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1"""Buffered time-series data. 


3- `blocks()`: generator for blockwise processing of array data. 

4- class `BufferedArray()`: random access to time-series data of which only a part is held in memory. 




8import numpy as np 



11def blocks(data, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None): 

12 """Generator for blockwise processing of array data. 


14 Parameters 

15 ---------- 

16 data: ndarray 

17 Data to loop over. First dimension is time. 

18 block_size: int 

19 Len of data blocks to be returned. 

20 noverlap: int 

21 Number of indices successive data blocks should overlap. 

22 start: int 

23 Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data. 

24 stop: int 

25 Optional last index until which to return blocks of data. 


27 Yields 

28 ------ 

29 data: ndarray 

30 Successive slices of the input data. 


32 Raises 

33 ------ 

34 ValueError 

35 `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`. 


37 Examples 

38 -------- 

39 ``` 

40 import numpy as np 

41 from audioio import blocks 

42 data = np.arange(20) 

43 for x in blocks(data, 6, 2): 

44 print(x) 

45 ``` 

46 results in 

47 ```text 

48 [0 1 2 3 4 5] 

49 [4 5 6 7 8 9] 

50 [ 8 9 10 11 12 13] 

51 [12 13 14 15 16 17] 

52 [16 17 18 19] 

53 ``` 


55 Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a 

56 spectrogram with overlap: 

57 ``` 

58 from scipy.signal import spectrogram 

59 from audioio import AudioLoader, blocks 

60 nfft = 2048 

61 with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data: 

62 for x in blocks(data, 100*nfft, nfft//2): 

63 f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.rate, 

64 nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2) 

65 ``` 


67 """ 

68 if noverlap >= block_size: 

69 raise ValueError(f'noverlap={noverlap} larger than block_size={block_size}') 

70 if stop is None: 

71 stop = len(data) 

72 step = block_size - noverlap 

73 n = (stop - start - noverlap)//step 

74 if n == 0: 

75 yield data[start:stop] 

76 else: 

77 for k in range(n): 

78 yield data[start + k*step:start + k*step + block_size] 

79 if stop - start - (k*step + block_size) > 0: 

80 yield data[start + (k + 1)*step:stop] 



83class BufferedArray(object): 

84 """Random access to time-series data of which only a part is held in memory. 


86 This is a base class for accessing large audio recordings either 

87 from a file (class ` AudioLoader`) or by computing its contents on 

88 the fly (e.g. filtered data, envelopes or spectrograms). The 

89 `BufferedArray` behaves like a single big ndarray with first 

90 dimension indexing the frames and second dimension indexing the 

91 channels of the data. Higher dimensions are also supported. For 

92 example, a third dimension for frequencies needed for 

93 spectrograms. Internally the class holds only a part of the data 

94 in memory. The size of this buffer is set to `bufferframes` 

95 frames. If more data are requested, the buffer is enlarged 

96 accordingly. 


98 Classes inheriting `BufferedArray` just need to implement 

99 ``` 

100 self.load_buffer(offset, nsamples, pbuffer) 

101 ``` 

102 This function needs to load the supplied `pbuffer` with 

103 `nframes` frames of data starting at frame `offset`. 


105 In the constructor or some kind of opening function, you need to 

106 set the following member variables, followed by a call to 

107 `init_buffer()`: 


109 ``` 

110 self.rate # number of frames per second 

111 self.channels # number of channels per frame 

112 self.frames # total number of frames 

113 self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels, ...)  

114 self.bufferframes # number of frames the buffer should hold 

115 self.backframes # number of frames kept for moving back 

116 self.init_buffer() 

117 ``` 


119 or provide all this information via the constructor: 


121 Parameters 

122 ---------- 

123 rate: float 

124 The sampling rate of the data in seconds. 

125 channels: int 

126 The number of channels. 

127 frames: int 

128 The number of frames. 

129 bufferframes: int 

130 Number of frames the curent data buffer holds. 

131 backframes: int 

132 Number of frames the curent data buffer should keep 

133 before requested data ranges. 

134 verbose: int 

135 If larger than zero show detailed error/warning messages. 


137 Attributes 

138 ---------- 

139 rate: float 

140 The sampling rate of the data in seconds. 

141 channels: int 

142 The number of channels. 

143 frames: int 

144 The number of frames. Same as `len()`. 

145 shape: tuple 

146 Frames and channels of the data. Optional higher dimensions. 

147 ndim: int 

148 Number of dimensions: 2 (frames and channels) or higher. 

149 size: int 

150 Total number of samples: frames times channels. 

151 offset: int 

152 Index of first frame in the current buffer. 

153 buffer: ndarray of floats 

154 The curently available data. First dimension is time, second channels. 

155 Optional higher dimensions according to `ndim` and `shape`. 

156 bufferframes: int 

157 Number of samples the curent data buffer holds. 

158 backframes: int 

159 Number of samples the curent data buffer should keep 

160 before requested data ranges. 

161 buffer_changed: ndarray of bool 

162 For each channel a flag, whether the buffer content has been changed. 

163 Set to `True`, whenever `load_buffer()` was called. 


165 Methods 

166 ------- 

167 - `len()`: Number of frames. 

168 - `__getitem__`: Access data. 

169 - `blocks()`: Generator for blockwise processing of the data. 

170 - `update_buffer()`: make sure that the buffer contains data of a range of indices. 

171 - `update_time()`: make sure that the buffer contains data of a given time range. 

172 - `reload_buffer()`: reload the current buffer. 

173 - `move_buffer()`: move and resize buffer (called by update_buffer()). 

174 - `load_buffer()`: load a range of samples into a buffer (called by reload_buffer() and move_buffer()). 

175 - `_buffer_position()`: compute position and size of buffer (used by update_buffer()). 

176 - `_recycle_buffer()`: move buffer to new position and recycle content if possible (called by move_buffer()). 

177 - `allocate_buffer()`: reallocate the buffer to have the right size (called by _recycle_buffer()). 



180 Notes 

181 ----- 

182 Access via `__getitem__` or `__next__` is slow! 

183 Even worse, using numpy functions on this class first converts 

184 it to a numpy array - that is something we actually do not want! 

185 We should subclass directly from numpy.ndarray . 

186 For details see 

187 When subclassing, there is an offset argument, that might help to 

188 speed up `__getitem__` . 


190 """ 


192 def __init__(self, rate=0, channels=0, frames=0, bufferframes=0, 

193 backframes=0, verbose=0): 

194 """ Construtor for initializing 2D arrays (times x channels). 

195 """ 

196 self.rate = rate 

197 self.channels = channels 

198 self.frames = frames 

199 self.shape = (self.frames, self.channels) 

200 self.ndim = 2 

201 self.size = self.frames * self.channels 

202 self.bufferframes = bufferframes # number of frames the buffer can hold 

203 self.backframes = backframes # number of frames kept before 

204 self.verbose = verbose 

205 self.offset = 0 # index of first frame in buffer 

206 self.init_buffer() 



209 def __enter__(self): 

210 return self 



213 def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, tb): 

214 self.__del__() 

215 return (ex_value is None) 



218 def __len__(self): 

219 return self.frames 



222 def __iter__(self): 

223 self.iter_counter = -1 

224 return self 



227 def __next__(self): 

228 self.iter_counter += 1 

229 if self.iter_counter >= self.frames: 

230 raise StopIteration 

231 else: 

232 self.update_buffer(self.iter_counter, self.iter_counter + 1) 

233 return self.buffer[self.iter_counter - self.offset] 



236 def __getitem__(self, key): 

237 """Access data of the audio file.""" 

238 if type(key) is tuple: 

239 index = key[0] 

240 else: 

241 index = key 

242 if isinstance(index, slice): 

243 start = index.start 

244 stop = index.stop 

245 step = index.step 

246 if start is None: 

247 start = 0 

248 else: 

249 start = int(start) 

250 if start < 0: 

251 start += len(self) 

252 if stop is None: 

253 stop = len(self) 

254 else: 

255 stop = int(stop) 

256 if stop < 0: 

257 stop += len(self) 

258 if stop > self.frames: 

259 stop = self.frames 

260 if step is None: 

261 step = 1 

262 else: 

263 step = int(step) 

264 self.update_buffer(start, stop) 

265 newindex = slice(start - self.offset, stop - self.offset, step) 

266 elif hasattr(index, '__len__'): 

267 index = [inx if inx >= 0 else inx + len(self) for inx in index] 

268 start = min(index) 

269 stop = max(index) 

270 self.update_buffer(start, stop + 1) 

271 newindex = [inx - self.offset for inx in index] 

272 else: 

273 if index > self.frames: 

274 raise IndexError 

275 index = int(index) 

276 if index < 0: 

277 index += len(self) 

278 self.update_buffer(index, index + 1) 

279 newindex = index - self.offset 

280 if type(key) is tuple: 

281 newkey = (newindex,) + key[1:] 

282 return self.buffer[newkey] 

283 else: 

284 return self.buffer[newindex] 



287 def blocks(self, block_size, noverlap=0, start=0, stop=None): 

288 """Generator for blockwise processing of data. 


290 Parameters 

291 ---------- 

292 block_size: int 

293 Len of data blocks to be returned. 

294 noverlap: int 

295 Number of indices successive data blocks should overlap. 

296 start: int 

297 Optional first index from which on to return blocks of data. 

298 stop: int 

299 Optional last index until which to return blocks of data. 


301 Yields 

302 ------ 

303 data: ndarray 

304 Successive slices of the data. 


306 Raises 

307 ------ 

308 ValueError 

309 `noverlap` larger or equal to `block_size`. 


311 Examples 

312 -------- 

313 Use it for processing long audio data, like computing a spectrogram with overlap: 

314 ``` 

315 from scipy.signal import spectrogram 

316 from audioio import AudioLoader # AudioLoader is a BufferedArray 

317 nfft = 2048 

318 with AudioLoader('some/audio.wav') as data: 

319 for x in data.blocks(100*nfft, nfft//2): 

320 f, t, Sxx = spectrogram(x, fs=data.rate, 

321 nperseg=nfft, noverlap=nfft//2) 

322 ``` 

323 """ 

324 return blocks(self, block_size, noverlap, start, stop) 



327 def init_buffer(self): 

328 """Allocate a buffer with zero frames but all the channels. 


330 Fix `bufferframes` and `backframes` to not exceed the total 

331 number of frames. 


333 """ 

334 self.ndim = len(self.shape) 

335 self.size = self.frames * self.channels 

336 if self.bufferframes > self.frames: 

337 self.bufferframes = self.frames 

338 self.backframes = 0 

339 shape = list(self.shape) 

340 shape[0] = 0 

341 self.buffer = np.empty(shape) 

342 self.offset = 0 

343 self.buffer_changed = np.zeros(self.channels, dtype=bool) 



346 def update_buffer(self, start, stop): 

347 """Make sure that the buffer contains data of a range of indices. 


349 Parameters 

350 ---------- 

351 start: int 

352 Index of the first requested frame. 

353 stop: int 

354 Index of the last requested frame. 

355 """ 

356 offset, nframes = self._buffer_position(start, stop) 

357 self.move_buffer(offset, nframes) 



360 def update_time(self, start, stop): 

361 """Make sure that the buffer contains data of a given time range. 


363 Parameters 

364 ---------- 

365 start: float 

366 Time point of first requested frame. 

367 stop: int 

368 Time point of last requested frame. 

369 """ 

370 self.update_buffer(int(start*self.rate), int(stop*self.rate) + 1) 



373 def reload_buffer(self): 

374 """Reload the current buffer. 

375 """ 

376 if len(self.buffer) > 0: 

377 self.load_buffer(self.offset, len(self.buffer), self.buffer) 

378 self.buffer_changed[:] = True 

379 if self.verbose > 1: 

380 print(f' reloaded {len(self.buffer)} frames from {self.offset} up to {self.offset + len(self.buffer)}') 



383 def move_buffer(self, offset, nframes): 

384 """Move and resize buffer. 


386 Called by update_buffer(). 


388 Parameters 

389 ---------- 

390 offset: int 

391 Frame index of the first frame in the new buffer. 

392 nframes: int 

393 Number of frames the new buffer should hold. 

394 """ 

395 if offset < 0: 

396 offset = 0 

397 if offset + nframes > self.frames: 

398 nframes = self.frames - offset 

399 if offset != self.offset or nframes != len(self.buffer): 

400 r_offset, r_nframes = self._recycle_buffer(offset, nframes) 

401 self.offset = offset 

402 if r_nframes > 0: 

403 # load buffer content, this is backend specific: 

404 pbuffer = self.buffer[r_offset - self.offset: 

405 r_offset - self.offset + r_nframes] 

406 self.load_buffer(r_offset, r_nframes, pbuffer) 

407 self.buffer_changed[:] = True 

408 if self.verbose > 1: 

409 print(f' loaded {len(pbuffer)} frames from {r_offset} up to {r_offset + r_nframes}') 



412 def _buffer_position(self, start, stop): 

413 """Compute position and size of buffer. 


415 You usually should not need to call this function 

416 directly. This is handled by `update_buffer()`. 


418 Takes `bufferframes` and `backframes` into account. 


420 Parameters 

421 ---------- 

422 start: int 

423 Index of the first requested frame. 

424 stop: int 

425 Index of the last requested frame. 


427 Returns 

428 ------- 

429 offset: int 

430 Frame index of the first frame in the new buffer. 

431 nframes: int 

432 Number of frames the new buffer should hold. 


434 """ 

435 if start < 0: 

436 start = 0 

437 if stop > self.frames: 

438 stop = self.frames 

439 offset = start 

440 nframes = stop - start 

441 if start < self.offset or stop > self.offset + len(self.buffer): 

442 # we need to move the buffer: 

443 if nframes < self.bufferframes: 

444 # find optimal new position of buffer that accomodates start:stop 

445 back = self.backframes 

446 if self.bufferframes - nframes < 2*back: 

447 back = (self.bufferframes - nframes)//2 

448 offset -= back 

449 nframes = self.bufferframes 

450 if offset < 0: 

451 offset = 0 

452 if offset + nframes > self.frames: 

453 offset = self.frames - nframes 

454 if offset < 0: 

455 offset = 0 

456 nframes = self.frames - offset 

457 # expand buffer to accomodate nearby beginning or end: 

458 elif self.frames - offset - nframes < self.bufferframes//2: 

459 nframes = self.frames - offset 

460 elif offset < self.bufferframes//2: 

461 nframes += offset 

462 offset = 0 

463 if self.verbose > 2: 

464 print(f' request {nframes:6d} frames at {offset}-{offset+nframes}') 

465 return offset, nframes 

466 # no need to move buffer: 

467 return self.offset, len(self.buffer) 



470 def _recycle_buffer(self, offset, nframes): 

471 """Move buffer to new position and recycle content if possible. 


473 You usually should not need to call this function 

474 directly. This is handled by `update_buffer()` via move_buffer(). 


476 Move already existing parts of the buffer to their new position (as 

477 returned by `_buffer_position()`) and return position and size of 

478 data chunk that still needs to be loaded from file. 


480 Parameters 

481 ---------- 

482 offset: int 

483 Frame index of the new first frame in the buffer. 

484 nframes: int 

485 Number of frames the new buffer should hold. 


487 Returns 

488 ------- 

489 r_offset: int 

490 First frame to be read from file. 

491 r_nframes: int 

492 Number of frames to be read from file. 


494 """ 

495 r_offset = offset 

496 r_nframes = nframes 

497 if (offset >= self.offset and 

498 offset < self.offset + len(self.buffer)): 

499 i = offset - self.offset 

500 n = len(self.buffer) - i 

501 if n > nframes: 

502 n = nframes 

503 tmp_buffer = self.buffer[i:i + n] 

504 self.allocate_buffer(nframes) 

505 self.buffer[:n] = tmp_buffer 

506 r_offset += n 

507 r_nframes -= n 

508 if self.verbose > 2: 

509 print(f' recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset + i} - {self.offset + i + n} of the old to the front at {offset} - {offset + n} ({0} - {n} in buffer)') 

510 elif (offset + nframes > self.offset and 

511 offset + nframes <= self.offset + len(self.buffer)): 

512 n = offset + nframes - self.offset 

513 m = len(self.buffer) 

514 tmp_buffer = self.buffer[:n] 

515 self.allocate_buffer(nframes) 

516 self.buffer[-n:] = tmp_buffer 

517 r_nframes -= n 

518 if self.verbose > 2: 

519 print(f' recycle {n:6d} frames from {self.offset} - {self.offset + n} of the old {m}-sized buffer to the end at {offset + nframes - n} - {offset + nframes} ({nframes - n} - {nframes} in buffer)') 

520 else: 

521 # new buffer is somewhere else or larger than current buffer: 

522 self.allocate_buffer(nframes) 

523 return r_offset, r_nframes 



526 def allocate_buffer(self, nframes=None, force=False): 

527 """Reallocate the buffer to have the right size. 


529 Called by _recycle_buffer(). 


531 Parameters 

532 ---------- 

533 nframes: int or None 

534 Number of frames the buffer should hold. 

535 If None, use `self.bufferframes`. 

536 force: bool 

537 If True, reallocate buffer even if it has the same size as before. 

538 """ 

539 if self.bufferframes > self.frames: 

540 self.bufferframes = self.frames 

541 self.backframes = 0 

542 if nframes is None: 

543 nframes = self.bufferframes 

544 if nframes == 0: 

545 return 

546 if force or nframes != len(self.buffer) or \ 

547 self.shape[1:] != self.buffer.shape[1:]: 

548 shape = list(self.shape) 

549 shape[0] = nframes 

550 self.buffer = np.empty(shape)