unit : str
Unit of the data.
Expand source code
def set_unwrap(self, thresh, clips=False, down_scale=True, unit=''):
    """Set parameters for unwrapping clipped data.

    See unwrap() function from the audioio package.

    thresh: float
        Threshold for detecting wrapped data relative to self.unwrap_ampl
        which is initially set to self.ampl_max.
        If zero, do not unwrap.
    clips: bool
        If True, then clip the unwrapped data properly.
        Otherwise, unwrap the data and double the
        minimum and maximum data range
        (self.ampl_min and self.ampl_max).
    down_scale: bool
        If not `clip`, then downscale the signal by a factor of two,
        in order to keep the range between -1 and 1.
    unit: str
        Unit of the data.
    self.unwrap_ampl = self.ampl_max
    self.unwrap_thresh = thresh
    self.unwrap_clips = clips
    self.unwrap_down_scale = down_scale
    self.unwrap = thresh > 1e-3
    if self.unwrap:
        if self.unwrap_clips:
                       self.unwrap_ampl, unit)
        elif down_scale:
            update_gain(self.metadata(), 0.5)
                       0.0, unit)
            self.ampl_min *= 2
            self.ampl_max *= 2
                       0.0, unit)
def open_wave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading using the wave module.

Note: we assume that setpos() and tell() use integer numbers!


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


The wave module is not installed
Expand source code
def open_wave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading using the wave module.

    Note: we assume that setpos() and tell() use integer numbers!

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        The wave module is not installed
    self.verbose = verbose
    if self.verbose > 0:
        print(f'open_wave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
    if not audio_modules['wave']:
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.size = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.offset = 0
        raise ImportError
    if self.sf is not None:
    self.sf =, 'r')
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.samplerate = float(self.sf.getframerate())
    self.format = 'WAV'
    sampwidth = self.sf.getsampwidth()
    if sampwidth == 1:
        self.dtype = 'u1'
        self.encoding = 'PCM_U8'
        self.dtype = f'i{sampwidth}' 
        self.encoding = f'PCM_{sampwidth*8}'
    self.factor = 1.0/(2.0**(sampwidth*8-1))
    self.channels = self.sf.getnchannels()
    self.frames = self.sf.getnframes()
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
    self.size = self.frames * self.channels
    self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
    self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
    self.close = self._close_wave
    self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wave
    # read 1 frame to determine the unit of the position values:
    self.p0 = self.sf.tell()
    self.pfac = self.sf.tell() - self.p0
    return self
def open_ewave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading using the ewave module.


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


The ewave module is not installed.
Expand source code
def open_ewave(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading using the ewave module.

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        The ewave module is not installed.
    self.verbose = verbose
    if self.verbose > 0:
        print(f'open_ewave(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
    if not audio_modules['ewave']:
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.size = 0
        self.offset = 0
        raise ImportError
    if self.sf is not None:
    self.sf =, 'r')
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.samplerate = float(self.sf.sampling_rate)
    self.channels = self.sf.nchannels
    self.frames = self.sf.nframes
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
    self.size = self.frames * self.channels
    self.format = 'WAV' # or WAVEX?
    self.encoding = self.numpy_encodings[self.sf.dtype]
    self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
    self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
    self.close = self._close_ewave
    self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_ewave
    return self
def open_soundfile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading using the SoundFile module.


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


The SoundFile module is not installed
Expand source code
def open_soundfile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading using the SoundFile module.

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        The SoundFile module is not installed
    self.verbose = verbose
    if self.verbose > 0:
        print(f'open_soundfile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
    if not audio_modules['soundfile']:
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.size = 0
        self.offset = 0
        raise ImportError
    if self.sf is not None:
    self.sf = soundfile.SoundFile(filepath, 'r')
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
    self.channels = self.sf.channels
    self.frames = 0
    self.size = 0
    if self.sf.seekable():
        self.frames =, soundfile.SEEK_END), soundfile.SEEK_SET)
    # TODO: if not seekable, we cannot handle that file!
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
    self.size = self.frames * self.channels
    self.format = self.sf.format
    self.encoding = self.sf.subtype
    self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
    self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
    self.close = self._close_soundfile
    self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_soundfile
    return self
def open_wavefile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading using the wavefile module.


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


The wavefile module is not installed
Expand source code
def open_wavefile(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading using the wavefile module.

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        The wavefile module is not installed
    self.verbose = verbose
    if self.verbose > 0:
        print(f'open_wavefile(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
    if not audio_modules['wavefile']:
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.size = 0
        self.offset = 0
        raise ImportError
    if self.sf is not None:
    self.sf = wavefile.WaveReader(filepath)
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
    self.channels = self.sf.channels
    self.frames = self.sf.frames
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
    self.size = self.frames * self.channels
    # get format and encoding:
    for attr in dir(wavefile.Format):
        v = getattr(wavefile.Format, attr)
        if isinstance(v, int):
            if v & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK > 0 and \
               (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.TYPEMASK) == v:
                self.format = attr
            if v & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK > 0 and \
               (self.sf.format & wavefile.Format.SUBMASK) == v:
                self.encoding = attr
    # init buffer:
    self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
    self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
    self.close = self._close_wavefile
    self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_wavefile
    return self
def open_audioread(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading using the audioread module.

Note, that audioread can only read forward, therefore random and backward access is really slow.


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


The audioread module is not installed
Expand source code
def open_audioread(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading using the audioread module.

    Note, that audioread can only read forward, therefore random and
    backward access is really slow.

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        The audioread module is not installed
    self.verbose = verbose
    if self.verbose > 0:
        print(f'open_audioread(filepath) with filepath={filepath}')
    if not audio_modules['audioread']:
        self.samplerate = 0.0
        self.channels = 0
        self.frames = 0
        self.shape = (0, 0)
        self.size = 0
        self.offset = 0
        raise ImportError
    if self.sf is not None:
    self.sf = audioread.audio_open(filepath)
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.samplerate = float(self.sf.samplerate)
    self.channels = self.sf.channels
    self.frames = int(np.ceil(self.samplerate*self.sf.duration))
    self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels)
    self.size = self.frames * self.channels
    self.buffersize = int(buffersize*self.samplerate)
    self.backsize = int(backsize*self.samplerate)
    self.read_buffer = np.zeros((0,0))
    self.read_offset = 0
    self.close = self._close_audioread
    self.load_buffer = self._load_buffer_audioread
    self.filepath = filepath
    self.sf_iter = self.sf.__iter__()
    return self
def open(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0)

Open audio file for reading.


filepath : string
Name of the file.
buffersize : float
Size of internal buffer in seconds.
backsize : float
Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
verbose : int
If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.


Empty filepath.
filepath is not an existing file.
File size of filepath is zero.
Failed to load data.
Expand source code
def open(self, filepath, buffersize=10.0, backsize=0.0, verbose=0):
    """Open audio file for reading.

    filepath: string
        Name of the file.
    buffersize: float
        Size of internal buffer in seconds.
    backsize: float
        Part of the buffer to be loaded before the requested start index in seconds.
    verbose: int
        If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages.

        Empty `filepath`.
        `filepath` is not an existing file.
        File size of `filepath` is zero.
        Failed to load data.
    self.buffer = np.array([])
    self.samplerate = 0.0
    if not filepath:
        raise ValueError('input argument filepath is empty string!')
    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        raise FileNotFoundError(f'file "{filepath}" not found')
    if os.path.getsize(filepath) <= 0:
        raise EOFError(f'file "{filepath}" is empty (size=0)!')
    # list of implemented open functions:
    audio_open_funcs = (
        ('soundfile', self.open_soundfile),
        ('wave', self.open_wave),
        ('wavefile', self.open_wavefile),
        ('ewave', self.open_ewave),
        ('audioread', self.open_audioread),
    # open an audio file by trying various modules:
    not_installed = []
    errors = [f'failed to load data from file "{filepath}":']
    for lib, open_file in audio_open_funcs:
        if not audio_modules[lib]:
            if verbose > 1:
                print(f'unable to load data from file "{filepath}" using {lib} module: module not available')
            open_file(filepath, buffersize, backsize, verbose-1)
            if self.frames > 0:
                if verbose > 0:
                    print(f'opened audio file "{filepath}" using {lib}')
                    if verbose > 1:
                        if self.format is not None:
                            print(f'  format       : {self.format}')
                        if self.encoding is not None:
                            print(f'  encoding     : {self.encoding}')
                        print(f'  sampling rate: {self.samplerate} Hz')
                        print(f'  channels     : {self.channels}')
                        print(f'  frames       : {self.frames}')
                return self
        except Exception as e:
            errors.append(f'  {lib} failed: {str(e)}')
            if verbose > 1:
    if len(not_installed) > 0:
        errors.append('\n  You may need to install one of the ' + \
          ', '.join(not_installed) + ' packages.')
    raise IOError('\n'.join(errors))
    return self

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