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1"""Simulations of spatial electric fields. 


3## Electric monopoles 


5For simulating the spatial geometry of electric fields generated by electric fishes 

6and perturbed by objects, first generate monopoles and charges: 


8- `efish_monopoles()`: monopoles for simulating the electric field of an electric fish. 

9- `object_monopoles()`: monopoles for simulating a circular object. 


11## Potential, electric field, and field lines 


13- `epotential()`: simulation of electric field potentials. 

14- `epotential_meshgrid()`: simulation of electric field potentials on a mesh grid. 

15- `efield()`: simulation of electric field. 

16- `efield_meshgrid()`: simulation of electric field on a mesh grid. 

17- `projection()`: projection of electric field on surface normals. 

18- `fieldline()`: compute an electric field line. 


20## Visualization 


22- `squareroot_transform()`: square-root transformation keeping the sign. 

23- `plot_fieldlines()`: plot field lines with arrows. 



26import numpy as np 

27import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 

28from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch 



31def efish_monopoles(pos=(0, 0), direction=(1, 0), size=10.0, bend=0, nneg=1): 

32 """Monopoles for simulating the electric field of an electric fish. 


34 This implements the model published in 

35 Chen, House, Krahe, Nelson (2005) "Modeling signal and background 

36 components of electrosensory scenes", J Comp Physiol A 191: 331-345 


38 Ten monopoles per unit size are uniformly distributed along the fish's body axis. 

39 The first (tail) nneg monopoles get negative charges that equal in sum 

40 the sum of the positive unit charges of the remaining (head) monopoles. 

41 The strength of the dipole increases linearly with fish size. 


43 Pass the returned monopole positions and charges on to the epotential() function 

44 to simulate the resulting electric field potentials, to the efield() function 

45 to simulate the electric field, or to object_monopoles() to add an object. 


47 Parameters 

48 ---------- 

49 pos: tuple of floats 

50 Coordinates of the fish's position (its center). 

51 The number of elements in pos set the number of dimensions to be used. 

52 direction: tuple of floats 

53 Coordinates of a vector defining the orientation of the fish. 

54 Missing dimensions are filled in with zeros. 

55 Note: currently only rotations in the x-y plane are implemented. 

56 size: float 

57 Size of the fish. Per size unit 10 monopols are distributed along 

58 the fish's body axis. 

59 bend: float 

60 Bending angle of the fish's tail in degree. 

61 nneg: int 

62 Number of negative charges to be used. The remaining ones are positively charged. 


64 Returns 

65 ------- 

66 poles: 2D array of floats 

67 Positions of the monopoles with n-dimensional coordinates 

68 as specified by the number of elements in pos. 

69 charges: array of floats 

70 The charge of each monopole. 


72 Example 

73 ------- 

74 ``` 

75 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

76 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

77 ``` 

78 """ 

79 n = int(10*size) 

80 npos = n - nneg 

81 ppx = 0.1 

82 pos = np.asarray(pos) 

83 dirv = np.zeros(len(pos)) 

84 dirv[:len(direction)] = direction 

85 charges = np.ones(n) 

86 charges[:nneg] = -float(npos)/nneg 

87 poles = np.zeros((n, len(pos))) 

88 poles[:,0] = np.arange(-n//2, -n//2+n)*ppx 

89 if np.abs(bend) > 1.e-8: 

90 xm = -np.min(poles[:,0]) # tip of fish tail 

91 r = -180.0*xm/bend/np.pi # radius of circle on which to bend the tail 

92 xp = poles[poles[:,0]<0.0,0] # all negative x coordinates of poles 

93 beta = xp/r # angle on circle for each x coordinate 

94 poles[poles[:,0]<0.0,0] = -np.abs(r*np.sin(beta)) # transformed x coordinates 

95 poles[poles[:,0]<0.0,1] = r*(1.0-np.cos(beta)) # transformed y corrdinates 

96 # rotation matrix: 

97 theta = -np.arctan2(dirv[1], dirv[0]) 

98 c = np.cos(theta) 

99 s = np.sin(theta) 

100 rm = np.array(((c, -s), (s, c))) 

101 # rotation: 

102 poles[:,:2] =[:,:2], rm) 

103 # translation: 

104 poles += pos 

105 return poles, charges 



108def object_monopoles(pos=(0, 0), radius=1.0, chi=1.0, *args): 

109 """Monopoles for simulating a circular object. 


111 The circular object is approximated by an induced dipole, as 

112 sugested by Rasnow B (1996) "The effects of simple objects on the 

113 electric field of Apteronotus", J Comp Physiol A 178:397-411 and 

114 Chen, House, Krahe, Nelson (2005) "Modeling signal and background 

115 components of electrosensory scenes", J Comp Physiol A 191: 331-345. 


117 Pass the returned monopole positions and charges on to the 

118 epotential() function to simulate the resulting electric field 

119 potentials or to the efield() function to simulate the electric 

120 field. 


122 Two monopoles with charges q and -q separated by dx form a dipole 

123 with dipole moment p = q dx. According to Chen et al (2005), this 

124 dipole moment should equal chi*radius**3*E_obj, where E_obj is the 

125 electric field generated by the fishes at the position of the 

126 object. We normalize E_obj and multiply it with a small number eps 

127 to get dx. Accordingly, we have to set q to chi*radius**3 

128 |E_obj|/eps. 


130 Parameters 

131 ---------- 

132 pos: tuple of floats 

133 Coordinates of the fish's position (its center). 

134 The number of dimensions must be the same as the one of the poles 

135 passed on in args. 

136 radius: float 

137 Radius of the small circular object. 

138 chi: float 

139 Electrical contrast. Unity for a perfect conductor, -0.5 for a 

140 perfect insulator and zero if the electrical impedance of the sphere 

141 matches that of the surrounding water. 

142 args: list of tuples 

143 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position of 

144 monopoles (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the 

145 corresponding charges (array of floats) of electric fish. Use 

146 efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and corresponding charges. 


148 Returns 

149 ------- 

150 poles: 2D array of floats 

151 Positions of the monopoles. 

152 charges: array of floats 

153 The charge of each monopole. 


155 Example 

156 ------- 

157 ``` 

158 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

159 fish2 = ((12, 3), (0.8, 1), 20.0, 20) 

160 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

161 poles2 = efish_monopoles(*fish2) 

162 poles3 = object_monopoles((-6, 0), 1.0, -0.5, poles1, poles2) 

163 ``` 

164 """ 

165 eps = 0.1 # distance of the two monopoles 

166 pos = np.asarray(pos) 

167 # electric field at object position: 

168 eobj = efield(pos, *args) 

169 eobjnorm = np.linalg.norm(eobj) 

170 # induced dipole: 

171 charges = np.ones(2)*chi*radius**3*eobjnorm/eps 

172 charges[0] = -charges[0] 

173 poles = np.zeros((2, len(pos))) 

174 poles[0,:] = -eobj*0.5*eps/eobjnorm # distance between monopoles 

175 poles[1,:] = +eobj*0.5*eps/eobjnorm # distance between monopoles 

176 poles += pos # translation to required position 

177 return poles, charges 



180def epotential(pos, *args): 

181 """Simulation of electric field potentials. 


183 Parameters 

184 ---------- 

185 pos: 2D array of floats 

186 Each row contains the coordinates (2D or 3D) 

187 for which the potential should be computed. 

188 args: list of tuples 

189 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position of monopoles 

190 (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the corresponding charges 

191 (array of floats). Use efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and 

192 corresponding charges. 


194 Returns 

195 ------- 

196 pot: 1D array of float 

197 The potential for each position in `pos`. 

198 """ 

199 pos = np.asarray(pos) 

200 pot = np.zeros(len(pos)) 

201 for poles, charges in args: 

202 for p, c in zip(poles, charges): 

203 r = pos - p 

204 rnorm = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1) 

205 rnorm[np.abs(rnorm) < 1e-12] = 1.0e-12 

206 pot += c/rnorm 

207 return pot 



210def epotential_meshgrid(xx, yy, zz, *args): 

211 """Simulation of electric field potentials on a mesh grid. 


213 This is a simple wrapper for epotential(). 


215 Parameters 

216 ---------- 

217 xx: 2D array of floats 

218 Range of x coordinates as returned by numpy.meshgrid(). 

219 yy: 2D array of floats 

220 Range of y coordinates as returned by numpy.meshgrid(). 

221 zz: None or 2D array of floats 

222 z coordinates on the meshgrid defined by xx and yy. 

223 If provided, poles in args must be 3D. 

224 If None then treat it as a 2D problem with poles in args providing 2D coordinate. 

225 args: list of tuples 

226 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position (2D or 3D) of monopoles 

227 (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the corresponding charges 

228 (array of floats). Use efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and 

229 corresponding charges. 


231 Returns 

232 ------- 

233 pot: 2D array of floats 

234 The potential for the mesh grid defined by xx and yy and evaluated 

235 at (xx, yy, zz). 


237 Example 

238 ------- 

239 ``` 

240 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 

241 maxx = 30.0 

242 maxy = 27.0 

243 x = np.linspace(-maxx, maxx, 200) 

244 y = np.linspace(-maxy, maxy, 200) 

245 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) 

246 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

247 fish2 = ((12, 3), (0.8, 1), 20.0, 20) 

248 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

249 poles2 = efish_monopoles(*fish2) 

250 poles3 = object_monopoles((-6, 0), 1.0, -0.5, poles1, poles2) 

251 allpoles = (poles1, poles2, poles3) 

252 # potential: 

253 pot = epotential_meshgrid(xx, yy, None, *allpoles) 

254 thresh = 0.65 

255 zz = squareroot_transform(pot/200, thresh) 

256 levels = np.linspace(-thresh, thresh, 16) 

257 ax.contourf(x, y, -zz, levels, cmap='RdYlBu') 

258 ax.contour(x, y, -zz, levels, zorder=1, colors='#707070', 

259 linewidths=0.1, linestyles='solid') 


261 ``` 

262 """ 

263 pos = np.vstack((xx.ravel(), yy.ravel())).T 

264 pot = epotential(pos, *args) 

265 return pot.reshape(xx.shape) 



268def efield(pos, *args): 

269 """Simulation of electric field given a set of electric monopoles. 


271 Parameters 

272 ---------- 

273 pos: array of floats 

274 Each row contains the coordinates (2D or 3D) 

275 for which the potential should be computed. 

276 A single (1D) position is also accepted. 

277 args: list of tuples 

278 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position of monopoles 

279 (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the corresponding charges 

280 (array of floats). Use efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and 

281 corresponding charges. 


283 Returns 

284 ------- 

285 field: array of floats 

286 The electric field components for each position in `pos`. 

287 """ 

288 pos = np.asarray(pos) 

289 onedim = len(pos.shape) == 1 

290 if onedim: 

291 pos = pos.reshape(-1, len(pos)) 

292 field = np.zeros(pos.shape) 

293 for poles, charges in args: 

294 for p, c in zip(poles, charges): 

295 r = pos - p 

296 rnorm = np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1) 

297 rnorm[np.abs(rnorm) < 1e-12] = 1.0e-12 

298 fac = c/rnorm**3 

299 field += r*fac[:,np.newaxis] 

300 return field[0] if onedim else field 



303def efield_meshgrid(xx, yy, zz, *args): 

304 """Simulation of electric field on a mesh grid. 


306 This is a simple wrapper for efield(). 


308 Parameters 

309 ---------- 

310 xx: 2D array of floats 

311 Range of x coordinates as returned by numpy.meshgrid(). 

312 yy: 2D array of floats 

313 Range of y coordinates as returned by numpy.meshgrid(). 

314 zz: None or 2D array of floats 

315 z coordinates on the meshgrid defined by xx and yy. 

316 If provided, poles in args must be 3D. 

317 If None then treat it as a 2D problem with poles in args providing 2D coordinate. 

318 args: list of tuples 

319 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position (2D or 3D) of monopoles 

320 (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the corresponding charges 

321 (array of floats). Use efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and 

322 corresponding charges. 


324 Returns 

325 ------- 

326 pot: 2D array of floats 

327 The potential for the mesh grid defined by xx and yy and evaluated 

328 at (xx, yy, zz). 


330 Returns 

331 ------- 

332 fieldx: 2D array of floats 

333 The x-coordinate of the electric field for the mesh grid 

334 defined by xx and yy and evaluated at (xx, yy, zz). 

335 fieldy: 2D array of floats 

336 The y-coordinate of the electric field for the mesh grid 

337 defined by xx and yy and evaluated at (xx, yy, zz). 

338 fieldz: 2D array of floats 

339 The z-coordinate of the electric field for the mesh grid 

340 defined by xx and yy and evaluated at (xx, yy, zz). 

341 This is only returned if zz is not None. 


343 Example 

344 ------- 

345 ``` 

346 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 

347 maxx = 30.0 

348 maxy = 27.0 

349 x = np.linspace(-maxx, maxx, 40) 

350 y = np.linspace(-maxy, maxy, 40) 

351 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) 

352 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

353 fish2 = ((12, 3), (0.8, 1), 20.0, 20) 

354 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

355 poles2 = efish_monopoles(*fish2) 

356 poles3 = object_monopoles((-6, 0), 1.0, -0.5, poles1, poles2) 

357 allpoles = (poles1, poles2, poles3) 

358 fieldx, fieldy = efield_meshgrid(xx, yy, None, *allpoles) 

359 u = squareroot_transform(fieldx, 0) 

360 v = squareroot_transform(fieldy, 0) 

361 ax.quiver(qx, qy, u, v, units='xy', angles='uv', scale=2, scale_units='xy', 

362 width=0.07, headwidth=5) 

363 ```  

364 """ 

365 if zz is None: 

366 pos = np.vstack((xx.ravel(), yy.ravel())).T 

367 ef = efield(pos, *args) 

368 return ef[:,0].reshape(xx.shape), ef[:,1].reshape(xx.shape) 

369 else: 

370 pos = np.vstack((xx.ravel(), yy.ravel(), zz.ravel())).T 

371 ef = efield(pos, *args) 

372 return ef[:,0].reshape(xx.shape), ef[:,1].reshape(xx.shape), ef[:,2].reshape(xx.shape) 



375def projection(ex, ey, ez, nx, ny, nz): 

376 """Projection of electric field on surface normals. 


378 Parameters 

379 ---------- 

380 ex: array of floats 

381 x-coordinates of the electric field. 

382 ey: array of floats 

383 y-coordinates of the electric field. 

384 ez: array of floats 

385 z-coordinates of the electric field. 

386 nx: array of floats 

387 x-coordinates of the surface normals. 

388 ny: array of floats 

389 y-coordinates of the surface normals. 

390 nz: array of floats 

391 z-coordinates of the surface normals. 

392 """ 

393 ef = np.vstack((ex.ravel(), ey.ravel(), ez.ravel())).T 

394 nf = np.vstack((nx.ravel(), ny.ravel(), nz.ravel())).T 

395 proj = np.sum(ef*nf, axis=1) 

396 return proj.reshape(ex.shape) 



399def fieldline(pos0, bounds, *args, eps=0.1, maxiter=1000): 

400 """Compute an electric field line. 


402 From the initial position `pos0` the field line is computed in both directions 

403 until it leaves the area defined by `bounds`. 


405 Parameters 

406 ---------- 

407 pos0: array of floats 

408 Initial position for computing the field line. 

409 bounds: None or 2D array of floats 

410 If not None, stop integration of the field line if it exceeds bounds. 

411 First row are the minimum coordinates and second row the maximum coordinates. 

412 args: list of tuples 

413 Each tuple contains as the first argument the position of monopoles 

414 (2D array of floats), and as the second argument the corresponding charges 

415 (array of floats). Use efish_monopoles() to generate monopoles and 

416 corresponding charges. 

417 eps: float 

418 Stepsize in unit of the coordinates. 

419 maxiter: int 

420 Maximum number of iteration steps. 


422 Returns 

423 ------- 

424 fl: 2D array of floats 

425 Coordinates of the computed field line. 


427 Example 

428 ------- 

429 ``` 

430 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 

431 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

432 fish2 = ((12, 3), (0.8, 1), 20.0, 20) 

433 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

434 poles2 = efish_monopoles(*fish2) 

435 fl = fieldline((0, -16), [[-maxx, -maxy], [maxx, maxy]], poles1, poles2) 

436 plot_fieldlines(ax, [fl], 5, color='b', lw=2) 


438 ``` 

439 """ 

440 bounds = np.asarray(bounds) 

441 p = np.array(pos0) 

442 n = maxiter//2 

443 # forward integration: 

444 flf = np.zeros((n, len(pos0))) 

445 for i in range(len(flf)): 

446 flf[i,:] = p 

447 if np.any(p < bounds[0,:]) or np.any(p > bounds[1,:]) or (bounds is not None and 

448 i >= 5 and np.all((flf[i,:] - flf[i-1,:])*(flf[i-1,:] - flf[i-2,:])<0)): 

449 flf = flf[:i,:] 

450 break 

451 uv = efield(p, *args) 

452 uv /= np.linalg.norm(uv) 

453 p = p + eps*uv 

454 # backward integration: 

455 p = np.array(pos0) 

456 flb = np.zeros((n, len(pos0))) 

457 for i in range(len(flb)): 

458 flb[i,:] = p 

459 if np.any(p < bounds[0,:]) or np.any(p > bounds[1,:]) or (bounds is not None and 

460 i >= 5 and np.all((flb[i,:] - flb[i-1,:])*(flb[i-1,:] - flb[i-2,:])<0)): 

461 flb = flb[:i,:] 

462 break 

463 uv = efield(p, *args) 

464 uv /= np.linalg.norm(uv) 

465 p = p - eps*uv 

466 fl = np.vstack((flb[::-2], flf[::2])) 

467 return fl 



470def squareroot_transform(values, thresh=0.0): 

471 """Square-root transformation keeping the sign. 


473 Takes the square root of positive values and takes the square root 

474 of the absolute values of negative values and negates the results. 


476 Then truncate symmetrically both positive and negative values to 

477 a threshold. 


479 The resulting transformed values give nice contour lines in a 

480 contour plot. 


482 Parameters 

483 ---------- 

484 values: array of float 

485 The values to be transformed, i.e. potentials or field strengths. 

486 thresh: float or None 

487 Maximum absolute value of the returned values. 

488 Must be positive! 

489 If thresh equals zero, then do not apply treshold. 

490 If None, take the smaller of the maximum of the 

491 positive values or of the absolute negative values.  


493 Returns 

494 ------- 

495 values: array of float 

496 The transformed (square-rooted and thresholded) values. 

497 """ 

498 values = np.array(values) 

499 sel = values>=0.0 

500 values[sel] = values[sel]**0.5 

501 values[np.logical_not(sel)] = -((-values[np.logical_not(sel)])**0.5) 

502 if thresh is None: 

503 thresh = min(np.max(values), -np.min(values)) 

504 if thresh > 0: 

505 values[values>thresh] = thresh 

506 values[values<-thresh] = -thresh 

507 return values 



510def plot_fieldlines(ax, flines, pos=5, **kwargs): 

511 """Plot field lines with arrows. 


513 Parameters 

514 ---------- 

515 ax: matplotlib axes 

516 Axes in which to plot the field lines. 

517 flines: list of 2D arrays 

518 The field lines. 

519 pos: float 

520 The position of the arrow on the field line in units of the coordinates. 

521 **kwargs: key word arguments 

522 Passed on to plot(). 

523 Applies optional zorder argument also to arrow. 

524 """ 

525 xmin, xmax = ax.get_xlim() 

526 ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() 

527 dx = 0.05*np.abs(xmax-xmin) 

528 dy = 0.05*np.abs(ymax-ymin) 

529 akwargs = dict() 

530 if 'zorder' in kwargs: 

531 akwargs['zorder'] = kwargs['zorder'] 

532 lw = 1 

533 if 'lw' in kwargs: 

534 lw = kwargs['lw'] 

535 if 'linewidth' in kwargs: 

536 lw = kwargs['linewidth'] 

537 for fl in flines: 

538 ax.plot(fl[:,0], fl[:,1], **kwargs) 

539 # arrows: 

540 d = np.diff(fl, axis=0) 

541 dd = np.linalg.norm(d, axis=1) 

542 dist = np.cumsum(dd) 

543 if dist[-1] >= 6: 

544 idx0 = np.argmin(np.abs(dist-pos)) 

545 if (np.abs(fl[0,0]-xmin)<dx or np.abs(fl[0,0]-xmax)<dx or 

546 np.abs(fl[0,1]-ymin)<dy or np.abs(fl[0,1]-ymax)<dy): 

547 idx0 = np.argmin(np.abs(dist[-1]-dist-pos)) 

548 idx1 = np.argmin(np.abs(dist-0.5*dist[-1])) 

549 idx = min(idx0, idx1) 

550 adx = fl[idx+1,:] - fl[idx,:] 

551 ndx = np.linalg.norm(adx) 

552 if ndx < 1e-10: 

553 continue 

554 adx /= ndx 

555 posa = fl[idx+1,:] - 0.1*min(dx,dy)*adx 

556 posb = fl[idx+1,:] 

557 arrow = FancyArrowPatch(posA=posa, posB=posb, shrinkA=0, shrinkB=0, 

558 arrowstyle='fancy', mutation_scale=8*lw, 

559 connectionstyle='arc3', fill=True, 

560 color=kwargs['color'], **akwargs) 

561 ax.add_patch(arrow) 



564def main(): 

565 fig, ax = plt.subplots() 

566 maxx = 30.0 

567 maxy = 27.0 

568 x = np.linspace(-maxx, maxx, 200) 

569 y = np.linspace(-maxy, maxy, 200) 

570 xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, y) 

571 fish1 = ((-8, -5), (1, 0.5), 18.0, -25) 

572 fish2 = ((12, 3), (0.8, 1), 20.0, 20) 

573 poles1 = efish_monopoles(*fish1) 

574 poles2 = efish_monopoles(*fish2) 

575 poles3 = object_monopoles((-6, 0), 1.0, -0.5, poles1, poles2) 

576 allpoles = (poles1, poles2, poles3) 

577 # potential: 

578 pot = epotential_meshgrid(xx, yy, None, *allpoles) 

579 thresh = 0.65 

580 zz = squareroot_transform(pot/200, thresh) 

581 levels = np.linspace(-thresh, thresh, 16) 

582 ax.contourf(x, y, -zz, levels, cmap='RdYlBu') 

583 ax.contour(x, y, -zz, levels, zorder=1, colors='#707070', 

584 linewidths=0.1, linestyles='solid') 

585 # electric field vectors: 

586 n = 5 

587 qx, qy = np.meshgrid(x[n::2*n], y[n::2*n]) 

588 fieldx, fieldy = efield_meshgrid(qx, qy, None, *allpoles) 

589 u = squareroot_transform(fieldx, 0) 

590 v = squareroot_transform(fieldy, 0) 

591 ax.quiver(qx, qy, u, v, units='xy', angles='uv', scale=2, scale_units='xy', 

592 width=0.07, headwidth=5) 

593 # field line: 

594 bounds = [[-maxx, -maxy], [maxx, maxy]] 

595 fl = fieldline((0, -16), bounds, *allpoles) 

596 plot_fieldlines(ax, [fl], 5, color='b', lw=2) 




600if __name__ == '__main__': 

601 main()